970 resultados para Meat Production Potential


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A comparative study of the suitability of five species of fish, namely, threadfin bream (Nemipterous [sic] japonicus), cat fish (Tachysurus fella), ribbon fish (Trichiurus spp.), barracuda (Sphyraena jello) and jew fish (Pseudosciaena spp.) for the production of texturised meat has indicated that all these species are good source for the purpose. Protein content of the final product from all the species was higher than that prescribed for FPC type A. The product had excellent rehydration capacity and firm and elastic texture. No significant difference was observed in the rehydration capacity of the texturised meat from all the species studied. Salt concentration was found to influence the texture and salt content of 1.5 to 2% was found to result in the desirable firm and elastic texture. Rehydration capacity was not influenced to any significant extent by the salt content.


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To assess the culture potential of mola (Amblypharyngodon mola) along with carps in polyculture systems, an experiment consisted of three treatments each with five replications was conducted for 4 months in two villages of Parbatipur upazilla under Dinajpur district. In the first treatment (SS), catla, rohu, mrigal, grass carp, Thai punti, common carp and a higher density of silver carp (8 per 40m²) were stocked. In the second treatment (SM), stocking density of silver carp was reduced to half and mola was added at a stocking density of 12,500/ha with all other fishes used in SS. In the third treatment (MM), no silver carp was stocked and mola was added at a stocking density of 25,000/ha with all other fishes used in SS. All treatments were subjected to the same regime of feed and fertilizers. The yields of large carps were 2035 kg/ha, 1757 kg/ha and 1326 kg/ha for treatments SS, SM and MM, respectively. Catla, grass carp and carpio showed better growth and production performance in presence of mola at a higher density, while rohu, Thai punti and mrigal showed better performance when stocking density of mola was relatively low. Mola yield was almost two times higher (184 kg/ha) in absence of silver carp (MM) than (62 kg/ha) in presence of silver carp (SM). The result showed that there was a significantly (p<0.01) lower total fish production in treatment MM. But there were no significant difference in total production between treatment SS and SM.


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Surimi was prepared from silver carp with an aim to put this underutilized fish for profitable use. The mince prepared was washed twice with chilled water (5°C) using mince to water ratio (w/v) of 1:2 for 5-6 minutes each. After final dewatering to moisture content to about 80%; half the quantity of washed minced meat was mixed with cryoprotectants (4% sorbitol, 4% sucrose and 0.3% sodium tripolyphosphate) to produce surimi. The prepared surimi and the dewatered minced meat were packed in LDPE bags, frozen using a plate freezer and stored at -20°C. Surimi and dewatered minced meat from frozen storage were used as base material for production of fish cakes. These were fried at 160°C for 3 to 4 minutes before serving for organoleptic test. Changes in salt soluble nitrogen, total volatile base nitrogen, non-protein nitrogen, peroxide value and free fatty acid of surimi and dewatered mince were estimated at every ten days interval during the storage period of 3 months. The study has indicated that frozen storage of surimi could be a potential method for effective utilization of silver carp. This surimi when incorporated in fish cakes yielded products which retained the shelf life even up to 90 days of storage.


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A factorial experiment was conducted for 60 days to determine of the response of Narrow clawed crayfish Astacus leptodactylus (average weight of 17±2.3 g) to diets containing various protein and energy levels. Nine diets containing three levels of protein (30, 35 and 40 %) and three levels of energy (300,370 and 450 kcal/100g) were formulated and prepared in this trial. Each diet also was used in two levels of salinity include 0 (fresh water) and 12 ppt(Caspian sea water). So this study was conducted with 18 treatments and triplicates random group of 5 crayfish per each 110-litre tank. Weight Gain, Feed conversion ratio (FCR), Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER), Net Protein Utilization (NPU), Daily Food Consumption (DFC), Survival (SVR) and body composition of tail-muscle meat of animal were determined. Comparing the growth parameters in response to interaction between protein, energy and salinity levels demonstrated that all growth parameters have difference between them significantly (p<0.05). Comparing between survival in fresh and Caspian Sea water showed difference significantly. Compare the body composition results indicate the greatest amount of protein absorption in diet number 2(30/370) on fresh water condition. Results from this study indicate that narrow clawed crayfish can be fed a practical diet containing 30% protein and 370 Kcal/100g on non-salinity water which is the optimize CP percentage for their producer’s profits.


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Metal production consumes around 10% of all global energy, so is a significant driver of climate change and other concerns about sustainability. Demand for metal is rising and forecast to double by 2050 through a combination of growing total demand from developing countries, and ongoing replacement demand in developed economies. Metal production is already extremely efficient, so the major opportunities for emissions abatement in the sector are likely to arise from material efficiency - using less new metal to meet demand for services. Therefore this paper examines the opportunity to reduce requirements for steel and aluminium by lightweight design. A set of general principles for lightweight design are proposed by way of a simple analytical example, and are then applied to five case study products which cumulatively account for 30% of global steel product output. It is shown that exploiting lightweight design opportunities for these five products alone could reduce global steel requirements by 5%, and similar savings in aluminium products could reduce global aluminium requirements by 7%. If similar savings to those in the design case studies were possible in all steel and aluminium products, total material requirements could be reduced by 25-30%. However, many of these light-weighting measures are, at present, economically unattractive, and may take many years to implement. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The population density, distribution, diversity and secondry production of macrobenthic fauna of the inner Chahbahar Bay were studied through bi-monthly sampling from April 1995 to March 1996. Samples were collected from water near the bottom and sediment at 14 stations inside the Bay and one reference station located outside at the entrance to the Bay. The environmental parameters Such as temperature, water depth, salinity, pH and dissolved oxygen as well as percentage silt-clay and total organic matter of the sediment were measured. The faunal population density and their distribution is discussed in relation to the environmental changes. results obtained indicated both spatial and temporal heterogeneity in faunal distribution of the Chahbahar Bay. The total of 18 groups of macrofauna were identified in all samples. Amphipods formed the dominant group (21%) followed by polychaetes (19%), gastropods (15.7%) bivalves (10.6%) and all other groups (33.7%). Seasonal changes in faunal density is shown in relation to Indian Ocean southwest monsoon,the result of which indicated lower population density during monsoon (June to September) than that of the premonsoon (February to May) and post monsoon (October to January) periods. The numerical abundance of macrobenthos varied from 10260.m2 before monsoon to 5190 m2 during monsoon season. Three dominant groups of macrofauna including polychaetes, gastropods, and bivalves were identified in all collected samples. Indices of diversity, richness and evenness were calculated for these three dominant groups. The Shannon-Weaver information index was used to describe the spatially and temporally variation in diversity of these three major faunal groups. The results exhibited lower faunal diversity during monsoon period. The annual production of two dominant macrofauna species including a species of bivalve, Nuculana acuta and a species of Cephalochordata, Branchiostoma lanceolatum were measured by using age group determination. Furthermore the mean biomass and total annual production of macrobenthic fauna were estimated for the whole studied area. The potential yield of demersal fishery resources (fish and crustacean) then estimated and worked out to be 15360 tons/year asuming 10% ecological efficiency of hypothetical pyramid from 3rd to 4th marine trophic level. Accordingly the annual exploitable demersal fishery resources for the entire Chahbahar Bay was estimated to be 7600 to 8500 tons/year by taking 50 to 55% of the total estimated potential in to account.


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The potential for a clupcid fishery in Lake Kainji has been examined using both experimental fishing samples and the results obtained from those of the commercial fishermen. A total annual production of 1,400 tons has been estimated. In money terms, this amounls to N198.800 (£99,400) per annum. This production has been sustained by the abundant zooplankton food available the year round on the lake. Recommendations for the effective methods of cropping clupeids were made, bearing in mind the need to maintain the fishery on a sustained yield basis. The place of c1upeids in the ecology of the lake was examined and on the basis of the evidence available it was recommended that Pellonula afzeluisi could be exploited on a large commercial scale without any adverse effects on the fishery in the lake.


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The fisheries sector in Cambodia contributes 8%–12% to national GDP and 25% - 30% to agricultural GDP, with an estimated 4.5 million people involved in fishing and associated trades. Fish and other aquatic animals are important food sources, contributing an estimated national average of 60% - 70% of total animal protein intake. Of the 2013 total fish production, 550,000 metric tons were harvested from freshwater habitats, of which rice field fisheries and small-scale family fisheries contributed approximately 20%. The productivity and value of rice field fisheries to households in rural Cambodia has been highlighted in a number of previous studies. The Fisheries Administration of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries plans to increase productivity from rice field fisheries and aquaculture at an annual rate of 15% to maintain supply for a growing population. This report draws mainly on the baseline and monitoring data from the Rice Field Fisheries Enhancement Project (RFFEP) during its implementation between 2012 and 2014. Reference is also made to the Fish on Farms project to highlight the relative contribution of fish from small-scale aquaculture compared to wild-caught fish.


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Traditionally, production scheduling has been viewed as a problem-solving task that involves a single problem - generation of a suitable schedule. This paper presents an alternative model in which individual difficulties are viewed as problems, and the task is to maintain a suitable schedule by resolving as many of these problems as possible. Decision support software is described that has facilities for defining policies to handle numerous minor problems and complete problem-solving strategies to deal with major problems. The paper then discusses the potential for this style of decision support to improve the performance of human schedulers. © 1995.


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To extract gas from hydrate reservoirs, it has to be dissociated in situ. This endothermic dissociation process absorbs heat energy from the formation and pore fluid. The heat transfer governs the dissociation rate, which is proportional to the difference between the actual temperature and the equilibrium temperature. This study compares three potential gas production schemes from hydrate-bearing soil, where the radial heat transfer is governing. Cylindrical samples with 40% pore-filling hydrate saturation were tested. The production tests were carried out over 90 min by dissociating the hydrate from a centered miniature wellbore, by either lowering the pressure to 6, 4, or 6 MPa with simultaneous heating of the wellbore to 288 K. All tests were replicated by a numerical simulation. With additional heating at the same wellbore pressure, the gas production from hydrates could, on average, be increased by 1.8 and 3.6 times in the simulation and experiments, respectively. If the heat influx from the outer boundary is limited, a simulation showed that the specific heat of the formation is rapidly used up when the wellbore is only depressurized and not heated. © 2012 American Chemical Society.


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This paper discusses the use of 241Am as proliferation resistant burnable poison for light water reactors. Homogeneous addition of small (as little as 0.12%) amounts of 241Am to the conventional light water reactor fuel results in significant increase in 238Pu/Pu ratio in the discharged fuel improving its proliferation resistance. Moreover, 241Am, admixed to the fuel, acts as burnable absorber allowing for substantial reduction in conventional reactivity control means without a notable fuel cycle length penalty. This is possible due to favorable characteristics of 241Am transmutation chain. The fuel cycle length penalty of introducing 241Am into the core is evaluated and discussed, as well as the impact of He production in the fuel pins and degradation of reactivity feedback coefficients. Proliferation resistance and reactivity control features related to the use of 241Am are compared to those of using 237Np, which has also been suggested as an additive to the conventional fuel in order to improve its proliferation resistance. It was found that 241Am admixture is more favorable than 237Np admixture because of the smaller fuel cycle length penalty and higher burnable poison savings. Addition of either 237Np or 241Am would provide substantial but not ultimate protection from misuse of Pu originating in the spent fuel from the commercial power reactors. Therefore, the benefits from application of the concept would have to be carefully evaluated against the additional costs and proliferation risks associated with manufacturing of 237Np or 241Am doped fuel. Although this work concerns specifically with PWRs, the conclusions could also be applied to BWRs and, to some extent, to other thermal spectrum reactor types. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper discusses the use of 141Am as proliferation resistant burnable poison for light water reactors. Homogeneous addition of small (less than 1 %) amounts of 241Am to the conventional LWR fuel results in significant increase in 238Pu/Pu ratio in the discharged fuel improving its proliferation resistance. Moreover, 241Am, admixed to the fuel, acts as burnable absorber allowing for substantial reduction in conventional reactivity control means without notable fuel cycle length penalty. This is possible due to favourable characteristics of 241Am transmutation chain. The fuel cycle length penalty of introducing 241Am into the core is evaluated and discussed, as well as the impact of He production in the fuel pins and degradation of reactivity feedback coefficients. Proliferation resistance and reactivity control features related to the use of 241Am are compared to those of using 237Np, which has also been suggested as an additive to the conventional fuel in order to improve its proliferation resistance. It was found that 241Am admixture is more favourable than 237Np admixture because of the smaller fuel cycle length penalty and higher burnable poison savings.


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We present in two parts an assessment of global manufacturing. In the first part, we review economic development, pollution, and carbon emissions from a country perspective, tracking the rise of China and other developing countries. The results show not only a rise in the economic fortunes of the newly industrializing nations, but also a significant rise in global pollution, particularly air pollution and CO2 emissions largely from coal use, which alter and even reverse previous global trends. In the second part, we change perspective and quantitatively evaluate two important technical strategies to reduce pollution and carbon emissions: energy efficiency and materials recycling. We subdivide the manufacturing sector on the basis of the five major subsectors that dominate energy use and carbon emissions: (a) iron and steel, (b) cement, (c) plastics, (d) paper, and (e) aluminum. The analysis identifies technical constraints on these strategies, but by combined and aggressive action, industry should be able to balance increases in demand with these technical improvements. The result would be high but relatively flat energy use and carbon emissions. The review closes by demonstrating the consequences of extrapolating trends in production and carbon emissions and suggesting two options for further environmental improvements, materials efficiency, and demand reduction. © 2013 by Annual Reviews. All rights reserved.


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The potential use of poultry by-product meal (PBM) and meat and bone meal (MBM) as alternative dietary protein sources for juvenile Macrobrachium nipponense was studied by a 70-day growth trial. Triplicate groups of M. nipponense (initial body weight: 0.37 g) were fed at 20.7-22.4 degreesC on each of the five isoenergetic and isonitrogenous diets (protein content about 38%) with different replacement of fish meal by MBM or PBM. The control diet used white fish meal as the sole protein source, the other four diets were prepared with 15% or 50% fish meal protein substituted by either MBM (MBM15, MBM50) or PBM (PBM15, PBM50). The results showed that replacement of fish meal by MBM in diets did not affect growth performance of M. nipponense (P > 0.05), while specific growth rate in PBM15 was significantly higher than that in other groups (P < 0.05). Survival rates of shrimp fed with MBM15 diet were significantly higher than that in other groups (P < 0.05). No significant differences in immunological parameters, including total haemocyte count (THC), phenoloxidase activity (PO) and respiratory burst (O-2(-)), were observed between the shrimps that were fed five experimental diets, and all determined immunological parameters in control groups were slightly higher than those in replacement groups. In conclusion, either MBM or PBM investigated could replace up to 50% fish meal protein in diets for M. nipponense. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A promising application for biomass is liquid fuel synthesis, such as methanol or dimethyl ether (DME). Previous studies have studied syngas production from biomass-derived char, oil and gas. This study intends to explore the technology of syngas production from direct biomass gasification, which may be more economically viable. The ratio of H-2/CO is an important factor that affects the performance of this process. In this study, the characteristics of biomass gasification gas, such as H-2/CO and tar yield, as well as its potential for liquid fuel synthesis is explored. A fluidized bed gasifier and a downstream fixed bed are employed as the reactors. Two kinds of catalysts: dolomite and nickel based catalyst are applied, and they are used in the fluidized bed and fixed bed, respectively. The gasifying agent used is an air-steam mixture. The main variables studied are temperature and weight hourly space velocity in the fixed bed reactor. Over the ranges of operating conditions examined, the maximum H-2 content reaches 52.47 vol%, while the ratio of H-2/CO varies between 1.87 and 4.45. The results indicate that an appropriate temperature (750 degrees C for the current study) and more catalyst are favorable for getting a higher H-2/CO ratio. Using a simple first order kinetic model for the overall tar removal reaction, the apparent activation energies and pre-exponential factors are obtained for nickel based catalysts. The results indicate that biomass gasification gas has great potential for liquid fuel synthesis after further processing.