629 resultados para Motilidade digestiva
Fertilization is a multistep and complex process culminating in the merge of gamete membranes, cytoplasmic unity and fusion of genome. CD81 is a tetraspanin protein that participates in sperm-oocyte interaction, being present at the oocyte surface. CD81 has also been implicated in other biological processes, however its specific function and molecular mechanisms of action remain to be elucidated. The interaction between CD81 and its binding partner proteins may underlie the CD81 involvement in a variety of cellular processes and modulate CD81/interactors specific functions. Interestingly, in a Yeast two Hybrid system previously performed in our lab, CD81 has emerged as a putative interactor of the Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP). In the work here described, bioinformatics analyses of CD81 interacting proteins were performed and the retrieved information used to construct a protein-protein interaction network, as well as to perform Gene Ontology enrichment analyses. CD81 expression was further evaluated in CHO, GC-1 and SH-SY5Y cell lines, and in human sperm cells. Additionally, its subcellular localization was analyzed in sperm cells and in the neuronal-like SH-SY5Y cell line. Subsequently, coimmunoprecipitation assays were performed in CHO and SH-SY5Y cells to attempt to prove the physical interaction between CD81 and APP. A functional interaction between these two proteins was accessed thought the analyses of the effects of CD81 overexpression on APP levels. A co-localization analysis of CD81 and some interactors proteins retrieved from the bioinformatics analyses, such as APP, AKT1 and cytoskeleton-related proteins, was also performed in sperm cells and in SH-SY5Y cells. The effects of CD81 in cytoskeleton remodeling was evaluated in SH-SY5Y cells through monitoring the effects of CD81 overexpression in actin and tubulin levels, and analyzing the colocalization between overexpressed CD81 and F-actin. Our results showed that CD81 is expressed in all cell lines tested, and also provided the first evidence of the presence of CD81 in human sperm cells. CD81 immunoreactivity was predominantly detected in the sperm head, including the acrosome membrane, and in the midpiece, where it co-localized with APP, as well as in the post-acrosomal region. Furthermore, CD81 co-localizes with APP in the plasma membrane and in cellular projections in SH-SY5Y cells, where CD81 overexpression has an influence on APP levels, also visible in CHO cells. The analysis of CD81 interacting proteins such as AKT1 and cytoskeletonrelated proteins showed that CD81 is involved in a variety of pathways that may underlie cytoskeleton remodeling events, related to processes such as sperm motility, cell migration and neuritogenesis. These results deepen our understanding on the functions of CD81 and some of its interactors in sperm and neuronal cells.
Introduction: Gastrointestinal Short Form Questionnaire (GSFQ) is a questionnaire for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) diagnosis, with a version in Spanish language, not yet compared to an objective test. Aims: To establish GSFQ diagnostic performance against 24-hour pH monitoring carried out in two tertiary care hospitals. Methods: Consecutive adult patients with typical GERD symptoms (heartburn, regurgitation) referred for pH monitoring fulfilled the GSFQ (score range 0-30, proportional to probability of GERD). Diagnosis of GERD was established when acid exposure time in distal esophagus was superior to 4.5% or symptom association probability was greater than 95%. Receiver-operator characteristic (ROC) curves were calculated and best cut-off score determined, with corresponding sensitivity, specificity and likelihood ratios (LR) (95% confidence interval for each). Results: One hundred and fifty-two patients were included (59.9% women, age 47.9 ± 13.9; 97.4% heartburn; 71.3% regurgitation). pH monitoring was abnormal in 65.8%. Mean GSFQ score was 11.2 ± 6. Area under ROC was 56.5% (47.0-65.9%). Optimal cut-off score was 13 or greater: sensitivity 40% (30.3-50.3%), specificity 71.2% (56.9-82.9%), positive LR 1.39 (0.85-2.26) and negative LR 0.84 (0.67-1.07). Exclusion of questions 1 and 3 of the original GSFQ, easily interpreted as referred to dyspepsia and not GERD, improved only marginally the diagnostic performance: AUROC 59.1%. Conclusion: The GSFQ does not predict results of pH monitoring in patients with typical symptoms in a tertiary care setting.
Background: Celiac disease (CD) has a negative impact on the health-related quality of life (HRQL) of affected patients. Although HRQL and its determinants have been examined in Spanish CD patients specifically recruited in hospital settings, these aspects of CD have not been assessed among the general Spanish population. Methods: An observational, cross-sectional study of a non-randomized, representative sample of adult celiac patients throughout all of Spain's Autonomous Regions. Subjects were recruited through celiac patient associations. A Spanish version of the self-administered Celiac Disease-Quality of Life (CD-QOL) questionnaire was used. Determinant factors of HRQL were assessed with the aid of multivariate analysis to control for confounding factors. Results: We analyzed the responses provided by 1,230 patients, 1,092 (89.2%) of whom were women. The overall mean value for the CD-QOL index was 56.3 ± 18.27 points. The dimension that obtained the most points was dysphoria, with 81.3 ± 19.56 points, followed by limitations with 52.3 ± 23.43 points; health problems, with 51.6 ± 26.08 points, and inadequate treatment, with 36.1 ± 21.18 points. Patient age and sex, along with time to diagnosis, and length of time on a gluten-free diet were all independent determinant factors of certain dimensions of HRQL: women aged 31 to 40 expressed poorer HRQL while time to diagnosis and length of time on a gluten-free diet were determinant factors for better HRQL scores. Conclusions: The HRQL level of adult Spanish celiac subjects is moderate, improving with the length of time patients remain on a gluten-free diet.
Pouchitis is the most common complication following proctocolectomy with ileal pouch-anal anastomosis for ulcerative colitis (UC). To provide a standardized definition of pouchitis clinical, endoscopic and histological markers were grouped and weighted in the pouch disease activity index (PDAI). However, the delay in the assessment of the final score due to the time requested for histological analysis remains the main obstacle to the index implementation in clinical practice so that the use of modified-PDAI (mPDAI) with exclusion of histologic subscore has been proposed. We tested the ability of calprotectin measurement in the pouch endoluminal content to mimic the histologic score as defined in the PDAI, the index that we adopted as gold standard for pouchitis diagnosis. Calprotectin was measured by ELISA in the pouch endoluminal content collected during endoscopy in 40 consecutive patients with J-pouch. In each patient PDAI and mPDAI were calculated and 15% of patients were erroneously classified by mPDAI. ROC analysis of calprotectin values vs. acute histological subscore ≥ 3 identified different calprotectin cut-off values with corresponding sensitivity and specificity allowing the definition and scoring of different range of calprotectin subscores. We incorporated the calprotectin score in the mPDAI obtaining a new score that shows the same specificity as PDAI for diagnosis of pouchitis and higher sensitivity when compared with mPDAI. The use of the proposed new score, once validated in a larger series of patients, might be useful in the early management of patients with symptoms of pouchitis.
Background and aim: Endoscopic incision is an alternative method for refractory esophageal strictures; however, little is known about its long-term efficacy. The aim of the study is to assess the long-term outcomes of endoscopic incision for treating refractory esophageal anastomotic strictures. Methods: Between September 2011 and September 2014, 13 patients with refractory esophageal anastomotic strictures were treated with endoscopic incision. Their clinical data were retrospectively collected to evaluate the efficacy and safety of the technique. Results: All the 13 patients underwent the procedure successfully with median operation duration of 15 minutes. A total of 27 sessions were necessary to maintain lumen patency until September 2015, and 7 patients needed retreatment. The symptoms relieved in all the cases, and the median dysphagia score decreased from 4 to 1 during a median follow-up of 24 months. The median diameter of stricture was enlarged from 4 mm to 12 mm. As a short-term effect, dysphagia symptoms improved in 100% (13/13), 84.6% (11/13) and 76.9% (10/13) of the patients one, three and six months after a single treatment. As long-term effect, the dysphagia improved in 61.5% (8/13), 63.6% (7/11) and 60% (6/10) of the patients 12, 18 and 24 months after a single treatment. Conclusions: The efficacy of endoscopic incision is favorable in the short term. However, retreatment is needed to maintain the long-term lumen patency for parts of the patients.
Background: Many obese patients cannot lose weight or reject conventional obesity management. Endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty (the Apollo method) is a pioneering coadjuvant, interventionist technique for the integral management of obesity. Objectives: The goals of this study were to report safety and efficacy results obtained at 6 months in patients undergoing endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty. Material and methods: A prospective study was performed in 55 patients (13 males, 42 females) who were subjected to the Apollo technique; mean age was 43.5 years (range 25-60) and mean BMI was 37.7 kg/m² (range 30-48). All received multidisciplinary follow-up for weight loss. Weight changes and presence of complications were assessed. Through the endoscope a triangular pattern suture is performed consisting of approximately 3-6 transmural (mucosa to serosa) stitches, using a cinch device to bring them nearer and form a plication. Results: A total of 6-8 plications are used to provide a tubular or sleeve-shaped restriction to the gastric cavity. No major complications developed and patients were discharged at 24 hours following the procedure. Endoscopic and radiographic follow-up at 6 months post-procedure showed a well preserved tubular form to the stomach. After 6 months patients had lost 18.9 kg and 55.3% of excess weight. Conclusions: Endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty, together with dietary and psycho-behavioral changes, is a safe, effective technique in the coadjuvant management of obese patients.
Gilbert's syndrome is a benign condition characterized by asymptomatic sporadic episodes of jaundice, due to a mild unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia caused by a deficiency in bilirubin glucoronidation. Under certain physiologic or pathologic events, bilirubin level rises but according to literature it does not reach out more than 3 mg/dl. We report 2 cases of Gilbert's syndrome, genetically tested, which presented with bilirubin levels above 6 mg/dl without any trigger or coexisting condition. In conclusion, bilirubin levels higher than 6 mg/dl in Gilbert syndrome are rare, hemolytic and other metabolism diseases must be ruled out, and genetic testing may be necessary in some cases.