649 resultados para Ovocitos de Xenopus


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Excitotoxicity, resulting from sustained activation of glutamate receptors of the N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) subtype, is considered to play a causative role in the etiology of ischemic stroke and several neurodegenerative diseases. The NMDA receptor is therefore a target for the development of neuroprotective agents. Here, we identify an N-benzylated triamine (denoted as NBTA) as a highly selective and potent NMDA-receptor channel blocker selected by screening a reduced dipeptidomimetic synthetic combinatorial library. NBTA blocks recombinant NMDA receptors expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes with a mean IC50 of 80 nM; in contrast, it does not block GluR1, a glutamate receptor of the non-NMDA subtype. The blocking activity of NBTA on NMDA receptors exhibits the characteristics of an open-channel blocker: (i) no competition with agonists, (ii) voltage dependence, and (iii) use dependence. Significantly, NBTA protects rodent hippocampal neurons from NMDA receptor, but not kainate receptor-mediated excitotoxic cell death, in agreement with its selective action on the corresponding recombinant receptors. Mutagenesis data indicate that the N site, a key asparagine on the M2 transmembrane segment of the NR1 subunit, is the main determinant of the blocker action. The results highlight the potential of this compound as a neuroprotectant.


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Insulin potentiates N-methyl-d-aspartate receptors (NMDARs) in neurons and Xenopus oocytes expressing recombinant NMDARs. The present study shows that insulin induced (i) an increase in channel number times open probability (nPo) in outside-out patches excised from Xenopus oocytes, with no change in mean open time, unitary conductance, or reversal potential, indicating an increase in n and/or Po; (ii) an increase in charge transfer during block of NMDA-elicited currents by the open channel blocker MK-801, indicating increased number of functional NMDARs in the cell membrane with no change in Po; and (iii) increased NR1 surface expression, as indicated by Western blot analysis of surface proteins. Botulinum neurotoxin A greatly reduced insulin potentiation, indicating that insertion of new receptors occurs via SNARE-dependent exocytosis. Thus, insulin potentiation occurs via delivery of new channels to the plasma membrane. NMDARs assembled from mutant subunits lacking all known sites of tyrosine and serine/threonine phosphorylation in their carboxyl-terminal tails exhibited robust insulin potentiation, suggesting that insulin potentiation does not require direct phosphorylation of NMDAR subunits. Because insulin and insulin receptors are localized to glutamatergic synapses in the hippocampus, insulin-regulated trafficking of NMDARs may play a role in synaptic transmission and plasticity, including long-term potentiation.


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Stathmin/Op 18 is a microtubule (MT) dynamics-regulating protein that has been shown to have both catastrophe-promoting and tubulin-sequestering activities. The level of stathmin/Op18 phosphorylation was proved both in vitro and in vivo to be important in modulating its MT-destabilizing activity. To understand the in vivo regulation of stathmin/Op18 activity, we investigated whether MT assembly itself could control phosphorylation of stathmin/Op18 and thus its MT-destabilizing activity. We found that MT nucleation by centrosomes from Xenopus sperm or somatic cells and MT assembly promoted by dimethyl sulfoxide or paclitaxel induced stathmin/Op18 hyperphosphorylation in Xenopus egg extracts, leading to new stathmin/Op18 isoforms phosphorylated on Ser 16. The MT-dependent phosphorylation of stathmin/Op18 took place in interphase extracts as well, and was also observed in somatic cells. We show that the MT-dependent phosphorylation of stathmin/Op18 on Ser 16 is mediated by an activity associated to the MTs, and that it is responsible for the stathmin/Op18 hyperphosphorylation reported to be induced by the addition of “mitotic chromatin.” Our results suggest the existence of a positive feedback loop, which could represent a novel mechanism contributing to MT network control.


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Wee1 inactivates the Cdc2–cyclin B complex during interphase by phosphorylating Cdc2 on Tyr-15. The activity of Wee1 is highly regulated during the cell cycle. In frog egg extracts, it has been established previously that Xenopus Wee1 (Xwee1) is present in a hypophosphorylated, active form during interphase and undergoes down-regulation by extensive phosphorylation at M-phase. We report that Xwee1 is also regulated by association with 14-3-3 proteins. Binding of 14-3-3 to Xwee1 occurs during interphase, but not M-phase, and requires phosphorylation of Xwee1 on Ser-549. A mutant of Xwee1 (S549A) that cannot bind 14-3-3 is substantially less active than wild-type Xwee1 in its ability to phosphorylate Cdc2. This mutation also affects the intranuclear distribution of Xwee1. In cell-free kinase assays, Xchk1 phosphorylates Xwee1 on Ser-549. The results of experiments in which Xwee1, Xchk1, or both were immunodepleted from Xenopus egg extracts suggested that these two enzymes are involved in a common pathway in the DNA replication checkpoint response. Replacement of endogenous Xwee1 with recombinant Xwee1-S549A in egg extracts attenuated the cell cycle delay induced by addition of excess recombinant Xchk1. Taken together, these results suggest that Xchk1 and 14-3-3 proteins act together as positive regulators of Xwee1.


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Genetic studies have identified Drosophila Naked Cuticle (Nkd) as an antagonist of the canonical Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway, but its mechanism of action remains obscure [Zeng, W., Wharton, K. A., Jr., Mack, J. A., Wang, K., Gadbaw, M., et al. (2000) Nature (London) 403, 789–795]. Here we have cloned a cDNA encoding a mammalian homolog of Drosophila Nkd, mNkd, and demonstrated that mNkd interacts directly with Dishevelled. Dishevelled is an intracellular mediator of both the canonical Wnt pathway and planar cell polarity (PCP) pathway. Activation of the c-Jun-N-terminal kinase has been implicated in the PCP pathway. We showed that mNkd acts in a cell-autonomous manner not only to inhibit the canonical Wnt pathway but also to stimulate c-Jun-N-terminal kinase activity. Expression of mNkd disrupted convergent extension in Xenopus, consistent with a role for mNkd in the PCP pathway. These data suggest that mNkd may act as a switch to direct Dishevelled activity toward the PCP pathway, and away from the canonical Wnt pathway.


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The Arabidopsis thaliana AtHKT1 protein, a Na+/K+ transporter, is capable of mediating inward Na+ currents in Xenopus laevis oocytes and K+ uptake in Escherichia coli. HKT1 proteins are members of a superfamily of K+ transporters. These proteins have been proposed to contain eight transmembrane segments and four pore-forming regions arranged in a mode similar to that of a K+ channel tetramer. However, computer analysis of the AtHKT1 sequence identified eleven potential transmembrane segments. We have investigated the membrane topology of AtHKT1 with three different techniques. First, a gene fusion alkaline phosphatase study in E. coli clearly defined the topology of the N-terminal and middle region of AtHKT1, but the model for membrane folding of the C-terminal region had to be refined. Second, with a reticulocyte-lysate supplemented with dog-pancreas microsomes, we demonstrated that N-glycosylation occurs at position 429 of AtHKT1. An engineered unglycosylated protein variant, N429Q, mediated Na+ currents in X. laevis oocytes with the same characteristics as the wild-type protein, indicating that N-glycosylation is not essential for the functional expression and membrane targeting of AtHKT1. Five potential glycosylation sites were introduced into the N429Q. Their pattern of glycosylation supported the model based on the E. coli-alkaline phosphatase data. Third, immunocytochemical experiments with FLAG-tagged AtHKT1 in HEK293 cells revealed that the N and C termini of AtHKT1, and the regions containing residues 135–142 and 377–384, face the cytosol, whereas the region of residues 55–62 is exposed to the outside. Taken together, our results show that AtHKT1 contains eight transmembrane-spanning segments.


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Early metazoan development is programmed by maternal mRNAs inherited by the egg at the time of fertilization. These mRNAs are not translated en masse at any one time or at any one place, but instead their expression is regulated both temporally and spatially. Recent evidence has shown that one maternal mRNA, cyclin B1, is concentrated on mitotic spindles in the early Xenopus embryo, where its translation is controlled by CPEB (cytoplasmic polyadenylation element binding protein), a sequence-specific RNA binding protein. Disruption of the spindle-associated translation of this mRNA results in a morphologically abnormal mitotic apparatus and inhibited cell division. Mammalian neurons, particularly in the synapto-dendritic compartment, also contain localized mRNAs such as that encoding α-CaMKII. Here, synaptic activation drives local translation, an event that is involved in synaptic plasticity and possibly long-term memory storage. Synaptic translation of α-CaMKII mRNA also appears to be controlled by CPEB, which is enriched in the postsynaptic density. Therefore, CPEB-controlled local translation may influence such seemingly disparate processes as the cell cycle and synaptic plasticity.


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Gene transfer to eukaryotic cells requires the uptake of exogenous DNA into the cell nucleus. Except during mitosis, molecular access to the nuclear interior is limited to passage through the nuclear pores. Here we demonstrate the nuclear uptake of extended linear DNA molecules by a combination of fluorescence microscopy and single-molecule manipulation techniques, using the latter to follow uptake kinetics of individual molecules in real time. The assays were carried out on nuclei reconstituted in vitro from extracts of Xenopus eggs, which provide both a complete complement of biochemical factors involved in nuclear protein import, and unobstructed access to the nuclear pores. We find that uptake of DNA is independent of ATP or GTP hydrolysis, but is blocked by wheat germ agglutinin. The kinetics are much slower than would be expected from hydrodynamic considerations. A fit of the data to a simple model suggests femto-Newton forces and a large friction relevant to the uptake process.


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The phylogenetic relationships among the three orders of modern amphibians (Caudata, Gymnophiona, and Anura) have been estimated based on both morphological and molecular evidence. Most morphological and paleontological studies of living and fossil amphibians support the hypothesis that salamanders and frogs are sister lineages (the Batrachia hypothesis) and that caecilians are more distantly related. Previous interpretations of molecular data based on nuclear and mitochondrial rRNA sequences suggested that salamanders and caecilians are sister groups to the exclusion of frogs. In an attempt to resolve this apparent conflict, the complete mitochondrial genomes of a salamander (Mertensiella luschani) and a caecilian (Typhlonectes natans) were determined (16,656 and 17,005 bp, respectively) and compared with previously published sequences from a frog (Xenopus laevis) and several other groups of vertebrates. Phylogenetic analyses of the mitochondrial data supported with high bootstrap values the monophyly of living amphibians with respect to other living groups of tetrapods, and a sister group relationship of salamanders and frogs. The lack of phylogenetically informative sites in the previous rRNA data sets (because of its shorter size and higher among-site rate variation) likely explains the discrepancy between our results and those based on previous molecular data. Strong support of the Batrachia hypothesis from both molecule- and morphology-based studies provides a robust phylogenetic framework that will be helpful to comparative studies among the three living orders of amphibians and will permit better understanding of the considerably divergent vertebral, brain, and digit developmental patterns found in frogs and salamanders.


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We studied aquaporins in maize (Zea mays), an important crop in which numerous studies on plant water relations have been carried out. A maize cDNA, ZmTIP1, was isolated by reverse transcription-coupled PCR using conserved motifs from plant aquaporins. The derived amino acid sequence of ZmTIP1 shows 76% sequence identity with the tonoplast aquaporin γ-TIP (tonoplast intrinsic protein) from Arabidopsis. Expression of ZmTIP1 in Xenopus laevis oocytes showed that it increased the osmotic water permeability of oocytes 5-fold; this water transport was inhibited by mercuric chloride. A cross-reacting antiserum made against bean α-TIP was used for immunocytochemical localization of ZmTIP1. These results indicate that this and/or other aquaporins is abundantly present in the small vacuoles of meristematic cells. Northern analysis demonstrated that ZmTIP1 is expressed in all plant organs. In situ hybridization showed a high ZmTIP1 expression in meristems and zones of cell enlargement: tips of primary and lateral roots, leaf primordia, and male and female inflorescence meristems. The high ZmTIP1 expression in meristems and expanding cells suggests that ZmTIP1 is needed (a) for vacuole biogenesis and (b) to support the rapid influx of water into vacuoles during cell expansion.


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Biotrophic plant pathogenic fungi differentiate specialized infection structures within the living cells of their host plants. These haustoria have been linked to nutrient uptake ever since their discovery. We have for the first time to our knowledge shown that the flow of sugars from the host Vicia faba to the rust fungus Uromyces fabae seems to occur largely through the haustorial complex. One of the most abundantly expressed genes in rust haustoria, the expression of which is negligible in other fungal structures, codes for a hexose transporter. Functional expression of the gene termed HXT1 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Xenopus laevis oocytes assigned a substrate specificity for d-glucose and d-fructose and indicated a proton symport mechanism. Abs against HXT1p exclusively labeled haustoria in immunofluorescence microscopy and the haustorial plasma membrane in electron microscopy. These results suggest that the fungus concentrates this transporter in haustoria to take advantage of a specialized compartment of the haustorial complex. The extrahaustorial matrix, delimited by the plasma membranes of both host and parasite, constitutes a newly formed apoplastic compartment with qualities distinct from those of the bulk apoplast. This organization might facilitate the competition of the parasite with natural sink organs of the host.


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In eukaryotes, tight regulatory mechanisms ensure the ordered progression through the cell cycle phases. The mechanisms that prevent chromosomal DNA replication from taking place more than once each cell cycle are thought to involve the function of proteins of the minichromosome maintenance (MCM) family. Here, we demonstrate that Xenopus MCM4, a member of the MCM protein family related to Spcdc21/ ScCDC54, is part of a large protein complex comprising several other MCM proteins. MCM4 undergoes cell cycle-dependent phosphorylation both in cleaving embryos and in cell-free extracts. MCM4 phosphorylation starts concomitantly with the clearing of the MCM complex from the chromatin during S phase. Phosphorylation is carried out by cdc2/cyclinB protein kinase, which phosphorylates MCM4 in vitro at identical sites as the ones phosphorylated in vivo. Phosphorylation is specific for cdc2 protein kinase since MCM4 is not a substrate for other members of the cdk family. Furthermore, phosphorylation of MCM4 dramatically reduces its affinity for the chromatin. We propose that the cell cycle-dependent phosphorylation of MCM4 is a mechanism which inactivates the MCM complex from late S phase through mitosis, thus preventing illegitimate DNA replication during that period of the cell cycle.


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We used digital fluorescence microscopy to make real-time observations of anaphase chromosome movement and changes in microtubule organization in spindles assembled in Xenopus egg extracts. Anaphase chromosome movement in these extracts resembled that seen in living vertebrate cells. During anaphase chromosomes moved toward the spindle poles (anaphase A) and the majority reached positions very close to the spindle poles. The average rate of chromosome to pole movement (2.4 microns/min) was similar to earlier measurements of poleward microtubule flux during metaphase. An increase in pole-to-pole distance (anaphase B) occurred in some spindles. The polyploidy of the spindles we examined allowed us to observe two novel features of mitosis. First, during anaphase, multiple microtubule organizing centers migrated 40 microns or more away from the spindle poles. Second, in telophase, decondensing chromosomes often moved rapidly (7-23 microns/min) away from the spindle poles toward the centers of these asters. This telophase chromosome movement suggests that the surface of decondensing chromosomes, and by extension those of intact nuclei, bear minus-end-directed microtubule motors. Preventing the inactivation of Cdc2/cyclin B complexes by adding nondegradable cyclin B allowed anaphase A to occur at normal velocities, but reduced the ejection of asters from the spindles, blocked chromosome decondensation, and inhibited telophase chromosome movement. In the presence of nondegradable cyclin B, chromosome movement to the poles converted bipolar spindles into pairs of independent monopolar spindles, demonstrating the role of sister chromatid linkage in maintaining spindle bipolarity.


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Two different approaches were used to examine the in vivo role of polyamines in causing inward rectification of potassium channels. In two-microelectrode voltage-clamp experiments, 24-hr incubation of Xenopus oocytes injected with 50 nl of difluoromethylornithine (5 mM) and methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) (1 mM) caused an approximate doubling of expressed Kir2.1 currents and relieved rectification by causing an approximately +10-mV shift of the voltage at which currents are half-maximally inhibited. Second, a putrescine auxotrophic, ornithine decarboxylase-deficient Chinese hamster ovary (O-CHO) cell line was stably transfected with the cDNA encoding Kir2.3. Withdrawal of putrescine from the medium led to rapid (1-day) loss of the instantaneous phase of Kir2.3 channel activation, consistent with a decline of intracellular putrescine levels. Four days after putrescine withdrawal, macroscopic conductance, assessed using an 86Rb+ flux assay, was approximately doubled, and this corresponded to a +30-mV shift of V1/2 of rectification. With increasing time after putrescine withdrawal, there was an increase in the slowest phase of current activation, corresponding to an increase in the spermine-to-spermidine ratio over time. These results provide direct evidence for a role of each polyamine in induction of rectification, and they further demonstrate that in vivo modulation of rectification is possible by manipulation of polyamine levels using genetic and pharmacological approaches.


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A study was made of the effects of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5HT) on homomeric neuronal nicotinic receptors (nAcChoR) expressed in Xenopus oocytes after injection of cDNA encoding the wild-type chicken alpha(7) subunit. Acetylcholine (AcCho) elicited large currents (IAcCho) that were reduced by 5HT in a reversible and dose-dependent manner, with a half-inhibitory concentration (IC50) of 56 microM and a Hill coefficient (nH) of 1.2. The inhibition of IAcCho by 5HT was noncompetitive and voltage independent, a behavior incompatible with a channel blockade mechanism. 5HT alone did not elicit membrane currents in oocytes injected with the wild-type alpha(7) subunit cDNA. In contrast, 5HT elicited membrane currents (I5HT) in oocytes injected with cDNA encoding an alpha(7) mutant subunit with a threonine-for-leucine-247 substitution (L247T alpha(7)). I5HT was inhibited by the potent nicotinic receptor blockers alpha-bungarotoxin (100 nM) and methyllycaconitine (1 microM). Furthermore, the characteristics of I5HT, including its voltage dependence, were similar to those of IAcCho. The 5HT dose-I5HT response gave an apparent dissociation constant EC50 of 23.5 microM and a Hill coefficient nH of 1.7, which were not modified by the presence of AcCho. Similarly, the apparent affinity of L247T alpha(7) for AcCho as well as its cooperativity were not influenced by 5HT, indicating a lack of mutual interactions between 5HT and AcCho. These results show that 5HT is a potent noncompetitive antagonist of neuronal alpha(7) nAcChoR, but it becomes a noncompetitive agonist following mutation of the highly conserved leucine residue 247 located in the channel domain M2.