879 resultados para Number systems. Arithmetic teaching. Number systems ancients


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El objetivo general de esta Tesis Doctoral fue evaluar nuevos sistemas de alojamiento y cría de conejos de granja, estudiando tanto parámetros comportamentales (experimento 1) como productivos y reproductivos (experimento 3). Además, se evaluaron diferentes técnicas de muestreo con el fin de optimizar el tiempo empleado para el estudio del comportamiento animal (experimento 2). En el experimento 1, se estudió el comportamiento de conejas alojadas en dos tipos de jaulas (TJ), convencionales vs. alternativas con una plataforma elevada, en distintos estados fisiológicos (EF), lactantes y gestantes. Se observó el comportamiento de 12 conejas reproductoras con grabaciones de una duración de 24 h continuas. Independientemente del EF y TJ, las conejas pasaron gran parte de su tiempo sobre el reposapatas (57,7 %, de media). Sin embargo, debido al uso de la plataforma (23,0% del tiempo, de media), las conejas lactantes permanecieron un 36,6 % menos de tiempo (P<0,001) sobre el reposapatas y las gestantes un 27,0% menos (P<0,001) sobre el enrejillado en jaulas alternativas que en convencionales. En las jaulas alternativas, las conejas podían adoptar la postura “levantada”, sin embargo ésta fue observada solamente en conejas gestantes una media de 4,6 veces al día. Las conejas bebieron con mas frecuencia en jaulas convencionales que en alternativas (24,6 vs 19,1 veces al día; P<0,05). Se observó una mayor duración y frecuencia del comportamiento “interactuando con compañeras” en conejas gestantes alojadas en jaulas convencionales (276 s/d y 4,6 veces/d; P<0,05). La frecuencia de “interactuando con gazapos” fue menor en jaulas alternativas que en convencionales (2,4 vs 8,6 veces al día; P<0,01). La hora del día afectó al comportamiento de las conejas, teniendo un comportamiento menos activo durante las horas centrales del día. Durante las horas de oscuridad, las conejas estuvieron más inquietas realizando comportamientos como ‘encabritarse’ o amamantar, coincidiendo éstos en el tiempo en el cual las conejas pasaron más tiempo en la plataforma. Las conejas utilizaron frecuentemente la plataforma, independientemente del estado fisiológico. En la fase de lactación, las conejas utilizaron la plataforma para huir de los intentos de mamar por parte de los gazapos cuando éstas no estaban receptivas. El uso de la plataforma puede dar lugar a problemas higiénicos debidos tanto por la acumulación de heces sobre ella como por la caída de heces y orina sobre los animales que están en la parte inferior. La ausencia de estereotipias por parte de las conejas tanto en jaulas alternativas como en convencionales no sugiere una falta de bienestar debida al sistema de alojamiento. En el experimento 2, se compararon distintos métodos de observación simplificada con respecto un método de referencia usando grabaciones continuas de 24 h para la evaluación del comportamiento de conejas en distintos estados fisiológicos (gestantes y lactantes) alojadas en dos tipos de jaulas (convencionales y alternativas). Se analizaron un total de 576 h de grabaciones continuas de 24 h en 12 conejas reproductoras al final del periodo de lactación y en las mismas conejas después del destete. Los comportamientos observados se clasificaron en tres categorías independientes (localización en la jaula, postura y comportamientos funcionales). Se utilizaron grabaciones continuas de 24 h como método de referencia para validar otros cuatro métodos de observación simplificados, utilizando grabaciones de distinta duración y frecuencia a lo largo del día. Métodos regulares: corto y largo con 2.4 y 8 h de observación respectivamente, y métodos irregulares: corto y largo con 6 y 8 h de observación, respectivamente. Como resultado, se observó que independientemente del sistema de alojamiento, el mejor método para reducir el tiempo de observación necesario para evaluar el comportamiento de conejas reproductoras depende del tipo de variable a estudiar y del estado fisiológico de las conejas. En gestantes, los métodos irregulares no fueron adecuados para estimar comportamientos de larga duración tales como tumbada, sentada, descansando y acicalándose. Sin embargo, en ambos estados fisiológicos, los métodos regulares fueron precisos para los comportamientos de los grupos localización y postura y para comportamientos funcionales de larga duración. Por otro lado, los coeficientes de variación de los comportamientos poco frecuentes realizados principalmente durante el periodo de oscuridad fueron muy altos, y el método irregular largo obtuvo los menores errores de estimación para éstos comportamientos. En el experimento 3, se estudió el efecto de un uso combinado de lactaciones largas (hasta 46 días) con jaulas alternativas sobre los parámetros productivos y reproductivos de 104 conejas y sus camadas durante cinco ciclos reproductivos. La mitad de las conejas fueron alojadas en jaulas polivalentes convencionales (39 cm x 100 cm x 30 cm) y la otra mitad en jaulas polivalentes alternativas (39 cm x 100 cm x 60 cm), con una plataforma elevada. Dentro de cada grupo de alojamiento, la mitad de las conejas se destetaron a 32 días y la otra mitad a 46 días tras el parto. Las lactaciones más largas afectaron negativamente al peso (P<0,001), contenido en grasa y energía (P<0,05) de las conejas al final del periodo de lactación, pero éste efecto disminuyó con el número de partos. La fertilidad, prolificidad y la mortalidad de las conejas no fue afectada por la duración de la lactación. El destete tardío dio lugar a un mayor tamaño y peso de la camada al final del periodo de crecimiento (8,9 y 11,3 %, respectivamente) y a un menor índice de conversión por jaula durante el todo el periodo experimental (13,5 %) con respecto al destete convencional (P<0,001). Éstos resultados fueron paralelos a la menor mortalidad global (12,6 vs 17,6 %; P<0,05) observada en gazapos con destete tardío. Las diferencias en los parámetros productivos con las distintas edades al destete sólo fueron observadas en los ciclos con peor estado sanitario (tercer y quinto ciclo), en los cuales el destete tardío redujo la mortalidad. El tipo de jaula no afectó al peso de la coneja, condición corporal, mortalidad, fertilidad ni tamaño de camada durante los cinco primeros ciclos reproductivos. Sin embargo, el peso de la camada y el índice de conversión a los 21 días de edad fueron 4,2% mayor (P<0,001) y 5,0% menor (P<0,005) en animales alojados en jaulas alternativas que en jaulas convencionales. A día 59 las jaulas alternativas dieron lugar a camadas más pesadas (P<0,01); sin embargo, éste efecto fue influenciado por la densidad alcanzada en cada ciclo, ya que cuando la densidad de los animales fue menor que 40kg/m2 (tercer y quinto ciclo), el efecto del tipo de jaula sobre el peso de la camada no fue significativo. De los resultados obtenidos se puede concluir que el uso combinado de lactaciones más largas y jaulas con mayor superficie disponible con una plataforma elevada podría ser una alternativa para mejorar el bienestar animal en determinadas situaciones productivas. ABSTRACT The general aim of this PhD Thesis was to evaluate new housing and husbandry systems of farmed rabbits, studying behavioral (experiment 1), productive and reproductive (experiment 3) parameters. Moreover, different sampling techniques were evaluated in order to optimize the assessment of rabbit behaviour (experiment 2). In experiment 1, the behaviour of rabbit does housed in two different types of cage (TC), conventional vs. alternative with an elevated platform, at different physiological stages (PS), lactation and gestation was to study. Behavioural observations were carried out on 12 commercial rabbit does using continuous 24 hour video recording. Independently of PS and TC, rabbit does spent most of their time on foot mats (57.7 %, as average). However, due to the use of platforms (23.0% of time, as average), lactating does spent 36.6% less time (P<0.001) on foot mats and gestating does spent 27.0% less (P<0.001) time on wire mesh in alternative cages than in conventional cages. Alternative cages allowed for standing posture but this behaviour was only observed in gestating does (4.6 times a day, as average). Frequency of drinking was higher in conventional than in alternative cages (24.6 vs. 19.1 times a day; P<0.05). Gestating does housed in conventional cages reached the highest duration and frequency of interacting with neighbours (276 s/d and 4.6 times/d; P<0.05). The frequency of interacting with kits was lower in alternative than in conventional cages (2.4 vs. 8.6 times a day; P<0.01). Does’ behaviour was influenced by hour of day, being less active at the midday hours. During dark hours rabbit does more frequently performed restless behaviour such as hyperactivity or nursing, matching the time at which rabbit does spent more time on the platform. The platform was frequently used by rabbit does, independent of their physiological state, and during late lactation phase, when mothers were not receptive to nursing, does housed in alternative cages used the platform as a mean to flee from kids trying to suckle. The use of the platform might lead to hygienic problems due to retained faeces on the platform and faeces and urine falling onto animals located in the lower part of the cage. Stereotypies were not observed in any housing system, therefore conventional cages do not suggest lack of animal welfare. In experiment 2, it was compared the results of different simplified sampling methods of behavioural data with respect to reference records of 24-h in order to assess rabbit does behaviours at different physiological stages (gestation and lactation) in animals housed in two types of cages (conventional and alternative). A total of 576 h of continuous video of 12 rabbit does at the end of lactation and on the same females after weaning were analysed. The behavioural observations were studied using three independent categories of classification (location in the cage, posture and functional behaviours). Continuous behavioural recordings of 24 h were considered as the reference method to validate another 4 sampling methods of data collection by aggregated video recordings of different frequency and duration (regular short and long methods with 2.4 and 8 h of observation respectively, and irregular short and long methods with 6 and 8 h of observation, respectively). The current results showed that, independently of housing system, the best method to reduce the total observation time required to assess rabbit does behaviour depends on the trait studied and physiological stage of does. In gestating does, irregular methods were not suitable to estimate behaviours of long duration such as lying, sitting, resting and grooming. However, in both physiological stages, regular methods were accurate for location behaviours, postures and functional behaviours of long duration. Instead, for the study of infrequent behaviours performed mainly during dark period, where coefficients of variation were high, the irregular long method led to the lowest mean estimation errors. In experiment 3, the effects of the combined use of long lactation periods (46 days) with alternative cages on the reproductive and growth performance of 104 rabbit does and their litters during five consecutive reproductive cycles were studied. Half of does were housed in conventional polyvalent cages (39 cm x 100 cm x 30 cm) and the other half in alternative polyvalent cages (39 cm x 100 cm x 60 cm), with a raised platform. Half of the rabbit does in each type of cages were weaned at 32 and the other half at 46 days after parturition. Longer lactations affected negatively to body weight (P<0.001), fat and energy content (P<0.05) of rabbit does at the end of the lactation period, but this effect decreased with the number of parturitions. Fertility, prolificacy and doe mortality were not affected by lactation length. Late weaning led to higher litter size (by 8.9 %) and litter weight (by 11.3 %) at the end of growing period and lower feed conversion ratio per cage during the overall experimental period (13.5 %) than standard weaning (P<0.001). These results were parallels to a lower mortality (12.6 vs 17.6 %; P<0.05) of young rabbit weaned later during the overall experimental period. Differences in performances at different weaning ages were only observed during cycles with worst health status (third and fifth cycles) in which late weaning decreased mortality. Type of cage did not affect doe body weight and body condition, mortality, fertility, prolificacy and litter size during the five firsts reproductive cycles. Nevertheless, at day 21 litter weight and feed conversion ratio were 4.2 % higher (P<0.001) and 5.0 % lower (P<0.005) in animals housed in alternative than in conventional cages. Alternative cages also led to heavier litters at 59 days (P<0.01); however, this effect was influenced by density reached in each cycle, as when the density of animals was lower than 40 kg/m2 (cycles three and five), the difference of litter weight between alternative and conventional cages was not significant. From the results obtained it can be concluded that the combined use of longer lactations and cages with higher available surface with a raised platform could be an alternative to improve animal welfare in some productive situations.


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El propósito de esta tesis es presentar una metodología para realizar análisis de la dinámica en pequeña señal y el comportamiento de sistemas de alimentación distribuidos de corriente continua (CC), formados por módulos comerciales. Para ello se hace uso de un método sencillo que indica los márgenes de estabilidad menos conservadores posibles mediante un solo número. Este índice es calculado en cada una de las interfaces que componen el sistema y puede usarse para obtener un índice global que indica la estabilidad del sistema global. De esta manera se posibilita la comparación de sistemas de alimentación distribuidos en términos de robustez. La interconexión de convertidores CC-CC entre ellos y con los filtros EMI necesarios puede originar interacciones no deseadas que dan lugar a la degradación del comportamiento de los convertidores, haciendo el sistema más propenso a inestabilidades. Esta diferencia en el comportamiento se debe a interacciones entre las impedancias de los diversos elementos del sistema. En la mayoría de los casos, los sistemas de alimentación distribuida están formados por módulos comerciales cuya estructura interna es desconocida. Por ello los análisis presentados en esta tesis se basan en medidas de la respuesta en frecuencia del convertidor que pueden realizarse desde los terminales de entrada y salida del mismo. Utilizando las medidas de las impedancias de entrada y salida de los elementos del sistema, se puede construir una función de sensibilidad que proporciona los márgenes de estabilidad de las diferentes interfaces. En esta tesis se utiliza el concepto del valor máximo de la función de sensibilidad (MPC por sus siglas en inglés) para indicar los márgenes de estabilidad como un único número. Una vez que la estabilidad de todas las interfaces del sistema se han evaluado individualmente, los índices obtenidos pueden combinarse para obtener un único número con el que comparar la estabilidad de diferentes sistemas. Igualmente se han analizado las posibles interacciones en la entrada y la salida de los convertidores CC-CC, obteniéndose expresiones analíticas con las que describir en detalle los acoplamientos generados en el sistema. Los estudios analíticos realizados se han validado experimentalmente a lo largo de la tesis. El análisis presentado en esta tesis se culmina con la obtención de un índice que condensa los márgenes de estabilidad menos conservativos. También se demuestra que la robustez del sistema está asegurada si las impedancias utilizadas en la función de sensibilidad se obtienen justamente en la entrada o la salida del subsistema que está siendo analizado. Por otra parte, la tesis presenta un conjunto de parámetros internos asimilados a impedancias, junto con sus expresiones analíticas, que permiten una explicación detallada de las interacciones en el sistema. Dichas expresiones analíticas pueden obtenerse bien mediante las funciones de transferencia analíticas si se conoce la estructura interna, o utilizando medidas en frecuencia o identificación de las mismas a través de la respuesta temporal del convertidor. De acuerdo a las metodologías presentadas en esta tesis se puede predecir la estabilidad y el comportamiento de sistemas compuestos básicamente por convertidores CC-CC y filtros, cuya estructura interna es desconocida. La predicción se basa en un índice que condensa la información de los márgenes de estabilidad y que permite la obtención de un indicador de la estabilidad global de todo el sistema, permitiendo la comparación de la estabilidad de diferentes arquitecturas de sistemas de alimentación distribuidos. ABSTRACT The purpose of this thesis is to present dynamic small-signal stability and performance analysis methodology for dc-distributed systems consisting of commercial power modules. Furthermore, the objective is to introduce simple method to state the least conservative margins for robust stability as a single number. In addition, an index characterizing the overall system stability is obtained, based on which different dc-distributed systems can be compared in terms of robustness. The interconnected systems are prone to impedance-based interactions which might lead to transient-performance degradation or even instability. These systems typically are constructed using commercial converters with unknown internal structure. Therefore, the analysis presented throughout this thesis is based on frequency responses measurable from the input and output terminals. The stability margins are stated utilizing a concept of maximum peak criteria, derived from the behavior of impedance-based sensitivity function that provides a single number to state robust stability. Using this concept, the stability information at every system interface is combined to a meaningful number to state the average robustness of the system. In addition, theoretical formulas are extracted to assess source and load side interactions in order to describe detailed couplings within the system. The presented theoretical analysis methodologies are experimentally validated throughout the thesis. In this thesis, according to the presented analysis, the least conservative stability margins are provided as a single number guaranteeing robustness. It is also shown that within the interconnected system the robust stability is ensured only if the impedance-based minor-loop gain is determined at the very input or output of each subsystem. Moreover, a complete set of impedance-type internal parameters as well as the formulas according to which the interaction sensitivity can be fully explained and analyzed, is provided. The given formulation can be utilized equally either based on measured frequency responses, time-domain identified internal parameters or extracted analytic transfer functions. Based on the analysis methodologies presented in this thesis, the stability and performance of interconnected systems consisting of converters with unknown internal structure, can be predicted. Moreover, the provided concept to assess the least conservative stability margins enables to obtain an index to state the overall robust stability of distributed power architecture and thus to compare different systems in terms of stability.


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The problem of channel estimation for multicarrier communications is addressed. We focus on systems employing the Discrete Cosine Transform Type-I (DCT1) even at both the transmitter and the receiver, presenting an algorithm which achieves an accurate estimation of symmetric channel filters using only a small number of training symbols. The solution is obtained by using either matrix inversion or compressed sensing algorithms. We provide the theoretical results which guarantee the validity of the proposed technique for the DCT1. Numerical simulations illustrate the good behaviour of the proposed algorithm.


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An integrated understanding of molecular and developmental biology must consider the large number of molecular species involved and the low concentrations of many species in vivo. Quantitative stochastic models of molecular interaction networks can be expressed as stochastic Petri nets (SPNs), a mathematical formalism developed in computer science. Existing software can be used to define molecular interaction networks as SPNs and solve such models for the probability distributions of molecular species. This approach allows biologists to focus on the content of models and their interpretation, rather than their implementation. The standardized format of SPNs also facilitates the replication, extension, and transfer of models between researchers. A simple chemical system is presented to demonstrate the link between stochastic models of molecular interactions and SPNs. The approach is illustrated with examples of models of genetic and biochemical phenomena where the UltraSAN package is used to present results from numerical analysis and the outcome of simulations.


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To “control” a system is to make it behave (hopefully) according to our “wishes,” in a way compatible with safety and ethics, at the least possible cost. The systems considered here are distributed—i.e., governed (modeled) by partial differential equations (PDEs) of evolution. Our “wish” is to drive the system in a given time, by an adequate choice of the controls, from a given initial state to a final given state, which is the target. If this can be achieved (respectively, if we can reach any “neighborhood” of the target) the system, with the controls at our disposal, is exactly (respectively, approximately) controllable. A very general (and fuzzy) idea is that the more a system is “unstable” (chaotic, turbulent) the “simplest,” or the “cheapest,” it is to achieve exact or approximate controllability. When the PDEs are the Navier–Stokes equations, it leads to conjectures, which are presented and explained. Recent results, reported in this expository paper, essentially prove the conjectures in two space dimensions. In three space dimensions, a large number of new questions arise, some new results support (without proving) the conjectures, such as generic controllability and cases of decrease of cost of control when the instability increases. Short comments are made on models arising in climatology, thermoelasticity, non-Newtonian fluids, and molecular chemistry. The Introduction of the paper and the first part of all sections are not technical. Many open questions are mentioned in the text.


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It is now clear that there are a number of different forms or aspects of learning and memory that involve different brain systems. Broadly, memory phenomena have been categorized as explicit or implicit. Thus, explicit memories for experience involve the hippocampus–medial temporal lobe system and implicit basic associative learning and memory involves the cerebellum, amygdala, and other systems. Under normal conditions, however, many of these brain–memory systems are engaged to some degree in learning situations. But each of these brain systems is learning something different about the situation. The cerebellum is necessary for classical conditioning of discrete behavioral responses (eyeblink, limb flexion) under all conditions; however, in the “trace” procedure where a period of no stimuli intervenes between the conditioned stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus the hippocampus plays a critical role. Trace conditioning appears to provide a simple model of explicit memory where analysis of brain substrates is feasible. Analysis of the role of the cerebellum in basic delay conditioning (stimuli overlap) indicates that the memories are formed and stored in the cerebellum. The phenomenon of cerebellar long-term depression is considered as a putative mechanism of memory storage.


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Myosin Va is associated with discrete vesicle populations in a number of cell types, but little is known of the function of myosin Vb. Yeast two-hybrid screening of a rabbit parietal cell cDNA library with dominant active Rab11a (Rab11aS20V) identified myosin Vb as an interacting protein for Rab11a, a marker for plasma membrane recycling systems. The isolated clone, corresponding to the carboxyl terminal 60 kDa of the myosin Vb tail, interacted with all members of the Rab11 family (Rab11a, Rab11b, and Rab25). GFP-myosin Vb and endogenous myosin Vb immunoreactivity codistributed with Rab11a in HeLa and Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells. As with Rab11a in MDCK cells, the myosin Vb immunoreactivity was dispersed with nocodazole treatment and relocated to the apical corners of cells with taxol treatment. A green fluorescent protein (GFP)-myosin Vb tail chimera overexpressed in HeLa cells retarded transferrin recycling and caused accumulation of transferrin and the transferrin receptor in pericentrosomal vesicles. Expression of the myosin Vb tail chimera in polarized MDCK cells stably expressing the polymeric IgA receptor caused accumulation of basolaterally endocytosed polymeric IgA and the polymeric IgA receptor in the pericentrosomal region. The myosin Vb tail had no effects on transferrin trafficking in polarized MDCK cells. The GFP-myosin Va tail did not colocalize with Rab11a and had no effects on recycling system vesicle distribution in either HeLa or MDCK cells. The results indicate myosin Vb is associated with the plasma membrane recycling system in nonpolarized cells and the apical recycling system in polarized cells. The dominant negative effects of the myosin Vb tail chimera indicate that this unconventional myosin is required for transit out of plasma membrane recycling systems.


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A number of excitable cell types respond to a constant hormonal stimulus with a periodic oscillation in intracellular calcium. The frequency of oscillation is often proportional to the hormonal stimulus, and one says that the stimulus is frequency encoded. Here we develop a theory of frequency encoding in excitable systems and apply it to intracellular calcium oscillations that results from increases in the intracellular level of inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate.


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This study was supported by a Wellcome Trust-NIH PhD Studentship to SB, WDF and NV. Grant number 098252/Z/12/Z. SB, CHC and WDF are supported by the Intramural Research Program, NCI, NIH. NHG and WL are supported by the Intramural Research Program, NIA, NIH.


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High-quality software, delivered on time and budget, constitutes a critical part of most products and services in modern society. Our government has invested billions of dollars to develop software assets, often to redevelop the same capability many times. Recognizing the waste involved in redeveloping these assets, in 1992 the Department of Defense issued the Software Reuse Initiative. The vision of the Software Reuse Initiative was "To drive the DoD software community from its current "re-invent the software" cycle to a process-driven, domain-specific, architecture-centric, library-based way of constructing software.'' Twenty years after issuing this initiative, there is evidence of this vision beginning to be realized in nonembedded systems. However, virtually every large embedded system undertaken has incurred large cost and schedule overruns. Investigations into the root cause of these overruns implicates reuse. Why are we seeing improvements in the outcomes of these large scale nonembedded systems and worse outcomes in embedded systems? This question is the foundation for this research. The experiences of the Aerospace industry have led to a number of questions about reuse and how the industry is employing reuse in embedded systems. For example, does reuse in embedded systems yield the same outcomes as in nonembedded systems? Are the outcomes positive? If the outcomes are different, it may indicate that embedded systems should not use data from nonembedded systems for estimation. Are embedded systems using the same development approaches as nonembedded systems? Does the development approach make a difference? If embedded systems develop software differently from nonembedded systems, it may mean that the same processes do not apply to both types of systems. What about the reuse of different artifacts? Perhaps there are certain artifacts that, when reused, contribute more or are more difficult to use in embedded systems. Finally, what are the success factors and obstacles to reuse? Are they the same in embedded systems as in nonembedded systems? The research in this dissertation is comprised of a series of empirical studies using professionals in the aerospace and defense industry as its subjects. The main focus has been to investigate the reuse practices of embedded systems professionals and nonembedded systems professionals and compare the methods and artifacts used against the outcomes. The research has followed a combined qualitative and quantitative design approach. The qualitative data were collected by surveying software and systems engineers, interviewing senior developers, and reading numerous documents and other studies. Quantitative data were derived from converting survey and interview respondents' answers into coding that could be counted and measured. From the search of existing empirical literature, we learned that reuse in embedded systems are in fact significantly different from nonembedded systems, particularly in effort in model based development approach and quality where the development approach was not specified. The questionnaire showed differences in the development approach used in embedded projects from nonembedded projects, in particular, embedded systems were significantly more likely to use a heritage/legacy development approach. There was also a difference in the artifacts used, with embedded systems more likely to reuse hardware, test products, and test clusters. Nearly all the projects reported using code, but the questionnaire showed that the reuse of code brought mixed results. One of the differences expressed by the respondents to the questionnaire was the difficulty in reuse of code for embedded systems when the platform changed. The semistructured interviews were performed to tell us why the phenomena in the review of literature and the questionnaire were observed. We asked respected industry professionals, such as senior fellows, fellows and distinguished members of technical staff, about their experiences with reuse. We learned that many embedded systems used heritage/legacy development approaches because their systems had been around for many years, before models and modeling tools became available. We learned that reuse of code is beneficial primarily when the code does not require modification, but, especially in embedded systems, once it has to be changed, reuse of code yields few benefits. Finally, while platform independence is a goal for many in nonembedded systems, it is certainly not a goal for the embedded systems professionals and in many cases it is a detriment. However, both embedded and nonembedded systems professionals endorsed the idea of platform standardization. Finally, we conclude that while reuse in embedded systems and nonembedded systems is different today, they are converging. As heritage embedded systems are phased out, models become more robust and platforms are standardized, reuse in embedded systems will become more like nonembedded systems.


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In American society, the incidence of divorce continues to rise. In 1974, the estimate was that 40% of all new marriages would end in divorce. When children are involved, the mother usually regains custody. Although the number of children of divorce living with their fathers is increasing, it is still a small percent. In addition, the rate of remarriages is lower when children are involved (Hetherington.et al.,1977). Consequently, a large number of children are being raised in father-absent homes, and indications are that the numbers are increasing. A recent Denver Post article predicted that 50% of all children now being born will spend some of their childhood in a single-parent home. In terms of frequency, the father-absent family is becoming quite common, even "normal," yet it often continues to be considered a "broken" home and, when compared to the two-parent family, an inadequate structure in which to raise healthy children. Since father-absent families are so common these days, this opinion is in need of review.This paper will present a review of the father absence research in three areas: sex role development, cognitive development and personality development. The role of moderator variables will be discussed. And, finally,an open systems model will be proposed as a vehicle to better understand the effects of father absence and as a guide for future research.


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The present thesis is focused on the development of a thorough mathematical modelling and computational solution framework aimed at the numerical simulation of journal and sliding bearing systems operating under a wide range of lubrication regimes (mixed, elastohydrodynamic and full film lubrication regimes) and working conditions (static, quasi-static and transient conditions). The fluid flow effects have been considered in terms of the Isothermal Generalized Equation of the Mechanics of the Viscous Thin Films (Reynolds equation), along with the massconserving p-Ø Elrod-Adams cavitation model that accordingly ensures the so-called JFO complementary boundary conditions for fluid film rupture. The variation of the lubricant rheological properties due to the viscous-pressure (Barus and Roelands equations), viscous-shear-thinning (Eyring and Carreau-Yasuda equations) and density-pressure (Dowson-Higginson equation) relationships have also been taken into account in the overall modelling. Generic models have been derived for the aforementioned bearing components in order to enable their applications in general multibody dynamic systems (MDS), and by including the effects of angular misalignments, superficial geometric defects (form/waviness deviations, EHL deformations, etc.) and axial motion. The bearing exibility (conformal EHL) has been incorporated by means of FEM model reduction (or condensation) techniques. The macroscopic in fluence of the mixedlubrication phenomena have been included into the modelling by the stochastic Patir and Cheng average ow model and the Greenwood-Williamson/Greenwood-Tripp formulations for rough contacts. Furthermore, a deterministic mixed-lubrication model with inter-asperity cavitation has also been proposed for full-scale simulations in the microscopic (roughness) level. According to the extensive mathematical modelling background established, three significant contributions have been accomplished. Firstly, a general numerical solution for the Reynolds lubrication equation with the mass-conserving p - Ø cavitation model has been developed based on the hybridtype Element-Based Finite Volume Method (EbFVM). This new solution scheme allows solving lubrication problems with complex geometries to be discretized by unstructured grids. The numerical method was validated in agreement with several example cases from the literature, and further used in numerical experiments to explore its exibility in coping with irregular meshes for reducing the number of nodes required in the solution of textured sliding bearings. Secondly, novel robust partitioned techniques, namely: Fixed Point Gauss-Seidel Method (PGMF), Point Gauss-Seidel Method with Aitken Acceleration (PGMA) and Interface Quasi-Newton Method with Inverse Jacobian from Least-Squares approximation (IQN-ILS), commonly adopted for solving uid-structure interaction problems have been introduced in the context of tribological simulations, particularly for the coupled calculation of dynamic conformal EHL contacts. The performance of such partitioned methods was evaluated according to simulations of dynamically loaded connecting-rod big-end bearings of both heavy-duty and high-speed engines. Finally, the proposed deterministic mixed-lubrication modelling was applied to investigate the in fluence of the cylinder liner wear after a 100h dynamometer engine test on the hydrodynamic pressure generation and friction of Twin-Land Oil Control Rings.


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Robotics is a field that presents a large number of problems because it depends on a large number of disciplines, devices, technologies and tasks. Its expansion from perfectly controlled industrial environments toward open and dynamic environment presents a many new challenges, such as robots household robots or professional robots. To facilitate the rapid development of robotic systems, low cost, reusability of code, its medium and long term maintainability and robustness are required novel approaches to provide generic models and software systems who develop paradigms capable of solving these problems. For this purpose, in this paper we propose a model based on multi-agent systems inspired by the human nervous system able to transfer the control characteristics of the biological system and able to take advantage of the best properties of distributed software systems.


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This paper presents a multilayered architecture that enhances the capabilities of current QA systems and allows different types of complex questions or queries to be processed. The answers to these questions need to be gathered from factual information scattered throughout different documents. Specifically, we designed a specialized layer to process the different types of temporal questions. Complex temporal questions are first decomposed into simple questions, according to the temporal relations expressed in the original question. In the same way, the answers to the resulting simple questions are recomposed, fulfilling the temporal restrictions of the original complex question. A novel aspect of this approach resides in the decomposition which uses a minimal quantity of resources, with the final aim of obtaining a portable platform that is easily extensible to other languages. In this paper we also present a methodology for evaluation of the decomposition of the questions as well as the ability of the implemented temporal layer to perform at a multilingual level. The temporal layer was first performed for English, then evaluated and compared with: a) a general purpose QA system (F-measure 65.47% for QA plus English temporal layer vs. 38.01% for the general QA system), and b) a well-known QA system. Much better results were obtained for temporal questions with the multilayered system. This system was therefore extended to Spanish and very good results were again obtained in the evaluation (F-measure 40.36% for QA plus Spanish temporal layer vs. 22.94% for the general QA system).


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The development of the Web 2.0 led to the birth of new textual genres such as blogs, reviews or forum entries. The increasing number of such texts and the highly diverse topics they discuss make blogs a rich source for analysis. This paper presents a comparative study on open domain and opinion QA systems. A collection of opinion and mixed fact-opinion questions in English is defined and two Question Answering systems are employed to retrieve the answers to these queries. The first one is generic, while the second is specific for emotions. We comparatively evaluate and analyze the systems results, concluding that opinion Question Answering requires the use of specific resources and methods.