999 resultados para Medline


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Objective:Developments in the pharmacological treatment of bipolar disorder are of much interest, as the chronicity and disability of the disorder become better understood, and as treatment goals have shifted to emphasise early control of illness course and maintenance of euthymia in addition to acute episodic remission. Atypical antipsychotics have emerged as treatment options, and this paper aims to review the evidence for their role in bipolar disorder.

Methods:A MEDLINE search was conducted for publications up till October 2006.

Results:The search yielded a number of randomised, controlled clinical trials of various atypical antipsychotics as monotherapy or adjunctive therapy in bipolar disorder. The majority of such trials have investigated their efficacy in acute mania, with fewer studies devoted to acute bipolar depression or maintenance treatment. There are no specific trials on mixed states, which have mainly been studied together with bipolar mania. The most robust evidence supports a class effect of atypical agents in the treatment of mania.

There are placebo-controlled trials that support the efficacy of olanzapine and quetiapine in bipolar depression, and of olanzapine and aripiprazole as maintenance treatment. There is strong support for the role of atypical antipsychotics in bipolar disorder management despite a relatively narrow literature base, chiefly for the treatment of mania. However, these findings need to be replicated, and further investigation is warranted to clarify their spectrum of efficacy in bipolar disorder.


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Objective : To assess the association between 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25[OH]D) status and obesity, cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), the metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in ethnic minorities.

Methods : Databases searched were CINHAL with full text, Global Health, MEDLINE with full text, and PsycINFO from 1980 through 2010 (February). Studies were included if they 1) targeted immigrants from low- to high-income countries or ethnic minorities, 2) focused primarily on 25(OH)D and its relation to obesity, T2DM, and/or CVDs, and 3) were published in peer-reviewed journals. The influences of key confounders such as age, gender, and ethnicity on any observed relations were also assessed. Due to the heterogeneity of study characteristics, only a narrative synthesis was undertaken.

Results :
Ethnic minorities had significantly higher rates of vitamin D insufficiency (25[OH]D <50 nmol/L; children 43.6–48.7% versus 10%; adults 30.3–53% versus 13.7–26%) than their white counterparts. None of the studies reported a prevalence of obesity stratified by ethnicity. There was evidence supporting links between vitamin D deficiency and obesity-related chronic diseases, with 14 of 14 studies reporting a statistically significant result with a measurement of obesity, four of five for T2DM, four of five for CVDs, and one of one for the metabolic syndrome. However, the strength of the association varied across ethnic groups depending on the index used to measure adiposity, T2DM, and CVDs. Because most of the included studies were cross-sectional and there were variations in outcome measurements, it was not possible to determine the relative contributions of obesity or vitamin D insufficiency to CVD risk and risk of T2DM or which is the initial driver It is possible both have a role to play.

Conclusion :
Further research specific to migrant populations using randomized controlled trials are required to establish whether causal links between 25(OH)D and obesity-related chronic disease exist, and whether vitamin D supplementation could be valuable in the prevention or treatment of obesity-related diseases.


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Background : There is considerable geographic variation in stroke mortality around the United Kingdom (UK). Whether this is due to geographical differences in incidence or case-fatality is unclear. We conducted a systematic review of high-quality studies documenting the incidence of any stroke and stroke subtypes, between 1985 and 2008 in the UK. We aimed to study geographic and temporal trends in relation to equivalent mortality trends.

Methods : MEDLINE and EMBASE were searched, reference lists inspected and authors of included papers were contacted. All rates were standardised to the European Standard Population for those over 45, and between 45 and 74 years. Stroke mortality rates for the included areas were then calculated to produce rate ratios of stroke mortality to incidence for each location.

Results : Five papers were included in this review. Geographic variation was narrow but incidence appeared to largely mirror mortality rates for all stroke. For men over 45, incidence (and confidence intervals) per 100,000 ranged from 124 (109-141) in South London, to 185 (164-208) in Scotland. For men, premature (45-74 years) stroke incidence per 100,000 ranged from 79 (67-94) in the North West, to 112 (95-132) in Scotland. Stroke subtype data was more geographically restricted, but did suggest there is no sizeable variation in incidence by subtype around the country. Only one paper, based in South London, had data on temporal trends. This showed that there has been a decline in stroke incidence since the mid 1990 s. This could not be compared to any other locations in this review.

Conclusions : Geographic variations in stroke incidence appear to mirror variations in mortality rates. This suggests policies to reduce inequalities in stroke mortality should be directed at risk factor profiles rather than treatment after a first incident event. More high quality stroke incidence data from around the UK are needed before this can be confirmed.


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Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a neurological movement disorder characterized by sensory symptoms and motor disturbances. While the underlying cause remains unknown, it is suggested that 20–25% of people with RLS are affected seriously enough to require pharmacological treatment. Dopamine agonists (DAs) are the most common treatment and act by increasing the low levels of dopamine to which RLS is often attributed. A growing literature highlights the debilitating and distressing nature of this condition from the patient's perspective. While sleep problems are most commonly reported, the impact of RLS on quality of life (QOL) is wide ranging, affecting relationships with partners, sex life, family life, social life, leisure activities, friendships, everyday activities, concentration, travel, career/work, sleep, and health.

We conducted a systematic review of clinical trials in which DAs have been evaluated in terms of RLS-specific QOL, i.e. their impact on the QOL of people with RLS, and critically reviewed the development history and measurement properties of RLS-specific QOL instruments.

A systematic search using terms synonymous with RLS, DAs and QOL was conducted using Scopus software, which includes MEDLINE, PsycINFO, EMBASE, and CINAHL. Our search covered publications from 2000 (prior to which RLS-specific QOL measures did not exist) to August 2009. Trials were included in our review if they evaluated DAs for the treatment of adults with RLS and reported evaluation using an RLS-specific QOL measure. We also ran citation searches to identify papers reporting the development history and measurement properties of the identified RLS-specific QOL instruments.

Three measures of RLS-specific QOL have been developed in recent years and are reviewed here: the Restless Legs Syndrome Quality of Life (RLSQOL) questionnaire, the Restless Legs Syndrome Quality of Life Instrument (RLS-QLI), and the Quality of Life Restless Legs Syndrome (QOL-RLS) measure. Critical review indicates that each has limitations (particularly in terms of published developmental history and content validity). Eleven trials of DAs were identified that included assessment of RLS-specific QOL (nine using the RLSQOL and two using the QOL-RLS). In all studies, significant improvements in RLS-specific QOL were observed, although these were mostly short term (12 weeks) and large placebo effects were also noted.

In people with RLS, the use of DAs has been shown to improve RLS-specific QOL. Longer-term, large-scale studies may be needed to confirm these findings and demonstrate statistically significant improvements in RLS-specific QOL at lower doses. Further development of the RLS-specific QOL measures is needed to ensure that the full impact of RLS (and the full benefit of new treatments) on aspects of life identified as important to individuals is captured in future studies.


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Hypoglycemia is the commonest and most serious side-effect of insulin treatment for Type 1 diabetes (T1DM). The prevalence of hypoglycemia is lower in insulin-treated Type 2 diabetes (T2DM) than in T1DM but the prevalence increases with duration of insulin therapy and increasingly resembles T1DM. As hypoglycemia has not been widely recognised to affect people with T2DM, its impact on quality of life (QoL) has received little attention.

A systematic literature review was performed to identify empirical papers published in English since 1966 reporting the effect of hypoglycemia on any patient-reported outcomes (PROs), including QoL, in T2DM. Despite our specific interest in QoL, the inclusion criteria were defined broadly to encompass a range of self-assessed psychosocial outcomes, including generic and diabetes-specific QoL, emotional well-being and health utilities. Studies were excluded in which the impact of hypoglycemia was confounded by treatment effects. Our search included: MEDLINE, PsycINFO, CINAHL. Abstracts were screened independently by two investigators.

Of 2,469 abstracts, Thirty-one met the inclusion criteria and were subjected to data extraction and analysis. These comprised four controlled trials and twenty-seven others (including cross-sectional and health utility studies). The results indicate associations between the experience of hypoglycemia and a range of adverse PROs, including impaired QoL and well-being, higher levels of anxiety, depression and anger and loss of health utility. Fear of hypoglycemia was also associated with compensatory lifestyle limitations and changes.

Publications suggest that QoL and other psychosocial outcomes are impaired by the experience and/or fear of hypoglycemia in T2DM, however, very few studies have directly investigated this phenomenon to date. Interpretation of the evidence is hampered by inconsistent or inadequate definitions and measurement of both hypoglycemia and QoL outcomes, by confounding of the impact of hypoglycemia and by treatment factors. Targeted research using appropriate study design is needed to quantify and qualify the true impact of hypoglycemia on QoL in people with T2DM.


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The primary aim of this review was to identify and evaluate the strength of associations of the key parental factors measured in studies examining early childhood physical activity (PA). A systematic review of the literature, using databases PsychINFO, Medline, Academic Search Complete, PSYCHinfo, and CINHAL, published between January 1986 and March 2011 was conducted; 20 papers were relevant for the current review. While 12 parenting variables were identified, only 5 of these had been investigated sufficiently to provide conclusive findings. There were inconsistencies in the findings involving the social learning variable parental enjoyment and variables involving parental behaviours such as maternal depression and self-efficacy, and rules for sedentary behaviour, and parental perceptions, which included perceived importance of PA, fear of safety, and perception of child’s motor competence. Given these inconsistencies, a metaanalysis was conducted to determine whether the method of measuring PA (objective or subjective) influenced the strength of associations between the parental factors and young children’s PA. There was no difference in the strength of associations in the studies that used objective or subjective measurement (via parent self-report). Further investigation is needed to clarify and understand the specific parental influences and behaviours that are associated with PA in young children. In particular, longitudinal research is needed to better understand how parental influences and PA levels of children during the formative preschool and early elementary school years are associated.


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This literature review explored the extant literature to further our understanding of the experience of being a parent on dialysis.
Keywords used to search the literature were haemodialysis, hemodialysis, chronic kidney disease, end stage renal disease, parent and experience. Databases searched included CINAHL, Medline, Wiley/Blackwell, EBSCOHost, Web of Science, Pubmed, and ProQuest. Years included were 1999 to 2009. Seventeen primary research articles (sixteen qualitative, one mixed methods) met the search criteria with only one on parents undergoing dialysis.
The experience of the parent on dialysis has rarely been explored in the literature. Related research has indicated important themes including: restricted lives; relationships; adjustment; consequences and future outlook.
More should be known about challenges that face parents who receive dialysis. This review established an urgent need for further research to determine the experiences and needs of this population to provide empirical, person-centred nursing care.


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Aim. This article presents a discussion of empathy in the context of human person, reason and hopes in the clinical setting.

Background. Empathy was introduced to nursing as part of an ethical and philosophical foundation for caring. It helped to solve the tension and meet the demands that empathy placed upon nursing practice.

Data sources. This article is based on two studies undertaken between 2008 and 2010 to understand the concept of hope and empathy among people with terminal cancer and doctors who care for them. Doctoral dissertations and theses of Edith Stein (1916–1917), Marianne Sawicki [Body, Text and Science. The Literary of Investigative Practices and the Phenomenology of Edith Stein (1997) Kluwer Academic Publisher, Dordrecht], and Sister M. Judith Parsons (2005) have been used to examine: ‘the essence of acts of empathy’, ‘the constitution of the psycho-physical individual’ and ‘empathy as understanding of intellectual persons’. CINAHL, MEDLINE and PROQUEST have provided further supporting data.

Discussion. Steinian empathy requires that we use affective resonance, cognitive understanding and distance, as we grasp another person’s emotional and situational reality while in the caring role as nurses.

Implications for current nursing. Steinian empathy is about recognizing a lived experience and standing side-by-side with that person. Nurses can transmit this knowledge to enable and support courage and wisdom to reduce feelings of helplessness when caring for people with terminal illness.

Conclusion. Not only is empathy a safe and permissible emotion, it is the linchpin to a caring patient–nurse relationship and we must embrace this.


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Aims:  This article presents a proposal for the Clinical Nurse Research Consultant, a new nursing role. Background:  Although healthcare delivery continues to evolve, nursing has lacked highly specialized clinical and research leadership that, as a primary responsibility, drives evidence-based practice change in collaboration with bedside clinicians. Data sources:  International literature published over the last 25 years in the databases of CINAHL, OVID, Medline Pubmed, Science Direct, Expanded Academic, ESBSCOhost, Scopus and Proquest is cited to create a case for the Clinical Nurse Research Consultant. Discussion:  The Clinical Nurse Research Consultant will address the research/practice gap and assist in facilitating evidence-based clinical practice. To fulfil the responsibilities of this proposed role, the Clinical Nurse Research Consultant must be a doctorally prepared recognized clinical expert, have educational expertise, and possess advanced interpersonal, teamwork and communication skills. This role will enable clinical nurses to maintain and share their clinical expertise, advance practice through research and role model the clinical/research nexus. Implications for nursing:  Critically, the Clinical Nurse Research Consultant must be appointed in a clinical and academic partnership to provide for career progression and role support. Conclusion:  The creation of the Clinical Nurse Research Consultant will advance nursing practice and the discipline of nursing.


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Summary : Although socioeconomic status (SES) is inversely related to most diseases, this systematic review showed a paucity of good quality data examining influences of SES on osteoporotic fracture to confirm this relationship. Further research is required to elucidate the issue and any underlying mechanisms as a necessary precursor to considering intervention implications.

Introduction :
The association between socioeconomic status (SES) and musculoskeletal disease is little understood, despite there being an inverse relationship between SES and most causes of morbidity. We evaluated evidence of SES as a risk factor for osteoporotic fracture in population-based adults.

Methods : Computer-aided search of Medline, EMBASE, CINAHL, and PsychINFO from January 1966 until November 2007 was conducted. Identified studies investigated the relationship between SES parameters of income, education, occupation, type of residence and marital status, and occurrence of osteoporotic fracture. A best-evidence synthesis was used to summarize the results.

Results :
Eleven studies were identified for inclusion, which suggested a lack of literature in the field. Best evidence analysis identified strong evidence for an association between being married/living with someone and reduced risk of osteoporotic fracture. Limited evidence exists of the relationship between occupation type or employment status and fracture, or for type of residence and fracture. Conflicting evidence exists for the relationship between osteoporotic fracture and level of income and education.

Conclusion :
Limited good quality evidence exists of the role SES might play in osteoporotic fracture. Further research is required to identify whether a relationship exists, and to elucidate underlying mechanisms, as a necessary precursor to considering intervention implications.


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Urban or rural locality has been suggested to influence musculoskeletal health, with lower bone mineral density (BMD) and greater prevalence of fracture identified in urban residents. A computer-aided search of Medline, EMBASE, CINAHL and PsychINFO, January 1966 to November 2007 was conducted to identify studies investigating the relationship between urban or rural locality and the occurrence of hip fracture. The methodological quality of studies was assessed, and a best-evidence synthesis was used to summarise the results. Fourteen cohort studies and one case-control study were identified for inclusion in this review, indicating a lack of literature in the field. Best-evidence analysis identified moderate evidence for residents of rural regions to have lower risk of hip fracture compared to urban residents. Examining principal mechanisms for the observed relationship between urban/rural locality and hip fracture, such as factors at the person or area level, may help to identify modifiable risk factors and inform appropriate prevention strategies.


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Background: Physical activity (PA) surveillance is an important component of non-communicable disease risk factor monitoring, and occurs through national and international surveillance systems. This review identifies population PA estimates for adults in the Asia-Pacific region, and examines variation in trends and prevalence rates obtained using different PA measures.

Methods: Data were obtained from a MEDLINE search; World Health Organization’s Global Health Infobase; Government websites and reference lists of relevant papers. Inclusion criteria included: national studies or those reporting large scale population-level data; data published from 2000 to 2010 and trend data prior; sample sizes over n = 1000, or fewer subjects in small nations.

Results: In total, 56 population surveys from 29 Asia-Pacific countries were identified. Data on ‘sufficient physical activity’ amongst adults were available from 45 studies (80%), with estimates ranging from 7% to 93% (median 62%, inter-quartile range 40%-85%). For 14 countries, estimates of ‘sufficient activity’ were documented in multiple surveys using different methods, with the largest variation from 18% to 92% in Nepal. Median or mean METminutes/ day, reported in 20 studies, ranged from 6 to 1356. Serial trend data were available for 11 countries (22%), for periods spanning 2-10 years. Of these, five countries demonstrated increases in physical activity over time, four demonstrated decreases and three showed no changes.

Conclusions: Many countries in the Asia-Pacific region collect population-level PA data. This review highlights differences in estimates within and between countries. Some differences may be real, others due to variation in the PA questions asked and survey methods used. Use of standardized protocols and measures, and combined reporting of data are essential goals of improved international PA surveillance.


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Aim Physical activity offers a variety of health benefits to cancer survivors, both during and post-treatment. The aim here is to review: the preferences of cancer survivors regarding exercise counselling and participation in a physical activity programme; adherence rates among cancer survivors to physical activity programmes; and predictors of adherence to exercise training.

Methods Two electronic databases, Ovid MEDLINE(R) 1950 to Present with Daily Update and SCOPUS, were used to undertake literature searches for studies examining exercise preferences of adult cancer survivors, and physical activity programmes for adults at any point of the cancer trajectory.

Results Studies suggest that, while physical activity levels are low among cancer survivors, most are interested in increasing their participation. Preferences and adherence to physical activity programmes differ across a range of demographic, medical, and behavioural variables, suggesting the importance of tailoring exercise programmes to patient-specific and disease-specific needs.

Conclusions Current evidence supports the benefits of physical activity for improving risk factors associated with cancer prognosis. Physical activity programmes developed for oncology patients and cancer survivors need to take into account the needs of the target population in order to optimise adherence, outcomes, and long-term behavioural changes in this population.


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Objective: This paper aims to present an overview of screening and safety considerations for the treatment of clinical depressive disorders and make recommendations for safety monitoring.
Method: Data were sourced by a literature search using MEDLINE and a manual search of scientific journals to identify relevant articles. Draft guidelines were prepared and serially revised in an iterative manner until all co-authors gave final approval of content.
Results: Screening and monitoring can detect medical causes of depression. Specific adverse effects associated with antidepressant treatments may be reduced or identified earlier by baseline screening and agent-specific monitoring after commencing treatment.
Conclusion: The adoption of safety monitoring guidelines when treating clinical depression is likely to improve overall physical health status and treatment outcome. It is important to implement these guidelines in the routine management of clinical depression.


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Prevention of childhood obesity is an international public health priority given the significant impact of obesity on acute and chronic diseases, general health, development and well-being. The international evidence base for strategies that governments, communities and families can implement to prevent obesity, and promote health, has been accumulating but remains unclear.

This review primarily aims to update the previous Cochrane review of childhood obesity prevention research and determine the effectiveness of evaluated interventions intended to prevent obesity in children, assessed by change in Body Mass Index (BMI). Secondary aims were to examine the characteristics of the programs and strategies to answer the questions "What works for whom, why and for what cost?"
Search methods

The searches were re-run in CENTRAL, MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsychINFO and CINAHL in March 2010 and searched relevant websites. Non-English language papers were included and experts were contacted.
Selection criteria

The review includes data from childhood obesity prevention studies that used a controlled study design (with or without randomisation). Studies were included if they evaluated interventions, policies or programs in place for twelve weeks or more. If studies were randomised at a cluster level, 6 clusters were required.
Data collection and analysis

Two review authors independently extracted data and assessed the risk of bias of included studies. Data was extracted on intervention implementation, cost, equity and outcomes. Outcome measures were grouped according to whether they measured adiposity, physical activity (PA)-related behaviours or diet-related behaviours. Adverse outcomes were recorded. A meta-analysis was conducted using available BMI or standardised BMI (zBMI) score data with subgroup analysis by age group (0-5, 6-12, 13-18 years, corresponding to stages of developmental and childhood settings).
Main results

This review includes 55 studies (an additional 36 studies found for this update). The majority of studies targeted children aged 6-12 years. The meta-analysis included 37 studies of 27,946 children and demonstrated that programmes were effective at reducing adiposity, although not all individual interventions were effective, and there was a high level of observed heterogeneity (I2=82%). Overall, children in the intervention group had a standardised mean difference in adiposity (measured as BMI or zBMI) of -0.15kg/m2 (95% confidence interval (CI): -0.21 to -0.09). Intervention effects by age subgroups were -0.26kg/m2 (95% CI:-0.53 to 0.00) (0-5 years), -0.15kg/m2 (95% CI -0.23 to -0.08) (6-12 years), and -0.09kg/m2 (95% CI -0.20 to 0.03) (13-18 years). Heterogeneity was apparent in all three age groups and could not explained by randomisation status or the type, duration or setting of the intervention. Only eight studies reported on adverse effects and no evidence of adverse outcomes such as unhealthy dieting practices, increased prevalence of underweight or body image sensitivities was found. Interventions did not appear to increase health inequalities although this was examined in fewer studies.
Authors' conclusions

We found strong evidence to support beneficial effects of child obesity prevention programmes on BMI, particularly for programmes targeted to children aged six to 12 years. However, given the unexplained heterogeneity and the likelihood of small study bias, these findings must be interpreted cautiously. A broad range of programme components were used in these studies and whilst it is not possible to distinguish which of these components contributed most to the beneficial effects observed, our synthesis indicates the following to be promising policies and strategies:

· school curriculum that includes healthy eating, physical activity and body image

· increased sessions for physical activity and the development of fundamental movement skills throughout the school week

· improvements in nutritional quality of the food supply in schools

· environments and cultural practices that support children eating healthier foods and being active throughout each day

· support for teachers and other staff to implement health promotion strategies and activities (e.g. professional development, capacity building activities)

· parent support and home activities that encourage children to be more active, eat more nutritious foods and spend less time in screen based activities

However, study and evaluation designs need to be strengthened, and reporting extended to capture process and implementation factors, outcomes in relation to measures of equity, longer term outcomes, potential harms and costs.

Childhood obesity prevention research must now move towards identifying how effective intervention components can be embedded within health, education and care systems and achieve long term sustainable impacts.