609 resultados para Lomonosov, Mihail Vasiljevitsh
Stable oxygen and carbon isotope and sedimentological-paleontological investigations supported by accelerator mass spectrometry 14C datings were carried out on cores from north of 85°N in the eastern central Arctic Ocean. Significant changes in accumulation rates, provenance of ice-rafted debris (IRD), and planktic productivity over the past 80,000 years are documented. During peak glacials, i.e., oxygen isotope stages 4 and 2, the Arctic Ocean was covered by sea ice with decreased seasonal variation, limiting planktic productivity and bulk sedimentation rates. In early stage 3 and during Termination I, major deglaciations of the circum-Arctic regions caused lowered salinities and poor oxygenation of central Arctic surface waters. A meltwater spike and an associated IRD peak dated to ~14-12 14C ka can be traced over the southern Eurasian Basin of the Arctic Ocean. This event was associated with the early and rapid deglaciation of the marine-based Barents Sea Ice Sheet. A separate Termination Ib meltwater event is most conspicuous in the central Arctic and is associated with characteristic dolomitic carbonate IRD. This lithology suggests an origin of glacial ice from northern Canada and northern Greenland where lower Paleozoic platform carbonates crop extensively out.
We examine the quantitative composition of benthic foraminiferal assemblages of Rose Bengal-stained surface samples from 37 stations in the Laptev Sea, and combine this data set with an existing data set along a transect from Spitsbergen to the central Arctic Ocean. Foraminiferal test accumulation rates, diversity, faunal composition and statistically defined foraminiferal associations are analysed for living (Rose Bengal-stained) and dead foraminifers. We compare the results of several benthic foraminiferal diversity indices and statistically defined foraminiferal associations, including Fisher's alpha and Shannon-Wiener diversity indices, Q-mode principal component analysis and correspondence analysis. Diversity and faunal density (standing stock) of living benthic foraminifers are positively correlated to trophic resources. In contrast, the accumulation rate of dead foraminifers (BFAR) shows fluctuating values depending on test disintegration processes. Foraminiferal associations defined by Q-mode principal component analysis and correspondence analysis are comparable. The factor values of the correspondence analysis allow a quantitative correlation between the foraminiferal fauna and the local carbon flux, which may be used as a tool to estimate changes in primary productivity.
Data on the amount and composition of organic carbon were determined in sediment cores from the Kara and Laptev Sea continental margin, representing oxygen isotope stages 1-6. The characterization of organic matter is based on hydrogen index (HI) values, n-alkanes and maceral composition, indicating the predominance of terrigenous organic matter through space and time. The variations in the amount and composition of organic carbon are mainly influenced by changes in fluvial sediment supply, Atlantic water inflow, and continental ice sheets. During oxygen isotope stage (OIS) 6, high organic carbon contents in sediments from the Laptev Sea and western East Siberian Sea continental margin were probably caused by the increased glacial erosion and further transport in the eastward-flowing boundary current along the continental margin. During OIS 5 and early OIS 3, some increased amounts of marine organic matter were preserved in sediments east of the Lomonosov Ridge, suggesting an influence of nutrient-rich Pacific waters. During OIS 2, terrigenous organic carbon supply was increased along the Barents and western Kara Sea continental margin caused by extended continental ice sheets in the Barents Sea (Svalbard to Franz Josef Land) area and increased glacial erosion. Along the Laptev Sea continental margin, on the other hand, the supply of terrigenous (organic) matter was significantly reduced due to the lack of major ice sheets and reduced river discharge. Towards the Holocene, the amount of total organic carbon (TOC) increased along the Kara and Laptev Sea continental margin, reaching average values of up to 0.5 g C/cm**2/ky. Between about 8 and 10 ka (9 and 11 Cal ka), i.e., during times when the inner shallow Kara and Laptev seas became largely flooded for the first time after the Last Glacial Maximum, maximum supply of terrigenous organic carbon occurred, which is related to an increase in coastal erosion and Siberian river discharge. During the last 8000 years, the increased amount of marine organic carbon preserved in the sediments from the Kara and Laptev Sea continental margin is interpreted as a result of the intensification of Atlantic water inflow along the Eurasian continental margin.
The study of particulate organic matter (OM) in Arctic Ocean sediments from the Late Cretaceous to the Eocene (IODP Expedition 302) has revealed detailed information about the aquatic/marine OM fluxes, biological sources, preservation and export of terrestrial material. Here, we present detailed data from maceral analysis, vitrinite reflectance measurements and organic geochemistry. During the Campanian/Paleocene, fluxes of land-derived OM are indicated by reworked and oxidized macerals (vitrinite, inertinite) and terrigenous liptinite (cutinite, sporinite). In the Early Eocene, drastic environmental changes are indicated by peaks in aquatic OM (up to 40-45%, lamalginite, telalginite, liptodetrinite, dinoflagellate cysts) and amorphous OM (up to 50% bituminite). These events of increased aquatic OM flux, similar to conditions favoring black shale deposition, correlate with the global d13C events "Paleocene/Eocene Thermal Maximum" (PETM) and "Elmo-event". Freshwater discharge and proximity of the source area are documented by freshwater algae material (Pediastrum, Botryococcus) and immature land-plant material (corphuminite, textinite). We consider that erosion of coal-bearing sediments during transgression time lead to humic acids release as a source for bituminite deposited in the Early Eocene black shales.
The Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Arctic Coring Expedition (ACEX) Hole 4C from the Lomonosov Ridge in the central Arctic Ocean recovered a continuous 18 m record of Quaternary foraminifera yielding evidence for seasonally ice-free interglacials during the Matuyama, progressive development of large glacials during the mid-Pleistocene transition (MPT) ~1.2-0.9 Ma, and the onset of high-amplitude 100-ka orbital cycles ~500 ka. Foraminiferal preservation in sediments from the Arctic is influenced by primary (sea ice, organic input, and other environmental conditions) and secondary factors (syndepositional, long-term pore water dissolution). Taking these into account, the ACEX 4C record shows distinct maxima in agglutinated foraminiferal abundance corresponding to several interglacials and deglacials between marine isotope stages (MIS) 13-37, and although less precise dating is available for older sediments, these trends appear to continue through the Matuyama. The MPT is characterized by nearly barren intervals during major glacials (MIS 12, 16, and 22-24) and faunal turnover (MIS 12-24). Abundant calcareous planktonic (mainly Neogloboquadrina pachyderma sin.) and benthic foraminifers occur mainly in interglacial intervals during the Brunhes and very rarely in the Matuyama. A distinct faunal transition from calcareous to agglutinated foraminifers 200-300 ka in ACEX 4C is comparable to that found in Arctic sediments from the Lomonosov, Alpha, and Northwind ridges and the Morris Jesup Rise. Down-core disappearance of calcareous taxa is probably related to either reduced sea ice cover prior to the last few 100-ka cycles, pore water dissolution, or both.
An original method of paleotemperature analysis on planktonic foraminifera is substantiated and actively used for stratigraphy of bottom sediments and paleoceanologic reconstructions. On the base of this method, as well as on lithological, geochemical, and oxygen isotope data, radiocarbon dating, constructions of other investigators, etc., the main features of dynamic Quaternary paleoceanology of the Atlantic Ocean is reconstructed. It is discussed in the context of global paleogeography. Paleotemperature field, climatic zonation, paleoecology of foraminifera, position of the main water masses, water fronts, currents, distribution of sea ice boundaries, upwelling activity, benthic circulation, processes of sedimentation are econstructed and analyzed.
This study focuses on sedimentological investigations of sediment cores recovered during the international Arctic'91, expeditions with the German research ice breaker RV "Polarstern" to the European sector of the Arctic Ocean. Here, we deduce the last glacial/interglacial changes in transport mechanism and sedimentation from the clay mineral group smectite. We choose the smectites as an example of how sediment mineralogy can be linked with particular source regions (the Kara and Laptev seas), distinct transport mechanism (sea ice and surface currents) and sedimentation processes. Smectite contents in Arctic sediments discussed for two time slices, including the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), and the last deglaciation (Termination I), reveal the highest variability subsequent to the retreat of the Eurasian ice sheets. Our results show that smectite anomalies in the Eurasian Basin are associated with distinct meltwater pulses and occurred around 13.5-13.0 14C ka B.P. Compelling evidence is provided that these anomalies are deduced from sea-ice entrained sediments from the eastern Kara Sea that entered the Arctic Ocean after ice-sheet break-up and eventually flooding of the Kara Sea. We propose that smectite anomalies in sediments of the eastern Arctic Ocean can be utilized to identify deglacial events and to help decipher configurations of the Eurasian ice sheets. The identification of smectite maxima along the modern sea-ice edge in the Eurasian Basin further indicates biologically enhanced sedimentation from melting sea ice allowing the reconstruction of seasonally open water in the region. Hence, considering the poor preservation conditions of primary paleoceanographic proxies in the Arctic Ocean, the clay mineral contents, particularly the smectite group, may be one alternative tool for paleoclimatic reconstruction in the Eurasian Basin.
The transpolar drift is strongly enriched in 228Ra accumulated on the wide Arctic shelves with subsequent rapid offshore transport. We present new data of Polarstern expeditions to the central Arctic and to the Kara and Laptev seas. Because 226Ra activities in Pacific waters are 30% higher than in Atlantic waters, we correct 226Ra for the Pacific admixture when normalizing 228Ra with 226Ra. The use of 228Ra decay as age marker critically depends on the constancy in space and time of the source activity, a condition that has not yet adequately been tested. While 228Ra decays during transit over the central basin, ingrowth of 228Th could provide an alternative age marker. The high 228Th/228Ra activity ratio (AR = 0.8-1.0) in the central basins is incompatible with a mixing model based on horizontal eddy diffusion. An advective model predicts that 228Th grows to an equilibrium AR, the value of which depends on the scavenging regime. The low AR over the Lomonosov Ridge (AR = 0.5) can be due to either rapid transport (minimum age without scavenging 1.1 year) or enhanced scavenging. Suspended particulate matter load (derived from beam transmission and particulate 234Th) and total 234Th depletion data show that scavenging, although extremely low in the central Arctic, is enhanced over the Lomonosov Ridge, making an age of 3 years more likely. The combined data of 228Ra decay and 228Th ingrowth confirm the existence of a recirculating gyre in the surface water of the eastern Eurasian Basin with a river water residence time of at least 3 years.