988 resultados para Merritt, Elizabeth, 1807-1818.
La rápida propagación del método empírico para combatir la viruela dado a conocer por Edward Jenner conllevó algunas dificultades. A la necesidad de obtener la máxima aceptación posible entre la población, se añadió la de ejecutar con rigor la técnica así como la de producir, transportar y conservar el fluido vacunal con garantías de calidad. Abastecerse de vacuna era una preocupación solventada en parte gracias a los envíos realizados desde instituciones radicadas en Londres o París. Tras su recepción se iniciaban cadenas de vacunaciones mediante la técnica del brazo a brazo. El temor a la extinción del fluido vacunal, no obstante, despertó el interés por la producción autóctona. Era necesario encontrar vacas afectadas por viruela vacuna o en su defecto aprender a conservar la materia vacunal en las propias vacas u otros animales. Varias iniciativas exploraron esta posibilidad. El fondo documental de la Biblioteca Nacional de España conserva un texto que refleja 2 de estos ensayos realizados en la Real Escuela Veterinaria de Madrid a cargo del médico Joaquín de Villalba y el albéitar Antonio Roura en 1802 y 1803. La tentativa no obtuvo el éxito deseado.
Collection primarily documents McCulloch's research on women's legal status, and her work with the Illinois Equal Suffrage Association, the National American Woman Suffrage Association, and the League of Women Voters. There is also documentation of women in the legal profession, of McCulloch's friendships with the other women suffragists and lawyers, and some biographical material. The papers contain little information about her family or social life.
Convention Book. Contains the minutes and transactions of the Philadelphia Convention, 1790 to 1807.
This brief handwritten note, signed by the parent of a Liverpool student, certifies Croswell's proficiency as an instructor.
Draft of an agreement between Croswell and Turner related to their evening school in Liverpool.
Printed advertisement for the evening classes of William Croswell and Charles Turner in Liverpool with handwritten notes on the verso.
One-page draft of a letter from Croswell, in Liverpool, to James White of London requesting help in finding work.
Draft of a one-page letter concerning the payment of a bill and mentioning Croswell's health.
One-page letter from Croswell's sister with news about her activities.
Draft of a one-page letter to an unidentified recipient regarding payment to Mrs. Collins for washing.
Draft of a one-page letter thanking Eliot for money.
Brief note with a complaint about the servant of Levi Frisbie, Harvard Professor of Natural History.
Draft of a one-page letter to Judge John Davis regarding a mathematical problem.
This folder contains five bills and receipts for purchases made by William Croswell in Liverpool, England.
This folder contains sixteen printed Harvard College quarter bills filled out in manuscript primarily for William Croswell's use of wood.