972 resultados para Maximum entropy statistical estimate
Shape-based registration methods frequently encounters in the domains of computer vision, image processing and medical imaging. The registration problem is to find an optimal transformation/mapping between sets of rigid or nonrigid objects and to automatically solve for correspondences. In this paper we present a comparison of two different probabilistic methods, the entropy and the growing neural gas network (GNG), as general feature-based registration algorithms. Using entropy shape modelling is performed by connecting the point sets with the highest probability of curvature information, while with GNG the points sets are connected using nearest-neighbour relationships derived from competitive hebbian learning. In order to compare performances we use different levels of shape deformation starting with a simple shape 2D MRI brain ventricles and moving to more complicated shapes like hands. Results both quantitatively and qualitatively are given for both sets.
Reliability has emerged as a critical design constraint especially in memories. Designers are going to great lengths to guarantee fault free operation of the underlying silicon by adopting redundancy-based techniques, which essentially try to detect and correct every single error. However, such techniques come at a cost of large area, power and performance overheads which making many researchers to doubt their efficiency especially for error resilient systems where 100% accuracy is not always required. In this paper, we present an alternative method focusing on the confinement of the resulting output error induced by any reliability issues. By focusing on memory faults, rather than correcting every single error the proposed method exploits the statistical characteristics of any target application and replaces any erroneous data with the best available estimate of that data. To realize the proposed method a RISC processor is augmented with custom instructions and special-purpose functional units. We apply the method on the proposed enhanced processor by studying the statistical characteristics of the various algorithms involved in a popular multimedia application. Our experimental results show that in contrast to state-of-the-art fault tolerance approaches, we are able to reduce runtime and area overhead by 71.3% and 83.3% respectively.
v. 46, n. 2, p. 140-148, apr./jun. 2016.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08
The problem addressed concerns the determination of the average numberof successive attempts of guessing a word of a certain length consisting of letters withgiven probabilities of occurrence. Both first- and second-order approximations to a naturallanguage are considered. The guessing strategy used is guessing words in decreasing orderof probability. When word and alphabet sizes are large, approximations are necessary inorder to estimate the number of guesses. Several kinds of approximations are discusseddemonstrating moderate requirements regarding both memory and central processing unit(CPU) time. When considering realistic sizes of alphabets and words (100), the numberof guesses can be estimated within minutes with reasonable accuracy (a few percent) andmay therefore constitute an alternative to, e.g., various entropy expressions. For manyprobability distributions, the density of the logarithm of probability products is close to anormal distribution. For those cases, it is possible to derive an analytical expression for theaverage number of guesses. The proportion of guesses needed on average compared to thetotal number decreases almost exponentially with the word length. The leading term in anasymptotic expansion can be used to estimate the number of guesses for large word lengths.Comparisons with analytical lower bounds and entropy expressions are also provided.
Statistical association between a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotype and a quantitative trait in genome-wide association studies is usually assessed using a linear regression model, or, in the case of non-normally distributed trait values, using the Kruskal-Wallis test. While linear regression models assume an additive mode of inheritance via equi-distant genotype scores, Kruskal-Wallis test merely tests global differences in trait values associated with the three genotype groups. Both approaches thus exhibit suboptimal power when the underlying inheritance mode is dominant or recessive. Furthermore, these tests do not perform well in the common situations when only a few trait values are available in a rare genotype category (disbalance), or when the values associated with the three genotype categories exhibit unequal variance (variance heterogeneity). We propose a maximum test based on Marcus-type multiple contrast test for relative effect sizes. This test allows model-specific testing of either dominant, additive or recessive mode of inheritance, and it is robust against variance heterogeneity. We show how to obtain mode-specific simultaneous confidence intervals for the relative effect sizes to aid in interpreting the biological relevance of the results. Further, we discuss the use of a related all-pairwise comparisons contrast test with range preserving confidence intervals as an alternative to Kruskal-Wallis heterogeneity test. We applied the proposed maximum test to the Bogalusa Heart Study dataset, and gained a remarkable increase in the power to detect association, particularly for rare genotypes. Our simulation study also demonstrated that the proposed non-parametric tests control family-wise error rate in the presence of non-normality and variance heterogeneity contrary to the standard parametric approaches. We provide a publicly available R library nparcomp that can be used to estimate simultaneous confidence intervals or compatible multiplicity-adjusted p-values associated with the proposed maximum test.
The Gulf of Carpentaria Finfish Trawl Fishery operates under developmental permits and harvests five main tropical snapper species. The fishery operates in eastern Gulf of Carpentaria waters and is managed by Fisheries Queensland on behalf of the Queensland Fishery Joint Authority. For the years 2004–2014, the fishery Total Allowable Commercial Catch (TACC) was fixed at 1250 t and substantially under-filled. In 2011 new stock analyses were published for the fishery. Results were presented to industry including the estimated equilibrium maximum sustainable yield (MSY) of 450 t for east Gulf of Carpentaria waters. The MSY value represented the maximum average combined species harvest that can be taken long-term; combining MSY harvests of the five main species. For the 2015 calendar year, a revised 450 t harvest quota was set for Crimson Snapper, Saddletail Snapper, Red Emperor and other Emperor species; plus a tonnage allowance for other permitted species. The revised quota tonnage represented a considerable reduction from the 1250 t set in previous years. Industry raised questions about not understanding how the MSY was arrived at and why it was less than early 1990s yield estimates. The purpose of this report is to explain the MSY estimates for east Gulf of Carpentaria waters. The 450 t MSY represents at present the best estimate available and is consistent with pre-2011 estimates.
In Queensland, stout whiting are fished by Danish seine and fish otter-trawl methods between Sandy Cape and the Queensland-New South Wales border. The fishery is currently identified by a T4 symbol and is operated by two primary quota holders. Since 1997, T4 management has been informed by annual stock assessments in order to determine a total allowable commercial catch (TACC) quota. The TACC is assessed before the start of each fishing year using statistical methodologies. This includes evaluation of trends in fish catch-rates and catch-at-age frequencies against management reference points. The T4 stout whiting TACC for 2014 was adjusted down to 1150 t as a result of elevated estimates of fishing mortality and remained unchanged in 2015 (2013 TACC = 1350 t quota). Two T4 vessels fished for stout whiting in the 2015 fishing year, harvesting 663 t from Queensland waters. Annual T4 landings of stout whiting averaged about 713 t for the fishing years 2013–2015, with a maximum harvest in the last 10 fishing years of 1140 t and a maximum historical harvest of 2400 t in the 1995. Stout whiting catch rates from both Queensland and New South Wales were analysed for all vessels, areas and fishing gears. The 2015 catch rate index was equal to 0.85, down 15% compared to the 2010–2015 fishing year average (reference point =1). The stout whiting fish length and otolith weight frequencies indicated larger and older fish in the calendar year 2014. This data was translated to show improved measures of fish survival at about 38% per year and near the reference point of about 41%. Together, the stout whiting catch rate and survival indicators show the fishery was sustainable. Earlier population modelling conducted for the year 2013 also suggested the stock was sustainable, but the estimate was only marginally above the biomass for maximum sustainable yield. Irrespective, reasons for reduced catch rates should be examined further and interpreted with precaution, particularly given the TACC has been under-caught in many years. For setting of the 2016 TACC, alternate analyses and reference points were compared to address data uncertainties and provide options for quota change. The results were dependent on the stock indicator and harvest procedure used. Uncertainty in all TACC estimates should be considered as they were sensitive to the data inputs and assumptions. For the 2016 T4 fishing year, upper levels of harvest should be limited to 1000–1100 t following procedure equation 1, with target levels of harvest at 750–850 t for procedure equation 2. Use of these estimates to set TACC will depend on management and industry intentions.
In physics, one attempts to infer the rules governing a system given only the results of imperfect measurements. Hence, microscopic theories may be effectively indistinguishable experimentally. We develop an operationally motivated procedure to identify the corresponding equivalence classes of states, and argue that the renormalization group (RG) arises from the inherent ambiguities associated with the classes: one encounters flow parameters as, e.g., a regulator, a scale, or a measure of precision, which specify representatives in a given equivalence class. This provides a unifying framework and reveals the role played by information in renormalization. We validate this idea by showing that it justifies the use of low-momenta n-point functions as statistically relevant observables around a Gaussian hypothesis. These results enable the calculation of distinguishability in quantum field theory. Our methods also provide a way to extend renormalization techniques to effective models which are not based on the usual quantum-field formalism, and elucidates the relationships between various type of RG.
The protein lysate array is an emerging technology for quantifying the protein concentration ratios in multiple biological samples. It is gaining popularity, and has the potential to answer questions about post-translational modifications and protein pathway relationships. Statistical inference for a parametric quantification procedure has been inadequately addressed in the literature, mainly due to two challenges: the increasing dimension of the parameter space and the need to account for dependence in the data. Each chapter of this thesis addresses one of these issues. In Chapter 1, an introduction to the protein lysate array quantification is presented, followed by the motivations and goals for this thesis work. In Chapter 2, we develop a multi-step procedure for the Sigmoidal models, ensuring consistent estimation of the concentration level with full asymptotic efficiency. The results obtained in this chapter justify inferential procedures based on large-sample approximations. Simulation studies and real data analysis are used to illustrate the performance of the proposed method in finite-samples. The multi-step procedure is simpler in both theory and computation than the single-step least squares method that has been used in current practice. In Chapter 3, we introduce a new model to account for the dependence structure of the errors by a nonlinear mixed effects model. We consider a method to approximate the maximum likelihood estimator of all the parameters. Using the simulation studies on various error structures, we show that for data with non-i.i.d. errors the proposed method leads to more accurate estimates and better confidence intervals than the existing single-step least squares method.
Mestrado em Contabilidade e Análise Financeira,
O prognóstico da perda dentária é um dos principais problemas na prática clínica de medicina dentária. Um dos principais fatores prognósticos é a quantidade de suporte ósseo do dente, definido pela área da superfície radicular dentária intraóssea. A estimação desta grandeza tem sido realizada por diferentes metodologias de investigação com resultados heterogéneos. Neste trabalho utilizamos o método da planimetria com microtomografia para calcular a área da superfície radicular (ASR) de uma amostra de cinco dentes segundos pré-molares inferiores obtida da população portuguesa, com o objetivo final de criar um modelo estatístico para estimar a área de superfície radicular intraóssea a partir de indicadores clínicos da perda óssea. Por fim propomos um método para aplicar os resultados na prática. Os dados referentes à área da superfície radicular, comprimento total do dente (CT) e dimensão mésio-distal máxima da coroa (MDeq) serviram para estabelecer as relações estatísticas entre variáveis e definir uma distribuição normal multivariada. Por fim foi criada uma amostra de 37 observações simuladas a partir da distribuição normal multivariada definida e estatisticamente idênticas aos dados da amostra de cinco dentes. Foram ajustados cinco modelos lineares generalizados aos dados simulados. O modelo estatístico foi selecionado segundo os critérios de ajustamento, preditibilidade, potência estatística, acurácia dos parâmetros e da perda de informação, e validado pela análise gráfica de resíduos. Apoiados nos resultados propomos um método em três fases para estimação área de superfície radicular perdida/remanescente. Na primeira fase usamos o modelo estatístico para estimar a área de superfície radicular, na segunda estimamos a proporção (decis) de raiz intraóssea usando uma régua de Schei adaptada e na terceira multiplicamos o valor obtido na primeira fase por um coeficiente que representa a proporção de raiz perdida (ASRp) ou da raiz remanescente (ASRr) para o decil estimado na segunda fase. O ponto forte deste estudo foi a aplicação de metodologia estatística validada para operacionalizar dados clínicos na estimação de suporte ósseo perdido. Como pontos fracos consideramos a aplicação destes resultados apenas aos segundos pré-molares mandibulares e a falta de validação clínica.
International audience
This report discusses the calculation of analytic second-order bias techniques for the maximum likelihood estimates (for short, MLEs) of the unknown parameters of the distribution in quality and reliability analysis. It is well-known that the MLEs are widely used to estimate the unknown parameters of the probability distributions due to their various desirable properties; for example, the MLEs are asymptotically unbiased, consistent, and asymptotically normal. However, many of these properties depend on an extremely large sample sizes. Those properties, such as unbiasedness, may not be valid for small or even moderate sample sizes, which are more practical in real data applications. Therefore, some bias-corrected techniques for the MLEs are desired in practice, especially when the sample size is small. Two commonly used popular techniques to reduce the bias of the MLEs, are ‘preventive’ and ‘corrective’ approaches. They both can reduce the bias of the MLEs to order O(n−2), whereas the ‘preventive’ approach does not have an explicit closed form expression. Consequently, we mainly focus on the ‘corrective’ approach in this report. To illustrate the importance of the bias-correction in practice, we apply the bias-corrected method to two popular lifetime distributions: the inverse Lindley distribution and the weighted Lindley distribution. Numerical studies based on the two distributions show that the considered bias-corrected technique is highly recommended over other commonly used estimators without bias-correction. Therefore, special attention should be paid when we estimate the unknown parameters of the probability distributions under the scenario in which the sample size is small or moderate.