973 resultados para NFC, Near Field Communication, Android
Three lichen species were wetted with distilled water at different frequencies during August 1973 to July 1974. The radial growth rates of Parmelia glabratula ssp. fuliginosa and Physcia orbicularis thalli declined with increased wetting while the radial growth rate of Parmelia conspersa thalli increased with wetting frequency until ten experimental wettings per month but at fifteen wettings per month fell to a value near to the control. In the summer months, wetting resulted in a decline in the radial growth of P. glabratula ssp fuliginosa compared with the control but had little influence on the growth of P. conspersa and Physcia orbicularis. In the winter months, wetting had no significant influence on the radial growth of Parmelia glabratula ssp. fuliginosa, while the radial growth of P. conspersa increased and Physcia orbicularis declined compared with controls. These results are interpreted physiologically and in relation to the aspect distribution of the three lichens on rock surfaces.
Purpose: To investigate the correlation between tests of visual function and perceived visual ability recorded with a 'quality-of-life' questionnaire for patients with central field loss. Method: 12 females and 7 males (mean age = 53.1 years; Range = 23 - 80 years) with subfoveal neovascular membranes underwent a comprehensive assessment of visual function. Tests included unaided distance vision, high and low contrast distance logMAR visual acuity (VA), Pelli-Robson contrast senstivity (at 1m), near logMAR word VA and text reading speed. All tests were done both monocularly and binocularly. The patients also completed a 28 point questionnaire separated into a 'core' section consisting of general questions about perceived visual function and a 'module' section with specific questions on reading function. Results: Step-wise multiple regression analysis was used to determine which visual function tests were correlated with the patients's perceived visual function and to rank them in order of importance. The visual function test that explains most of the variance in both 'core' score (66%0 and the 'module' score (68%) of the questionnaire is low contrast VA in the better eye (P<0.001 in both cases). Further, the module score also accounts for a significant proportion of the variance (P<0.01) of the distance logMAR VA in both the better and worse eye, and the near logMAR in both the better eye and binocularly. Conclusions: The best predictor of both perceived reading ability and of general perceived visual ability in this study is low contrast logMAR VA. The results highlight that distance VA is not the only relevant measure of visual fucntion in relation to a patients's perceived visual performance and should not be considered a determinant of surgical or management success.
A Hamamatsu Video Area Analyser has been coupled with a modified Canon IR automatic optometer. This has allowed simultaneous recording of pupil diameter and accommodation response to be made both statically and continuously, a feature not common in previous studies. Experimental work concerned pupil and accommodation responses during near vision tasks under a variety of conditions. The effects of sustained near vision tasks on accommodation have usually been demonstrated by taking post-task measures under darkroom conditions. The possibility of similar effects on pupil diameter was assessed using static and continuous recordings following a near vision task. Results showed that is luminance levels remained unchanged by using a pre-and post-task bright-empty field then, although accommodation regressed to pre-task levels,pupil diameter remained for several minutes at the contstricted level induced by the task. An investigation into the effect of a sinusoidally-modulated blur-only accommodative stimulus on pupil response demonstrated that response may be reduced or absent despite robust accommodation responses. This suggests that blur-driven acommodation alone may not be sufficient to produce a pupil near response and that the presence of other cues may be necessary. Pupil response was investigated using a looming stimulus which produced an inferred-proximity cue. It was found that a pupil response could be induced which was in synchrony with the stimulus while closed-loop accommodation response was kept constant by the constraints of optical blur. The pupil diameter of young and elderly subjects undertaking a 5 minute reading task was measured to assess the contribution of pupil constriction to near vision function in terms of depth-of-focus. Results showed that in the young subjects pupil diameter was too large to have a significant effect on depth-of-focus although it may be increased in the elderly subjects. Pupil and accommodation reponses to a temporally-modulated stimulus containing all cues present in a normal visual environment was assessed and results showed that as stimulus temporal frequency increased, pupil response showed increasing phase lag relative to closed-loop accommodation. The results of this study suggest that it may be necessary to change the accepted view of the function of pupil response as part of the near vision triad and that further study would be of benefit in particular to designers of vision aids such as, for example, bifocal contact lenses.
Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht die Frage, in welchem Maße sich Institutionen, die niederdeutsche Kulturszene und individuelle Sprecher des Niederdeutschen moderne Kommunikationstechnologien wie das Internet zunutze machen und ob computervermittelte Kommunikation helfen kann, dem Rückgang des Niederdeutschen Einhalt zu gebieten. Die grundsätzliche Herangehensweise ist eine soziolinguistische, die das Internet als sozialen Handlungsraum versteht, in dem Individuen und Institutionen kommunizieren. Für eine derartige Perspektive stehen weniger das Medium oder das Genre im Mittelpunkt des Interesses als vielmehr das kommunizierende Individuum und die Sprachgemeinschaft, in diesem Fall die virtuelle Sprachgemeinschaft. Based on studies that analyse the potential of computer-mediated communication (cmc) to help fight language shift in lesser-used languages, this paper discusses the situation of Low German in Northern Germany. Over the last three decades, Low German has lost more than half of its active speakers. The article raises the question of whether and, if so, how Low German speakers make use of cmc to stem this tide. Following a sociolinguistic approach focussed on the individual speakers who use the Internet as a space for social interaction, it gives an overview of the discursive field of Low German on the internet and analyses in detail the most popular Low German discussion board. It shows that one of the main obstacles to a more successful use of cmc can be found in speakers' complex attitude toward written Low German. © Franz Steiner Verlag Stuttgart.
We investigate full-field detection-based maximum-likelihood sequence estimation (MLSE) for chromatic dispersion compensation in 10 Gbit/s OOK optical communication systems. Important design criteria are identified to optimize the system performance. It is confirmed that approximately 50% improvement in transmission reach can be achieved compared to conventional direct-detection MLSE at both 4 and 16 states. It is also shown that full-field MLSE is more robust to the noise and the associated noise amplifications in full-field reconstruction, and consequently exhibits better tolerance to nonoptimized system parameters than full-field feedforward equalizer. Experiments over 124 km spans of field-installed single-mode fiber without optical dispersion compensation using full-field MLSE verify the theoretically predicted performance benefits.
Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is widely regarded as a key integration enabler in contemporary supply chain configurations. Furthermore, recent years have seen the vertical disintegration of supply chains as increasing numbers of manufacturers and retailers outsource significant parts of their supply chain functionality. In this environment, Third Party Logistics (3PL) providers - the majority of which are small companies - play a pivotal role. This raises important questions about the usage of ICT in this sector. However, there is a paucity of research in the field of small 3PLs with little empirical investigation into the usage of ICT by such firms. This paper presents the results of a survey on ICT systems usage in a sample of small Italian 3PLs. The results provide a technological profile of the surveyed companies, as well as an analysis of the role of ICT in customising services and of the factors influencing technology adoption.
Communication in Forensic Contexts provides in-depth coverage of the complex area of communication in forensic situations. Drawing on expertise from forensic psychology, linguistics and law enforcement worldwide, the text bridges the gap between these fields in a definitive guide to best practice. •Offers best practice for understanding and improving communication in forensic contexts, including interviewing of victims, witnesses and suspects, discourse in courtrooms, and discourse via interpreters •Bridges the knowledge gaps between forensic psychology, forensic linguistics and law enforcement, with chapters written by teams bringing together expertise from each field •Published in collaboration with the International Investigative Interviewing Research Group, dedicated to furthering evidence-based practice and practice-based research amongst researchers and practitioners •International, cross-disciplinary team includes contributors from North America, Europe and Asia Pacific, and from psychology, linguistics and forensic practice
Information and communication technologies (ICT) offer an easier access to and a multi-perspective view of cultural heritage artifacts and may also enrich and improve cultural heritage education through the adoption of innovative learning/teaching methods. This paper examines the different practices and opportunities for digitization of cultural artifacts with historical significance and describes the work on a pilot project concerning the development of e-learning materials in the Thracian cultural and historical heritage. The proposed method presents an approach based on a combination of 2D and 3D technologies to facilitate the overall process of digitization of individual objects. This approach not only provides greater opportunities for presenting the Thracian heritage but also new perspectives for studying it - students, scientists, PhD students will have the opportunity to work with the materials without having access to them.
Here we present the design and fabrication of multi-notch optical fibre Bragg gratings for suppressing OH emission lines in the near infrared spectra of the night sky for astrophysical applications. We demonstrate a novel approach of fabricating 2, 3 and 5-notch filters using the phase mask technology, which show a good match with the model.
This issue of Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Part A represents a summary of the recent discussion meeting 'Communication networks beyond the capacity crunch'. The purpose of the meeting was to establish the nature of the capacity crunch, estimate the time scales associated with it and to begin to find solutions to enable continued growth in a post-crunch era. The meeting confirmed that, in addition to a capacity shortage within a single optical fibre, many other 'crunches' are foreseen in the field of communications, both societal and technical. Technical crunches identified included the nonlinear Shannon limit, wireless spectrum, distribution of 5G signals (front haul and back haul), while societal influences included net neutrality, creative content generation and distribution and latency, and finally energy and cost. The meeting concluded with the observation that these many crunches are genuine and may influence our future use of technology, but encouragingly noted that research and business practice are already moving to alleviate many of the negative consequences.
We report a unidirectional frequency dissemination scheme for high-fidelity optical carriers deployable over telecommunication networks. For the first time, a 10 Gb/s Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK) signal from an ultra-narrow linewidth laser was transmitted through a field-installed optical fibre with round-trip length of 124 km between Cork City and town of Clonakilty, without inline optical amplification. At the receiver, using coherent communication techniques and optical injection-locking the carrier was recovered with noise suppression. The beat signal between the original carrier at the transmitter and recovered carrier at the receiver shows a linewidth of 2.8 kHz. Long term stability measurements revealed fractional instabilities (True Allan deviation) of 3.3 × 10-14 for 1 s averaging time, prior to phase noise cancellation.
In this study, the authors investigate the outage-optimal relay strategy under outdated channel state information (CSI) in a decode-and-forward cooperative communication system. They first confirm mathematically that minimising the outage probability under outdated CSI is equivalent to minimising the conditional outage probability on the outdated CSI of all the decodable relays' links. They then propose a multiple-relay strategy with optimised transmitting power allocation (MRS-OTPA) that minimises the conditional outage probability. It is shown that this MRS is a generalised relay approach to achieve the outage optimality under outdated CSI. To reduce the complexity, they also propose a MRS with equal transmitting power allocation (MRS-ETPA) that achieves near-optimal outage performance. It is proved that full spatial diversity, which has been achieved under ideal CSI, can still be achieved under outdated CSI through MRS-OTPA and MRS-ETPA. Finally, the outage performance and diversity order of MRS-OTPA and MRS-ETPA are evaluated by simulation.
A vállalatok társadalmi felelősségvállalásával (CSR) kapcsolatos alapelvek, kezdeményezések és tevékenységek kommunikációja a vállalati kommunikáció egyik sarkalatos pontjává vált szinte az egész világon. A cégek CSR-kezdeményezéseik bemutatásához egyre többször az internetet is igénybe veszik. Az on-line média használatával párhuzamosan az elmúlt évtizedben egyre többen kutatják a CSR-kommunikáció elektronikus formáit, jóllehet ezek a kutatások többnyire leíró jellegűek, és a CSR-kommunikáció, valamint egyes vállalati jellemzők (méret, iparág és más magyarázó változók) között keresnek kapcsolatot. A szerzők e cikkben a társadalmi felelősségvállalással foglalkozó vállalati weboldalakat kritikai szemüvegen keresztül vizsgálják. Céljuk, hogy feltárják az on-line kommunikációt jellemző belső ellentmondásokat és a vallott és követett értékek közötti különbségeket. _______ Communicating corporate social responsibility (CSR) principles, initiatives, and activities has become a common practice of companies all around the world. It is quite apparent that firms use internet more and more often to communicate their CSR initiatives to their stakeholders. Parallel with the extensive use of the online media, more and more research has been elaborated on the field of online CSR communication in the last decade as well. However, these studies usually have a strong descriptive focus trying to reveal connections between the intensity of online communication of CSR values and activities, and company size, industrial background, and other explanatory variables. In contrast, the authors analysed corporate web pages dedicated to CSR through critical lenses. Their research was designed to explore any dissonances and contradictions within online communication and between communication and real activities of firms from construction, retail, and telecommunication industries in Hungary.
To perform daily flight tasks, insects rely heavily on their visual perception of a dynamic environment. They must process visual signals quickly and accurately and update their behavior. Flies are vulnerable to environmental disturbances, such as gusts of wind blowing them off course, but they may use the altered visual field to compensate and regain their original course. In studies using Drosophila melanogaster, it has been shown that their corrective responses can be analyzed by measuring changes in their wing beats. By enclosing a tethered fly in a cuboidal visual arena displaying a computerized optic flow field, it is possible to calculate the change in wing beat amplitudes from an infrared shadow of its wings using photodiodes and a custom wing beat analyzer. In this experiment, manipulations ofthe optic flow field are used to create a field where points have varying relative forward speed, to study how the insect performs corrective maneuvers. The results show that Drosophila have a stronger corrective response to the quickly moving, apparently near points compared to the slower moving, apparently distant points. This implies the flies are distinguishing points based on their relative speeds, inferring distance, and adjusting their corrective actions with this information.
Communication has become an essential function in our civilization. With the increasing demand for communication channels, it is now necessary to find ways to optimize the use of their bandwidth. One way to achieve this is by transforming the information before it is transmitted. This transformation can be performed by several techniques. One of the newest of these techniques is the use of wavelets. Wavelet transformation refers to the act of breaking down a signal into components called details and trends by using small waveforms that have a zero average in the time domain. After this transformation the data can be compressed by discarding the details, transmitting the trends. In the receiving end, the trends are used to reconstruct the image. In this work, the wavelet used for the transformation of an image will be selected from a library of available bases. The accuracy of the reconstruction, after the details are discarded, is dependent on the wavelets chosen from the wavelet basis library. The system developed in this thesis takes a 2-D image and decomposes it using a wavelet bank. A digital signal processor is used to achieve near real-time performance in this transformation task. A contribution of this thesis project is the development of DSP-based test bed for the future development of new real-time wavelet transformation algorithms.