879 resultados para Long-Life Fatigue
Ectopic acromegaly represents less than 1% of the reported cases of acromegaly. Although clinical improvement is common after treatment with somatostatin (SMS) analogs, the biochemical response and tumor size of the growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH)-producing tumor and its metastases are less predictable. Subject A 36-year-old male was referred because of a 3-year history of acromegaly related symptoms. He had undergone lung surgery in 1987 for a "benign" carcinoid tumor. Endocrine evaluation confirmed acromegaly Plasma IGF-1: 984 ng/ml (63-380), GH: 49.8 ng/ml (<5). MRI showed a large mass in the left cerebellopontine angle and diffuse pituitary hyperplasia. Pulmonary, liver and bone metastases were shown by chest and abdominal CT scans. Ectopic GHRH secretion was suspected. Methods Measurement of circulating GHRH levels by fluorescence immunoassay levels and immunohistochemical study of the primary lung tumor and metastatic tissue with anti-GHRH and anti-somatostatin receptor type 2 (sst2A) antibodies. Results Basal plasma GHRH: 4654 pg/ml (<100). Pathological study of liver and bone biopsy material and lung tissue removed 19 years earlier was consistent with an atypical carcinoid producing GHRH and exhibiting sst2A receptor expression. Treatment with octreotide LAR 20-40 mg q. month resulted in normalization of plasma IGF-1 levels. Circulating GHRH levels decreased dramatically. The size of the left prepontine cistern mass, with SMS receptors shown by a radiolabeled pentetreotide scan, decreased by 80% after 18 months of therapy. Total regression of pituitary enlargement was also observed. No changes were observed in lung and liver metastases. After 24 months of therapy the patient is asymptomatic and living a full and active life.
QUESTIONS UNDER STUDY: In patients with an implantable defibrillator (ICD), inappropriate ICD interventions alter the quality of life, may cause hospitalisations and limit cost-effectiveness. The aim of the study was to determine the incidence and causes of inappropriate ICD interventions, and to identify patients at risk. METHODS: For this observational longitudinal study, consecutive patients undergoing ICD implantation at the University Hospital of Berne were included in a registry. All stored electrograms of episodes triggering ICD interventions were systematically reviewed and analysed to determine whether ICD interventions were appropriate or inappropriate. Inappropriate ICD interventions were classified according to their cause, and risk factors were sought. RESULTS: 214 consecutive patients were followed during a median time of 2.7 years (3.7 years IQR, 698 patient years). 81 inappropriate ICD interventions occurred in 58 patients (27%). Factors triggering inappropriate ICD interventions included atrial fibrillation and flutter (n = 35, 44%), sinus tachycardia (n = 26, 32%), lead fracture (n = 12), recurrent self-terminating ventricular tachycardia (n = 5), double-counting due to T-wave oversensing (n = 3). The only identifiable risk factor for inappropriate ICD interventions was sustained ventricular tachycardia as index arrhythmia. CONCLUSIONS: An important proportion of ICD patients suffer inappropriate ICD interventions that are most commonly due to supraventricular arrhythmias. Patients with ventricular tachycardia prior to ICD implantation are at higher risk of inappropriate ICD interventions. Interventions aiming at decreasing the risk of inappropriate ICD interventions should be considered in these patients.
OBJECTIVE: The mortality rate in paediatric intensive care units (PICU) has fallen over the last two decades. More advanced treatment is offered to children with life-threatening disease and there is substantial interest in knowing whether long term outcome and quality of life after intensive care are acceptable. SETTING: 12-bed paediatric and neonatal intensive care unit. INTERVENTION: Prospective follow-up study with telephone interview 1 and 2 years after discharge. METHODS: Four domains of quality of life (physical function, role function, social-emotional function and health problem) were recorded by calculating the health state classification (HSC) index. Outcome was classified good (HSC 1.0-0.7), moderate (HSC 0.69-0.3), poor (HSC 0.29-0) and very poor (HSC <0). RESULTS: 661 patients were admitted to the PICU in the year 2001 with a mortality within the unit of 3.9%. Over 2 years follow-up there were 21 additional deaths (3.2%). 574 patients could be followed up after 1 year and 464 patients after 2 years. After two years the outcome was good in 77%, moderate in 15% and poor in 8%. Patients with respiratory disease had the best outcome, similar to those admitted for neurological and medical reasons. Patients admitted for postoperative care and for cardiovascular disease had a poorer quality of life. 31% of the children had preexisting health care problems and 21% of all patients had new chronic disease after intensive care. CONCLUSION: The majority of survivors admitted to the PICU have a good outcome. The overall mortality rate doubled if assessed two years after discharge.
Implantation of a ventricular assist device (VAD) reduces short-term mortality and morbidity and provides patients with reasonable quality of life even though it may also be a long-lasting emotional burden. This study was conducted to analyze the long-time emotional consequences of VAD implantation, followed by heart transplantation in patients and spouses.
Uncovering factors possibly leading to insufficient metabolic control in Type 1 diabetes, both on the part of the patient or the treating physician, is of considerable relevance. The present long-term study investigated the relevance of patient-related vs education-related factors for the success in achieving acceptable glycaemic control. Adolescents or young adults with Type 1 diabetes mellitus (n= 26, mean age= 22+/-2 yr, diabetes duration= 11+/-5 yr) were followed during 36+/-5 months. All patients were treated by the same diabetologist. At the beginning of the study coping behaviour, quality of life and evaluation of emotional status were assessed. Changes in HbA1c were used as a parameter of glycaemic control. At follow-up there was a significant decrease in HbA1c of 0.4% (p<0.01). However, this was not in statistically significant correlation with age, gender, aspects of quality of life or coping behaviour. Therefore, glycaemic control and/or improvement of glycaemic control in adolescents or young adults with Type 1 diabetes mellitus seems to be primarily related to other factors, eg continuous education provided in a stable setting.
The penetration of ertapenem, a new carbapenem with a long half-life, reached 7.1 and 2.4% into inflamed and noninflamed meninges, respectively. Ertapenem had excellent antibacterial activity in the treatment of experimental meningitis due to penicillin-sensitive and -resistant pneumococci, leading to a decrease of 0.69 +/- 0.17 and 0.59 +/- 0.22 log(10) CFU/ml x h, respectively, in the viable cell counts in the cerebrospinal fluid. The efficacy of ertapenem was comparable to that of standard regimens (ceftriaxone monotherapy against the penicillin-sensitive strain and ceftriaxone combined with vancomycin against the penicillin-resistant strain). In vitro, ertapenem in concentrations above the MIC was highly bactericidal against both strains. Even against a penicillin- and quinolone-resistant mutant, ertapenem had similar bactericidal activity in vitro.
AIM: To study prospectively patients after heart transplantation with respect to quality of life, mortality, morbidity, and clinical parameters before and up to 10 years after the operation. METHODS: Sixty patients (47.9 +/- 10.9 years, 57 men, 3 women) were transplanted at the University of Vienna Hospital, Department for Heart and Thorax Surgery and were included in this study. They were assessed when set on the waiting list, then exactly one, 5 and 10 years after the transplantation. The variables evaluated included physical and emotional complaints, well-being, mortality and morbidity. In the sample of patients who survived 10 years (n = 23), morbidity (infections, malignancies, graft arteriosclerosis, and rejection episodes) as well as quality of life were evaluated. RESULTS: Actuarial survival rates were 83.3, 66.7, 48.3% at 1, 5, and 10 years after transplantation, respectively. During the first year, infections were the most important reasons for premature death. As a cause of mortality, malignancies were found between years 1 and 5, and graft arteriosclerosis between years 5 and 10. Physical complaints diminished significantly after the operation, but grew significantly during the period from 5 to 10 years (p < 0.001). However, trembling (p < 0.05) and paraesthesies (p < 0.01) diminished continuously. Emotional complaints such as depression and dysphoria (both p < 0.05) increased until the tenth year after their nadir at year 1. In long-time survivors, 3 malignancies (lung, skin, thyroidea) were diagnosed 6 to 9 years postoperatively. Three patients (13%) had signs of graft arteriosclerosis at year 10; 9 (40%) patients suffered from rejection episodes during the course of 10 years. There were no serious rejection episodes deserving immediate therapy. Quality of life at 10 years is good in these patients. CONCLUSIONS: Heart transplantation is a successful therapy for patients with terminal heart disease. Long-term survivors feel well after 10 years and report a good quality of life.
The purpose of our study was to assess physical and emotional factors in heart transplant patients. A prospective design was used to compare patients' physical symptoms, emotional complaints, and restrictions at admission to the waiting list, immediately after, and 1 and 5 years after heart transplantation. Thirty-three patients were included (30 male, 3 female) in the study. Their mean age at admission was 48 +/- 10.2 years. Of these, 23 suffered from cardiomyopathy, 8 from coronary heart disease, and 2 from valvular insufficiency. At admission, the patients suffered from symptoms of cardiac insufficiency, and were restricted in sports, gardening, hobbies, sexual life, job, food-intake, and mobility. More than three-fourths rated their physical and emotional status as moderate to poor. Emotionally, they suffered from irritability, restlessness, depression, psychic lability, lowered drive, lack of social contact, low self-esteem, and anxiety. At the end of rehabilitation (4-8 weeks after the operation), all physical and emotional complaints, as well as restrictions had significantly decreased (p < 0.0001 to p < 0.001), except for trembling, numbness of hands/feet, and food-intake. One year postoperatively, patients reported even fewer physical complaints (p < 0.01). Three-fourths rated their physical and emotional status good or excellent. Five years postoperatively--in contrast to physical status, restrictions, and physical complaints--the emotional complaints had increased significantly (p < 0.0001). Patients reported excellent physical performance up to 5 years postoperatively. On the other hand, the study revealed that their emotional well-being had significantly deteriorated from 1 to 5 years postoperatively. Attention should, therefore, not only be paid to the good physical health of the survivors, but also to the worsening of their emotional status.
Life-Patterns on the Periphery: A Humanities Base for Development Imperatives and their Application in the Chicago City-Region is informed by the need to bring diverse fields together in order to tackle issues related to the contemporary city-region. By honouring the long-term economic, social, political, and ecological imperatives that form the fabric of healthy, productive, sustainable communities, it becomes possible to setup political structures and citizen will to develop distinct places that result in the overlapping of citizen life patterns, setting the stage for citizen action and interaction. Based in humanities scholarship, the four imperatives act as checks on each other so that no one imperative is solely honoured in development. Informed by Heidegger, Arendt, deCerteau, Casey, and others, their foundation in the humanities underlines their importance, while at the same time creating a stage where all fields can contribute to actualizing this balance in practice. For this project, theoretical assistance has been greatly borrowed from architecture, planning theory, urban theory, and landscape urbanism, including scholarship from Saskia Sassen, John Friedmann, William Cronon, Jane Jacobs, Joel Garreau, Alan Berger, and many others. This project uses the Chicago city-region as a site, specifically the Interstate 80 and 88 corridors extending west from Chicago. Both transportation corridors are divided into study regions, providing the opportunity to examine a broad variety of population and development densities. Through observational research, a picture of each study region can be extrapolated, analyzed, and understood with respect to the four imperatives. This is put to use in this project by studying region-specific suggestions for future development moves, culminating in some universal steps that can be taken to develop stronger communities and set both the research site specifically and North American city-regions in general on a path towards healthy, productive, sustainable development.
Indoor air pollution from combustion of solid fuels is the fifth leading contributor to disease burden in low-income countries. This, and potential to reduce environmental impacts, has resulted in emphasis on use of improved stoves. However, many efforts have failed to meet expectations and effective coverage remains limited. A disconnect exists between technologies, delivery methods, and long-term adoption. The purpose of this research is to develop a framework to increase long-term success of improved stove projects. The framework integrates sustainability factors into the project life-cycle. It is represented as a matrix and checklist which encourages consideration of social, economic, and environmental issues in projects. A case study was conducted in which an improved stove project in Honduras was evaluated using the framework. Results indicated areas of strength and weakness in project execution and highlighted potential improvements for future projects. The framework is also useful as a guide during project planning.
Increased demand for forest-derived biomass has resulted in changes in harvest intensities in Finland. Conventional stem-only harvest (CH) has to some extent been replaced with whole-tree harvest (WTH). The latter involves a greater removal of nutrients from the forest ecosystem, as all the above ground biomass is exported from the site. This has raised concerns that WTH could result in large changes in the nutrient dynamics of a forest stand and could eventually lower its site productivity. Little empirical data exists to support this assumption as only a limited number of studies have been conducted on the topic. A majority of these discuss the short-term effects, thus the long-term consequences remain unknown. The objective of this study was to compare differences in soil properties after CH and WTH in a fertile Norway spruce (Picea abies (L) Karst.) stand in Southern Finland. The site was clear-felled in August 2000 and spruce seedlings were planted in the following summer. Soil sampling in the form of systematic randomized sampling was carried out in May 2011. Changes in base saturation, cation exchange capacity, elemental pools (total and exchangeable) and acidity were studied in both organic and mineral horizons. The results indicate that WTH lowered effective cation exchange capacity and base saturation particularly in the humus layer. The pools of exchangeable Al and Fe were increased in the humus layer, whereas the amount of exchangeable Ca decreased in both layers. WTH also resulted in lower Ca/Al-ratios across the sampled layers. Treatment did not have a significant effect on pH, total pools of elements or on the C/N-ratio of the soil. The results suggest that although the stand possesses significant pools of nutrients at present, WTH, if continued, could have long-term effects on site productivity.
Northern peatlands are large reservoirs of soil organic carbon (C). Historically peatlands have served as a sink for C since decomposition is slowed primarily because of a raised water table (WT) that creates anoxic conditions. Climate models are predicting dramatic changes in temperature and precipitation patterns for the northern hemisphere that contain more than 90% of the world’s peatlands. It is uncertain whether climate change will shift northern peatlands from C sequestering systems to a major global C source within the next century because of alterations to peatland hydrology. This research investigated the effects of 80 years of hydrological manipulations on peatland C cycling in a poor fen peatland in northern Michigan. The construction of an earthen levee within the Seney National Wildlife Refuge in the 1930’s resulted in areas of raised and lowered WT position relative to an intermediate WT site that was unaltered by the levee. We established sites across the gradient of long-term WT manipulations to examine how decadal changes in WT position alter peatland C cycling. We quantified vegetation dynamics, peat substrate quality, and pore water chemistry in relation to trace gas C cycling in these manipulated areas as well as the intermediate site. Vegetation in both the raised and lowered WT treatments has different community structure, biomass, and productivity dynamics compared to the intermediate site. Peat substrate quality exhibited differences in chemical composition and lability across the WT treatments. Pore water dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations increased with impoundment and WT drawdown. The raised WT treatment DOC has a low aromaticity and is a highly labile C source, whereas WT drawdown has increased DOC aromaticity. This study has demonstrated a subtle change of the long-term WT position in a northern peatland will induce a significant influence on ecosystem C cycling with implications for the fate of peatland C stocks.
Highway infrastructure plays a significant role in society. The building and upkeep of America’s highways provide society the necessary means of transportation for goods and services needed to develop as a nation. However, as a result of economic and social development, vast amounts of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) are emitted into the atmosphere contributing to global climate change. In recognizing this, future policies may mandate the monitoring of GHG emissions from public agencies and private industries in order to reduce the effects of global climate change. To effectively reduce these emissions, there must be methods that agencies can use to quantify the GHG emissions associated with constructing and maintaining the nation’s highway infrastructure. Current methods for assessing the impacts of highway infrastructure include methodologies that look at the economic impacts (costs) of constructing and maintaining highway infrastructure over its life cycle. This is known as Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA). With the recognition of global climate change, transportation agencies and contractors are also investigating the environmental impacts that are associated with highway infrastructure construction and rehabilitation. A common tool in doing so is the use of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). Traditionally, LCA is used to assess the environmental impacts of products or processes. LCA is an emerging concept in highway infrastructure assessment and is now being implemented and applied to transportation systems. This research focuses on life cycle GHG emissions associated with the construction and rehabilitation of highway infrastructure using a LCA approach. Life cycle phases of the highway section include; the material acquisition and extraction, construction and rehabilitation, and service phases. Departing from traditional approaches that tend to use LCA as a way to compare alternative pavement materials or designs based on estimated inventories, this research proposes a shift to a context sensitive process-based approach that uses actual observed construction and performance data to calculate greenhouse gas emissions associated with highway construction and rehabilitation. The goal is to support strategies that reduce long-term environmental impacts. Ultimately, this thesis outlines techniques that can be used to assess GHG emissions associated with construction and rehabilitation operations to support the overall pavement LCA.
OBJECTIVES: Endovascular repair of the descending thoracic aorta is a very promising technique in elective and, particularly, emergency situations. This study assessed the impact of urgency of the procedure on outcome and mid-term quality of life in surviving patients. METHODS: Post hoc analysis of prospectively collected data of 58 consecutive patients (January 2001-December 2005) with surgical pathologies of the descending thoracic aorta treated by endovascular means. Six patients were excluded due to recent operations on the ascending aorta before thoracic endovascular repair. The remaining patients (n=52) were 69+/-10 years old, and 43 were men (83%). Twenty-seven had been treated electively, and 25 for emergency indications. Reasons for emergency were acute type B aortic dissections with or without malperfusion syndrome in 14, and aortic ruptures in 11 cases. Follow-up was 29+/-16 months. Endpoints were perioperative and late morbidity and mortality rates and long-term quality of life as assessed by the short form health survey (SF-36) and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale questionnaires. RESULTS: Cohorts were comparable regarding age, sex, cardiovascular risk factors, and comorbidities. Perioperative mortality was somewhat higher in emergency cases (12% vs 4%, p=0.34). Paraplegia occurred in one patient in each cohort (4%). Overall quality of life after two and a half years was similar in both treatment cohorts: 72 (58-124) after emergency, and 85 (61-105) after elective endovascular aortic repair (p=0.98). Normal scores range from 85 to 115. Anxiety and depression scores were in the normal range and comparable. CONCLUSIONS: Thoracic endovascular aortic repair is an excellent and safe treatment option for the diseased descending aorta, particularly in emergency situations. Early morbidity and mortality rates can be kept very low. Mid-term quality of life was not affected by the urgency of the procedure. Similarly, mid-term anxiety and depression scores were not increased after emergency situations.
BACKGROUND: Thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR) represents an attractive alternative to open aortic repair (OAR). The aim of this study was to assess outcome and quality of life in patients treated either by TEVAR or OAR for diseased descending thoracic aorta. METHODS: A post hoc analysis of a prospectively collected consecutive series of 136 patients presenting with surgical diseases of the descending aorta between January 2001 and December 2005 was conducted. Fourteen patients were excluded because of involvement of the ascending aorta. Assessed treatment cohorts were TEVAR (n = 52) and OAR (n = 70). Mean follow-up was 34 +/- 18 months. End points were perioperative and late mortality rates and long-term quality of life as assessed by the Short Form Health Survey (SF-36) and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Score questionnaires. RESULTS: Mean age was significantly higher in TEVAR patients (69 +/- 10 years versus 62 +/- 15 years; p = 0.002). Perioperative mortality rates were 9% (OAR) and 8% (TEVAR), respectively (p = 0.254). Accordingly, cumulative long-term mortality rates were similar in both cohorts. Overall quality-of-life scores were 93 (63-110, OAR) and 83 (60-112, TEVAR), respectively. Normal quality-of-life scores range from 85 to 115. Anxiety and depression scores were not increased after open surgery. CONCLUSIONS: Thoracic endovascular aortic repair and OAR both provide excellent long-term results in treatment of thoracic aortic disease. Long-term quality of life, however, is reduced after thoracic aortic repair. Interestingly, TEVAR patients did not score higher in overall quality of life despite all advantages of minimized access trauma. Similarly, anxiety and depression scores are not reduced by TEVAR, possibly reflecting a certain caution against the new technology.