890 resultados para MAG double-wire welding


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Current evidences show that tacrolimus could be a good therapeutic option in patients non-responsive to first-line treatments and even it could become one of the first-line drugs for treating MG. Our study will try to determine the effectivity and safety of tacrolimus in 190 myasthenia gravis patients with suboptimal response to azathioprine: after 12 months of treatment they will be randomized to continue with azathioprine or they will be switched to tacrolimus. Patients will follow the allocated treatment during 14 months and the response will be assessed as well as adverse effectsPURPOSE: To compare azathioprine vs. tacrolimus effectivity and safety in MG patients with suboptimal response to azathioprine at 12 monthsDESIGN: A 14 months multicenter, prospective, randomized, double blind, head to head clinical trial


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Digitoitu 12. 10. 2007.


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Diplomityössä tutkitaan hitsausprosessien kehitystä. Työn kirjallisen osan alku kuvaa hitsauksen nykypäivää ja tulevaisuutta sekä millainen on hitsaava Suomi. Kehittyneiden hitsausprosessien tarkastelu on jaettu hiiliterästen ja alumiinien hitsausprosesseihin. Hiiliteräksien hitsauksen osalta työssä esitellään kitkahitsaus pyörivällä työkalulla, muunnettu lyhytkaarihitsaus, laserhitsaus, laser-hybridihitsaus ja kapearailohitsaus. Alumiinien hitsauksen osalta työssä esitellään laserhitsaus, muunnettu lyhytkaarihitsaus, kitkahitsaus pyörivällä työkalulla ja vaihtovirta MIG hitsaus. Diplomityön käytännönosuudessa todennettiin hitsausprosessien kehitys. Ensimmäisissä hitsauskokeissa hitsattiin merialumiinia eri kaarityypeillä. Vertailua tehdään pulssihitsauksen, lankapulssihitsauksen sekä CMT-kaarihitsauksen välillä. Koehitsaukset osoittavat CMT-hitsauksen tuottavan MIG-pulssihitsausta pienemmät hitsausmuodonmuutokset. CMT-hitsauksessa alumiinin oksidikerros aiheuttaa MIGpulssihitsausta vähemmän ongelmia, sillä kaari syttyy varmemmin suurillakin hitsausnopeuksilla, eikä hitsiin synny huokosia. Hitsausnopeudella 40 cm/min lankapulssihitsauksella ja MIG-pulssihitsauksella päittäisliitoksena hitsattujen vesileikattujen alumiinikappaleiden hitseihin ei syntynyt huokosia. Kokeen perusteella voidaan todeta, ettei oksidikerroksella ollut vaikutusta hitsin onnistumiseen. Hitsauskokeiden toinen osio tutkii hiilimangaaniteräksisen T-palkin kuitulaserhitsausta. Viiden kilowatin laserteholla hitsattiin onnistuneesti viisi metriä pitkiä T-palkkeja hitsausnopeudella 2 m/min. Takymetrimittauksella ja Tritop 3D-koordinaattimittauksella todennettiin laserhitsatun T-palkin hitsausmuodonmuutosten olevan huomattavasti Twin-jauhekaarihitsauksella hitsattua T-palkkia pienemmät.


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The productivity, quality and cost efficiency of welding work are critical for metal industry today. Welding processes must get more effective and this can be done by mechanization and automation. Those systems are always expensive and they have to pay the investment back. In this case it is really important to optimize the needed intelligence and this way needed automation level, so that a company will get the best profit. This intelligence and automation level was earlier classified in several different ways which are not useful for optimizing the process of automation or mechanization of welding. In this study the intelligence of a welding system is defined in a new way to enable the welding system to produce a weld good enough. In this study a new way is developed to classify and select the internal intelligence level of a welding system needed to produce the weld efficiently. This classification contains the possible need of human work and its effect to the weld and its quality but does not exclude any different welding processes or methods. In this study a totally new way is developed to calculate the best optimization for the needed intelligence level in welding. The target of this optimization is the best possible productivity and quality and still an economically optimized solution for several different cases. This new optimizing method is based on grounds of product type, economical productivity, the batch size of products, quality and criteria of usage. Intelligence classification and optimization were never earlier made by grounds of a made product. Now it is possible to find the best type of welding system needed to welddifferent types of products. This calculation process is a universal way for optimizing needed automation or mechanization level when improving productivity of welding. This study helps the industry to improve productivity, quality and cost efficiency of welding workshops.


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It is necessary to use highly specialized robots in ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) both in the manufacturing and maintenance of the reactor due to a demanding environment. The sectors of the ITER vacuum vessel (VV) require more stringent tolerances than normally expected for the size of the structure involved. VV consists of nine sectors that are to be welded together. The vacuum vessel has a toroidal chamber structure. The task of the designed robot is to carry the welding apparatus along a path with a stringent tolerance during the assembly operation. In addition to the initial vacuum vessel assembly, after a limited running period, sectors need to be replaced for repair. Mechanisms with closed-loop kinematic chains are used in the design of robots in this work. One version is a purely parallel manipulator and another is a hybrid manipulator where the parallel and serial structures are combined. Traditional industrial robots that generally have the links actuated in series are inherently not very rigid and have poor dynamic performance in high speed and high dynamic loading conditions. Compared with open chain manipulators, parallel manipulators have high stiffness, high accuracy and a high force/torque capacity in a reduced workspace. Parallel manipulators have a mechanical architecture where all of the links are connected to the base and to the end-effector of the robot. The purpose of this thesis is to develop special parallel robots for the assembly, machining and repairing of the VV of the ITER. The process of the assembly and machining of the vacuum vessel needs a special robot. By studying the structure of the vacuum vessel, two novel parallel robots were designed and built; they have six and ten degrees of freedom driven by hydraulic cylinders and electrical servo motors. Kinematic models for the proposed robots were defined and two prototypes built. Experiments for machine cutting and laser welding with the 6-DOF robot were carried out. It was demonstrated that the parallel robots are capable of holding all necessary machining tools and welding end-effectors in all positions accurately and stably inside the vacuum vessel sector. The kinematic models appeared to be complex especially in the case of the 10-DOF robot because of its redundant structure. Multibody dynamics simulations were carried out, ensuring sufficient stiffness during the robot motion. The entire design and testing processes of the robots appeared to be complex tasks due to the high specialization of the manufacturing technology needed in the ITER reactor, while the results demonstrate the applicability of the proposed solutions quite well. The results offer not only devices but also a methodology for the assembly and repair of ITER by means of parallel robots.


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Intensive swine production is an important agricultural and economical activity in Europe. The high availability of pig slurry (PS) lead to attractive fertilization strategy to reduce costs, therefore is mainly applied as fertilizer in agricultural systems. The optimization N fertilization in these areas should be taken in into to avoid nitrates losses by lixiviation and to achieve maximum efficiency in crop nutrition. Many studies have shown that PS applications can achieve satisfactory yields in different crops by partially or completely replacing synthetic fertilizers. In addition, for the last years, in Northeast Spain (Catalonia) has been widely extended the double-cropping forage system.


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The product of catalytic activity of the enzyme phospholipase A2, which resembles the core unit of animal toxins, on phospholipids is a 1:1 mixture of lysolipid and fatty acid. This mixture was studied by time-resolved simultaneous small- and wide angle x-ray diffraction over the temperature range from 23 to 53.5ºC. An unusually large lamellar structure was observed, with d = 11 nm, contradicting the complex functional dimer model between lysolipid and fatty acid. It can be explained by formation of a "double-bilayer", a new phase consisting of two different bilayers, one formed by lysophospholipid and other by fatty acid, bound together by head group interactions. Its strucutre was confirmed by simulations of the X-ray scattering pattern.


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Crystals of Mg/Al layered double hydroxide were synthesized by alkaline precipitation and treated in an aqueous solution of glutamic acid. The glutamate ions were not intercalated into the interlayer space, but were detected in the material by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, suggesting that only the external surfaces of crystals were modified with glutamate ions. The resulting hybrid material was tested as a support for immobilization of the enzyme laccase (Myceliophthora thermophila). The immobilized enzyme preparation was characterized by electronic paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy and by assays of catalytic activity. The activity of the immobilized laccase was 97% of the activity in the free enzyme. Layered double hydroxide is a suitable support for use in remediation of soil studies.


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Suurlujuusterästen käyttö erityisesti auto-, kuljetusväline- ja nostovälineteollisuudessa on lisääntynyt jo pidemmän aikaa. Teräsvalmistajat kehittävätkin jatkuvasti lujempia ja paremmin hitsattavia teräslaatuja markkinoille. Lujempia teräksiä käyttämällä on mahdollista saavuttaa materiaali- ja painosäästöä, jolla on suora vaikutus hyötykuorman lisääntymiseen, polttoainetalouteen, suoritusarvoihin ja jopa valmistuskustannuksiin. Tässä diplomityössä tutkittiin kahdeksan eri suurlujuusteräksen ja kolmen kulutusteräksen HAZ-alueen murtumissitkeyttä kolmella eri lämmöntuonnilla tehdyllä hitsauksella. Suurlu-juusterästen myötölujuustaso vaihteli 650 MPa:n ja 700 MPa:n välillä, ja kulutusteräksillä vastaavasti 800 MPa:n ja 1000 MPa:n välillä. Murtumissitkeyskokeet tehtiin standardoidun CTOD-testausmenetelmän mukaisesti -40 °C lämpötilassa. Kokeissa käytettiin 10 mm x 5 mm SE(B)-kolmipistetaivutussauvoja. Koetuloksia voidaan käyttää apuna arvioitaessa eri teräslaatujen hitsauksellista sopivuutta erityisesti väsyttävän kuormituksen alaiseen rakenteeseen. Kokeiden tuloksena saatiin jokaiselle materiaalille neljä CTOD-arvoa. Kolmella eri lämmöntuonnilla tehtyjen koesauvojen lisäksi mitattiin ilman hitsausta olevista koesauvoista perusaineen murtumissitkeys. Yhteensä CTOD-koe tehtiin 44 koesauvalle ja lisäksi muutamalle harjoitussauvalle. Testattavien kappaleiden suuren määrän takia kokeet voitiin tehdä jokaiselle materiaali- lämmöntuonti- yhdistelmälle ainoastaan yhteen kertaan.


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The tomato cv. Fukuju nº. 2 was used for studying the effect of single and double infections with Potato virus X (PVX) and Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV). Mixed infection resulted in a synergistic increase of disease severity, where more growth reduction was seen with simultaneous inoculations than with sequential inoculations at four-day intervals. At five and 12 days post-inoculation, the increased severity of the disease coincided with enhancement of virus accumulation in the rapidly expanding upper leaves. The PVX concentration in leaves nº 5 to 7 of doubly infected plants was three to six fold that of singly infected ones, as determined by DAS-ELISA. Mixed infection with the L strain led to higher enhancement of PVX than with the TMV-L11A strain. The concentration of TMV-L was lower in double infection and significantly higher than TMV-L11A in both singly and doubly infected plants. Analyses of the PVX ORF2 by Western blot and Northern hybridization revealed the pattern of accumulation of the 25 kDa protein and the RNAs, respectively, following those of the virion and coat protein. The strain TMV-L11A overcame the resistance gene in cv. GCR 237 (Tm-1). In the upper leaf nº. 8, the concentration of PVX was three times higher in plants with mixed infection than with L11A. The concentrations of the L and OM (TMV strains) in both singly and doubly infected plants were at very low levels, and the synergistic effect on PVX concentration and disease severity was not observed.


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Welding is one of the most important process of modern industry. Welding technology is used in the manufacture and repair a wide variety of products from different metals and alloys. In this thesis the different aspects of arc welding were discussed, such as stability and control of welding arc, power supplies for arc welding (especially the welding inverters because it is the most modern welding power source). All parameters of power source have influence on the arc parameters and its by-turn influence on quality. The ways of control for arc welding inverter power sources have been considered. Calculations and modeling in Matlab/Simulink were done for PI control method. All parameters of power source have influence on the arc parameters and its by-turn influence on quality.


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The oxygen cutting is a thermal cutting process, in which metal is heated locally up to its ignition temperature and burnt off by oxygen blast. Oxygen cutting can be used to remove upset metal of a hollow bar occurred due to solid-state welding process. The main goal of this research was to establish a connection between oxygen blasts and mass of metal removed and relate findings to production to suggest improvements to the current process. This master´s thesis describes the designing and building of a test rig for oxygen blowing measurements. It also contains all executed tests and test results, which were carried out. There are different cutting parameters which were studied as well as their effect on cutting process. The oxygen cutting process, used in solid-state welding process, can be improved by the test results.


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Dedicated to: Jacobus Benzelius, Theodorus Ankarcrona, Matthias Grunerus, Olaus Thorin, Andreas Backman, Martinus Jonae Friberg, Carolus Gustavus Hallman, Andreas Sylvanus, Daniel P. Mansnerus, Daniel Lindqvist.