627 resultados para NIU


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Resumen basado en la publicación


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En la escuela Bressol se ha comenzado a experimentar con los itinerarios de transición de la escuela infantil a la de primaria. La situación de esta escuela en el mismo edificio que el CEIP Can Clos ha permitido que los profesores tengan relación entre ellos y que se establezcan elementos de unión entre los ciclos de 0 a 3 y de 3 a 6.


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La formiga invasora Linepithema humile (Mayr), també coneguda com la formiga argentina, és una espècie present a la península Ibèrica. En aquesta tesi s'ha estudiat com afecta la presència d'aquesta espècie plaga a la comunitat de formigues autòctones y al procés de dispersió de llavors de plantes mediterrànies. L'estudi es va dur a terme en una àrea de sureda i brolla d'estepes i bruc boal situada al nord-est peninsular, prop de la línia de costa mediterrània. Un dels primers y més notables efectes de la invasió a les nostres àrees d'estudi és la dramàtica alteració de la comunitat de formigues, en forma de una reducció de la riquesa específica i de la homogeneïtat d'abundàncies. A més, a les zones envaïdes no hi queda cap espècie de formiga autòctona dispersant de llavors. A causa de la gran abundància d'obreres de la formiga argentina a les zones envaïdes, i del seu elevat ritme d'activitat, aquesta espècie efectua un intens rastreig del sòl, la qual cosa li permet localitzar els recursos en un temps menor que les formigues autòctones de les zones no envaïdes. No obstant, la obertura mandibular de la comunitat de formigues esdevé molt disminuïda a les zones envaïdes a causa de la desaparició de les espècies autòctones, la majoria d'elles de mida més grossa que la formiga argentina, la qual cosa podria limitar la capacitat de manipulació de l'entorn que té la comunitat de formigues a les zones envaïdes, i podria explicar la falta de reemplaçament d'alguns dels rols que duien a terme les espècies de formigues autòctones abans de la invasió. La formiga argentina es mostra atreta per les llavors de les nou espècies vegetals estudiades (dues euforbiàcies: Euphorbia biumbellata i E. characias; dues compostes: Cirsium vulgare i Galactites tomentosa; i cinc papilionàcies: Genista linifolia, G. monspessulana, G. triflora, Sarothamnus arboreus i Ulex parviflorus), arribant a transportar i fins i tot introduir al niu algunes llavors, però amb probabilitats inferiors a les realitzades per les formigues autòctones de les zones no envaïdes. No obstant, el seu comportament davant les nou espècies de llavors és variable, de manera que sembla que el seu efecte sobre la dispersió de llavors podria ser diferent per a cada espècie vegetal. L'alteració del procés de dispersió no sembla alterar l'èxit reproductiu d'una espècie concreta, Euphorbia characias, a les zones envaïdes; ni el seu reclutament, ni la distribució espacial, ni la supervivència de les plàntules són significativament diferents a les zones envaïdes que a les no envaïdes. La desaparició de les espècies de formigues granívores de les zones envaïdes pot afectar la dinàmica de les llavors de plantes no mirmecòcores. Així, les llavors de tres papilionàcies (Calicotome spinosa, Psoralea bituminosa i Spartium junceum) resulten amb un menor nivell de transports (i probablement menor depredació) a les zones envaïdes per la formiga argentina.


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We have investigated the impact of the functionalization and the chemical nature of counterions on the p-dimer dications formation in two end-capped heptathienoacenes. Radical cations of an a-substituted heptathienoacene with triisopropylsilyl groups do not p-dimerize, while those of an a,b-substituted heptathienoacene with four n-decyl side chains show a high propensity toward p-dimerization, increased by PF6 ÿ counterions.


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Radical cations of a soluble rigid tetrathienoacene are capable of forming stable p-dimer dications at ambient temperature when the short backbone becomes extended with conjugated thiophene-2-yl substituents in the a-positions. On the other hand, simple attachment of methyl groups on the a-carbon of the external thiophen-2-yl rings proved sufficient to inhibit the dimerization. Stable radical cationswere also exclusively formed for tetrathienoacene derivatives end-capped with bulky TIPS and phenyl substituents.


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Figs and fig wasps form a peculiar closed community in which the Ficus tree provides a compact syconium (inflorescence) habitat for the lives of a complex assemblage of Chalcidoid insects. These diverse fig wasp species have intimate ecological relationships within the closed world of the fig syconia. Previous surveys of Wolbachia, maternally inherited endosymbiotic bacteria that infect vast numbers of arthropod hosts, showed that fig wasps have some of the highest known incidences of Wolbachia amongst all insects. We ask whether the evolutionary patterns of Wolbachia sequences in this closed syconium community are different from those in the outside world. In the present study, we sampled all 17 fig wasp species living on Ficus benjamina, covering 4 families, 6 subfamilies, and 8 genera of wasps. We made a thorough survey of Wolbachia infection patterns and studied evolutionary patterns in wsp (Wolbachia Surface Protein) sequences. We find evidence for high infection incidences, frequent recombination between Wolbachia strains, and considerable horizontal transfer, suggesting rapid evolution of Wolbachia sequences within the syconium community. Though the fig wasps have relatively limited contact with outside world, Wolbachia may be introduced to the syconium community via horizontal transmission by fig wasps species that have winged males and visit the syconia earlier.


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Radical cations of a heptathienoacene a,b-substituted with four n-decyl side groups (D4T7C+) form exceptionally stable p-dimer dications already at ambient temperature (Chem. Comm. 2011, 47, 12622). This extraordinary p-dimerization process is investigated here with a focus on the ultimate[D4T7C+]2 p-dimer dication and yet-unreported transitoryspecies formed during and after the oxidation. To this end, we use a joint experimental and theoretical approach that combines cyclic voltammetry, in situ spectrochemistry and spectroelectrochemistry, EPR spectroscopy, and DFT calculations. The impact of temperature, thienoacene concentration, and the nature and concentration of counteranions on the p-dimerization process is also investigated in detail. Two different transitory species were detected in the course of the one-electron oxidation: 1) a different transient conformation of the ultimate [D4T7C+]2 p-dimer dications, the stability of which is strongly affected by the applied experimental conditions, and 2) intermediate [D4T7]2C+ p-dimer radical cations formed prior to the fully oxidized [D4T7]2C+ p-dimer dications. Thus, this comprehensive work demonstrates the formation of peculiar supramolecular species of heptathienoacene radical cations, the stability, nature, and structure of which have been successfully analyzed. We therefore believe that this study leads to a deeper fundamental understanding of the mechanism of dimer formation between conjugated aromatic systems.


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Flowering time and seed size are traits related to domestication. However, identification of domestication-related loci/genes of controlling the traits in soybean is rarely reported. In this study, we identified a total of 48 domestication-related loci based on RAD-seq genotyping of a natural population comprising 286 accessions. Among these, four on chromosome 12 and additional two on chromosomes 11 and 15 were associated with flowering time, and four on chromosomes 11 and 16 were associated with seed size. Of the five genes associated with flowering time and the three genes associated with seed size, three genes Glyma11g18720, Glyma11g15480 and Glyma15g35080 were homologous to Arabidopsis genes, additional five genes were found for the first time to be associated with these two traits. Glyma11g18720 and Glyma05g28130 were co-expressed with five genes homologous to flowering time genes in Arabidopsis, and Glyma11g15480 was co-expressed with 24 genes homologous to seed development genes in Arabidopsis. This study indicates that integration of population divergence analysis, genome-wide association study and expression analysis is an efficient approach to identify candidate domestication-related genes.


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Soybean, an important source of vegetable oils and proteins for humans, has undergone significant phenotypic changes during domestication and improvement. However, there is limited knowledge about genes related to these domesticated and improved traits, such as flowering time, seed development, alkaline-salt tolerance, and seed oil content (SOC). In this study, more than 106,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were identified by restriction site associated DNA sequencing of 14 wild, 153 landrace, and 119 bred soybean accessions, and 198 candidate domestication regions (CDRs) were identified via multiple genetic diversity analyses. Of the 1489 candidate domestication genes (CDGs) within these CDRs, a total of 330 CDGs were related to the above four traits in the domestication, gene ontology (GO) enrichment, gene expression, and pathway analyses. Eighteen, 60, 66, and 10 of the 330 CDGs were significantly associated with the above four traits, respectively. Of 134 traitassociated CDGs, 29 overlapped with previous CDGs, 11 were consistent with candidate genes in previous trait association studies, and 66 were covered by the domesticated and improved quantitative trait loci or their adjacent regions, having six common CDGs, such as one functionally characterized gene Glyma15 g17480 (GmZTL3). Of the 68 seed size (SS) and SOC CDGs, 37 were further confirmed by gene expression analysis. In addition, eight genes were found to be related to artificial selection during modern breeding. Therefore, this study provides an integrated method for efficiently identifying CDGs and valuable information for domestication and genetic research.