846 resultados para Molina, Enrique
"Representado por primera vez en el teatro Principal de Valencia, la noche del 9 de abril de 1853" -port.-
"Representada en el teatro del Príncipe la noche del 24 de diciembre de 1847" - port.-
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Precede al tít.: "Historia novelesca española"
Contiene: Vol. 2 .- Vol. 3 .- Vol. 4.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
"Catalogo razonado del teatro de Tirso de Molina": v. 2, p. [i]-xliv; "Obras falsamente atribuidas á Tirso de Mollina": v. 2, p. [xlv]-xlvi.
ISCOMs have received much attention as vaccine adjuvants due to their immunostimulatory effects. They are colloidal particles typically comprised of phospholipids, cholesterol and Quil A, a crude mixture of saponins extracted from the bark of Quillaja saponaria Molina. We have previously shown that ISCOMs can be prepared by ether injection wherein an ether solution of phospholipids and cholesterol in a mass ratio of 5:2 is injected into a solution of Quil A at a mass ratio of 7 lipids: 3 Quil A. The aim of this study was firstly to isolate and characterise discrete fractions of Quil A and secondly to investigate which of these fractions were able to form ISCOMs by the method of ether injection. Six fractions of Quil A were isolated by semi-preparative reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) and characterised by analytical HPLC, liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS) and the qualitative Liebermann- Burchard and Molisch tests for triterpenoids and carbohydrates respectively. ISCOMs were subsequently prepared from the isolated fractions by the method of ether injection and the resulting preparations characterized by photon correlation spectroscopy (PCS) and negative stain transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The molecular weights of the major compounds in the fractions ranged from ∼1200 to ∼2300 Da; all fractions tested positive for triterpenoids and saccharides and four of the fractions were identified as QS-7, QS-17, QS-18 and QS-21 by analysis (LC-MS and analytical HPLC). Injection of ether solutions of lipids into aqueous solutions of QS-17, QS-18 or QS-21 all resulted in homogeneous ISCOM dispersions. The combination of lipids and QS-7 by ether injection produced lamellae and liposomes as the prominent structures and a minor amount of ISCOMs. The remaining two hydrophilic, low molecular weight fractions of Quil A did not produce ISCOMs, instead liposomes and helical structures predominated in the samples.
Com a fundação do Partido dos Trabalhadores, para os militantes da nova esquerda brasileira, o sonho de um futuro socialista para o país começava a se tornar realidade. Mas ao olhar com atenção para o fenômeno, foi ficando claro que o PT rompia os padrões conhecidos de um partido operário, não somente por ser um amálgama de tendências, mas também pela forte presença cristã. E daí veio a pergunta: que partido é esse? A partir das análises teológicas desenvolvidas por Paul Tillich, procuramos nesta tese construir um caminho novo para explicar o surgimento do Partido dos Trabalhadores e a importância do pensamento cristão social em sua formação e desenvolvimento. Utilizamos como referencial teórico dois autores, Paul Tillich e Enrique Dussel. Os textos socialistas e os conceitos da teologia da cultura de Tillich, assim como as abordagens sobre a religião infraestrutural e sobre o fator religioso no processo revolucionário latino-americano desenvolvidas por Enrique Dussel norteram nossa leitura metodológica. O projeto de pesquisa foi, assim, o socialismo no Partido dos Trabalhadores, a partir de uma abordagem teológica, por isso a tese mostra a importância da Teologia no debate interdisciplinar sobre o socialismo no Partido dos Trabalhadores. De todas as maneiras, a inclusão da Teologia na análise crítica da construção do pensamento socialista no Partido dos Trabalhadores, sem negar a importância dos diálogos interdisciplinares, amplia o horizonte de compreensão dos estudos sobre política, cristianismo e socialismo no Brasil, e mostra, também, a importância da abordagem comparativa representada pela presença da Teologia na discussão da política e do socialismo. A pesquisa bibliográfica primária e qualitativa partiu dos documentos oficiais de encontros e congressos do Partido dos Trabalhadores, assim como de artigos, editoriais e entrevistas publicadas pela imprensa do PT e pela imprensa não partidária.
From 8/95 to 2/01, we investigated the ecological effects of intra- and inter-annual variability in freshwater flow through Taylor Creek in southeastern Everglades National Park. Continuous monitoring and intensive sampling studies overlapped with an array of pulsed weather events that impacted physical, chemical, and biological attributes of this region. We quantified the effects of three events representing a range of characteristics (duration, amount of precipitation, storm intensity, wind direction) on the hydraulic connectivity, nutrient and sediment dynamics, and vegetation structure of the SE Everglades estuarine ecotone. These events included a strong winter storm in November 1996, Tropical Storm Harvey in September 1999, and Hurricane Irene in October 1999. Continuous hydrologic and daily water sample data were used to examine the effects of these events on the physical forcing and quality of water in Taylor Creek. A high resolution, flow-through sampling and mapping approach was used to characterize water quality in the adjacent bay. To understand the effects of these events on vegetation communities, we measured mangrove litter production and estimated seagrass cover in the bay at monthly intervals. We also quantified sediment deposition associated with Hurricane Irene's flood surge along the Buttonwood Ridge. These three events resulted in dramatic changes in surface water movement and chemistry in Taylor Creek and adjacent regions of Florida Bay as well as increased mangrove litterfall and flood surge scouring of seagrass beds. Up to 5 cm of bay-derived mud was deposited along the ridge adjacent to the creek in this single pulsed event. These short-term events can account for a substantial proportion of the annual flux of freshwater and materials between the mangrove zone and Florida Bay. Our findings shed light on the capacity of these storm events, especially when in succession, to have far reaching and long lasting effects on coastal ecosystems such as the estuarine ecotone of the SE Everglades.
This flyer promotes the screening of the film "Cuban American" directed by José Enrique Pardo. The event was cosponsored by Univision. Screenings of the film were on May 31, 2014 and June 1, 2014.
This flyer promotes the event "Classically Cuban Concert: Memorias musicales de Cuba / Musical Memories of Cuba with Enrique Chía" co-sponsored by FIU's Latin American and Caribbean Center and the School of Music.
Si el siglo XX creó una extendida conciencia sobre las variantes de la intertextualidad en la ficción literaria, hoy enfrentamos transformaciones en la naturaleza de la ficción y sus relaciones con otras formas discursivas y/o creativas como el arte, y con la misma realidad, que es posible designar con el concepto de ficción extrema. Desde "Don Quijote" o "Las meninas" hay incursiones en la metaficción y/o autorrefecividad. Pero a partir de las vanguardias modernistas y de modo creciente en los estertores de la postmodernidad nos abocamos a un singular tipo de hipertextualidad que desbordando lo literario se apropia de prácticas artísticas (o lo contrario) como recurso para la transposición de sus ficciones, no sólo de uno a otro campo, sino para su inserción en la realidad: la ficción extrema. ^ Max Aub (España 1903-México 1973), Leonora Carrington (Inglaterra 1917-México 2011) y Enrique Vila-Matas (España 1958), radicalizaron este tránsito o filtración de los imaginarios artísticos y literarios subvirtiendo las delimitaciones entre —pintor catalán Jusep Torres Campalans, junto con sus obras pictóricas, creadas como sombra o doble de Picasso. Así insertó su existencia en ciertos dominios del cubismo como un modo de meta-crítica artística. Carrington asumió un doble animal que transitó entre cuentos y cuadros y se inscribió en la memoria del surrealismo. Vila-Matas narró su "Historia abreviada de la literatura portátil" como un doble del espectro Marcel Duchamp —a su vez asaltado por otros— que reescribe la memoria del dadaísmo de tal modo que ha llegado a ser confundida con un ensayo. La revisión de las estrategias de la ficción extrema en estos autores junto con las de otros contemplados en el epilogo —Mario Bellatín, y los artistas Liliana Porter, Luis Camnitzer, José Guillermo Castillo, Ana Tisconia, Rubén Torres Llorca y Carlos Amorales— arroja nueva luz sobre sus obras, enriquece los estudios transatlánticos y revela la movilidad y multiplicación de la identidad y los deslizamientos de la ficción en la realidad como signos de tránsito a la altermodernidad.^