635 resultados para PIC 18F8722
Excavations were carried out in a Late Palaeolithic site in the community of Bad Buchau-Kappel between 2003 and 2007. Archaeological investigations covered a total of more than 200 m**2. This site is the product of what likely were multiple occupations that occurred during the Late Glacial on the Federsee shore in this location. The site is situated on a mineral ridge that projected into the former Late Glacial lake Federsee. This beach ridge consists of deposits of fine to coarse gravel and sand and was surrounded by open water, except for a connection to the solid shore on the south. A lagoon lay between the hook-shaped ridge and the shore of the Federsee. This exposed location provided optimal access to the water of the lake. In addition, the small lagoon may have served as a natural harbor for landing boats or canoes. Sedimentological and palynological investigations document the dynamic history of the location between 14,500 and 11,600 years before present (cal BP). Evidence of the deposition of sands, gravels and muds since the Bølling Interstadial is provided by stratigraphic and palynological analyses. The major occupation occurred in the second half of the Younger Dryas period. Most of the finds were located on or in the sediments of the ridge; fewer finds occurred in the surrounding mud, which was also deposited during the Younger Dryas. Direct dates on some bone fragments, however, demonstrate that intermittent sporadic occupations also took place during the two millennia of the Meiendorf, Bølling, and Allerød Interstadials. These bones were reworked during the Younger Dryas and redeposited in the mud. A 14C date from one bone of 11,600 years ago (cal BP) places the Late Palaeolithic occupation of the ridge at the very end of the Younger Dryas, which is in agreement with stratigraphic observations. Stone artifacts, numbering 3,281, comprise the majority of finds from the site. These include typical artifacts of the Late Palaeolithic, such as backed points, short scrapers, and small burins. There are no bipointes or Malaurie-Points, which is in accord with the absolute date of the occupation. A majority of the artifacts are made from a brown chert that is obtainable a few kilometers north of the site in sediments of the Graupensandrinne. Other raw materials include red and green radiolarite that occur in the fluvioglacial gravels of Oberschwaben, as well as quartzite and lydite. The only non-local material present is a few artifacts of tabular chert from the region near Kelheim in Bavaria. A unique find consists of two fragments of a double-barbed harpoon made of red deer antler, which was found in the Younger Dryas mud. It is likely, but not certain, that this find belongs to the same assemblage as the numerous stone artifacts. Although not numerous, animal bones were also found in the excavations. Most of them lay in sediments of the Younger Dryas, but several 14C dates place some of these bones in earlier periods, including the Meiendorf, Bølling, and Allerød Interstadials. These bones were reworked by water and redeposited in mud sediments during the Younger Dryas. As a result, it is difficult to attribute individual bones to particular chronological positions without exact dates. Species that could be identified include wild horse (Equus spec.), moose or elk (Alces alces), red deer (Cervus elaphus), roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), aurochs or bison (Bos spec.), wild boar (Sus scrofa), as well as birds and fish, including pike (Esox Lucius).
Pollen floras were obtained from Miocene sediments recovered at four sites drilled during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 127. The local pollen floras of each site were correlated to the standard pollen zones of northeast Japan by using the concept of the essential members for each pollen zone. At Site 797, the complete floral range was obtained for recognition of the NP2 zone and the pollen components of the NP1 zone were also clarified continuously. The ages of the boundaries between pollen zones NP4/NP3, NP3/NP2, and NP2/NP1 are estimated to be about 7 Ma, 13 Ma, and 17-18.5 Ma, respectively. Even in the same pollen zone, the ratios of major pollen taxa vary with the location. This variation is expressed on maps representing two different times during the Miocene.
A Late Pleistocene and Holocene sediment core from the nowadays terrestrialised portion of the Löddigsee in Southern Mecklenburg, Germany was palynologically investigated. The lake is situated in the rarely investigated Young moraine area at the transition from the Weichselian to the Saalian glaciation. The high-resolution pollen diagram contributes to the establishment of the north-eastern German Late Pleistocene pollen stratigraphy. The vegetation distribution pattern after the end of the Weichselian is in good agreement with other studies from North-eastern Germany, but also has its own characteristics. The Holocene vegetation development reveals features from the north-eastern and north-western German lowlands. A special focus was laid on the environmental history of the two settlements on an island within the lake (Late Neolithic and Younger Slavic period), which were preserved under moist conditions. Both settlements were constructed during a period of low lake level. Although there is evidence of agriculture in the area during the respective periods, the two island settlements seem to have served other purposes.
This initial survey of pollen from 192 samples from Hole 794A, supplemented by 189 samples from Hole 795 and 797B, suggests that marine pollen assemblages from the southwestern Sea of Japan provide a consistent Neogene pollen stratigraphy and a solid basis for regional paleoenvironmental reconstructions. Late Miocene vegetation inferred from these pollen data, a mix of conifer and broad-leaf elements with now-extinct Tertiary types well represented, appears similar to Aniai-type floras of Japan. During the late Miocene through early Pliocene, as Tertiary types declined, conifers (including the Sequoia/Cryptomeria group) became more prominent than broad-leaf elements, and herbs played an increasing role in the vegetation. Middle Pliocene pollen assemblages imply significant changes in forest composition. In a 500,000-yr interval centered at ~4 m.y., Tertiary and warm-temperate deciduous types re-expanded and were comparable to or greater than middle-late Miocene levels. Temperate and cold-temperate conifers {Picea, Abies, Tsuga) were minimal. Subsequently, Tertiary and deciduous forest components (including Quercus) decreased, Picea, Tsuga, and Abies were again prominent, and herbs formed an increasingly larger part of the vegetation. Between ~3 m.y. and -2.5 m.y., conifers, except for Cryptomeria types, were prominent, Quercus continued to decline, and other broad-leaf trees were minor. Over the last 2 Ma, the very large and frequent changes in forest composition inferred from pollen in the Sea of Japan correspond to forest dynamics inferred from changes in pollen and floral assemblages throughout Japan. Given present vegetation/climate relationships, broad trends in Neogene climate inferred from these preliminary pollen data include decreasing temperatures, increasing seasonality in temperatures and precipitation, and increasing amplitude and frequency of climatic change. Two significant events, centered at ~9 m.y. and ~4 m.y., punctuate the gradual deterioration of the equable warm, humid subtropical/warm temperate late Miocene and early Pliocene climates. The first indication of cold-temperate conditions comparable to those of Pleistocene glacial intervals occurs ~3 m.y. Subsequently, regional climates oscillated rapidly between temperate and cold-temperate regimes that supported conifer and mixed broad-leaf forests; however, climatic extremes were apparently never great enough to displace warm-temperate and temperate forests from Honshu nor to produce arctic climates on the west coast of Japan.
Latin and Italian on opposite pages.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Includes bibliographical footnotes and index.
Mode of access: Internet.
Published in 1836 under the title: Pic nics from the Dublin penny journal.
Este paper presenta un resúmen de propuestas teóricas y estrategias que el autor ha venido desarrollando en los últimos años, sobre todo en "La trama (in)visible de la vida social: comunicación, sentido y realidad" (La Crujía, Bs. As. 2003/06). El objetivo es presentar hipótesis y categorías de análisis tentativas que aporten a la construcción de un Programa de Investigación sociocomunicacional tomando como referencia ideal las proposiciones de Lakatos (PIC). El autor considera que las proposiciones que presenta ayudan a asumir ciertas claves conceptuales para fundamentar, demarcar temáticas y problemáticas centrales del campo, a fin de diseñar un posible "mapa de referencia" analítica para el desarrollo de investigaciones articuladas hacia una sistematización del campo comunicacional (o sociocomunicacional)
En trabajos anteriores (Romero, 2008a y b, Alabart Lago, L., P. Díaz y G. Herrera, 2012, Alabart Lago, L. y Herrera, G., 2013) se intentó mostrar que el mecanismo interpretativo que propone la TR podría resultar adecuado como uno de los sistemas externos (también interpretativos) postulados por la GG, más precisamente, el sistema llamado CI. La relación que intentamos establecer tendrá en cuenta lo siguiente como marco teórico: a) En TR se afirma que la interpretación de un enunciado se deriva de las estructuras sintácticas, y esta derivación se realiza "en paralelo" con la derivación de estructuras llevada a cabo por las operaciones del componente sintáctico. b) En las últimas propuestas de la GG, extensiones y revisiones del PM propuesto en Chomsky (1995) no solo se dejan de lado los niveles de representación internos SP y ES sino también se considera prescindible la interfaz FL (Chomsky, 2005). Las estructuras generadas se transfieren a los sistemas externos en cuanto rasgos formales de las Categorías Funcionales son valorados. Mantendremos la noción de que el sistema computacional es relativamente irrestricto y que sus operaciones son condicionadas solo por Atracción y las llamadas "condiciones de legibilidad" impuestas por los sistemas externos, fundamentalmente el Principio de Interpretación Completa (PIC). c) Tendremos en cuenta la propuesta de Leonetti y Escandell Vidal (2004), que sostiene que las CCFF de la GG pueden considerarse equivalentes a las Categoría Procedimentales propuestas por la TR. En este sentido consideraremos válida la afirmación de Chomsky (1998) acerca de que las CCFF centrales (C, T, v y D) tienen propiedades semánticas. d) Otro factor que tendremos en cuenta es la noción de fase en la derivación, considerándola correcta en los términos expuestos en Chomsky (2001 y 2005) y Gallego (2007 y 2009), con ciertas modificaciones. Nuestra hipótesis puede resumirse en lo siguiente: Las operaciones de extracción de inferencias propuestas por TR se aplican durante la derivación sintáctica independientemente de que se haya transferido o no una fase. Es más, esperamos poder demostrar que algunos mecanismos inferenciales imponen ciertas condiciones que afectan a la valoración de los rasgos de las CCFF. Pretendemos también intentar mostrar que además de los núcleos de fase reconocidos, C y v, debe considerarse fase a SD, porque contiene rasgos específicos de cuyo cotejo y valoración se desprende el valor que recibirán otros rasgos en el curso de la derivación. Con estos fundamentos esperamos poder elaborar una descripción de cómo interactúan ambos sistemas en la derivación de una oración y la asignación (casi simultánea) de significado
Este paper presenta un resúmen de propuestas teóricas y estrategias que el autor ha venido desarrollando en los últimos años, sobre todo en "La trama (in)visible de la vida social: comunicación, sentido y realidad" (La Crujía, Bs. As. 2003/06). El objetivo es presentar hipótesis y categorías de análisis tentativas que aporten a la construcción de un Programa de Investigación sociocomunicacional tomando como referencia ideal las proposiciones de Lakatos (PIC). El autor considera que las proposiciones que presenta ayudan a asumir ciertas claves conceptuales para fundamentar, demarcar temáticas y problemáticas centrales del campo, a fin de diseñar un posible "mapa de referencia" analítica para el desarrollo de investigaciones articuladas hacia una sistematización del campo comunicacional (o sociocomunicacional)