948 resultados para PRO-VE conference
Dedicated to: Jacobus Benzelius, Theodorus Ankarcrona, Matthias Grunerus, Olaus Thorin, Andreas Backman, Martinus Jonae Friberg, Carolus Gustavus Hallman, Andreas Sylvanus, Daniel P. Mansnerus, Daniel Lindqvist.
How can the holy craft of liturgy be trained? A study of approaches to instruction in training oral skills within education of the Norwegian clergy The theme of this study is the competence of expression of clerics performing liturgies as part of their duties in the Norwegian Lutheran Church. The aim of the study is to find a teaching practice which can raise the competence in oral expression characteristic of the clergy profession. The teaching practice is explored and discussed within the context of the basic education of the clergy. The main thesis is formulated as a question: How can the holy craft of liturgy be trained? An underpinning of the study is that liturgical acts are holy, which gives these performances an aspect of otherness. This otherness constitutes a clear agreement between the students and the teacher, and between the professional and the employer. The pre-understanding of the researcher is that these liturgical oral acts are trainable, and that there is a need and a necessity to train in these skills. Three research questions are elaborated on in the explorative section of the study: • What is characteristic of a competence of expression connected to the profession? • How can this competence of expression connected to liturgical performance be developed? • What is the importance of this competence in the holy craft of liturgy for the development of a cohesive professional self-understanding? The study is based on a research and development project where the researcher as the teacher and students from one specific clergy education in Norway (MF) were the source of the empirical material. The empirical data came from practice with two external observers› logs on the coaching, video observations, of the teacher and the students› texts on the practice under study, which is liturgical performance. The researcher›s log and field notes also provide material for the analysis. This is a qualitative project and an arts education project carried out within an interpretative framework. The theoretical framework has three perspectives: a structural approach based on the system theory of Niklas Luhmann, an epistemological approach discussing forms of knowledge in practice or informing practice and an arts education approach. The results indicate that the competence in oral liturgical performance can be considered a trainable skill, and that this training can be understood as an arts education method of instruction based on meaningful communication, dramaturgical thinking and the development of authenticity. The main result from this study can be considered as articulating and sketching the contours of the field of knowledge where the students embody the meaning of the clergy profession ‒ and this articulation has an innovative potential as knowledge combining experience and theoretical understanding.
O objetivo deste estudo foi, justamente, identificar, entre os métodos LOGIT e a análise multivariada, qual a mais eficaz para estimar a Disposição a Aceitar Compensação (DAC) dos cafeicultores quando o viés da utilidade marginal é passível de ocorrência. Para tal, foi elaborado um formulário com 33 perguntas envolvendo informações sobre características socioeconômicas dos cafeicultores, o uso da metodologia de valoração de contingente (MVC) e do veículo de pagamento dos "Jogos de Lances", que revelou a Disposição a Aceitar uma Compensação (DAC) na troca de um hectare de café por um hectare de mata. Como esperado, por causa do viés da utilidade marginal o método LOGIT foi incapaz de produzir resultados consistentes. Já a estimação da DAC pela análise multivariada mostrou que, caso o governo estivesse disposto a aumentar a provisão de mata em 70 ha, ele deveria despender 254.200 reais por ano, tratando apenas dos cafeicultores vinculados ao programa do PRO-CAFÉ.
Unlike their counterparts in Europe and America, the citizen organizations acting for the well-being of animals in Japan have not received scholarly attention. In this research, I explore the activities of twelve Japanese pro-animal organizations in Tokyo and Kansai area from the perspective of social movement and civil society studies. The concept of a ‘pro-animal organization’ is used to refer generally to the collectives promoting animal well-being. By using the collective action frame analysis and the three core framing tasks – diagnostic, prognostic, and motivational – as the primarily analytical tools, I explore the grievances, tactics, motivational means, constructions of agency and identity as well as framing of civil society articulated in the newsletters and the interviews of the twelve organizations I interviewed in Japan in 2010. As the frame construction is always done in relation to the social and political context, I study how the organizations construct their roles as civil society actors in relation to other actors, such as the state, and the idea of citizen activism. The deficiencies in the animal welfare law and lack of knowledge among the public are identified as the main grievances. The primary tactic to overcome these problems was to educate and inform the citizens and authorities, because most organizations lack the channels to influence politically. The audiences were mostly portrayed as either ignorant bystanders or potential adherents. In order to motivate people to join their cause and to enforce the motivation within the organization, the organizations emphasized their uniqueness, proved their efficiency, claimed credit and celebrated even small improvements. The organizations tended to create three different roles for citizen pro-organizations in civil society: reactive, apolitical and emphatic animal lovers concentrating on saving individual animals, proactive, educative bridge-builders seeking to establish equal collaborative relations with authorities, and corrective, supervising watchdogs demanding change in delinquencies offending animal rights. Based on the results of this research, I suggest that by studying how and why the different relations between civil society and the governing actors of the state are constructed, a more versatile approach to citizens’ activism in its context can be achieved.
The conference promoting the objectives of the international European Landscape Convention (ELC) was held on 7-9 September 2011 in Inari. The primary aim of the conference was to increase awareness of the ELC and the prospects and requirements it brings to practical planning work, especially at the municipal level. The conference speakers included top experts from Sweden, Norway, Finland, France, Holland and Catalonia. This report is a collection of articles written by the experts in the ELC conference. The report is available in five languages: Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian, Northern Sámi and English. The common characteristics of the North Calotte area, such as the magnificent riverside scenery and the beautiful fell landscapes formed by the Sámi culture and reindeer management are broadly reflected in the environment. Alongside the traditional forms of land use, many other livelihoods and forms of land use now need to be accommodated in the area. Tourism, energy production, mining industry and new infrastructure create new and manifold challenges to the authorities in charge of land use in these areas. Municipalities need information and support for versatile planning in the future, so that the unique and valuable characteristics of the North can be preserved. Landscape protection and management in the landscape areas is executed through areal and land use planning, mainly through town planning and the creation of landscape management plans. The municipalities in the North Calotte region have their own partly divergent methods and practices, based on the various land use processes are executed. The municipalities and inhabitants have a great interest in preserving and protecting their living environment and maintaining and increasing the appeal of the area. Landscape is viewed as one of the most significant appealing factors that cannot be lost. The increasing land use in municipalities, for example due to energy production, mining industry and increasing tourism, create a need for more multidimensional planning. The reconciliation of the wishes of different interest groups, and traditional and new livelihoods will not be easy. Conflict is inevitable. This will lead to a greater need to engage local bodies to the planning processes right from the start of the projects. Close cooperation between different administrative branches, operators, local bodies and landscape research promote the objectives of the convention. To ensure that the work continues, a landscape co-operation group is planned to be established in the North Calotte area. It´s main task is to promote and develop landscape policy in the area.
According to several surveys and observations, the percentage of successfully conducted IT projects without over-budgeting and delays in time schedule are extremely low. Many projects also are evaluated as failures in terms of delivered functionality. Nuldén (1996) compares IT projects with bad movies; after watching for 2 hours, one still tries to finish it even though one understands that it is a complete waste of time. The argument for that is 'I've already invested too much time to terminate it now'. The same happens with IT projects: sometimes the company continues wasting money on these projects for a long time, even though there are no expected benefits from these projects. Eventually these projects are terminated anyway, but until this moment, the company spends a lot. The situation described above is a consequence of “escalation of commitment” - project continuation even after a manager receives negative feedback of the project’s success probability. According to Keil and Mähring (2010), even though escalation can occur in any type of project, it is more common among complex technological projects, such as IT projects. Escalation of commitment very often results in runaway projects. In order to avoid it, managers use de-escalation strategies, which allow the resources to be used in more effective. These strategies lead to project termination or turning around, which stops the flow of wasted investments. Numbers of researches explore escalation of commitment phenomena based on experiments and business cases. Moreover, during the last decade several frameworks were proposed for de-escalation strategy. However, there is no evidence of successful implementation of the de-escalation of commitment strategy in the literature. In addition, despite that fact that IT project management methodologies are widely used in the companies, none of them cover the topic of escalation of commitment risks. At the same time, there are no researches proposing the way to implement de-escalation of commitment strategy into the existing project management methodology The research is focused on a single case of large ERP implementation project by the consulting company. Hence, the main deliverables of the study include suggestions of improvement in de-escalation methods and techniques in the project and in the company. Moreover, the way to implement these methods into existing project management methodology and into the company general policies is found.
12 x 19 cm
kuv., 12 x 19 cm
The 1st PDM Forum for Finland-Russia Collaboration was held at Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland, during 25.-26.4.2013. The forum brought together leading academics, practitioners, advisors, engineers, industrial experts, and software vendors from Finland and Russia. The forum can be seen as a new integrating element between Russian and Finnish industries and universities. Over border connections between Russia and Finland may also bring new contacts and ideas to develop and expand businesses. Meeting different universities professors, PhD students, and companies’ agents facilitates the sharing and discussion of current PDM (Product Data Management) issues.
Tutkimukseni aiheena on Suomessa asuvien bosnialaistaustaisten nuorten aikuisten nykyidentiteetti sekä kulttuurisen monimuotoisuuden ja etnisen murroksen näkyminen arjessa. Kotoutumistutkimuksen sijaan olen kiinnostunut ennen kaikkea identiteetin kokemisesta ja muovautumisesta silloin, kun etnisyys on määrittävä tekijä sekä lähtö- että tulomaassa. Tutkimuskysymyksenäni on, kuinka kansallisuus, etnisyys ja kulttuurinen monimuotoisuus näkyvät sekä muovaavat arkea ja identiteettiä pakolaistaustaisten nuorten aikuisten uudessa elinympäristössä, kun lähtösyyt kotimaasta ovat olleet pitkälti etnisyyteen pohjautuvia. Kuinka etninen identiteetti muotoutuu ja mikä on kahden kulttuurin merkitys etnisyyden määrittelyssä? Mikä on kahden eri kotimaan ja kahden eri kulttuurin rooli arjessa ja identiteettipuhunnassa? Tärkeimpänä tutkimusaineistona ovat bosnialaistaustaisten nuorten aikuisten parissa tekemäni teemahaastattelut. Haastateltavani ovat vuosina 1992–1995 käydyn Bosnian sodan vuoksi pakolaisina Suomeen muuttaneita tai heidän jälkeläisiään. Tein kymmenen teemahaastattelua haastatellen viittä naista ja viittä miestä, jotka kaikki asuvat Varsinais-Suomen alueella. Lisäksi vierailin Bosniassa ymmärtääkseni paremmin sekä haastattelemieni nuorten aikuisten taustaa ja lähtökohtia että heidän ylirajaista arkeaan. Olen lähestynyt identiteetin kokemista kulttuurin, etnisyyden, uskonnon, paikan ja paikallisuuden sekä kodin ja kotimaan käsitteiden kautta. Näistä kaikilla on oma merkityksensä identiteetin muovautumisessa, ja identiteetin kokemiseen vaikuttavat sekä entinen että nykyinen kotimaa. Bosnialaisuus vaikuttaa vahvana taustalla identiteetin kokemisessa, mutta myös suomalainen kulttuuri ja arki muovaavat etnistä ja paikallista identiteettiä. Samalla on kuitenkin huomattava, että identiteettiä ei voi nähdä tiukkarajaisena eikä sitä voi asettaa selviin rajoihin. Identiteetti on jatkuvassa prosessissa ja sidoksissa myös muihin arjen tekijöihin kuin etnisyyteen, paikallisuuteen ja yhteisön kulttuuriin. Lopulta kyse on aina ihmisyksilöistä ja heidän persoonallisesta identiteetin kokemuksestaan.