977 resultados para Modern Hindi essay
How much does the antiquity of states, and the sometimes arbitrary nature of colonial boundaries, explain the modern degree of ethnic diversity? It is shown that states with greater historical legitimacy (more continuity between the pre-colonial and post-colonial state) have less ethnic diversity. Historical legitimacy is more strongly correlated with ethnic diversity than are the antiquity of states, genetic diversity or the duration of human settlement. Although historical legitimacy is particularly pertinent to Africa, the correlation also holds outside Africa.
This anthropological essay takes as its ethnographic point of departure two apparently contrasting deployments of the Bible within contemporary Scotland, one as observed among Brethren and Presbyterian fisher-families in Gamrie, coastal Aberdeenshire, and the other as observed among the Orange Order, a Protestant marching fraternity, in Airdrie and Glasgow. By examining how and with what effects the Bible and other objects (plastic crowns, ‘Sunday clothes’, Orange regalia) enter into and extend beyond the everyday practices of fishermen and Orangemen, my aim is to sketch different aspects of the material life of Scottish Protestantism. By offering a critique of Bruno Latour’s early writing on ‘quasi-objects’ via Alfred Gell’s notion of ‘distributed personhood’, I seek to undermine the sociological assumption that modernity and enchantment are mutually exclusive.
Women of letters writes a new history of English women's intellectual worlds using their private letters as evidence of hidden networks of creative exchange. The book argues that many women of this period engaged with a life of the mind and demonstrates the dynamic role letter-writing played in the development of ideas. Until now, it has been assumed that women's intellectual opportunities were curtailed by their confinement in the home. This book illuminates the household as a vibrant site of intellectual thought and expression. Amidst the catalogue of day-to-day news in women's letters are sections dedicated to the discussion of books, plays and ideas. Through these personal epistles, Women of letters offers a fresh interpretation of intellectual life in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries, one that champions the ephemeral and the fleeting in order to rediscover women's lives and minds.
The main aim of this chapter is to analyze the social and political effects of dynastic marriages between the Portuguese and Castilian-Aragonese crowns on the configuration of transnational, aristocratic families during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. To illustrate these questions we have chosen to follow the Soares de Alarcão family (known in Spain as Suárez de Alarcón) and the paths it took between the royal houses of Portugal and Castile for seven generations. The working hypothesis of the chapter is that the identity of the Iberian nobility during this era was characterized by a shared noble culture rather than by any particular features derived from the family’s land of origin. That assumption allows us to discuss whether the use of a particular language or culture indicates ties or political loyalties based on criteria of nationality, or, at the very least, place of birth. Therefore, this essay discusses the miscegenation of Iberian nobilities derived from dynastic marriages. It articulates the structural characteristics of this group and its political impact with the individual trajectories and historical contexts in which they developed. While these topics can be of interest for the comprehension of Portuguese early modern history, they can also help us to reflect more broadly on processes of identity construction.
Numa Sociedade do Conhecimento como a nossa, a leitura é de importância capital para o exercício efetivo da cidadania e a Escola é um dos espaços privilegiados para a formação de leitores competentes. Conhecido o deficiente domínio da compreensão leitora evidenciado pela população portuguesa em geral e pelos estudantes em particular, é necessário repensar as práticas pedagógico-didáticas associadas ao ensino e aprendizagem da compreensão na leitura e convertê-las em instrumentos de motivação para a leitura e de aquisição e desenvolvimento de competências neste domínio e não reduzi-la a uma mera aprendizagem escolar. Enquadrado pela evolução da epistemologia científica e pelo seu impacto no desenho atual da Didática de Línguas, este estudo visa contribuir para a implementação de um ensino/aprendizagem da língua portuguesa efetivamente direcionado para o desenvolvimento de competências transversais em compreensão na leitura. Para o fundamentar teoricamente e para melhor podermos analisar e problematizar os dados a recolher, procurámos compreender as características da sociedade atual e os desafios que lança à Escola, bem como as linhas de base da atual conceção de Educação e sua relação com os atuais contextos sociais. Refletimos também sobre o estatuto e papel da língua portuguesa no contexto do sistema de ensino português, a importância da compreensão na leitura numa abordagem transversal do ensino e da aprendizagem da língua portuguesa e o papel do manual escolar na motivação para a leitura e na aquisição e desenvolvimento de competências neste domínio. Através da análise de manuais de Língua Portuguesa para os três ciclos do Ensino Básico, procurámos determinar em que medida estes vão ao encontro das diretrizes que definem um ensino/aprendizagem da língua portuguesa orientado para o desenvolvimento de competências transversais em compreensão na leitura e definir princípios que possam contribuir para a sua transformação, tornando-os mais adequados à consecução desses objetivos. Os mesmos princípios poderão promover e fundamentar uma seleção mais criteriosa dos manuais a adotar. Do ponto de vista metodológico, estamos perante um estudo de natureza qualitativa. Recorremos à análise documental, como técnica de recolha de dados, e, para a levar a cabo, construímos uma grelha, tendo em conta os princípios definidos pela literatura da especialidade e as diretrizes propostas pela política educativa portuguesa para o desenvolvimento de competências transversais em compreensão na leitura. Para o tratamento dos dados, recorremos à análise de conteúdo. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que, de um modo geral, os projetos editoriais analisados promovem um paradigma de ensino da compreensão na leitura que condiciona a consciência, o sentido crítico e a criatividade dos sujeitos-leitores e que não dá resposta às expectativas sociais. Para que os manuais de Língua Portuguesa contribuam efetivamente para o desenvolvimento de competências transversais em compreensão na leitura, o seu ensino explícito não deve centrar-se só nos textos literários, nem na transmissão de interpretações consagradas destes, que os alunos têm de memorizar. Deverão antes apostar mais em estratégias didáticas concretizadas através de atividades que envolvam os alunos em situações de leitura mais próximas da vida quotidiana, em que estes possam desempenhar um papel mais ativo, assumir maior responsabilidade no seu próprio processo de aprendizagem e interagir com diversos tipos de textos, para assim adquirirem estratégias de leitura adequadas e saberem mobilizá-las e utilizálas de acordo com as circunstâncias concretas em questão.
The years between 1945 and the early 1980s are the most celebrated in Italy’s design history. From the rhetoric of reconstruction to the postmodern provocations of the Memphis design collective, Italy’s architects played a vital role in shaping the country’s encounter with post-war modernity. Yet as often as this story has been told, it is incomplete. Craft was vital to the realisation of post-war Italian design, and an area of intense creativity in its own right, and yet has been marginalised and excluded in design historiography.
This book chapter extends the argument constructed by Oakley in his conference paper ‘Containing gold: Institutional attempts to define and constrict the values of precious metal objects’ presented at ‘Itineraries of the Material’, a conference held at Goethe Universitaet, Frankfurt am Main in 2011. Oakley’s chapter investigates the social forces that define the identities, social pathways and physical movement of objects made of precious metal. It presents a case study in which constitutive substance rather than the conceptual object is the key driver behind the social trajectories of numerous artefacts and their reception by contemporary audiences. This supports the main contention of the book as a whole: the need to reconsider, and when necessary challenge, the dominance of the social biography of objects in the study of material culture. Oakley’s research used historical and ethnographic approaches, including three years’ of ethnographic field research in the jewellery industry. This included training as a precious metal assayer at the Birmingham Assay Office and observing the industry and public response to government proposals to abolish the hallmarking legislation. This fieldwork was augmented by archive, library and object collection research on the histories of assaying and goldsmithing. Oakley presents an analysis of the historical development and contemporary social relevance of hallmarking, a technological process that has never previously been subject to ethnographic study, yet is fundamental to one of the UK’s creative industries.
There is a growing literature on the symbolic and cultural meanings of tourism and the ways in which cities are increasingly competing for tourists through the promotion of cultural assets and different forms of spectacle in the `tourist bubble'. To date, research on the role and impact of tourism in cities has largely been confined to those in Western, post-industrial economies. This paper examines the growth of cultural tourism in the central area of Havana, Cuba, and explores the range of unique, devolved, state-owned enterprises that are attempting to use tourism as a funding mechanism to achieve improvements in the social and cultural fabric of the city for the benefit of residents. The paper concludes with an assessment of the implications of this example for our understanding of how the pressures for restructuring and commodification can be moderated at the city level. Copyright 2008 SAGE Publications. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution.
Concert program for Modern band, Studio Jazz Ensemble, March 5, 2012
Concert Program for Music of Today Series, UW Modern Ensemble, Inverted Space, Andre Richard, February 25, 2014
Concert Program for Music of Today Series, UW Modern Ensemble, May 19, 2014