761 resultados para Mobile devices
Mobile devices, smartphones, phablets and tablets, are widely avail‐ able. This is a generation of digital natives. We cannot ignore that they are no longer the same students for which the education system was designed tradition‐ ally. Studying math is many times a cumbersome task. But this can be changed if the teacher takes advantage of the technology that is currently available. We are working in the use of different tools to extend the classroom in a blended learning model. In this paper, it is presented the development of an eBook for teaching mathematics to secondary students. It is developed with the free and open standard EPUB 3 that is available for Android and iOS platforms. This specification supports video embedded in the eBook. In this paper it is shown how to take advantage of this feature, making videos available about lectures and problems resolutions, which is especially interesting for learning mathematics.
This chapter discusses some possibilities of gamification and remixing processes for music education. It also analyzes the concepts of gamification, mashup/remix and presents its possible usage in education—music teaching—through the development of the project/educational game FLAPPY CRAB. The chapter begins with a brief introduction to the concepts listed above, trying to consider them in the school context. After that, we will make the summary presentation of the music educational game FLAPPY CRAB, a clone of the GEARS Studios Flappy Bird, developed for mobile devices and other platforms with the UNITY 3D© game engine. In this chapter we’ll talk yet, albeit briefly, about the game engine used in the development of this educational application. This educational game aims to assess the possible impacts that its use has on learning and skill development related to auditory memory, qualitative discrimination of musical sound height (pitch—in the range of an octave with a central point in 440 Hz), visual identification of musical notation symbols and its relative organization according to the grammar rules of traditional music spelling. The game has been tested by a group of approximately 30 teenagers over a period of about 6 months, over which data was collected. In this chapter, we will present a review of the preliminary data collected to date.
With the proliferation of new mobile devices and applications, the demand for ubiquitous wireless services has increased dramatically in recent years. The explosive growth in the wireless traffic requires the wireless networks to be scalable so that they can be efficiently extended to meet the wireless communication demands. In a wireless network, the interference power typically grows with the number of devices without necessary coordination among them. On the other hand, large scale coordination is always difficult due to the low-bandwidth and high-latency interfaces between access points (APs) in traditional wireless networks. To address this challenge, cloud radio access network (C-RAN) has been proposed, where a pool of base band units (BBUs) are connected to the distributed remote radio heads (RRHs) via high bandwidth and low latency links (i.e., the front-haul) and are responsible for all the baseband processing. But the insufficient front-haul link capacity may limit the scale of C-RAN and prevent it from fully utilizing the benefits made possible by the centralized baseband processing. As a result, the front-haul link capacity becomes a bottleneck in the scalability of C-RAN. In this dissertation, we explore the scalable C-RAN in the effort of tackling this challenge. In the first aspect of this dissertation, we investigate the scalability issues in the existing wireless networks and propose a novel time-reversal (TR) based scalable wireless network in which the interference power is naturally mitigated by the focusing effects of TR communications without coordination among APs or terminal devices (TDs). Due to this nice feature, it is shown that the system can be easily extended to serve more TDs. Motivated by the nice properties of TR communications in providing scalable wireless networking solutions, in the second aspect of this dissertation, we apply the TR based communications to the C-RAN and discover the TR tunneling effects which alleviate the traffic load in the front-haul links caused by the increment of TDs. We further design waveforming schemes to optimize the downlink and uplink transmissions in the TR based C-RAN, which are shown to improve the downlink and uplink transmission accuracies. Consequently, the traffic load in the front-haul links is further alleviated by the reducing re-transmissions caused by transmission errors. Moreover, inspired by the TR-based C-RAN, we propose the compressive quantization scheme which applies to the uplink of multi-antenna C-RAN so that more antennas can be utilized with the limited front-haul capacity, which provide rich spatial diversity such that the massive TDs can be served more efficiently.
Software updates are critical to the security of software systems and devices. Yet users often do not install them in a timely manner, leaving their devices open to security exploits. This research explored a re-design of automatic software updates on desktop and mobile devices to improve the uptake of updates through three studies. First using interviews, we studied users’ updating patterns and behaviors on desktop machines in a formative study. Second, we distilled these findings into the design of a low-fi prototype for desktops, and evaluated its efficacy for automating updates by means of a think-aloud study. Third, we investigated individual differences in update automation on Android devices using a large scale survey, and interviews. In this thesis, I present the findings of all three studies and provide evidence for how automatic updates can be better appropriated to fit users on both desktops and mobile devices. Additionally, I provide user interface design suggestions for software updates and outline recommendations for future work to improve the user experience of software updates.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica, 2016.
Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Artes, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Artes, 2015.
O uso de dispositivos móveis está a ganhar cada vez mais espaço dentro das organizações. O aumento do consumo de material informático por parte dos consumidores está a levar a que os mesmos comecem a tentar utilizar os seus dispositivos móveis1 Notebooks, Tablets e Smartphones no interior das organizações. Este tipo de comportamento, levou ao aparecimento de uma nova tendência – o Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), a utilização de dispositivos móveis para fins laborais, levanta várias e sérias questões de segurança aos departamentos de TI das organizações, fazendo com que as organizações necessitem de definir novas políticas de segurança para que a sua informação e os seus dados se mantenham seguros. O trabalho adiante desenvolvido pretende mostrar de que forma as organizações veem esta mudança de paradigma, em que os próprios colaboradores utilizam os seus dispositivos móveis como ferramenta de trabalho na organização. Por outro lado analisar os modelos de segurança que se podem associar ao BYOD e aos dispositivos móveis para permitir uma maior segurança dos dados e informação que circula entre a organização e o dispositivo móvel.
El presente proyecto se embarca en la investigación de los conceptos que están asociados con las nuevas tecnologías en el campo de las publicaciones digitales, en los procesos que se siguen para desarrollar contenido en los dispositivos móviles enmarcado en un contexto actual. Además de aprovechar estos medios alternativos como opciones de distribución de contenido informativo de productos o servicios de una empresa. También se busca presentar, al diseñador, alternativas viables que contribuyan al desarrollo de productos multimedia, de una manera más asequible y no limitada por conceptos, ni herramientas desvinculadas con nuestra área profesional. La meta es la consecución de un prototipo de catálogo digital que pueda ser presentado al cliente como componente innovador y nuevo recurso para la empresa Ecuavida
O interesse pela análise de espaços urbanos através de dispositivos comunicacionais móveis (de meios digitais) – perspetivando a sua transformação contando com a participação colaborativa da população – traduz o enquadramento geral da investigação. As práticas artísticas, complementadas por métodos de estudo de cidades (capazes de abordarem a respetiva complexidade de modo multioperativo e flexível), foram integradas na pesquisa tendo em linha de conta o acentuado desenvolvimento que as mesmas têm conhecido para a compreensão da atual condição urbana. O resultado foca a hibridização de processos que permitem acrescentar conhecimento coletivo sobre estruturas urbanas, expresso em mapeamentos dinâmicos que promovem leituras aumentadas de realidades urbanas. Assente no enquadramento teórico e respetiva revisão da literatura (abrangendo áreas disciplinares da média-arte locativa, da análise urbana e dos mapeamentos dinâmicos), procedeu-se ao desenvolvimento de dois artefactos complementares, cuja elaboração implicou três fases: i) pré-produção; ii) produção; iii) pós-produção. Na primeira, conceptualizaram-se os artefactos, definindo-se critérios e especificando parâmetros de análise. Complementarmente, consideraram-se softwares a utilizar bem como a seleção de atores urbanos que participaram em experiências associadas à investigação. No que se refere à produção, encetaram-se diversas ações de apropriação e apreensão de espaços urbanos selecionados na Vila de Caminha, recorrendo à técnica do caminhar mediado pela tecnologia. Na terceira fase, a informação resultante foi analisada, comparada e sistematizada através de uma reflexão final. Registaram-se marcas e apropriações na Vila de Caminha, integrando abordagens da média-arte locativa, da morfologia urbana e tecnologias digitais. A partir desta metodologia, a resposta aos objetivos da investigação contribui para a colmatação da lacuna identificada no estado arte, dado demonstrar-se a relevância da convergência operativa entre a apreensão urbana e os fluxos informacionais e comunicacionais para o revelar de vivências espaciais urbanas quotidianas (passadas e presentes) que ocorrem sobre a estrutura física das cidades. Em síntese, as práticas artísticas, provindas da média-arte locativa, expressam – em mapeamentos dinâmicos e através de realidade aumentada – o devir coletivo de experiências individuais nos espaços das cidades, acrescentando histórias à sua memória e história urbana.
O avanço das tecnologias de informação continua a mudar os paradigmas de ensino e aprendizagem. Os meios disponíveis são cada vez mais diversificados e, com a necessidade de procurar novos estudantes e diversificar o público-alvo, as instituições de ensino superior estão a repensar os seus modelos de negócio e estratégias pedagógicas. A proliferação de dispositivos móveis catalisa uma aposta crescente no ensino a distância (EaD) no sentido de proporcionar aprendizagens em mobilidade (m-learning). No entanto, as soluções existentes para m-learning são ainda pouco adaptadas às recentes metodologias de EaD, na maioria das vezes funcionando como extensão de um ambiente virtual de aprendizagem ou com muito foco nos conteúdos. Sendo a Universidade Aberta (UAb) a única instituição de ensino superior público em Portugal de ensino a distância, com um modelo pedagógico próprio, constitui um natural caso de aplicação de tecnologia móvel em novos contextos de aprendizagem, importando por isso estudar e desenhar os mecanismos de interação mais adequados com professores e estudantes em mobilidade. Adotou-se neste trabalho a metodologia Design Science Research, tendo sido identificadas as características e comportamentos de potenciais utilizadores, e definidas as funcionalidades que devem ser disponibilizadas na primeira versão de uma aplicação para dispositivos móveis (app) no contexto do ensino a distância. É proposto o design da interface dessa app, usando o modelo da UAb como caso de aplicação, e disponibilizada uma lista de orientações para o desenvolvimento do protótipo funcional. Da investigação realizada, concluiu-se que a interface proposta constitui um modelo válido para o desenho de uma app para aprendizagens em mobilidade, no regime de ensino de uma universidade virtual. A partir deste modelo, as instituições de ensino superior podem desenvolver apps adaptando-se ao avanço das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação e ficarem alinhadas com as necessidades dos seus alunos e docentes, particularmente se dispuserem de oferta formativa a distância.
Se han desarrollado varios modelos prometedores para la captura digital de datos de movilidad, que pueden ser aplicados en la planificación urbana, de transporte y de ordenamiento territorial. Por ello el objetivo de este trabajo es desarrollar una metodología que recolecte información de movilidad con la cual se generen matrices Origen-Destino (OD) y de tiempos de viajes, además que identifique puntos de interés, modos y rutas frecuentes de viaje mediante el desarrollo e implementación de una aplicación para dispositivos móviles Android. Metodología: Se produjo una aplicación para dispositivos móviles con sistema operativo Android, en base a modelos existentes. Esta aplicación obtuvo datos de movilidad a partir de los sensores de localización incorporados en los móviles (GPS), para su posterior migración a una base de datos en la nube y consiguiente post proceso con herramientas de análisis como KNIME, Python y QuantumGis. La aplicación fue probada por 68 estudiantes voluntarios de la Universidad de Cuenca, durante 14 días del mes de enero de 2016. Resultados: Con la información completa de 44 participantes se obtuvieron matrices OD y de tiempos de viajes para diferentes períodos del día, las cuales permitieron identificar variaciones de interacción entre zonas, variaciones de número y tiempo de viajes. Fueron reconocidos también modos de transporte como caminata, bicicleta y motorizados para una sub muestra (n=6). Se detectaron los POIs Residencia (91%), Trabajo/Estudio (74%) y puntos intermedios (20% del total de POIs) y se logró observar comportamientos de movilidad atípico. Finalmente se compararon las rutas más frecuentadas por los usuarios con las rutas óptimas teóricas calculadas, encontrando que el 63.6% de los usuarios coincidían con el recorrido de estas últimas. Conclusiones: El método planteado presenta coherencia con trabajos previos, mostrando niveles de confianza equiparables. El mayor reto es la implementación masiva del modelo creado para la recolección de datos útiles para planes de movilidad.
The ability to use Software Defined Radio (SDR) in the civilian mobile applications will make it possible for the next generation of mobile devices to handle multi-standard personal wireless devices and ubiquitous wireless devices. The original military standard created many beneficial characteristics for SDR, but resulted in a number of disadvantages as well. Many challenges in commercializing SDR are still the subject of interest in the software radio research community. Four main issues that have been already addressed are performance, size, weight, and power. This investigation presents an in-depth study of SDR inter-components communications in terms of total link delay related to the number of components and packet sizes in systems based on Software Communication Architecture (SCA). The study is based on the investigation of the controlled environment platform. Results suggest that the total link delay does not linearly increase with the number of components and the packet sizes. The closed form expression of the delay was modeled using a logistic function in terms of the number of components and packet sizes. The model performed well when the number of components was large. Based upon the mobility applications, energy consumption has become one of the most crucial limitations. SDR will not only provide flexibility of multi-protocol support, but this desirable feature will also bring a choice of mobile protocols. Having such a variety of choices available creates a problem in the selection of the most appropriate protocol to transmit. An investigation in a real-time algorithm to optimize energy efficiency was also performed. Communication energy models were used including switching estimation to develop a waveform selection algorithm. Simulations were performed to validate the concept.
With hundreds of millions of users reporting locations and embracing mobile technologies, Location Based Services (LBSs) are raising new challenges. In this dissertation, we address three emerging problems in location services, where geolocation data plays a central role. First, to handle the unprecedented growth of generated geolocation data, existing location services rely on geospatial database systems. However, their inability to leverage combined geographical and textual information in analytical queries (e.g. spatial similarity joins) remains an open problem. To address this, we introduce SpsJoin, a framework for computing spatial set-similarity joins. SpsJoin handles combined similarity queries that involve textual and spatial constraints simultaneously. LBSs use this system to tackle different types of problems, such as deduplication, geolocation enhancement and record linkage. We define the spatial set-similarity join problem in a general case and propose an algorithm for its efficient computation. Our solution utilizes parallel computing with MapReduce to handle scalability issues in large geospatial databases. Second, applications that use geolocation data are seldom concerned with ensuring the privacy of participating users. To motivate participation and address privacy concerns, we propose iSafe, a privacy preserving algorithm for computing safety snapshots of co-located mobile devices as well as geosocial network users. iSafe combines geolocation data extracted from crime datasets and geosocial networks such as Yelp. In order to enhance iSafe's ability to compute safety recommendations, even when crime information is incomplete or sparse, we need to identify relationships between Yelp venues and crime indices at their locations. To achieve this, we use SpsJoin on two datasets (Yelp venues and geolocated businesses) to find venues that have not been reviewed and to further compute the crime indices of their locations. Our results show a statistically significant dependence between location crime indices and Yelp features. Third, review centered LBSs (e.g., Yelp) are increasingly becoming targets of malicious campaigns that aim to bias the public image of represented businesses. Although Yelp actively attempts to detect and filter fraudulent reviews, our experiments showed that Yelp is still vulnerable. Fraudulent LBS information also impacts the ability of iSafe to provide correct safety values. We take steps toward addressing this problem by proposing SpiDeR, an algorithm that takes advantage of the richness of information available in Yelp to detect abnormal review patterns. We propose a fake venue detection solution that applies SpsJoin on Yelp and U.S. housing datasets. We validate the proposed solutions using ground truth data extracted by our experiments and reviews filtered by Yelp.
This paper presents a monitoring system devoted to small sized photovoltaic (PV) power plants. The system is characterized by: a high level of integration; a low cost, when compared to the cost of the PV system to be monitored; and an easy installation in the majority of the PV plants with installed power of some kW. The system is able to collect, store, process and display electrical and meteorological parameters that are crucial when monitoring PV facilities. The identification of failures in the PV system and the elaboration of performance analysis of such facilities are other important characteristics of the developed system. The access to the information about the monitored facilities is achieved by using a web application, which was developed with a focus on the mobile devices. In addition, there is the possibility of an integration between the developed monitoring system and the central supervision system of Martifer Solar (a company focused on the development, operation and maintenance of PV systems).
Artist David Lyons and computer scientist David Flatla work collaboratively to create art that intentionally targets audiences of varying visual abilities mediated through smart device interfaces. Conceived as an investigation into theories and practices of visual perception, they explore the idea that artwork can be intentionally created to be experienced differently dependent on one’s visual abilities. They have created motion graphics and supporting recolouring and colour vision deficiency (CVD) simulation software. Some of the motion graphics communicate details specifically to those with colour blindness/CVD by containing moving imagery only seen by those with CVD. Others will contain moving images that those with typical colour vision can experience but appear to be unchanging to people with CVD. All the artwork is revealed for both audiences through the use of specially programmed smart devices, fitted with augmented reality recolouring and CVD simulation software. The visual elements come from various sources, including the Ishihara Colour Blind Test, movie marques, and game shows. The software created reflects the perceptual capabilities of most individuals with reduced colour vision. The development of the simulation software and the motion graphic series are examined and discussed from both computer science and artistic positions.