997 resultados para New Jersey. Militia.
Pieces of Iowa’s Past, published by the Iowa State Capitol Tour Guides weekly during the legislative session, features historical facts about Iowa, the Capitol, and the early workings of state government. All historical publications are reproduced here with the actual spelling, punctuation, and grammar retained THIS WEEK: Iowa State Capitol and the Library of Congress Feature Artist’s Work BACKGROUND: Elmer Ellsworth Garnsey was primarily a muralist who painted on the East Coast from a studio in New York City. He was born in Holmdel, New Jersey, and took art training at the Art Students League and Cooper Union. Affiliations included the National Society of Mural Painters and the American Federation of the Arts. His work is in the Library of Congress, Boston Public Library, Memorial Hall at Yale University, City Art Museum of St. Louis, U.S. Custom House in New York City, and the State Capitol in Iowa.
Apresenta revisão de literatura sobre o comportamento informacional de crianças e adolescentes, enfatizando estudos estrangeiros. Introduz com descrição do campo do comportamento informacional humano, de forma mais geral. Destaca principalmente estudos norte-americanos, além de outros da literatura européia, canadense e australiana. As pesquisas analisadas estão reunidas nos seguintes tópicos ou linhas de pesquisa: o aprendizado dos estudantes através da biblioteca escolar; crianças e adolescentes; a Internet e a busca de informação no cotidiano. Os estudos foram selecionados em virtude do intercâmbio entre pesquisadores estrangeiros e a Escola de Ciência da Informação da UFMG e também do estágio doutoral realizado no Centro para Estudos Internacionais em Bibliotecas Escolares, em New Jersey, Estados Unidos. Além da descrição dos estudos, apresenta suas principais conclusões e/ou recomendações.
Review of the book . Social Evolution in Ants. Bourke, A. F. G. and Franks, N. R. 1995. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, xiii + 529 pp. ISBN o-691-04427-9 (cl), O-691 -04426-o (pbk)
Un dels objectius principals d’aquest treball és assumir un encàrrec de traducció jurídica. En aquest cas, es tradueix un testament; els testaments són documents jurídics a través dels quals una persona pot disposar els seus béns per a després de la seva mort i instituir hereus. El text de sortida es regeix pels Estatuts de l’Estat de Nova Jersey, és per això que aquest treball se centra en els testaments a Nova Jersey i a Espanya, concretament a Catalunya ja que la traducció és al català. La diferència més gran entre aquests dos països és que Espanya es basa en el Dret Civil i Estats Units en el Common Law; com que tenen característiques diferents, cal documentar-se sobre com funcionen els testaments a cada lloc abans de fer la traducció. Com veurem a continuació, la traducció de documents jurídics requereix precisió i responsabilitat, ja que el lèxic i l’estructura d’aquests tipus de documents és complex; per això, és important tenir accés a manuals de redacció i diccionaris especialitzats. Seguidament, veurem tots els passos que he seguit per portar a terme la traducció d’un testament.
The Iowa State Highway Commission Laboratory is called upon to determine the cement content of hardened concrete when field problems relating to batch weights are encountered. The standard test for determining the cement content is ASTM C-85. An investigation of this method by the New Jersey State Highway Department involving duplicate samples and four cooperating laboratories produced very erratic results, however, the results obtained by this method have not been directly compared to known cement contents of concrete made with various cements and various aggregates used in Iowa.
This report synthesizes the safety corridor programs of 13 states that currently have some type of program: Alaska, California, Florida, Kentucky, Minnesota, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Washington. This synthesis can help Midwestern states implement their own safety corridor programs and select pilot corridors or enhance existing corridors. Survey and interview information about the states’ programs was gathered from members of each state department of transportation (DOT) and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) division office. Topics discussed included definitions of a safety corridor; length and number of corridors in the program; criteria for selection of a corridor; measures of effectiveness of an implemented safety corridor; organizational structure of the program; funding and legislation issues; and engineering, education, enforcement, and emergency medical service strategies. Safety corridor programs with successful results were then examined in more detail, and field visits were made to Kansas, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Washington for first-hand observations. With the survey and field visit information, several characteristics of successful safety corridor programs were identified, including multidisciplinary (3E and 4E) efforts; selection, evaluation, and decommissioning strategies; organization structure, champions, and funding; task forces and Corridor Safety Action Plans; road safety audits; and legislation and other safety issues. Based on the synthesis, the report makes recommendations for establishing and maintaining a successful safety corridor program.