696 resultados para POLYANILINE NANOFIBERS
The carrier transport mechanism of polyaniline (PA) thin films prepared by radio frequency plasma polymerization is described in this paper. The mechanism of electrical conduction and carrier mobility of PA thin films for different temperatures were examined using the aluminium–PA–aluminium (Al–PA–Al) structure. It is found that the mechanism of carrier transport in these thin films is space charge limited conduction. J –V studies on an asymmetric electrode configuration using indium tin oxide (ITO) as the base electrode and Al as the upper electrode (ITO–PA–Al structure) show a diode-like behaviour with a considerable rectification ratio
Two-dimensional electronic systems play a crucial role in modern electronics and offer a multitude of opportunities to study the fundamental phenomena at low dimensional physics. A quantum well heterostructure based on polyaniline (P) and iodine doped polyaniline (I) thin films were fabricated using radio frequency plasma polymerization on indium tin oxide coated glass plate. Scanning probe microscopy and scanning electron microscopy studies were employed to study the morphology and roughness of the polymer thin films. Local electronic density of states (LDOS) of the P–I–P heterostructures is probed using scanning tunnelling spectroscopy (STS). A step like LDOS is observed in the P–I–P heterostructure and is attributed to the quantum well confinement of electrons in the polymer heterostructure.
The 20th century witnessed the extensive use of microwaves in industrial, scientific and medical fields. The major hindrance to many developments in the ISM field is the lack of knowledge about the effect of microwaves on materials used in various applications. The study of the interaction of microwaves with materials demanded the knowledge of the dielectric properties of these materials. However, the dielectric properties of many of these materials are still unknown or less studied. This thesis is an effort to shed light into the dielectric properties of some materials which are used in medical, scientific and industrial fields. Microwave phantoms are those materials used in microwave simulation applications. Effort has been taken to develop and characterize low cost, eco-friendly phantoms from Biomaterials and Bioceramics. The interaction of microwaves with living tissues paved way to the development of materials for electromagnetic shielding. Materials with good conductivity/absorption properties could be used for EMI shielding applications. Conducting polymer materials are developed and characterized in this context. The materials which are developed and analyzed in this thesis are Biomaterials, Bioceramics and Conducting polymers. The use of materials of biological origin in scientific and medical applications provides an eco-friendly pathway. The microwave characterization of the materials were done using cavity material perturbation method. Low cost and ecofriendly biomaterial films were developed from Arrowroot and Chitosan. The developed films could be used in applications such as microwave phantom material, capsule material in pharmaceutical applications, trans-dermal patch material and eco-friendly Band-Aids. Bioceramics with better bioresorption and biocompatibility were synthesized. Bioceramics such as Hydroxyapatite, Beta tricalcium phosphate and Biphasic Calcium Phosphate were studied. The prepared bioceramics could be used as phantom material representing Collagen, Bone marrow, Human abdominal wall fat and Human chest fat. Conducting polymers- based on Polyaniline, are developed and characterized. The developed materials can be used in electromagnetic shielding applications such as in anechoic chambers, transmission cables etc
A nanocomposite is a multiphase solid material where one of the phases has one, two or three dimensions of less than 100 nanometers (nm), or structures having nano-scale repeat distances between the different phases that make up the material. In the broadest sense this definition can include porous media, colloids, gels and copolymers, but is more usually taken to mean the solid combination of a bulk matrix and nano-dimensional phase(s) differing in properties due to dissimilarities in structure and chemistry. The mechanical, electrical, thermal, optical, electrochemical, catalytic properties of the nanocomposite will differ markedly from that of the component materials. Size limits for these effects have been proposed, <5 nm for catalytic activity, <20 nm for making a hard magnetic material soft, <50 nm for refractive index changes, and <100 nm for achieving superparamagnetism, mechanical strengthening or restricting matrix dislocation movement. Conducting polymers have attracted much attention due to high electrical conductivity, ease of preparation, good environmental stability and wide variety of applications in light-emitting, biosensor chemical sensor, separation membrane and electronic devices. The most widely studied conducting polymers are polypyrrole, polyaniline, polythiophene etc. Conducting polymers provide tremendous scope for tuning of their electrical conductivity from semiconducting to metallic region by way of doping and are organic electro chromic materials with chemically active surface. But they are chemically very sensitive and have poor mechanical properties and thus possessing a processibility problem. Nanomaterial shows the presence of more sites for surface reactivity, they possess good mechanical properties and good dispersant too. Thus nanocomposites formed by combining conducting polymers and inorganic oxide nanoparticles possess the good properties of both the constituents and thus enhanced their utility. The properties of such type of nanocomposite are strongly depending on concentration of nanomaterials to be added. Conducting polymer composites is some suitable composition of a conducting polymer with one or more inorganic nanoparticles so that their desirable properties are combined successfully. The composites of core shell metal oxide particles-conducting polymer combine the electrical properties of the polymer shell and the magnetic, optical, electrical or catalytic characteristics of the metal oxide core, which could greatly widen their applicability in the fields of catalysis, electronics and optics. Moreover nanocomposite material composed of conducting polymers & oxides have open more field of application such as drug delivery, conductive paints, rechargeable batteries, toners in photocopying, smart windows, etc.The present work is mainly focussed on the synthesis, characterization and various application studies of conducting polymer modified TiO2 nanocomposites. The conclusions of the present work are outlined below, Mesoporous TiO2 was prepared by the cationic surfactant P123 assisted hydrothermal synthesis route and conducting polymer modified TiO2 nanocomposites were also prepared via the same technique. All the prepared systems show XRD pattern corresponding to anatase phase of TiO2, which means that there is no phase change occurring even after conducting polymer modification. Raman spectroscopy gives supporting evidence for the XRD results. It also confirms the incorporation of the polymer. The mesoporous nature and surface area of the prepared samples were analysed by N2 adsorption desorption studies and the mesoporous ordering can be confirmed by low angle XRD measurementThe morphology of the prepared samples was obtained from both SEM & TEM. The elemental analysis of the samples was performed by EDX analysisThe hybrid composite formation is confirmed by FT-IR spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopyAll the prepared samples have been used for the photocatalytic degradation of dyes, antibiotic, endocrine disruptors and some other organic pollutants. Photocatalytic antibacterial activity studies were also performed using the prepared systemsAll the prepared samples have been used for the photocatalytic degradation of dyes, antibiotic, endocrine disruptors and some other organic pollutants. Photocatalytic antibacterial activity studies were also performed using the prepared systems Polyaniline modified TiO2 nanocomposite systems were found to have good antibacterial activity. Thermal diffusivity studies of the polyaniline modified systems were carried out using thermal lens technique. It is observed that as the amount of polyaniline in the composite increases the thermal diffusivity also increases. The prepared systems can be used as an excellent coolant in various industrial purposes. Nonlinear optical properties (3rd order nonlinearity) of the polyaniline modified systems were studied using Z scan technique. The prepared materials can be used for optical limiting Applications. Lasing studies of polyaniline modified TiO2 systems were carried out and the studies reveal that TiO2 - Polyaniline composite is a potential dye laser gain medium.
Der pH-Wert stellt in der Chemie, Physik, Biologie, Pharmazie und Medizin eine wichtige Meßgröße dar, da eine Vielzahl von Reaktionen durch den pH-Wert bestimmt wird. In der Regel werden zur pH-Wert-Messung Glaselektroden eingesetzt. Hierbei konnte der pH-sensitive Bereich zwar bis auf einige Mikrometer reduziert werden, aber die Gesamtab-messungen betragen immer noch 15-20 cm. Mit der Einführung miniaturisierter Reaktionsgefäße ist daher der Bedarf an miniaturisierten Sensoren enorm gestiegen. Um in solchen Gefäßen Reaktionsparameter wie z. B. den pH-Wert zu kontrollieren, müssen die Gesamtabmessungen der Sensoren verringert werden. Dies lässt sich mit Hilfe der Mikrostrukturtechnik von Silizium realisieren. Hiermit lassen sich Strukturen und ganze Systeme bis in den Nanometerbereich herstellen. Basierend auf Silizium und Gold als Elektrodenmaterial wurden im Rahmen dieser Arbeit verschiedene Interdigitalstrukturen hergestellt. Um diese Strukturen zur pH-Wert-Messungen einsetzen zu können, müssen sie mit einer pH-sensitiven Schicht versehen werden. Hierbei wurde Polyanilin, ein intrinsisch leitendes Polymer, aufgrund seine pH-abhängigen elektrischen und optischen Verhaltens eingesetzt. Die Beschichtung dieser Sensoren mit Polyanilin erfolgte vorwiegend elektrochemisch mit Hilfe der Zyklovoltammetrie. Neben der Herstellung reiner Polyanilinfilme wurden auch Kopolymerisationen von Anilin und seinen entsprechenden Aminobenzoesäure- bzw. Aminobenzensulfonsäurederivaten durchgeführt. Ergebnisse dazu werden vorgestellt und diskutiert. Zur Charakterisierung der resultierenden Polyanilin- und Kopolymerfilme auf den Inter-digitalstrukturen wurden mit Hilfe der ATR-FT-IR-Spektroskopie Spektren aufgenommen, die gezeigt und diskutiert werden. Eine elektrochemische Charakterisierung der Polymere erfolgte mittels der Zyklovoltammetrie. Die mit Polyanilin bzw. seinen Kopolymeren beschichteten Sensoren wurden dann für Widerstandsmessungen an den Polymerfilmen in wässrigen Medien eingesetzt. Polyanilin zeigt lediglich eine pH-Sensitivität in einem pH-Bereich von pH 2 bis pH 4. Durch den Einsatz der Kopolymere konnte dieser pH-sensitive Bereich jedoch bis zu einem pH-Wert von 10 ausgeweitet werden. Zur weiteren Miniaturisierung der Sensoren wurde das Konzept der interdigitalen Elektroden-paare auf Cantilever übertragen. Die pH-sensitive Zone konnte dabei auf 500 µm2 bei einer Gesamtlänge des Sensors (Halter mit integriertem Cantilever) von 4 mm reduziert werden. Neben den elektrischen pH-abhängigen Eigenschaften können auch die optischen Eigen-schaften des Polyanilins zur pH-Detektion herangezogen werden. Diese wurden zunächst mit Hilfe der UV-VIS-Spektroskopie untersucht. Die erhaltenen Spektren werden gezeigt und kurz diskutiert. Mit Hilfe eines Raster-Sonden-Mikroskops (a-SNOM, Firma WITec) wurden Reflexionsmessungen an Polyanilinschichten durchgeführt. Zur weiteren Miniaturisierung wurden Siliziumdioxidhohlpyramiden (Basisfläche 400 µm2) mit Spitzenöffnungen in einem Bereich von 50-150 nm mit Polyanilin beschichtet. Auch hier sollten die optischen Eigenschaften des Polyanilins zur pH-Wert-Sensorik ausgenutzt werden. Es werden erste Messungen an diesen Strukturen in Transmission diskutiert.
Intrinsisch leitfähige Polymere sind durch eine Reihe materialspezifischer Eigenschaften gekennzeichnet. In Abhängigkeit des angelegten Potenzials und der chemischen Umgebung zeigen sie elektrochromes Verhalten, Veränderungen der Masse, des Volumens und der elektronischen Leitfähigkeit. Basierend auf diesen Eigenschaften eignen sich halbleitende organische Polymere als funktionales Material für Anwendungen in der Mikro- und Nanotechnologie, insbesondere für miniaturisierte chemische Sensoren und Aktoren. Im Gegensatz zu konventionellen Piezo-Aktoren operieren diese Aktoren z. B. bei Spannungen unterhalb 1 V. Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit den elektrochemomechanischen Eigenschaften der ausgewählten Polymere Polyanilin und Polypyrrol, d. h. mit den potenzialkontrollierten Veränderungen des Volumens, der Struktur und der mechanischen Eigenschaften. Bei diesem Prozess werden positive Ladungen innerhalb der Polymerphase generiert. Um die für den Ladungsausgleich benötigten Gegenionen bereitzustellen, werden alle Messungen in Anwesenheit eines wässrigen Elektrolyten durchgeführt. Der Ladungstransport und die Volumenänderungen werden mit den Methoden der zyklischen Voltammetrie, der elektrochemischen Quarzmikrowaage und der Rastersondenmikroskopie untersucht. Signifikante Ergebnisse können für dünne homogene Polymerschichten erhalten werden, wobei Schichtdicken oberhalb 150 nm aufgrund der insbesondere bei Polyanilin einsetzenden Bildung von Fadenstrukturen (Fibrillen) vermieden werden. Von besonderem Interesse im Rahmen dieser Arbeit ist die Kombination der funktionalen Polymere mit Strukturen auf Siliziumbasis, insbesondere mit mikrostrukturierten Cantilevern. Die zuvor erhaltenen Ergebnisse bilden die Grundlage für das Design und die Dimensionierung der Mikroaktoren. Diese bestehen aus Siliziumcantilevern, die eine Elektrodenschicht aus Gold oder Platin tragen. Auf der Elektrode wird mittels Elektrodeposition eine homogene Schicht Polymer mit Schichtdicken bis zu 150 nm aufgebracht. Die Aktorcharakteristik, die Biegung des Cantilevers aufgrund des angelegten Potenzials, wird mit dem aus der Rastersondenmikroskopie bekannten Lichtzeigerverfahren gemessen. Das Aktorsystem wird hinsichtlich des angelegten Potenzials, des Elektrolyten und der Redox-Kinetik charakterisiert. Die verschiedenen Beiträge zum Aktorverhalten werden in situ während des Schichtwachstums untersucht. Das beobachtete Verhalten kann als Superposition verschiedener Effekte beschrieben werden. Darunter sind die Elektrodenaufladung (Elektrokapillarität), die Veränderungen der Elektrodenoberfläche durch dünne Oxidschichten und die Elektrochemomechanik des Polymers.
Polyethylene oxide solution containing multi-walled carbon nanotubes have been electrospun onto a rotating collector to produce highly aligned arrays of electrospun nanofibers ranging in diameters from (200 – 360) nanometres. The addition of a surfactant (Triton X-100)is highly effective in dispersing carbon nanotube within an aqueous solution of polyethylene oxide and the resulting mixture can be electrospun without excessive clumping to produce nanofibers containing high loadings of nanotubes; in this case up to 5% wt thereby providing an effective route to electrically conductive nanofibres.
Polyaniline is a conducting polymer with appealing electrical and optical properties, arising from the -conjugation along the polymer backbone. The understanding of its excited state absorption is of prime importance for designing and fabricating optical devices. Here, we report on the study of the excited state absorption of doped and undoped PANI by using femtosecond pulses in the spectral range from 450nm up to 850nm. For undoped PANI, we observed saturation of absorption as well as reverse saturable absorption, depending on the excitation wavelength. For doped PANI, however, only saturable absorption was observed.
In this paper, a detailed study of the capacitance spectra obtained from Au/doped-polyaniline/Al structures in the frequency domain (0.05 Hz-10 MHz), and at different temperatures (150-340 K) is carried out. The capacitance spectra behavior in semiconductors can be appropriately described by using abrupt cut-off models, since they assume that the electronic gap states that can follow the ac modulation have response times varying rapidly with a certain abscissa, which is dependent on both temperature and frequency. Two models based on the abrupt cut-off concept, formerly developed to describe inorganic semiconductor devices, have been used to analyze the capacitance spectra of devices based on doped polyaniline (PANI), which is a well-known polymeric semiconductor with innumerous potential technological applications. The application of these models allowed the determination of significant parameters, such as Debye length (approximate to 20 nm), position of bulk Fermi level (approximate to 320 meV) and associated density of states (approximate to 2x10(18) eV(-1) cm(-3)), width of the space charge region (approximate to 70 nm), built-in potential (approximate to 780 meV), and the gap states` distribution.
We show that a broad class of quantum critical points can be stable against locally correlated disorder even if they are unstable against uncorrelated disorder. Although this result seemingly contradicts the Harris criterion, it follows naturally from the absence of a random-mass term in the associated order parameter field theory. We illustrate the general concept with explicit calculations for quantum spin-chain models. Instead of the infinite-randomness physics induced by uncorrelated disorder, we find that weak locally correlated disorder is irrelevant. For larger disorder, we find a line of critical points with unusual properties such as an increase of the entanglement entropy with the disorder strength. We also propose experimental realizations in the context of quantum magnetism and cold-atom physics. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2011
Thermally stable elastomeric composites based on ethylene-propylene-diene monomer (EPDM) and conducting polymer-modified carbon black (CPMCB) additives were produced by casting and crosslinked by compression molding. CPMCB represent a novel thermally stable conductive compound made via ""in situ"" deposition of intrinsically conducting polymers (ICP) such as polyaniline or polypyrrole on carbon black particles. Thermogravimetric analysis showed that the composites are thermally stable with no appreciable degradation at ca. 300 degrees C. Incorporating CPMCB has been found to be advantageous to the processing of composites, as the presence of ICP lead to a better distribution of the filler within the rubber matrix, as confirmed by morphological analysis. These materials have a percolation threshold range of 5-10 phr depending on the formulation and electrical dc conductivity values in the range of 1 x 10(-3) to 1 x 10(-2) S cm(-1) above the percolation threshold. A less pronounced reinforcing effect was observed in composites produced with ICP-modified additives in relation to those produced only with carbon black. The results obtained in this study show the feasibility of this method for producing stable, electrically conducting composites with elastomeric characteristics. POLYM. COMPOS., 30:897-906, 2009. (C) 2008 Society of Plastics Engineers
The existence of conducting islands in polyaniline films has long been proposed in the literature, which would be consistent with conducting mechanisms based on hopping. Obtaining direct evidence of conducting islands, however, is not straightforward. In this paper, conducting islands were visualized in poly(o-ethoxyaniline) (POEA) films prepared at low pH, using Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and atomic force spectroscopy (AFS). The size of the islands varied between 67 and 470 angstrom for a pH=3.0, with a larger average being obtained with AFS, probably due to the finite size effect of the atomic force microscopy tip. In AFS, the conducting islands were denoted by regions with repulsive forces due to the double-layer forces. On the basis of X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns for POEA in the powder form, we infer that the conducting islands are crystalline, and therefore a POEA film is believed to consist of conducting islands dispersed in an insulating, amorphous matrix. From conductivity measurements we inferred the charge transport to be governed by a typical quasi-one dimensional variable range hopping (VRH) mechanism.
The structural stability of a peroxidase, a dimeric protein from royal palm tree (Roystonea regia) leaves, has been characterized by high-sensitivity differential scanning calorimetry, circular dichroism, steady-state tryptophan fluorescence and analytical ultracentifugation under different solvent conditions. It is shown that the thermal and chemical (using guanidine hydrochloride (Gdn-HCl)) folding/unfolding of royal palm tree peroxidase (RPTP) at pH 7 is a reversible process involving a highly cooperative transition between the folded dimer and unfolded monomers, with a free stabilization energy of about 23 kcal per mol of monomer at 25 degrees C. The structural stability of RPTP is pH-dependent. At pH 3, where ion pairs have disappeared due to protonation, the thermally induced denaturation of RPTP is irreversible and strongly dependent upon the scan rate, suggesting that this process is under kinetic control. Moreover, thermally induced transitions at this pH value are dependent on the protein concentration, allowing it to be concluded that in solution RPTP behaves as dimer, which undergoes thermal denaturation coupled with dissociation. Analysis of the kinetic parameters of RPTP denaturation at pH 3 was accomplished on the basis of the simple kinetic scheme N ->(k) D, where k is a first-order kinetic constant that changes with temperature, as given by the Arrhenius equation; N is the native state, and D is the denatured state, and thermodynamic information was obtained by extrapolation of the kinetic transition parameters to an infinite heating rate. Obtained in this way, the value of RPTP stability at 25 degrees C is ca. 8 kcal per mole of monomer lower than at pH 7. In all probability, this quantity reflects the contribution of ion pair interactions to the structural stability of RPTP. From a comparison of the stability of RPTP with other plant peroxidases it is proposed that one of the main factors responsible for the unusually high stability of RPTP which enhances its potential use for biotechnological purposes, is its dimerization. (c) 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
A carbon micro/nanostructured composite based on cup-stacked carbon nanotubes (CSCNTs) grown onto a carbon felt has been found to be an efficient matrix for enzyme immobilization and chemical signal transduction. The obtained CSCNT/felt was modified with a copper hexacyanoferrate/polypyrrole (CuHCNFe/Ppy) hybrid mediator, and the resulting composite electrode was applied to H(2)O(2) detection, achieving a sensitivity of 194 +/- 15 mu A mmol(-1) L. The results showed that the CSCNT/felt matrix significantly increased the sensitivity of CuHCNFe/Ppy-based sensors compared to those prepared on a felt unrecovered by CSCNTs. Our data revealed that the improved sensitivity of the as-prepared CuHCNFe/Ppy-CSCNT/felt composite electrode can be attributed to the electronic interactions taking place among the CuHCNFe nanocrystals, Ppy layer and CSCNTs. In addition, the presence of CSCNTs also seemed to favor the dispersion of CuHCNFe nanocrystals over the Ppy matrix, even though the CSCNTs were buried under the conducting polymer layer. The CSCNT/felt matrix also enabled the preparation of a glucose biosensor whose sensitivity could be tuned as a function of the number of glucose oxidase (GOx) layers deposited through a Layer-by-Layer technique with an sensitivity of 11 +/- 2 mu A mmol(-1) L achieved at 15 poly(diallyldimethylammoniumchloride)/GOx bilayers. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In the present work we describe the investigation of interfacial and superficial processes on tetraruthenated zinc porphyrin (ZnTRP) films immobilized on gold electrode surface. In situ and real time measurements employing electrochemical surface plasmon resonance (ESPR)and electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance (EQCM) have given new insights into the electrochemical oxidation of ferrocyanide and phenolic compounds (acetaminophen, dopamine, and catechol) on ZnTRP modified electrodes. The decrease of diode like behavior in the presence of such phenolic species in contrast with ferrocyanide was clearly assigned to the inclusion of those species in the porphyrin film, creating new conduction pathways connecting the gold electrode surface with the film/solution interface. In fact, there are evidences that they can intercalate in the film (catechol > dopamine > acetaminophen), whereas ferrocyanide is completely excluded. Accordingly, the molecular size may play a fundamental role in such a process. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd.