993 resultados para NO-254
The variolitic andesite from the Susong County in the Dabie Mountains implies that it was erupted in water. The mineralogy of the varioles is primarily radiate plagioclase (albite sind oligoclase), with little pyroxene, hornblende and quartz (derived from alteration). The pyroxene, hornblende and quartz are in the interstices between plagiocalse. The matrix consists of glass, hornblende, chlorite, epidote and zoisite. It is clearly subjected an extensive alteration. The andesite has an uncommon chemical composition. The SiO2 content is about 56.8%, TiO2 = 0.9%, MgO = 6.4%, Fe2O3 (tot) = 6.7%similar to 7.6%, 100Mg/(Mg + Fe) = 64.1 similar to 66.2. Mg-# is significantly high. The andesite has high abundances of large-lithophile trace elements (e.g. K, Ba. Sr, LREE), e.g. La/Nb = 5.56 similar to 6.07, low abundances of high-strength-field elements (HFSE e.g. Ta, Nb, P, Ti), particularly Ta and Nb strongly depleted. These are consistent with the characteristics of subduction-related magmas. In the spider diagram of trace elements, from Ce to right hand, the abundances of elements decrease quickly, showing a character of the continental margins. There has a strong punishment of light-rare-earth elements, with a significant diffraction of REEs (the mean value of (La/Yb)(N) is 32.84). No Eu anomaly, but there are anomaly high (La/Yb)(N) = 28.63 similar to 36.74, (La/Y)(N) = 70.33 similar to 82.4. The elements Y and Yb are depleted greatly, Y<20
We here reconstruct the past change of the East Asian monsoon since 20 Ma using samples from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1146 in the northern South China Sea based On a multi-proxy approach including a monomineralic quartz isolation procedure, identification of clay minerals by X-ray Diffraction (XRD) and grain-size analysis of isolated terrigenous materials. Terrigenous supply to ODP Site 1146 was dominated by changes in the strength of multiple sources and transport processes. Grain-size data modeled by an end-member modeling algorithm indicate that eolian dust from the and Asian inland and fluvial input have contributed on average 20% and 80% of total terrigenous material to ODP Site 1146, respectively. Specifically, about 40-53% of the total (quartz+feldspar) and only 6-11% of the total clay is related to eolian supply at the study site. Detailed analysis of the sedimentary environment, and clay minerals combined with previous studies shows that smectite originates mainly from Luzon, kaolinite from the Pearl River and illite and chlorite from the Pearl River, Taiwan and/or the Yangtze River. The proportion and mass accumulation rate (MAR) of the coarsest end-member EM1 (interpreted as eolian dust), ratios of (illite+chlorite)/smectite, (quartz+feldspar)% and mean grain-size of terrigenous materials at ODP Site 1146 were adopted as proxies for East Asian monsoon evolution. The consistent variation of these independent proxies since 20 Ma shows three profound shifts in the intensity of East Asian winter monsoon relative to summer monsoon, as well as aridity of the Asian continent, occurred at similar to 15 Ma, similar to 8 Ma and the youngest at about 3 Ma. In comparison, the summer monsoon intensified contemporaneously with the winter monsoon at 3 Ma. The phased uplift of the Himalaya-Tibetan plateau may have played a significant role in strengthening the Asian monsoon at similar to 15 Ma, 8 Ma and 3 Ma. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
对古龙咀周围浅海区沉积物的粒度进行了测试与分析,结合相关的地质水文资料,探讨了海岸形态对沉积物粒度的影响。研究区表层沉积物平均粒径在海湾浅海区呈带状由岸向海变细,中等水深和岬角处分布着细粒区,向外海粒径相对变粗;除险岛湾砂质区外,分选差;偏态多数为正偏或近正态;整体峰形极窄,峰型多样。底质类型以粘土质粉砂和砂质粉砂为主,由东北经古龙咀岬角向西南形成S形粘土质粉砂分布带,险岛湾地区沉积物呈带状由砂逐渐过渡到粉砂。潮汐和波浪是本区沉积物输运的主要水动力,岬角的存在影响了沉积物粒度的分布。粒度趋势分析表明沉积物整体有向岬角汇聚的输运趋势。 对收集到基于1954年、1969年、1982年测量绘成的地形图水深数据进行数字化,结合2005年测量的水深数据,分别建立各时期DEM图,在此基础上分析研究区的地形特征。四个时期海底DEM呈现出大体一致的趋势,在险岛湾及白沙口海湾内为浅水区,水深值在-1~-4 m之间,深水区主要分布在南黄岛南端至古龙咀连线以南区域,呈扇形展布,水深由南黄岛两侧向中间逐渐加深,水深值在-10~ -17 m之间。从整体上看,研究区海底地形呈NW-SE方向逐渐加深。 将数字化后的水深数据统一校正到1956黄海高程系,分别建立DEM,运用GIS的栅格计算分析得出冲淤变化图。相关结果表明:1954~1969年研究区整体近岸为冲(险岛湾除外),离岸海域为淤;1969~1982年研究区总体处于弱淤积状态;1982-2005研究区海域近岸为淤,外海以弱冲刷状态为主。
以木榄(Bruguiera gymnorriza)、白骨壤(Avicennia marina)、桐花树(Aegiceras corniculata)、秋茄(Kandelia candel)和海漆(Excoecaria agallocha)为对象,以光合作用对环境因子的响应为主线,建立了从叶片水平到群体冠层水平上的光合产量模型,探讨了从器官、个体到群体的光合产量对环境因子响应的定量关系。 将Farquhar提出的单叶片光合作用生理生化模型与气孔导度B-B模型相结合,建立了光合作用-气孔导度耦合模型。模型模拟结果与实际测量结果具有较好的一致性。在温度为25.0℃,光合有效辐射为1000μmol•m-2s-1 的条件下,当外部CO2浓度倍增到720μmol•mol-1时,白骨壤、木榄、桐花树、秋茄、海漆的光合速率分别提高22.56%,17.13%,18.43%,18.63%和18.41%。在大气CO2浓度和光合有效辐射通量密度不变的条件下,光合作用速率对温度的响应呈单峰型曲线,即有一个最适温度,5种红树植物的最适温度值均为26.5℃左右。大气CO2浓度和温度固定不变(分别为350μmol•mol-1和25.0 ℃)时,光合作用对光合有效辐射的响应符合Michaelis-Menten反应曲线,模型在PAR<1800μmol•m-2s-1时模拟精度较高(P<0.01)。 在典型晴天条件下,5种红树植物的光合速率日变化都出现两个极大值(分别在11时和15时左右),中午前后光合速率较低,模型模拟光合速率日变化与实测数值日变化趋势一致。本模型能较好地模拟5种红树植物光合产量以及对环境因子的响应,模拟预测精度较高(P<0.01)。 以Ross和Nilson叶倾角分布模型为基础,分别建立了直接辐射和散射辐射在冠层内传输的子模型。冠层内的消光系数均有明显的日变化,且上午8时之前和下午16时之后随时间变化较大。在典型晴天条件下,单位土地面积日合成干物质总量(折合为CH2O)白骨壤为15.840g•m-2d-1,对于木榄、桐花树、秋茄、海漆其相应的值分别为 22.254 g•m-2d-1, 23.610 g•m-2d-1,24.525 g•m-2d-1和25.996 g•m-2d-1 。
Planktonic microbial community structure and classical food web were investigated in the large shallow eutrophic Lake Taihu (2338 km(2), mean depth 1.9 m) located in subtropical Southeast China. The water column of the lake was sampled biweekly at two sites located 22 km apart over a period of twelve month. Site 1 is under the regime of heavy eutrophication while Site 2 is governed by wind-driven sediment resuspension. Within-lake comparison indicates that phosphorus enrichment resulted in increased abundance of microbial components. However, the coupling between total phosphorus and abundance of microbial components was different between the two sites. Much stronger coupling was observed at Site 1 than at Site 2. The weak coupling at Site 2 was mainly caused by strong sediment resuspension, which limited growth of phytoplankton and, consequently, growth of bacterioplankton and other microbial components. High percentages of attached bacteria, which were strongly correlated with the biomass of phytoplankton, especially Microcystis spp., were found at Site 1 during summer and early autumn, but no such correlation was observed at Site 2. This potentially leads to differences in carbon flow through microbial food web at different locations. Overall, significant heterogeneity of microbial food web structure between the two sites was observed. Site-specific differences in nutrient enrichment (i.e. nitrogen and phosphorus) and sediment resuspension were identified as driving forces of the observed intra-habitat differences in food web structure.
We used nested-polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to detect Roundup Ready soybean in aquatic feeds and feeding tilapias. A template concentration of 10(-10) g mu L-1 DNA solution could be detected with a dilute degree of 0.01%. Most (90.6%) of the aquatic feeds containing soybean byproduct included exogenous DNA segments. We also compared genetically modified (GM) soybean with non-GM soybean diets in feeding tilapias (Oreochromis niloticus, GIFT strain) and examined the residual fragments (254 bp) of GM soybeans. Tilapias receiving GM soybean diets had DNA fragments in different tissues and organs, indicating that exogenous GM genes were absorbed systemically and not completely degraded by the tilapia's alimentary canal.
Residues of enrofloxacin, furazolidone and their metabolites in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
The residues of enrofloxacin and its metabolite in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) were studied after oral dose of 50 mg/kg for 7 days. To find the differences between Nile tilapia and Chinese shrimp (Penaeus chinensis), the residues of enrofloxacin in P chinensis were also studied under the same conditions. The results showed that enrofloxacin metabolized into ciprofloxacin in both Nile tilapia and P chinensis, the maximal concentration of enrofloxacin in muscle, liver and plasma of Nile tilapia were 3.61 mu g/g, 5.96 mu g/g, 1.25 mu g/ml respectively, and ciprofloxacin in muscle was 0.22 mu g/g. The maximal concentration of enrofloxacin and ciprofloxacin in P chinensis were 1.68 mu g/g and 0.07 mu g/g respectively. The predicted withdrawal time for Nile tilapia was 22 days, and P. chinensis was 12 days under our experiment conditions. The residues of fitrazolidone [3-(5-nitrofurfurylidenamino)-2-oxazolidinone] and its main metabolite 3-amina-2-oxazolidinone (AOZ) in Nile tilapia were first determined by HPLC/MS. Results showed that after oral dose of 30 mg/kg for 7 days, the maximum concentration of farazolidone in Nile tilapia was 413 mu g/kg after 6 h, whereas AOZ residue reached its maximum (31 mu g/kg) right after stopping treatment. In contrast to the high metabolic rate of furazolidone, AOZ was very difficult to eliminate in vivo, thus the withdrawal time of furazolidone in Nile tilapia was 22 days at least. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
目的 探讨唐古特大黄中五种蒽醌衍生物的含量与生长年限的关系.方法 用高效液相色谱法测定不同生长年限唐古特大黄中大黄素、大黄酚、大黄酸、芦荟大黄素、大黄素甲醚的含量.色谱柱为C_(18)柱,流动相为甲醇-0.1%磷酸(85∶15),流速为1.0 mL•min~(-1),检测波长为254 nm,柱温为室温,按外标法定量.结果 与结论 唐古特大黄中五种蒽醌衍生物的含量随生长年限的增加而增加,第4年增长趋势变缓,且两年生唐古特大黄已符合药典要求.
以青海湖地区三角城种羊场的芨芨草(Achnatherum splendens)为观测对泉,研究围栏内外芨芨草的种子外观特征差异,及其在5,10,15,20,25,30℃时的萌发特性,以期评价围栏封育对种子形态和萌发特性的影响.结果表明,围栏内芨芨草种子无论是颗粒大小,还是饱满程度均好于围栏外;在温度低于5℃时,芨芨草种子将不萌发,随着温度的升高,发芽率不断上升,高于25℃发芽率有下降的趋势.低温或高温均不利于种子萌发,即低于20℃或超过25℃萌发均受到不同程度抑制,芨芨草种子萌发适宜温度为20~25℃.围栏内芨芨草种子的萌发状况好于围栏外.
目的:建立反相高效液相色谱法同时测定四川及青海地区部分獐牙菜中獐牙菜苦苷、龙胆苦苷、芒果苷、当药醇苷、异荭草苷、1,8-二羟基-3-甲氧基(口山)酮的含量.方法:采用RP-HPLC,使用Kromasil C_(18)(4.6 mm×250mm,5 μm)柱;流动相甲醇-水(含0.02%磷酸);梯度洗脱程序为0~50 min,甲醇的体积分数(下同)由20%上升至80%;50~55 min由80%增至100%,55~60 min为100%,流速1 mL•min~(-1),检测波长254 nm;柱温35 ℃.结果:6种成分均达到基线分离,线性良好.结论:该方法快速、准确、重复性好,为该类药材的入药提供了理论依据.
研究了花锚中去甲氧基花锚甙和花锚甙的含量随着不同生长期的变化趋势,为药材的合理栽培和采收提供科学依据.RP-HPLC法,使用VP-ODS C18柱,流动相为乙腈∶磷酸∶水(1‰),梯度洗脱程序:0~5.00 min乙腈的体积分数(以下同)为15%、5.01~14.00 min由15%增至25%、14.01~30.00 min由25%增至40%,流速为1 mL/min,柱温25℃,检测波长:254 nm.花锚甙和去甲氧基花锚甙、在花锚全草中的含量在不同生长期有明显变化.
目的:建立反相高效液相色谱法同时测定獐牙菜及其近缘植物中番木鳖酸、獐牙菜苦苷、龙胆苦苷、芒果苷的含量。方法:采用ZORBAX SB—C18(250 mm×4.6mm,5μm)色谱柱,以流动相甲醇和水(含0.04%磷酸)的比例在0-24 min内由22:78至38:62线性梯度洗脱,流速1 mL•min~1,检测波长254 nm,柱温30℃。结果:4种成分均达到基线分离,番木鳖酸、獐牙菜苦苷、龙胆苦苷、芒果苷的线性范围分别为0.05—6.25μg(r=0.9999),0.0095—2.9 μg(r=0.9998),0.0486—2.56μg(r=0.9999),0.0056—2.8μg(r=0.9998);回收率为102%(RSD=4.4%),97.7%(RSD=4.3%),99.5%(RSD=3.5%),103%(RSD=1.1%)。结论:方法测定快速,结果准确、可靠。
用高效液相色谱法:甲醇∶0.1%磷酸(85∶15),流速为1.0 mL/min,检测波长为254 nm,柱温为室温,按外标法定量,测定青海省道地药材唐古特大黄中芦荟大黄素、大黄酸、大黄素和大黄素甲醚的含量.结果表明,青海省唐古特大黄中蒽醌衍生物的含量较高,明显高于市售药材,为大黄中的上品.
采用反相高效液相色谱-二极管阵列的检测方法,对不同产地的10批野生和栽培抱茎獐牙菜药材的水溶性成分进行了分析,建立了抱茎獐牙菜药材的指纹图谱.色谱柱为VP-ODS C18柱(5 μm,150 mm×4.6 mm),流动相为甲醇-0.02%的磷酸水溶液,检测波长254 nm.用文中的最佳条件可较全面地反映抱茎獐牙菜的主要成分,为藏药抱茎獐牙菜的质量控制提供了科学依据.
建立了花锚药材及其制剂中两种抗肝炎有效成分花锚甙和去甲氧基花锚甙的反相高效液相色谱测定方法.采用甲醇回流提取进行样品处理,在乙腈-磷酸水溶液为流动相作梯度洗脱、ODS柱、检测波长为254 nm条件下,花锚甙和去甲氧基花锚甙均可达到基线分离.两种成分在0.68~3.40 g/L,0.36~1.8 g/L时,其峰面积与浓度成良好的线性关系,加标回收率为95%~105%.该法适用于花锚药材及其制剂的质量分析检验.