987 resultados para MiR-26a


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En este informe de legislación, el autor da razón del contenido básico de la Ley 32/1999, de 8 de octubre, de solidaridad con las víctimas del terrorismo, así como de los reglamentos que la desarrollan, aprobados por los Reales Decretos 1.912/1999 y 1.974/1999, de 17 y 23 de diciembre.


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En aquest treball es comenta la línia jurisprudencial iniciada per la Interlocutòria de la Sala Especial de Conflictes de Competència del Tribunal Suprem de 27 de desembre de 2001, per la qual s¿atribueix a l'orde civil la competència per jutjar les demandes dirigides conjuntament contra l'Administració pública i la seva asseguradora de responsabilitat extracontractual, reobrint la polèmica que semblava tancada després de la triple reforma legislativa de 1998 i 1999, que afirmà la competència exclusiva de la jurisdicció contenciosa administrativa per conèixer dels plets de responsabilitat patrimonial de l'Administració.


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En aquest informe de legislació, l'autor exposa el contingut bàsic de la Llei 32/1999, de 8 d¿octubre, de solidaritat amb les víctimes del terrorisme, així com els reglaments que la desenvolupen, aprovats pels Reials Decrets 1.912/1999 i 1.974/1999, de 17 i 23 de desembre.


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Actualmente, tras la reforma del art. 146.1 de la Ley 30/1992, de 26 de noviembre, de régimen jurídico de las Administraciones públicas y del procedimiento administrativo común (LRJPAC) llevada a cabo por la Ley 4/1999, de 13 de enero, nadie duda ya que las víctimas de daños causados por los funcionarios y demás agentes públicos en el ejercicio de sus funciones están obligadas a dirigir su reclamación indemnizatoria a la Administración a la que aquellos pertenezcan, sin poder demandarles ante los órganos de la jurisdicción civil en exigencia de su responsabilidad extracontractual. Según el art. 145 LRJPAC, la víctima deberá reclamar directamente a la Administración ­iniciando la tramitación del procedimiento administrativo específico previsto en los arts. 142 y 143 LRJPAC e interponiendo, eventualmente, recurso contencioso-administrativo contra la resolución desestimatoria que le ponga fin­, y ésta, una vez haya satisfecho la indemnización, ejercerá acción de repetición contra el funcionario o agente responsable cuando el mismo haya ocasionado el daño con dolo o culpa grave. Ya no existe, por tanto, el genérico derecho de opción anteriormente reconocido por el art. 43 de la Ley de régimen jurídico de la administración del Estado de 1957.


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Previous studies in the lab of Dr. Liliane Michalik, have shown thai the nuclear hormone receptor Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor beta/delta (PPARß/ö) is an important regulator of skin homeostasis, being involved in the regulation of keratinocyte differentiation, inflammation, apoptosis, arid mouse skin wound healing. Studies of PPARß/ö knock out mice have suggested a possible role for this receptor in cancer. However, contradictory observations of the role for PPARß/ö on tumor growth have been published, depending on cellular contexts and biological models. Given the controversial role of PPARß/ö in skin carcinoma development, the main aim of this PhD work has been to further explore the implication of PPARß/ö in skin response to UV and skin tumor growth. This PhD dissertation is divided in four chapters. The first chapter describes the core part of the project, where I explored the changes in miRNA expression in the skin upon chronic UV irradiation of PPARß/ö wild type and knock-out mice. This analysis shed light on a miRNA- PPARß/ö signature and also predicted thai miR-21-3p (previously named miR-21*) is a key regulator of the PPARß/ö-dependent UV response in the pre-lesiona! skin. Using mice acutely UV-irradiated, ! further demonstrated that miR-21-3p is indirectly regulated by PPARß/ö through activation of Transforming Growth Factor (TGFß)-1 under UV exposure. I also show that miR-21-3p is deregulated in human cutaneous squamous celi carcinoma. In cultured keratinocytes, application of a miR-21 -3p mimic oligonucleotide sequence leads to the regulation of lipid metabolism-related pathway. In the second chapter, I demonstrate that the usage of an mRNA/miRNA combined bioinformatics analysis leads to the discovery of important pathways involved in the PPARß/ö-miRNA response of the skin to chronic UV irradiation, indeed, I validated angiogenesis and lipid metabolism as important functions regulated by PPARß/ö in this context. In the third chapter, we demonstrate that PPARß/5 knockout mice have decreased cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas incidence compared to wild type mice and that PPARß/5 directly activates the cSrc kinase gene. In the last chapter, we review novel insights into PPAR functions in keratinocytes and liver, with emphasis on PPARß/ö but also on PPARa. In summary, this PhD study shows that i) PPARß/5 is able to regulate biological function through regulation of miRNAs, and specifically through miR-21-3p, the passenger miRNA of the oncomiR miR-21, and that ii) the PPARß/5-dependent skin response to UV involves the regulation of angiogenesis and lipid metabolism. Furthermore, the bioinformatics study highlights the relevance of performing integrated mRNA and miRNA genome-wide studies in order to better screen mRNAs and/or miRNAs of interest in the biological context of diseases. - Des études préalables dans le laboratoire du Dr. Liliane Michalik ont démontré que le récepteur nucléaire PPARß/5 est un régulateur important de l'homéostasie de la peau, étant impliqué dans la régulation de la différenciation des keratinocytes, dans l'inflammation, dans l'apoptose et dans la cicatrisation de la peau chez !a souris. L'étude de souris knock-out pour le gène PPARß/5, ont suggérées un rôle possible de ce récepteur dans le cancer. Cependant, des observations opposées ont été publiées suggérant un rôle pro- ou anti- cancer selon le tissue impliqué et le type- cellulaire. En considérant cette controverse autour du rôle de PPARß/5 dans le développement des cancers de la peau, le but principal de mon projet de recherche aura été d'approfondir l'exploration du rôle de PPARß/5 dans la réponse de la peau aux UVs et dans le développement du cancer. Cette dissertation de thèse est divisée en quatre parties. Une première partie, représentant le coeur de mon travail de recherche, décrit la découverte de l'implication des microRNAs (rniRNAs) dans la réponse aux UVs de PPARß/ö et plus spécifiquement l'implication du miRNA miR- 21 -3p (précédemment nommé miR-21*). En étudiant un modèle de souris irradiées de manière aigüe aux UVs, nous montrons que ia régulation de miR-21-3p est PPARß/ö-däpenaante et que cette régulation à lieu par l'intermédiaire du facteur de transcription TGFß-1. Dans des cultures de keratinocytes Humains, la transfecticn d'une séquence oligonucléotidique similaire à celle de miR-21-3p (mimic), montre l'implication de rniR-21-3p dans des fonctions importantes pour le développement des cancers telles que le métabolisme des lipides. Dans un second chapitre, nous montrons que l'usage d'une méthode bioinformatique combinant l'expression des ARN messagers et des miRNAs permet de mettre en évidence des fonctions biologiques importantes lors de ia réponse de PPARß/ö à l'irradiation chronique. L'angiogenèse, le stress oxydatif et le métabolisme des lipides font partie de ces fonctions régulées par PPARß/5 dans la peau irradiée aux UVs. Nous mettons également en évidence la régulation du gène LpcatS par PPARß/5 dans la peau irradiée aux UV ainsi que dans des keratinocytes humains suggérant un rôle pour PPARß/5 dans le remodelage des lipides membranaires. Dans une troisième partie, nous établissons un lien entre la régulation de l'oncogène Src et l'activation de PPARß/5 dans les carcinomes spinocellulaires de la peau. Finalement dans un quatrième chapitre, nous faisons une revue des dernières recherches portées sur le rôle de PPARß/5 et de PPARa dans le foie et ia peau. En résumé ce projet de thèse représente un avancement pour la recherche sur rimplication de PPARß/5 dans la réponse aux UVs de la peau. Pour la première fois, un lien est établi entre ce facteur de transcription et la régulation de microRNAs dans le cadre du carcinome spinocellulare. Jusqu'alors resté dans l'ombre de rniR-21-5p, miR-21-3p est en fait fortement augmenté à la fois dans un modèle de souris d'irradiation aux UVs ainsi que dans ie carcinome spinocellulare chez i'humain. De nouvelles fonctions biologiques pour PPARß/5 ont été également mises en évidence dans ce travail, comme la régulation de l'angiogenèse ou du métabolisme des lipides dans Sa peau. De plus cette dissertation valorise l'intérêt d'une association entre le travail de laboratoire et celui de la bioinformatique.


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Se presenta el caso de un paciente varón que tenía el canino temporal inferior derecho no exfoliado a los 15 años de edad; a la exploración se descubrió que existía el canino permanente totalmente incluído, con la particularidad de que estaba asociado a un quiste folicular y que la posible causa de inclusión era la presencia de un premolar supernumerario también retenido; otra rareza a destacar es que se hizo un abordaje quirúrgico mixto, vestibular para el premolar supernumerario y lingual para el canino permanente siendo esta última eventualidad realmente excepcional. Se discuten los aspectos referentes al diagnóstico y a la estrategia quirúrgica adoptadas en este caso poco habitual.


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Strategies that enhance fat degradation or reduce caloricfood intake could be considered therapeutic interventions to reduce notonly obesity, but also its associated disorders. The enzyme carnitinepalmitoyltransferase 1 (CPT1) is the critical rate-determining regulatorof fatty acid oxidation (FAO) and might play a key role in increasingenergy expenditure and controlling food intake. Our group has shownthat mice overexpressing CPT1 in liver are protected from weight gain,the development of obesity and insulin resistance. Regarding foodintake control, we observed that the pharmacological inhibition ofCPT1 in rat hypothalamus decreased food intake and body weight.This suggests that modulation of CPT1 activity and the oxidation offatty acids in various tissues can be crucial for the potential treatmentof obesity and associated pathologies.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da inoculação de fungos micorrízicos arbusculares (FMA) no crescimento da aceroleira (Malpighia emarginata D.C.). Estacas semi-lenhosas de dois genótipos de aceroleira (Barbados e Miró), com dois pares de folhas, foram plantadas para enraizamento das mudas. Após dois meses, montou-se um experimento em telado, inoculando dois isolados de FMA (Gigaspora margarita Becker & Hall e Glomus etunicatum Becker & Gerdemann) nessas mudas, em solo com 3 mg/dm³ de fósforo. Ao término do experimento (110 dias), observou-se que a inoculação de FMA proporcionou maior altura, aumentou a biomassa seca da parte aérea e a área foliar, e evidenciou correlações positivas entre algumas características de crescimento da planta e o número de esporos de FMA, em comparação com as plantas não colonizadas. Melhores respostas de crescimento foram obtidas nos dois genótipos com a inoculação de G. margarita. A concentração de P na parte aérea das plantas não variou significativamente entre os tratamentos com inoculação. A associação com FMA reduziu em pelo menos dois meses o tempo de produção de mudas dos dois genótipos de aceroleira.


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BACKGROUND: Elderly patients are emerging as a population at high risk for infective endocarditis (IE). However, adequately sized prospective studies on the features of IE in elderly patients are lacking. METHODS: In this multinational, prospective, observational cohort study within the International Collaboration on Endocarditis, 2759 consecutive patients were enrolled from June 15, 2000, to December 1, 2005; 1056 patients with IE 65 years or older were compared with 1703 patients younger than 65 years. Risk factors, predisposing conditions, origin, clinical features, course, and outcome of IE were comprehensively analyzed. RESULTS: Elderly patients reported more frequently a hospitalization or an invasive procedure before IE onset. Diabetes mellitus and genitourinary and gastrointestinal cancer were the major predisposing conditions. Blood culture yield was higher among elderly patients with IE. The leading causative organism was Staphylococcus aureus, with a higher rate of methicillin resistance. Streptococcus bovis and enterococci were also significantly more prevalent. The clinical presentation of elderly patients with IE was remarkable for lower rates of embolism, immune-mediated phenomena, or septic complications. At both echocardiography and surgery, fewer vegetations and more abscesses were found, and the gain in the diagnostic yield of transesophageal echocardiography was significantly larger. Significantly fewer elderly patients underwent cardiac surgery (38.9% vs 53.5%; P < .001). Elderly patients with IE showed a higher rate of in-hospital death (24.9% vs 12.8%; P < .001), and age older than 65 years was an independent predictor of mortality. CONCLUSIONS: In this large prospective study, increasing age emerges as a major determinant of the clinical characteristics of IE. Lower rates of surgical treatment and high mortality are the most prominent features of elderly patients with IE. Efforts should be made to prevent health care-associated acquisition and improve outcomes in this major subgroup of patients with IE.


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BACKGROUND: The differentiation of CD8+ T lymphocytes following priming of naïve cells is central in the establishment of the adaptive immune response. Yet, the molecular events underlying this process are not fully understood. MicroRNAs have been recently shown to play a key role in the regulation of haematopoiesis in mouse, but their implication in peripheral lymphocyte differentiation in humans remains largely unknown. METHODS: In order to explore the potential implication of microRNAs in CD8+ T cell differentiation in humans, microRNA expression profiles were analysed using microarrays and quantitative PCR in several human CD8+ T cell subsets defining the major steps of the T cell differentiation pathway. RESULTS: We found expression of a limited set of microRNAs, including the miR-17~92 cluster. Moreover, we reveal the existence of differentiation-associated regulation of specific microRNAs. When compared to naive cells, miR-21 and miR-155 were indeed found upregulated upon differentiation to effector cells, while expression of the miR-17~92 cluster tended to concomitantly decrease. CONCLUSIONS: This study establishes for the first time in a large panel of individuals the existence of differentiation associated regulation of microRNA expression in human CD8+ T lymphocytes in vivo, which is likely to impact on specific cellular functions.


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Our view of the RNA polymerase III (Pol III) transcription machinery in mammalian cells arises mostly from studies of the RN5S (5S) gene, the Ad2 VAI gene, and the RNU6 (U6) gene, as paradigms for genes with type 1, 2, and 3 promoters. Recruitment of Pol III onto these genes requires prior binding of well-characterized transcription factors. Technical limitations in dealing with repeated genomic units, typically found at mammalian Pol III genes, have so far hampered genome-wide studies of the Pol III transcription machinery and transcriptome. We have localized, genome-wide, Pol III and some of its transcription factors. Our results reveal broad usage of the known Pol III transcription machinery and define a minimal Pol III transcriptome in dividing IMR90hTert fibroblasts. This transcriptome consists of some 500 actively transcribed genes including a few dozen candidate novel genes, of which we confirmed nine as Pol III transcription units by additional methods. It does not contain any of the microRNA genes previously described as transcribed by Pol III, but reveals two other microRNA genes, MIR886 (hsa-mir-886) and MIR1975 (RNY5, hY5, hsa-mir-1975), which are genuine Pol III transcription units.


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Interventional paediatric and congenital cardiology is expanding at a rapid pace. Validated techniques (such as aortic or pulmonary valve dilatations and occlusion of persistent ductus arteriosus and atrial septal defects) are improving thanks to the use of smaller introducers and sheaths, low-profile balloons and novel devices. Moreover, catheter-based interventions have emerged as an attractive alternative to surgery in other fields: pulmonary valve replacement, balloon and stent implantation for native and recurrent coarctation, and percutaneous closure of ventricular septal defects. On the other hand, percutaneous interventions in the paediatric population may be limited by patient size or the anatomy of the defect. Hybrid approaches involving both cardiac interventionists and surgeons are being developed to overcome these limitations. Based on a better understanding of cardiac development, fetal cardiac interventions are being attempted in order to alter the history of severe obstructive lesions. Finally, some interventional procedures still carry a low success rate-for example, pulmonary vein stenosis, even with the use of conventional stents. Biodegradable stents and devices are being developed and may find an application in this setting as well as in others. The purpose of this review is to highlight the advances in paediatric interventional cardiology since the beginning of the third millennium.


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Strategies that enhance fat degradation or reduce caloricfood intake could be considered therapeutic interventions to reduce notonly obesity, but also its associated disorders. The enzyme carnitinepalmitoyltransferase 1 (CPT1) is the critical rate-determining regulatorof fatty acid oxidation (FAO) and might play a key role in increasingenergy expenditure and controlling food intake. Our group has shownthat mice overexpressing CPT1 in liver are protected from weight gain,the development of obesity and insulin resistance. Regarding foodintake control, we observed that the pharmacological inhibition ofCPT1 in rat hypothalamus decreased food intake and body weight.This suggests that modulation of CPT1 activity and the oxidation offatty acids in various tissues can be crucial for the potential treatmentof obesity and associated pathologies.