899 resultados para Nucleic Acid Denaturation
En Argentina, en consonancia con el resto del mundo, la Nanotecnología es considerada un área estratégica. Sin embargo, las investigaciones en Nanobiotecnología todavía constituyen un área de vacancia. El uso de nanomateriales para desarrollar plataformas bioanalíticas que permitan la construcción de biosensores ofrece múltiples ventajas y una promisoria perspectiva de aplicación en diversas áreas. En la actualidad, los laboratorios de análisis clínicos, la industria farmacéutica y alimentaria, y los laboratorios de control bromatológico y ambiental requieren de metodologías analíticas que proporcionen resultados exactos, reproducibles, rápidos, sensibles y selectivos empleando pequeños volúmenes de muestra, con un mínimo consumo de reactivos y una producción de deshechos limpia y escasa. Las investigaciones en nanobiosensores se encuentran dirigidas hacia el logro de estas metas. Uno de los grandes desafíos es lograr biosensores miniaturizados con potencialidad para el desarrollo de dispositivos de medición descentralizada (“point of care”) y la detección simultánea de multianalitos. Aún cuando se han hecho innumerables desarrollos en los casi 50 años de vida de los biosensores, todavía hay numerosos interrogantes por dilucidar. La modificación con nanomateriales juega un rol preponderante en los transductores tanto en los electroquímicos como en los plasmónicos. El uso de películas delgadas de Au para SPR modificadas con grafeno u óxido de grafeno, es un campo de una enorme potencialidad y sin embargo es muy poco explotado, por lo que reviste gran importancia. En lo referido a la capa de biorreconocimiento, se trabajará con moléculas capaces de establecer interacciones de bioafinidad, como los anticuerpos y también moléculas que son muy poco usadas en nuestro país y en Latinoamérica como ADN, aptámeros, PNA y lectinas. RESUMEN: El Objetivo general de este proyecto es desarrollar nuevas plataformas bioanalíticas para la detección de diferentes eventos de bioafinidad a partir de la integración de transductores electroquímicos (EQ) y plasmónicos con materiales nanoestructurados (nanotubos de carbono, nanoláminas de grafeno, nanoalambres metálicos); biomoléculas (ADN, “peptide nucleic acid” (PNA), aptámeros, anticuerpos, lectinas) y polímeros funcionalizados con moléculas bioactivas. Las arquitecturas supramoleculares resultantes estarán dirigidas al desarrollo de biosensores EQ y plasmónicos para la cuantificación de biomarcadores de relevancia clínica y medioambiental. Se funcionalizarán CNT, grafeno, óxido de grafeno, nanoalambres metálicos empleando homopéptidos y proteínas con alta afinidad por cationes metálicos, los que se integrarán a transductores de carbono y oro y biomoléculas de reconocimiento capaces de formar complejos de afinidad (antígeno-anticuerpo, aptámero-molécula blanco, ADN-ADN, PNA-ADN, lectinas-hidratos de carbono, ligandos-cationes metálicos y avidina-biotina). Se sintetizarán y caracterizarán nuevos monómeros y polímeros funcionalizados con moléculas bioactivas y/o grupos rédox empleando diferentes rutas sintéticas. Se desarrollarán genosensores para la detección del evento de hibridación de secuencias de interés médico (cáncer de colon y de mama, tuberculosis); aptasensores para la detección de marcadores proteicos de T. cruzi, enfermedades cardiovasculares y contaminantes catiónicos; inmunosensores para la detección de biomarcadores proteicos relacionados con enfermedades cardiovasculares y cáncer; y biosensores de afinidad con lectinas para la detección de hidratos de carbono. La caracterización de las plataformas y las señales analíticas se obtendrán empleando las siguientes técnicas: voltamperometrías cíclica, de pulso diferencial y de onda cuadrada; stripping; resonancia de plasmón superficial; espectroscopía de impedancia electroquímica; microscopías de barrido electroquímico, SEM, TEM, AFM,SNOM, espectroscopías: UV-vis, FTIR,Raman;RMN, TGA y DSC.
The involvement of A to I RNA editing in antiviral responses was first indicated by the observation of genomic hyper-mutation for several RNA viruses in the course of persistent infections. However, in only a few cases an antiviral role was ever demonstrated and surprisingly, it turns out that ADARs - the RNA editing enzymes - may have a prominent pro-viral role through the modulation/down-regulation of the interferon response. A key role in this regulatory function of RNA editing is played by ADAR1, an interferon inducible RNA editing enzyme. A distinguishing feature of ADAR1, when compared with other ADARs, is the presence of a Z-DNA binding domain, Zalpha. Since the initial discovery of the specific and high affinity binding of Zalpha to CpG repeats in a left-handed helical conformation, other proteins, all related to the interferon response pathway, were shown to have similar domains throughout the vertebrate lineage. What is the biological function of this domain family remains unclear but a significant body of work provides pieces of a puzzle that points to an important role of Zalpha domains in the recognition of foreign nucleic acids in the cytoplasm by the innate immune system. Here we will provide an overview of our knowledge on ADAR1 function in interferon response with emphasis on Zalpha domains.
We generated draft genome sequences for two cold-adapted Archaea, Methanogenium frigidum and Methanococcoides burtonii, to identify genotypic characteristics that distinguish them from Archaea with a higher optimal growth temperature (OGT). Comparative genomics revealed trends in amino acid and tRNA composition, and structural features of proteins. Proteins from the cold-adapted Archaea are characterized by a higher content of noncharged polar amino acids, particularly Gin and Thr and a lower content of hydrophobic amino acids, particularly Leu. Sequence data from nine methanogen genomes (OGT 15degrees-98degreesC) were used to generate IIII modeled protein structures. Analysis of the models from the cold-adapted Archaea showed a strong tendency in the solvent-accessible area for more Gin, Thr, and hydrophobic residues and fewer charged residues. A cold shock domain (CSD) protein (CspA homolog) was identified in M. frigidum, two hypothetical proteins with CSD-folds in M. burtonii, and a unique winged helix DNA-binding domain protein in M. burtonii. This suggests that these types of nucleic acid binding proteins have a critical role in cold-adapted Archaea. Structural analysis of tRNA sequences from the Archaea indicated that GC content is the major factor influencing tRNA stability in hyperthermophiles, but not in the psychrophiles, mesophiles or moderate thermophiles. Below an OGT of 60degreesC, the GC content in tRNA was largely unchanged, indicating that any requirement for flexibility of tRNA in psychrophiles is mediated by other means. This is the first time that comparisons have been performed with genome data from Archaea spanning the growth temperature extremes. from psychrophiles to hyperthermophiles
The heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) A2 is a multi-tasking protein that acts in the cytoplasm and nucleus. We have explored the possibility that this protein is associated with telomeres and participates in their maintenance. Rat brain hnRNP A2 was shown to have two nucleic acid binding sites. In the presence of heparin one site binds single-stranded oligodeoxyribonucleotides irrespective of sequence but not the corresponding oligoribonucleotides. Both the hnRNP A2-binding cis-acting element for the cytoplasmic RNA trafficking element, A2RE, and the ssDNA telomere repeat match a consensus sequence for binding to a second sequence-specific site identified by mutational analysis. hnRNP A2 protected the telomeric repeat sequence, but not the complementary sequence, against DNase digestion: the glycine-rich domain was found to be necessary, but not sufficient, for protection. The N-terminal RRM (RNA recognition motif) and tandem RRMs of hnRNP A2 also bind the single-stranded, template-containing segment of telomerase RNA. hnRNP A2 colocalizes with telomeric chromatin in the subset of PML bodies that are a hallmark of ALT cells, reinforcing the evidence for hnRNPs having a role in telomere maintenance. Our results support a model in which hnRNP A2 acts as a molecular adapter between single-stranded telomeric repeats, or telomerase RNA, and another segment of ssDNA.
Detection of point mutations or single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) is important in relation to disease susceptibility or detection in pathogens of mutations determining drug resistance or host range. There is an emergent need for rapid detection methods amenable to point-of-care applications. The purpose of this study was to reduce to practice a novel method for SNP detection and to demonstrate that this technology can be used downstream of nucleic acid amplification. The authors used a model system to develop an oligonucleotide-based SNP detection system on nitrocellulose lateral flow strips. To optimize the assay they used cloned sequences of the herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1) DNA polymerase gene into which they introduced a point mutation. The assay system uses chimeric polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers that incorporate hexameric repeat tags ("hexapet tags"). The chimeric sequences allow capture of amplified products to predefined positions on a lateral flow strip. These "hexapet" sequences have minimal cross-reactivity and allow specific hybridization-based capture of the PCR products at room temperature onto lateral flow strips that have been striped with complementary hexapet tags. The allele-specific amplification was carried out with both mutant and wild-type primer sets present in the PCR mix ("competitive" format). The resulting PCR products carried a hexapet tag that corresponded with either a wild-type or mutant sequence. The lateral flow strips are dropped into the PCR reaction tube, and mutant sequence and wild-type sequences diffuse along the strip and are captured at the corresponding position on the strip. A red line indicative of a positive reaction is visible after 1 minute. Unlike other systems that require separate reactions and strips for each target sequence, this system allows multiplex PCR reactions and multiplex detection on a single strip or other suitable substrates. Unambiguous visual discrimination of a point mutation under room temperature hybridization conditions was achieved with this model system in 10 minutes after PCR. The authors have developed a capture-based hybridization method for the detection and discrimination of HSV-1 DNA polymerase genes that contain a single nucleotide change. It has been demonstrated that the hexapet oligonucleotides can be adapted for hybridization on the lateral flow strip platform for discrimination of SNPs. This is the first step in demonstrating SNP detection on lateral flow using the hexapet oligonucleotide capture system. It is anticipated that this novel system can be widely used in point-of-care settings.
Background. Genital ulcer disease (GUD) is commonly caused by pathogens for which suitable therapies exist, but clinical and laboratory diagnoses may be problematic. This collaborative project was undertaken to address the need for a rapid, economical, and sensitive approach to the detection and diagnosis of GUD using noninvasive techniques to sample genital ulcers. Methods. The genital ulcer disease multiplex polymerase chain reaction (GUMP) was developed as an inhouse nucleic acid amplification technique targeting serious causes of GUD, namely, herpes simplex viruses (HSVs), Haemophilus ducreyi, Treponema pallidum, and Klebsiella species. In addition, the GUMP assay included an endogenous internal control. Amplification products from GUMP were detected by enzyme linked amplicon hybridization assay (ELAHA). Results. GUMP-ELAHA was sensitive and specific in detecting a target microbe in 34.3% of specimens, including 1 detection of HSV-1, three detections of HSV-2, and 18 detections of T. pallidum. No H. ducreyi has been detected in Australia since 1998, and none was detected here. No Calymmatobacterium ( Klebsiella) granulomatis was detected in the study, but there were 3 detections during ongoing diagnostic use of GUMP-ELAHA in 2004 and 2005. The presence of C. granulomatis was confirmed by restriction enzyme digestion and nucleotide sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene for phylogenetic analysis. Conclusions. GUMP-ELAHA permitted comprehensive detection of common and rare causes of GUD and incorporated noninvasive sampling techniques. Data obtained by using GUMP-ELAHA will aid specific treatment of GUD and better define the prevalence of each microbe among at-risk populations with a view to the eradication of chancroid and donovanosis in Australia.
Kunjin virus is a member of the Flavivirus genus and is an Australian variant of West Nile virus. The C-terminal domain of the Kunjin virus NS3 protein displays helicase activity. The protein is thought to separate daughter and template RNA strands, assisting the initiation of replication by unwinding RNA secondary structure in the 3' nontranslated region. Expression, purification and preliminary crystallographic characterization of the NS3 helicase domain are reported. It is shown that Kunjin virus helicase may adopt a dimeric assembly in absence of nucleic acids, oligomerization being a means to provide the helicases with multiple nucleic acid-binding capability, facilitating translocation along the RNA strands. Kunjin virus NS3 helicase domain is an attractive model for studying the molecular mechanisms of flavivirus replication, while simultaneously providing a new basis for the rational development of anti-flaviviral compounds.
Historians of genetics agree that multiple conceptions of the gene have coexisted at each stages in the history of genetics and that the resulting partial ambiguity has often contributed to the success of genetics, both because workers in different areas have needed to communicate and to draw on one another’s results despite wrestled with very different scientific challenges, and because empirical findings have often challenged the presuppositions of existing conceptions of the gene. Today, a number of different conceptions of the gene coexist in the biosciences. An ‘instrumental’ gene similar to that of classical genetics retains a critical role in the construction and interpretation of experiments in which the relationship between genotype and phenotype is explored via hybridization between organisms or directly between nucleic acid molecules. It also plays an important theoretical role in the foundations of disciplines such as quantitative genetics and population genetics. A ‘nominal’ gene, defined by the practice of genetic nomenclature, is a critical practical tool and allows communication between bioscientists in a wide range of fields to be grounded in welldefined sequences of nucleotides. This concept, however, does not embody major theoretical insights into genome structure or function. Instead, a ‘post-genomic’ conception of the gene embodies the continuing project of understanding how genome structure supports genome function, but with a deflationary picture of the gene as a structural unit. This final concept of the gene poses a significant challenge to earlier assumptions about the relationship between genome structure and function, and between genotype and phenotype.
Structure, dynamics, and energetics of siRNA-cationic vector complexation:a molecular dynamics study
The design and synthesis of safe and efficient nonviral vectors for gene delivery has attracted significant attention in recent years. Previous experiments have revealed that the charge density of a polycation (the carrier) plays a crucial role in complexation and the release of the gene from the complex in the cytosol. In this work, we adopt an atomistic molecular dynamics simulation approach to study the complexation of short strand duplex RNA with six cationic carrier systems of varying charge and surface topology. The simulations reveal detailed molecular-level pictures of the structures and dynamics of the RNA-polycation complexes. Estimates for the binding free energy indicate that electrostatic contributions are dominant followed by van der Waals interactions. The binding free energy between the 8(+)polymers and the RNA is found to be larger than that of the 4(+)polymers, in general agreement with previously published data. Because reliable binding free energies provide an effective index of the ability of the polycationic carrier to bind the nucleic acid and also carry implications for the process of gene release within the cytosol, these novel simulations have the potential to provide us with a much better understanding of key mechanistic aspects of gene-polycation complexation and thereby advance the rational design of nonviral gene delivery systems.
The design and synthesis of safe efficient non-viral vectors for gene delivery has attracted significant attention in recent years due primarily to the severe side-effect profile reported with the use of their viral counterparts. Previous experiments have revealed that the strong interaction between the carriers and nucleic acid may well hinder the release of the gene from the complex in the cytosol adversely affecting transfection efficiency. However, incorporating reducible disulfide bonds within the delivery systems themselves which are then cleaved in the glutathione-rich intracellular environment may help in solving this puzzle. This review focuses on recent development of these reducible carriers. The biological rationale and approaches to the synthesis of reducible vectors are discussed in detail. The in vitro and in vivo evaluations of reducible carriers are also summarized and it is evident that they offer a promising approach in non-viral gene delivery system design.
Intracellular degradation of genes, most notably within the endo-lysosomal compartment is considered a significant barrier to (non-viral) gene delivery in vivo. Previous reports based on in vitro studies claim that carriers possessing a mixture of primary, secondary and tertiary amines are able to buffer the acidic environment within the endosome, allowing for timely release of their contents, leading to higher transfection rates. In this report, we adopt an atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulation approach, comparing the complexation of 21-bp siRNA with low-generation polyamidoamine (PAMAM) dendrimers (G0 and G1) at both neutral and acidic pHs, the latter of which mimics the degradative environment within maturing 'late-endosomes'. Our simulations reveal that the time taken for the dendrimer-gene complex (dendriplex) to reach equilibrium is appreciably longer at low pH and this is accompanied by more compact packaging of the dendriplex, as compared to simulations performed at neutral pH. We also note larger absolute values of calculated binding free energies of the dendriplex at low pH, indicating a higher dendrimer-nucleic acid affinity in comparison with neutral pH. These novel simulations provide a more detailed understanding of low molecular-weight polymer-siRNA behavior, mimicking the endosomal environment and provide input of direct relevance to the "proton sponge theory", thereby advancing the rational design of non-viral gene delivery systems.
This article on the basic concepts of genetics concentrates on doeoxyribose nucleic acid (DNA), the chemical constituent of the genes. First, it will cover how DNA was discovered to be the substance of the genes. Second, the structure of DNA is revealed together with how DNA molecules can make copies of themselves. Third, the nature of the genetic code contained in DNA and how this code directs the manufacture of proteins is described. Finally, the effects of mutation of the genes and how the activities of genes are regulated will be discussed together with the relevance of these concepts to ocular disease.