894 resultados para Many-to-many-assignment problem


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SOARES, Lennedy C. ; MEDEIROS, Adelardo A. D. de ; PROTASIO, Alan D. D. ; BOLONHINI, Edson H. Sistema supervisório para o método de elevação plunger lift. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE PESQUISA E DESENVOLVIMENTO EM PETRÓLEO E GÁS, 5., Fortaleza, CE, 2009. Anais...Fortaleza: CBPDPetro, 2009.


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The Highway Safety Manual (HSM) is the compilation of national safety research that provides quantitative methods for analyzing highway safety. The HSM presents crash modification functions related to freeway work zone characteristics such as work zone duration and length. These crash modification functions were based on freeway work zones with high traffic volumes in California. When the HSM-referenced model was calibrated for Missouri, the value was 3.78, which is not ideal since it is significantly larger than 1. Therefore, new models were developed in this study using Missouri data to capture geographical, driver behavior, and other factors in the Midwest. Also, new models for expressway and rural two-lane work zones that barely were studied in the literature were developed. A large sample of 20,837 freeway, 8,993 expressway, and 64,476 rural two-lane work zones in Missouri was analyzed to derive 15 work zone crash prediction models. The most appropriate samples of 1,546 freeway, 1,189 expressway, and 6,095 rural two-lane work zones longer than 0.1 mile and with a duration of greater than 10 days were used to make eight, four, and three models, respectively. A challenging question for practitioners is always how to use crash prediction models to make the best estimation of work zone crash count. To solve this problem, a user-friendly software tool was developed in a spreadsheet format to predict work zone crashes based on work zone characteristics. This software selects the best model, estimates the work zone crashes by severity, and converts them to monetary values using standard crash estimates. This study also included a survey of departments of transportation (DOTs), Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) representatives, and contractors to assess the current state of the practice regarding work zone safety. The survey results indicate that many agencies look at work zone safety informally using engineering judgment. Respondents indicated that they would like a tool that could help them to balance work zone safety across projects by looking at crashes and user costs.


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Réalisé en cotutelle avec l'École normale supérieure de Cachan – Université Paris-Saclay


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The quality of a heuristic solution to a NP-hard combinatorial problem is hard to assess. A few studies have advocated and tested statistical bounds as a method for assessment. These studies indicate that statistical bounds are superior to the more widely known and used deterministic bounds. However, the previous studies have been limited to a few metaheuristics and combinatorial problems and, hence, the general performance of statistical bounds in combinatorial optimization remains an open question. This work complements the existing literature on statistical bounds by testing them on the metaheuristic Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedures (GRASP) and four combinatorial problems. Our findings confirm previous results that statistical bounds are reliable for the p-median problem, while we note that they also seem reliable for the set covering problem. For the quadratic assignment problem, the statistical bounds has previously been found reliable when obtained from the Genetic algorithm whereas in this work they found less reliable. Finally, we provide statistical bounds to four 2-path network design problem instances for which the optimum is currently unknown.


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Le genre des emprunts lexicaux référant à des entités non-sexuées en français est parfois considéré comme arbitraire, alors qu’il est parfois vu comme motivé par sa forme physique et/ou ses significations. Puisque les avis diffèrent à ce sujet, nous nous sommes intéressé à analyser de nombreux critères pouvant contribuer à l’attribution du genre d’un emprunt. Nous avons constitué quatre corpus, chacun composé de textes issus d’une communauté linguistique emprunteuse (Québec et Europe) et d’un niveau de formalité (formel ou informel). Nous avons observé que le genre des emprunts varie considérablement dans de nombreux cas. Nous constatons que les emprunts des langues à genre (italien, arabe) conservent généralement leur genre originel. Les critères sémantiques et de forme physique peuvent autant justifier le genre d’un emprunt l’un que l’autre. Le critère sémantique le plus opératoire intègre chaque emprunt dans un paradigme conceptuel regroupant plusieurs unités lexicales sous une même conceptualisation et, généralement, un genre commun au paradigme.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-07


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Groundwater is a common-pool resource that is subject to depletion in many places around the world as a result of increased use of irrigation and water-demanding cash crops. Where state capacity to control groundwater use is limited, collective action is important to increase recharge and restrict highly water-consumptive crops. We present results of field experiments in hard rock areas of Andhra Pradesh, India, to examine factors affecting groundwater use. Two nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) ran the games in communities where they were working to improve watershed and water management. Results indicate that, when the links between crop choice and groundwater depletion is made explicit, farmers can act cooperatively to address this problem. Longer NGO involvement in the villages was associated with more cooperative outcomes in the games. Individuals with more education and higher perceived community social capital played more cooperatively, but neither gender nor method of payment had a significantly effect on individual behavior. When participants could repeat the game with communication, similar crop choice patterns were observed. The games provided an entry point for discussion on the understanding of communities of the interconnectedness of groundwater use and crop choice.


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Reverse engineering is usually the stepping stone of a variety of at-tacks aiming at identifying sensitive information (keys, credentials, data, algo-rithms) or vulnerabilities and flaws for broader exploitation. Software applica-tions are usually deployed as identical binary code installed on millions of com-puters, enabling an adversary to develop a generic reverse-engineering strategy that, if working on one code instance, could be applied to crack all the other in-stances. A solution to mitigate this problem is represented by Software Diversity, which aims at creating several structurally different (but functionally equivalent) binary code versions out of the same source code, so that even if a successful attack can be elaborated for one version, it should not work on a diversified ver-sion. In this paper, we address the problem of maximizing software diversity from a search-based optimization point of view. The program to protect is subject to a catalogue of transformations to generate many candidate versions. The problem of selecting the subset of most diversified versions to be deployed is formulated as an optimisation problem, that we tackle with different search heuristics. We show the applicability of this approach on some popular Android apps.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Les unités linguistiques sous-lexicales (p.ex., la syllabe, le phonème ou le phone) jouent un rôle crucial dans le traitement langagier. En particulier, le traitement langagier est profondément influencé par la distribution de ces unités. Par exemple, les syllabes les plus fréquentes sont articulées plus rapidement. Il est donc important d’avoir accès à des outils permettant de créer du matériel expérimental ou clinique pour l’étude du langage normal ou pathologique qui soit représentatif de l’utilisation des syllabes et des phones dans la langue orale. L’accès à ce type d’outil permet également de comparer des stimuli langagiers en fonction de leurs statistiques distributionnelles, ou encore d’étudier l’impact de ces statistiques sur le traitement langagier dans différentes populations. Pourtant, jusqu’à ce jour, aucun outil n’était disponible sur l’utilisation des unités linguistiques sous-lexicales du français oral québécois. Afin de combler cette lacune, un vaste corpus du français québécois oral spontané a été élaboré à partir d’enregistrements de 184 locuteurs québécois. Une base de données de syllabes et une base de données de phones ont ensuite été construites à partir de ce corpus, offrant une foule d’informations sur la structure des unités et sur leurs statistiques distributionnelles. Le fruit de ce projet, intitulé SyllabO +, sera rendu disponible en ligne en accès libre via le site web http://speechneurolab.ca/fr/syllabo dès la publication de l’article le décrivant. Cet outil incomparable sera d’une grande utilité dans plusieurs domaines, tels que les neurosciences cognitives, la psycholinguistique, la psychologie expérimentale, la phonétique, la phonologie, l’orthophonie et l’étude de l’acquisition des langues.


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SOARES, Lennedy C. ; MEDEIROS, Adelardo A. D. de ; PROTASIO, Alan D. D. ; BOLONHINI, Edson H. Sistema supervisório para o método de elevação plunger lift. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE PESQUISA E DESENVOLVIMENTO EM PETRÓLEO E GÁS, 5., Fortaleza, CE, 2009. Anais...Fortaleza: CBPDPetro, 2009.


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Com o intuito de melhorar a eficiência na gestão e execução de responsabilidades junto dos munícipes, a Câmara Municipal de Angra do Heroísmo (CMAH), localizada na ilha Terceira (Região Autónoma dos Açores), distribui as suas valências por vários departamentos e colaboradores especializados. Apesar desta segmentação existem circunstâncias em que os mesmos trabalham em conjunto e cruzam informações, por exemplo, nos processos de licenciamento. Contudo, esta necessária troca de dados é deficiente quando se calendarizam eventos organizados ou não pela instituição em causa. Consequentemente, esta falha resulta muitas vezes na sobreposição de eventos, algo considerado insustentável numa comunidade relativamente pequena, como é o caso de Angra do Heroísmo (em 2013, contava com 35.109 habitantes). A autarquia pretende solucionar o problema tendo em conta as capacidades proporcionadas pelas plataformas da Web 2.0 que, entre outras, permitem a participação dos utilizadores e a fácil inserção e gestão da informação por pessoas sem conhecimentos técnicos aprofundados. Esta dissertação determina as especificações que devem estar presentes numa plataforma Web de calendarização e divulgação da oferta cultural, ao serviço do Município de Angra do Heroísmo; conceptualiza um protótipo funcional que valida as especificações identificadas e serve de apoio à construção da plataforma final a desenvolver no futuro. Esta investigação tem como fim melhorar o processo de calendarização e divulgação de eventos da oferta cultural do concelho angrense. Esta finalidade implicou a necessidade de conhecer aprofundadamente o funcionamento da instituição, identificando e distinguindo o papel dos vários intervenientes e processos, pelo que parte da investigação decorreu na Câmara Municipal de Angra do Heroísmo. Entre os vários desafios desta pesquisa destacam-se a recolha e compreensão de informação sobre o processo em estudo e o planeamento de um sistema digital intuitivo, que respeite as estruturas de decisão e o sistema hierárquico da autarquia e que detenha o grau de rigor exigido nas organizações governativas.


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Background - Image blurring in Full Field Digital Mammography (FFDM) is reported to be a problem within many UK breast screening units resulting in significant proportion of technical repeats/recalls. Our study investigates monitors of differing pixel resolution, and whether there is a difference in blurring detection between a 2.3 MP technical review monitor and a 5MP standard reporting monitor. Methods - Simulation software was created to induce different magnitudes of blur on 20 artifact free FFDM screening images. 120 blurred and non-blurred images were randomized and displayed on the 2.3 and 5MP monitors; they were reviewed by 28 trained observers. Monitors were calibrated to the DICOM Grayscale Standard Display Function. T-test was used to determine whether significant differences exist in blurring detection between the monitors. Results - The blurring detection rate on the 2.3MP monitor for 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1 mm blur was 46, 59, 66, 77and 78% respectively; and on the 5MP monitor 44, 70, 83 , 96 and 98%. All the non-motion images were identified correctly. A statistical difference (p <0.01) in the blurring detection rate between the two monitors was demonstrated. Conclusions - Given the results of this study and knowing that monitors as low as 1 MP are used in clinical practice, we speculate that technical recall/repeat rates because of blurring could be reduced if higher resolution monitors are used for technical review at the time of imaging. Further work is needed to determine monitor minimum specification for visual blurring detection.


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Finding rare events in multidimensional data is an important detection problem that has applications in many fields, such as risk estimation in insurance industry, finance, flood prediction, medical diagnosis, quality assurance, security, or safety in transportation. The occurrence of such anomalies is so infrequent that there is usually not enough training data to learn an accurate statistical model of the anomaly class. In some cases, such events may have never been observed, so the only information that is available is a set of normal samples and an assumed pairwise similarity function. Such metric may only be known up to a certain number of unspecified parameters, which would either need to be learned from training data, or fixed by a domain expert. Sometimes, the anomalous condition may be formulated algebraically, such as a measure exceeding a predefined threshold, but nuisance variables may complicate the estimation of such a measure. Change detection methods used in time series analysis are not easily extendable to the multidimensional case, where discontinuities are not localized to a single point. On the other hand, in higher dimensions, data exhibits more complex interdependencies, and there is redundancy that could be exploited to adaptively model the normal data. In the first part of this dissertation, we review the theoretical framework for anomaly detection in images and previous anomaly detection work done in the context of crack detection and detection of anomalous components in railway tracks. In the second part, we propose new anomaly detection algorithms. The fact that curvilinear discontinuities in images are sparse with respect to the frame of shearlets, allows us to pose this anomaly detection problem as basis pursuit optimization. Therefore, we pose the problem of detecting curvilinear anomalies in noisy textured images as a blind source separation problem under sparsity constraints, and propose an iterative shrinkage algorithm to solve it. Taking advantage of the parallel nature of this algorithm, we describe how this method can be accelerated using graphical processing units (GPU). Then, we propose a new method for finding defective components on railway tracks using cameras mounted on a train. We describe how to extract features and use a combination of classifiers to solve this problem. Then, we scale anomaly detection to bigger datasets with complex interdependencies. We show that the anomaly detection problem naturally fits in the multitask learning framework. The first task consists of learning a compact representation of the good samples, while the second task consists of learning the anomaly detector. Using deep convolutional neural networks, we show that it is possible to train a deep model with a limited number of anomalous examples. In sequential detection problems, the presence of time-variant nuisance parameters affect the detection performance. In the last part of this dissertation, we present a method for adaptively estimating the threshold of sequential detectors using Extreme Value Theory on a Bayesian framework. Finally, conclusions on the results obtained are provided, followed by a discussion of possible future work.


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At present, in large precast concrete enterprises, the management over precast concrete component has been chaotic. Most enterprises take labor-intensive manual input method, which is time consuming and laborious, and error-prone. Some other slightly better enterprises choose to manage through bar-code or printing serial number manually. However, on one hand, this is also labor-intensive, on the other hand, this method is limited by external environment, making the serial number blur or even lost, and also causes a big problem on production traceability and quality accountability. Therefore, to realize the enterprise’s own rapid development and cater to the needs of the time, to achieve the automated production management has been a big problem for a modern enterprise. In order to solve the problem, inefficiency in production and traceability of the products, this thesis try to introduce RFID technology into the production of PHC tubular pile. By designing a production management system of precast concrete components, the enterprise will achieve the control of the entire production process, and realize the informatization of enterprise production management. RFID technology has been widely used in many fields like entrance control, charge management, logistics and so on. RFID technology will adopt passive RFID tag, which is waterproof, shockproof, anti-interference, so it’s suitable for the actual working environment. The tag will be bound to the precast component steel cage (the structure of the PHC tubular pile before the concrete placement), which means each PHC tubular pile will have a unique ID number. Then according to the production procedure, the precast component will be performed with a series of actions, put the steel cage into the mold, mold clamping, pouring concrete (feed), stretching, centrifugalizing, maintenance, mold removing, welding splice. In every session of the procedure, the information of the precast components can be read through a RFID reader. Using a portable smart device connected to the database, the user can check, inquire and management the production information conveniently. Also, the system can trace the production parameter and the person in charge, realize the traceability of the information. This system can overcome the disadvantages in precast components manufacturers, like inefficiency, error-prone, time consuming, labor intensity, low information relevance and so on. This system can help to improve the production management efficiency, and can produce a good economic and social benefits, so, this system has a certain practical value.