553 resultados para Nautical almanacs.


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Scale 1:80,000.


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No contexto atual, marcado pela crise económica e financeira, as organizações dos serviços turísticos procuram aliar o conceito de qualidade com os seus serviços, de modo a satisfazer os clientes internos (colaboradores) e os clientes externos (turistas) e a garantir a prestação de um serviço personalizado e de excelência. O objetivo da presente dissertação consiste em proporcionar uma visão geral da qualidade dos serviços turísticos náuticos efetuados na região do Alto Douro Vinhateiro (ADV), junto dos clientes internos (colaboradores). Para o efeito, foi aplicado um inquérito a 117 colaboradores de diversas organizações dos serviços turísticos náuticos da região do ADV e realizada uma pesquisa exploratória e descritiva. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que existem aspetos a serem melhorados nas organizações (preocupação com os colaboradores; formação especifica; condições de trabalho; maior dialogo entre chefias e colaboradores; atribuição de carga horária e de folgas) para que os colaboradores se sintam satisfeitos. Por outro lado, verificou-se que as perceções sobre a qualidade nos serviços turísticos náuticos são iguais em ambos os géneros; Abstract: Quality in Nautical Touristic Services in Alto Douro Vinhateiro – The Internal Clients (Collaborators) Perspective In the actual context marked by the economic and financial crisis, the organizations of touristic services are looking to ally the concept of services with their services, in order to satisfy internal customers (collaborators) and external costumers (tourists) and to guarantee the installment of an excellent and personalized service. The aim of this thesis is to provide an overview of the quality of nautical tourism services made in the region of Alto Douro Vinhateiro, with internal clients (employees). For this purpose it applied a survey of 117 employees from various organizations of nautical tourism services of the ADV region and conducted an exploratory and descriptive research. The results show that there are areas to be improved in organizations (preoccupation with employees; specific training,; working conditions; greater dialogue between managers and employees; allocation of hours and days off) so that employees can feel satisfied- Moreover it was found that the perceptions of the quality of nautical tourism services are equal in both sexes.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade UnB Gama, Programa de Pós-graduação em Integridade de Materiais da Engenharia, 2015.


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Shows existing and projected lots in the area bounded by 14th, 16th, Nicholson streets, and Missouri Av. N.W.


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Partial cadastral map showing zoning boundary.


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Depths shown by soundings.


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A nautical drone was designed for the monitoring of estuarine and coastal waters in the context of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) to : - go up to 500 m off the coastline in less than 5 minutes, - perform in situ measurements (temperature, salinity, turbidity), - collect water samples for later analysis in the laboratory (phytoplankton identification, chlorophyll, nutrients, ...).


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Relief shown by hachures. Depths shown by soundings.


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Since centuries ago, the Asians use seaweed as an important source of feeding and are their greatest world-wide consumers. The migration of these peoples for other countries, made the demand for seaweed to increase. This increasing demand prompted an industry with annual values of around US$ 6 billion. The algal biomass used for the industry is collected in natural reservoirs or cultivated. The market necessity for products of the seaweed base promotes an unsustainable exploration of the natural banks, compromising its associated biological balance. In this context, seaweed culture appears as a viable alternative to prevent the depletion of these natural supplies. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) provide space and produce information that can facilitate the evaluation of important physical and socio-economic characteristics for the planning of seaweed culture. This objective of this study is to identify potential coastal areas for seaweed culture in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, from the integration of social-environmental data in the SIG. In order to achieve this objective, a geo-referred database composed of geographical maps, nautical maps and orbital digital images was assembled; and a bank of attributes including physical and oceanographical variables (winds, chains, bathymetry, operational distance from the culture) and social and environmental factors (main income, experience with seaweed harvesting, demographic density, proximity of the sheltered coast and distance of the banks) was produced. In the modeling of the data, the integration of the space database with the bank of attributes for the attainment of the map of potentiality of seaweed culture was carried out. Of a total of 2,011 ha analyzed by the GIS for the culture of seaweed, around 34% or 682 ha were indicated as high potential, 55% or 1,101 ha as medium potential, and 11% or 228 ha as low potential. The good indices of potentiality obtained in the localities studied demonstrate that there are adequate conditions for the installation of seaweed culture in the state of Rio Grande do Norte


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The high seas have always engendered a range of emotions and reactions from humans. Curiosity, fear, even terror, of this great expanse of ocean which cover 70 % of Earth the blue planet. Yet the sheer size of the oceans and the difficulty of transporting across them meant the high seas were largely ignored by the vast majority of humans for centuries. Humans were largely confined to land with the only interest in the seas being as trade routes and the defence of the land. In fact all the way up to the last quarter of the twentieth century a nations territorial sea extended only three nautical miles off shore the distance that a cannon ball could be fired.

This almost casual relationship to the oceans changed dramatically in the 1960s and 1970s as technology played an ever icnreasing role in the exploitation of the natural resources of the seas. Fishing was made far easier by being able to use sophisticated sonar systems to detect the fish and by advanced nets and vessels. But it was probably the technological ability to first find and then extract oil and gas off shore on continental shelfs, and at increasing depths, which stimulated interest in exploiting marine resources. Dreams of other deep sea mineral resources (e.g. manganese nodules) simply fuelled interest in the oceans, not to mentino some of the pharmaceuticals that were being discovered.


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The Gorringe seamount is located in the convergence of the Eurasian and African plates, more than 100 nautical miles from the closest shore and isolated by depths over 3000 m. Underwater surveys were carried out at Gettysburg and Ormonde peaks to identify the ichthyofauna present at Gorringe. Ten species are first records for this seamount with special emphasis on two species of Blenniidae: Parablennius pilicornis and Parablennius ruber. Most species observed are widely distributed: 48% Atlantic-Mediterranean, 24% Eastern Atlantic, 12% Amphi-Atlantic, 12% Cosmopolitan. Only one species is endemic of the Macaronesia region (Abudefduf luridus). The most common species were A. luridus, Coris julis and Thalassoma pavo. This paper presents additional and relevant information on the ichhtyofauna of the Gorringe seamount.


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El interés de esta monografía es evaluar la relación entre el derecho internacional, la guerra y la política exterior a la luz del concepto de lawfare. Esta relación se evalúa a la luz del caso de las relaciones de Nicaragua con sus vecinos. Se analiza y explican las distintas nociones de derecho internacional desarrolladas por las teorías de Relaciones y sus limitaciones; la utilización de la guerra jurídica como estrategia sustitutiva de la guerra material en el caso de Nicaragua. Utilizando el concepto desarrollado por Charles Dunlap, el trabajo busca demostrar que el lawfare explica algunas relaciones entre derecho, guerra, y relaciones internacionales que las teorías clásicas no pueden y, adicionalmente da razón de las acciones de Nicaragua mediante la utilización del Derecho Internacional.


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The most recent submarine eruption observed offshore the Azores archipelago occurred between 1998-2001 along the submarine Serreta ridge (SSR), ~4-5 nautical miles WNW of Terceira Island. This submarine eruption delivered abundant basaltic lava balloons floating at the sea surface and significantly changed the bathymetry around the eruption area. Our work combines bathymetry, volcanic facies cartography, petrography, rock magnetism and geochemistry in order to (1) track the possible vent source at seabed, (2) better constrain the Azores magma source(s) sampled through the Serreta submarine volcanic event, and (3) interpret the data within the small-scale mantle source heterogeneity framework that has been demonstrated for the Azores archipelago. Lava balloons sampled at sea surface display a radiogenic signature, which is also correlated with relatively primitive (low) 4He/3He isotopic ratios. Conversely, SSR lavas are characterized by significantly lower radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr, 206Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb ratios than the lava balloons and the onshore lavas from the Terceira Island. SSR lavas are primitive, but incompatible trace-enriched. Apparent decoupling between the enriched incompatible trace element abundances and depleted radiogenic isotope ratios is best explained by binary mixing of a depleted MORB source and a HIMU­type component into magma batches that evolved by similar shallower processes in their travel to the surface. The collected data suggest that the freshest samples collected in the SSR may correspond to volcanic products of an unnoticed and more recent eruption than the 1998-2001 episode.