974 resultados para Multicriteria Decision Aid
This article studies the influence of the procedural justice resulting from participation in decision-making on employees' affective commitment in social enterprises. It also examines whether any potential link between participation and commitment is due to social exchange, as is the case with for-profit companies. The study is based on data from employees of French work integration social enterprises. The results confirm the positive relationship between procedural justice and affective commitment and the mediating role of perceived organizational support and leader-member exchanges. Managerial recommendations are then given to best maintain or increase employees' involvement in the decision-making processes of social enterprises.
Background: Although CD4 cell count monitoring is used to decide when to start antiretroviral therapy in patients with HIV-1 infection, there are no evidence-based recommendations regarding its optimal frequency. It is common practice to monitor every 3 to 6 months, often coupled with viral load monitoring. We developed rules to guide frequency of CD4 cell count monitoring in HIV infection before starting antiretroviral therapy, which we validated retrospectively in patients from the Swiss HIV Cohort Study.Methodology/Principal Findings: We built up two prediction rules ("Snap-shot rule" for a single sample and "Track-shot rule" for multiple determinations) based on a systematic review of published longitudinal analyses of CD4 cell count trajectories. We applied the rules in 2608 untreated patients to classify their 18 061 CD4 counts as either justifiable or superfluous, according to their prior >= 5% or < 5% chance of meeting predetermined thresholds for starting treatment. The percentage of measurements that both rules falsely deemed superfluous never exceeded 5%. Superfluous CD4 determinations represented 4%, 11%, and 39% of all actual determinations for treatment thresholds of 500, 350, and 200x10(6)/L, respectively. The Track-shot rule was only marginally superior to the Snap-shot rule. Both rules lose usefulness for CD4 counts coming near to treatment threshold.Conclusions/Significance: Frequent CD4 count monitoring of patients with CD4 counts well above the threshold for initiating therapy is unlikely to identify patients who require therapy. It appears sufficient to measure CD4 cell count 1 year after a count > 650 for a threshold of 200, > 900 for 350, or > 1150 for 500x10(6)/L, respectively. When CD4 counts fall below these limits, increased monitoring frequency becomes advisable. These rules offer guidance for efficient CD4 monitoring, particularly in resource-limited settings.
In patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery, cardiac events are the most common cause of perioperative morbidity and mortality. It is often difficult to choose adequate cardiologic examinations before surgery. This paper, inspired by the guidelines of the European and American societies of cardiology (ESC, AHA, ACC), discusses the place of standard ECG, echocardiography, treadmill or bicycle ergometer and pharmacological stress testing in preoperative evaluations. The role of coronary angiography and prophylactic revascularization will also be discussed. Finally, we provide a decision tree which will be helpful to both general practitioners and specialists.
In many areas of economics there is a growing interest in how expertise andpreferences drive individual and group decision making under uncertainty. Increasingly, we wish to estimate such models to quantify which of these drive decisionmaking. In this paper we propose a new channel through which we can empirically identify expertise and preference parameters by using variation in decisionsover heterogeneous priors. Relative to existing estimation approaches, our \Prior-Based Identification" extends the possible environments which can be estimated,and also substantially improves the accuracy and precision of estimates in thoseenvironments which can be estimated using existing methods.
BACKGROUND: Smokers have a lower body weight compared to non-smokers. Smoking cessation is associated with weight gain in most cases. A hormonal mechanism of action might be implicated in weight variations related to smoking, and leptin might be implicated. We made secondary analyses of an RCT, with a hypothesis-free exploratory approach to study the dynamic of leptin following smoking cessation. METHODS: We measured serum leptin levels among 271 sedentary smokers willing to quit who participated in a randomized controlled trial assessing a 9-week moderate-intensity physical activity intervention as an aid for smoking cessation. We adjusted leptin for body fat levels. We performed linear regressions to test for an association between leptin levels and the study group over time. RESULTS: One year after smoking cessation, the mean serum leptin change was +3.23 mg/l (SD 4.89) in the control group and +1.25 mg/l (SD 4.86) in the intervention group (p of the difference < 0.05). When adjusted for body fat levels, leptin was higher in the control group than in the intervention group (p of the difference < 0.01). The mean weight gain was +2.91 (SD 6.66) Kg in the intervention and +3.33 (SD 4.47) Kg in the control groups, respectively (p not significant). CONCLUSIONS: Serum leptin levels significantly increased after smoking cessation, in spite of substantial weight gain. The leptin dynamic might be different in chronic tobacco users who quit smoking, and physical activity might impact the dynamic of leptin in such a situation. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: NCT00521391.
Audit report on the Iowa Federal Family Education Loan Program Division, a Division of the Iowa College Student Aid Commission, for the year ended June 30, 2007
The Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division receives hundreds of calls and consumer complaints every year. Follow these tips to avoid unexpected expense and disappointments. This record is about: Listen Up!" -- for Tips on Buying a Hearing Aid
Na actualidade, tem-se cada vez mais a consciência da necessidade e da importância de ter uma informação financeira credível e em tempo oportuno. A informação financeira passou a ser a base para avaliação do desempenho dos gestores, assim como para análise da situação económico-financeira das Organizações. A informação só é útil para tomada de decisão se tiverem as seguintes características qualitativas: Compreensibilidade, Relevância, Fiabilidade e Comparabilidade. No ambiente concorrencial em que as Organizações estão inseridas, a Contabilidade tem um papel fulcral como instrumento de tomada de decisão. As Organizações que têm como objectivos acções sociais, actuam nas áreas como: culturais e recreativas, solidariedade social, promoção do desenvolvimento comunitário, educacionais, de protecção ao ambiente, Saúde e da promoção da higiene, entre outros. Como essas Organizações não têm com objectivo o lucro, é necessário ter uma boa gestão e para que isso seja possível, é preciso ter-se instrumentos capazes para que isso seja possível e é neste âmbito que a Contabilidade entra como um auxílio para a gestão, como ferramenta capaz de mensurar e controlar processos, resultados e impactos nos projectos executados, a fim de que seus objectivos sociais sejam alcançados de uma forma consistente com o planeado. A sustentabilidade, a necessidade de demonstração e de aplicação dos recursos obtidos é um forte desafio que as Organizações do terceiro sector têm de ultrapassar e, neste âmbito, a Contabilidade pode constituir um meio importante para atingir esses objectivos, através da demonstração dos resultados alcançados. Nesta base, o contributo da Contabilidade na gestão das OSFL tem-se acentuado cada vez mais, demonstrando transparência na apresentação das suas contas, facilitando na captação de recursos e na fidelização dos seus parceiros e financiadores. Nowadays it has become increasingly aware of the need and importance of having credible and timely financial information. The financial information started to be the base for evaluation of the managers acting, as well as for analysis of the economicfinancial situation of the company. The information is only useful for socket of decision if they have the following qualitative characteristics: Comprehensive, Relevance, Reliable and Comparability. In the atmosphere concurrencies in that the Organizations are inserted the accounting has a crucial paper as instrument of socket of decision in the Organizations. The Organizations that have as purpose social action as for instance: cultural and recreational, social solidarity, promotion of the development community, education, of protection to the atmosphere, health and of the promotion of the hygiene, among others. As those Organizations don't have with objective the profit, it is necessary to have a good administration and for that to be possible, it is necessary to have capable instruments for that to be possible and it is in this extent that the accounting enters as an aid for the administration, as tool capable to measure and to control processes, results and impacts in the executed projects, so that their social objectives are reached in a solid way with the planed. Sustainability, the demonstration of the achieved results and the application of resources collected are strong challenges that the Organizations of the third sector have to overcome. To that extent, Accounting can contribute as an important way to reach those objectives through the demonstration of resources collected. In this base, the contribution of the Accounting has been accentuating more and more in the administration of the nonprofit organizations, demonstrating transparency in the presentation of their finance statements, facilitating the fundraising of Organizations and loyal partners and funders.
Human decision-making has consistently demonstrated deviation from "pure" rationality. Emotions are a primary driver of human actions and the current study investigates how perceived emotions and personality traits may affect decision-making during the Ultimatum Game (UG). We manipulated emotions by showing images with emotional connotation while participants decided how to split money with a second player. Event-related potentials (ERPs) from scalp electrodes were recorded during the whole decision-making process. We observed significant differences in the activity of central and frontal areas when participants offered money with respect to when they accepted or rejected an offer. We found that participants were more likely to offer a higher amount of money when making their decision in association with negative emotions. Furthermore, participants were more likely to accept offers when making their decision in association with positive emotions. Honest, conscientious, and introverted participants were more likely to accept offers. Our results suggest that factors others than a rational strategy may predict economic decision-making in the UG.
Much of empirical economics involves regression analysis. However, does thepresentation of results affect economists ability to make inferences for decision makingpurposes? In a survey, 257 academic economists were asked to make probabilisticinferences on the basis of the outputs of a regression analysis presented in a standardformat. Questions concerned the distribution of the dependent variable conditional onknown values of the independent variable. However, many respondents underestimateduncertainty by failing to take into account the standard deviation of the estimatedresiduals. The addition of graphs did not substantially improve inferences. On the otherhand, when only graphs were provided (i.e., with no statistics), respondents weresubstantially more accurate. We discuss implications for improving practice in reportingresults of regression analyses.
We analyze empirically the allocation of rights and monetary incentives in automobile franchise contracts. These contracts substantially restrict the decision rights of dealers and grant manufacturers extensive contractual completion and enforcement powers, converting the manufacturers, de facto, in a sort of quasi-judiciary instance. Variation in the allocation of decision rights andincentive intensity is explained by the incidence of moral hazard in the relation. In particular, when the cost of dealer moral hazard is higher and the risk of manufactureropportunism is lower, manufacturers enjoy more discretion in determining the performance required from their dealers and in using mechanisms such as monitoring, termination and monetary incentives to ensure such performance is provided. We also explore the existence of interdependencies between the different elements of the system. and find some complementarities between completion and termination rights, and between monitoring rights and the intensity of incentives.
Report on the Iowa College Student Aid Commission for the year ended June 30, 2007
We investigate whether the gender composition of teams affect theireconomic performance. We study a large business game, played in groups ofthree, where each group takes the role of a general manager. There are twoparallel competitions, one involving undergraduates and the other involvingMBAs. Our analysis shows that teams formed by three women aresignificantly outperformed by any other gender combination, both at theundergraduate and MBA levels. Looking across the performancedistribution, we find that for undergraduates, three women teams areoutperformed throughout, but by as much as 10pp at the bottom and by only1pp at the top. For MBAs, at the top, the best performing group is two menand one woman. The differences in performance are explained bydifferences in decision-making. We observe that three women teams are lessaggressive in their pricing strategies, invest less in R&D, and invest more insocial sustainability initiatives, than any other gender combination teams.Finally, we find support for the hypothesis that it is poor work dynamicsamong the three women teams that drives the results.
INTRODUCTION: A clinical decision rule to improve the accuracy of a diagnosis of influenza could help clinicians avoid unnecessary use of diagnostic tests and treatments. Our objective was to develop and validate a simple clinical decision rule for diagnosis of influenza. METHODS: We combined data from 2 studies of influenza diagnosis in adult outpatients with suspected influenza: one set in California and one in Switzerland. Patients in both studies underwent a structured history and physical examination and had a reference standard test for influenza (polymerase chain reaction or culture). We randomly divided the dataset into derivation and validation groups and then evaluated simple heuristics and decision rules from previous studies and 3 rules based on our own multivariate analysis. Cutpoints for stratification of risk groups in each model were determined using the derivation group before evaluating them in the validation group. For each decision rule, the positive predictive value and likelihood ratio for influenza in low-, moderate-, and high-risk groups, and the percentage of patients allocated to each risk group, were reported. RESULTS: The simple heuristics (fever and cough; fever, cough, and acute onset) were helpful when positive but not when negative. The most useful and accurate clinical rule assigned 2 points for fever plus cough, 2 points for myalgias, and 1 point each for duration <48 hours and chills or sweats. The risk of influenza was 8% for 0 to 2 points, 30% for 3 points, and 59% for 4 to 6 points; the rule performed similarly in derivation and validation groups. Approximately two-thirds of patients fell into the low- or high-risk group and would not require further diagnostic testing. CONCLUSION: A simple, valid clinical rule can be used to guide point-of-care testing and empiric therapy for patients with suspected influenza.
Agency Performance Plan, Iowa College Student Aid Commission