995 resultados para Moscardo, Lodovico, conte.


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Background: Atraumatic teeth extractions protocols are highly encouraged in patients taking bisphosphonates (Bps) to reduce surgical trauma and, consequently, the risk of jaws osteonecrosis development. In this way, this paper aims to report the findings of increased surgical difficulty during simple exodontias in animals treated with bisphosphonates.Methods: Sixty male Holtzman rats were randomly distributed into three groups of 20 animals and received daily subcutaneous administration of 1 mg/kg (AL1) or 3 mg/kg (AL3) of alendronate or saline solution (CTL). After 60 days of drug therapy all animals were submitted to first lower molars extractions under general anesthesia. Operatory surgical time and the frequency of teeth fractures were measured as principal outcomes and indicators of surgical difficulty degree.Results: Animals treated with alendronate (AL1 and AL3) were associated to higher operatory times and increased frequency of teeth fractures compared to match controls.Conclusions: The bisphosphonate therapy may be associated with an increased surgical difficulty and trauma following simple exodontias protocols, which is considered a critical issue when it comes to osteonecrosis development.


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Bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaws is a relevant side-effect of these drugs that has been generating a great concern through increasing reports, worldwide, of this bone necrosis. Among several BRONJ hypothetical co-factors that could play a role in BRONJ pathogenesis, rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has been included as a relevant risk factor for BRONJ; however, until now the relationship between these diseases has not been fully explained. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to establish hypothetical factors that could link these two diseases, considering mainly inflammatory components and the organism effects of medicines used to treat RA, particularly steroids and methotrexate (MTX). (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background: Bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ) is a clinical condition characterized by the presence of exposed bone in the maxillofacial region. Its pathogenesis is still undetermined, but may be associated with risk factors such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The aim of this paper is to report two unpublished cases of BRONJ in patients with RA and to conduct a literature review of similar clinical cases with a view to describe the main issues concerning these patients, including demographic characteristics and therapeutic approaches applied.Methods: Two case reports of BRONJ involving RA patients were discussedResults: Both patients were aging female taking alendronate for more than 3 years. Lesions were detected in stage II in posterior mandible with no clear trigger agent. The treatment applied consisted of antibiotics, oral rinses with chlorhexidine, drug discontinuation and surgical procedures. Complete healing of the lesions was achieved.Conclusions: This paper brings to light the necessity for rheumatologists to be aware of the potential risk to their patients of developing BRONJ and to work together with dentists for the prevention and early detection of the lesions. Although some features seem to link RA with oral BRONJ and act as synergistic effects, more studies should be developed to support the scientific bases for this hypothesis.


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This literature review aims to evaluate the epidemiologic profile of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) that developed a bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis that affect the jaws (BRONJ), including demographic aspects, as well as clinical and therapeutic issues. A search of PUBMED/MEDLINE, Scopus, and Cochrane databases from January 2003 to September 2011 was conducted with the objective of identifying publications that contained case reports regarding oral BRONJ in RA patients. Patients with RA who develop oral BRONJ are usually women above 60 years taking steroids and long-term alendronate. Most of them have osteoporosis, and lesions, triggered by dental procedures, are usually detected at stage II in the mandible. Although there is no accepted treatment protocol, these patients seem to have better outcomes with conservative approaches that include antibiotic therapy, chlorhexidine, and drug discontinuation.


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Studies of telomere structure and maintenance in trypanosomatids have provided insights into the evolutionary origin and conservation of some telomeric components shared by trypanosomes and vertebrates. For example, trypanosomatid telomeres are maintained by telomerase and consist of the canonical TTAGGG repeats, which in Trypanosoma brucei can form telomeric loops (t-loops). However, the telomeric chromatin of trypanosomatids is composed of organ ism-specific proteins and other proteins that share little sequence similarity with their vertebrate counterparts. Because telomere maintenance mechanisms are essential for genome stability, we propose that the particular features shown by the trypanosome telomeric chromatin hold the key for the design of antiparasitic drugs.


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This is a case report of macrosomia, obesity, macrocephaly and ocular abnormalities (MOMO syndrome) associated with autism. Studies on genetic or environmental syndromes associated with autism can provide genetic markers or uncover relevant events, and are very important for the definition of autism subgroups in future molecular research.


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Diatraea saccharalis, the main pest of sugarcane, has been controlled by Cotesia flavipes. Very little is known about the effect of parasitism on the host organs, including the midgut. The Lepidoptera midgut epithelium is composed of columnar, goblet, regenerative, and endocrine cells. Spherites have been described in columnar and regenerative cells of several Lepidoptera species, and presented a lot of functional meaning. We identified spherites in the midgut epithelial cells of non-parasitized D. saccharalis larvae analyzed the effect of parasitism on spherite morphology and distribution along the length of the midgut. Midgut fragments of both non-parasitized and parasitized larvae were processed for transmission electron microscopy. All the midgut epithelial cells showed spherites, but they were not preferentially located in a particular part of the cells. Parasitized larvae had more spherites, mainly in the columnar cells, than non-parasitized larvae. This observation was associated with an ionic imbalance within the insect host. Spherites were more abundant in the anterior midgut region than in other regions, which suggests that this region is involved in ion transport by intracellular and/or paracellular route. The morphological variability of spherites in the cells of parasitized larvae was related to the developmental stages of these structures.


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A novel association of t(11;19)(q23;p13) and t(5;16)(q13;q22) was detected by G-banding and spectral karyotyping studies in an 18-year-old patient. While balanced t(11; 19) has been often described in acute myelocytic leukemia (AML) French-American-British Cooperative Group subtypes M4 and M5, this patient was diagnosed with the variant AML-M4 with eosinophilia (AML-M4Eo), which is associated with abnormalities in 16q22 and has good prognosis. However, the patient relapsed after allogeneic transplant and died within 2 years of diagnosis, which suggests that the association of these two translocations correlates with a poor prognosis. This report expands the molecular basis of the variability in clinical outcomes and adds the novel t(5;16)(q13;q22) to the spectrum of chromosome 16q22 abnormalities in AML. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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As hemoglobinopatias são as doenças genéticas mais freqüentes na população humana. Cerca de 12 a 15% da população é portadora de uma ou mais formas de hemoglobinas anormais, resultando em um grande problema de saúde pública. O diagnóstico neonatal possibilita o tratamento e o aconselhamento genético precoce, incluindo a conscientização dos portadores sobre o risco do nascimento de homozigotos. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar os resultados da investigação de hemoglobinopatias em recém-nascidos do Hospital de Base de São José do Rio Preto. O estudo foi realizado em 913 amostras de sangue de cordão umbilical, que foram submetidas a testes eletroforéticos, bioquímicos e citológicos, específicos para análise de hemoglobinas. Foram identificadas 100 (10,95%) amostras com hemoglobinas anormais, das quais 40 (4,38%) com Hb Bart's, sugerindo alfa talassemia, 34 (3,72%) com Hb S, 23 (2,52%) com beta talassemia, duas (0,22%) com Hb C e uma (0,11%) amostra apresentou Hb rápida. A frequência elevada de alterações encontradas evidencia a necessidade da triagem neonatal de hemoglobinopatias que pode resultar em amplos benefícios para os portadores destas patologias e seus familiares.


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The neonatal period is considered the most effective for the screening of hemoglobinopathies. This allows prophylaxis and prevention, improving the patient's survival and guidance of parents and heterozygote carriers. The present work aims at the early detection of abnormal hemoglobins, the establishment of standard analysis and to examine the viability of the prevention program. Blood samples were collected by heel stick and from blood cord of children born in the Hospital de Base São José do Rio Preto, from April 1998 to November 1999. Electrophoresis and cytological, biochemical, cromatographic analyses were made for abnormal hemoglobin characterization. A total of 1,478 neonatal blood samples were analyzed in which 14.62% presented with hemoglobins alterations: 3.32% had Hb S; 0.61% had Hb C; 7.44% were suggestive of alpha thalassemia; 1.55% were suggestive of beta thalassemia, and 1.70% had alpha/beta thalassemia interactions. The samples collected from the blood cord showed better results in all analyses while the blood samples collected by heel stick on filter paper, were applicable to only specific methodologies. The routine laboratory methods allowed identification of the thalassemic and variant forms, and isoelectric focusing presented sensitivity only for variant identification in this age range. The suspected cases were reassessed after six months, which permitted genetic counseling of their family members and clinic attendance. A multidisciplinary approach in programs of this kind is fundamental for its success.


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A análise das alterações cromossômicas em leucemias tem uma aplicação direta no diagnóstico, prognóstico e tratamento dos pacientes. Além disso, permite o entendimento dos processos biológicos envolvidos na carcinogênese. Este trabalho apresenta os resultados do estudo cariotípico de 51 casos de diferentes tipos de leucemias. Os cromossomos foram obtidos através de cultura de células de sangue periférico, realizadas por 24 ou 48 horas, sem estimulação mitogênica. em 74% dos pacientes foram observadas anomalias cromossômicas clonais como translocações, deleções, monossomias e trissomias. Muitas alterações foram compatíveis com outras previamente descritas e outras não, como a translocação envolvendo os cromossomos 9 e 22, que origina o cromossomo Philadelphia e uma translocação complexa envolvendo os cromossomos 4, 7 e 11. Os resultados reforçam a importância da análise cromossômica em leucemia e seus benefícios para o paciente.


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Alterações genéticas em que a mutação de aminoácidos nas globinas afeta a estrutura da molécula tornando-a instável são classificadas como hemoglobinas instáveis. Devido à grande diversidade dos pontos de mutações por substituições e deleções de aminoácidos, as formas de instabilização se apresentam muito variadas. A hemoglobina Köln é a variante instável descrita com maior freqüência na literatura e a terceira descoberta no Brasil, as outras são Hb Niterói e Hb Hasharon. Anemia moderada, icterícia e presença de urina escura caracterizam as manifestações clínicas da Hb Köln. em programa de triagem neonatal identificamos uma criança com suspeita de heterozigose para hemoglobina Köln, confirmada por procedimentos eletroforéticos e HPLC. Avaliações por diferentes metodologias laboratoriais e estudo familiar auxiliam no diagnóstico precoce, possibilitando minimizar os sintomas decorrentes da hemoglobina anormal e a realização do aconselhamento genético e educacional destas alterações hereditárias.