776 resultados para Leadership style


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This paper provides an ongoing analysis to one of the biggest ethical and financial scandals in Portugal – Banco Espírito Santo (BES). BES was considered one of the three best banks but it went bankrupted and its employees were transferred to a new entity – Novo Banco. This study was conducted in order to provide an understanding of the employees’ side, which has been forgotten so far. An ethical scandal (sensebreaking) creates ambiguity and uncertainty which triggers new sensemaking processes in order to understand and derive meaning from the new reality. The methodology followed was semi-structured interviews to employees both from the branches and the central services. We found evidence that in organizations with strong identification, unethical behavior has a significant impact on followers’ – the new process of sensemaking is particularly important in this situation because employees suffer more from the disruption of their reality.


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Recently, unethical conduct in the workplace has been a focus of literature and media. Unethical pro-organizational behavior (UPB) refers to unethical conduct that employees engage in to benefit the organization. Given the complexity of UPB, there is an increasing need to understand how and under what conditions this attitude originates within organizations. Based on a sample of 167 employees and seven organizations, results support the moderated mediation model. An ethical leader increases employees’ organizational affective commitment which increases the likelihood to engage in UPB. However, the indirect relationship diminishes when employees feel authentic at work.


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Double degree


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This Work Project presents human resources as one of the major challenges that Portuguese leaders meet in Angola and Mozambique. The main goal is to understand the role of leaders in translating this challenge into benefits for their own business and the African society. To conduct this study 13 leaders who work in Portugal and Africa were interviewed. Then, a framework was constructed based on the two ways these leaders recognize the importance of their employees for sustainable growth – financial incentives or/and personal development. The main conclusion here is that individually, incentives and personal development are not effective methods. Because of this, an employee empowerment process is proposed that encloses both, along with the leaders’ personal qualities needed to implement that “ideal” process.


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Tese de Doutoramento em Psicologia na área de especialização de Psicologia das Organizações apresentada ao ISPA - Instituto Universitário


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In a male dominant political world, the cases of female leadership are still a novelty. Looking at the episodes where a woman was head of state or government, the impact on attitudes and perceptions toward gender equality is evaluated. By instrumenting the presence of a female in government with the proportion of female seats in parliament, the results seem to suggest that individuals, when exposed to a woman as an executive political leader, report a higher tendency to agree with statements of gender discrimination.


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Servant leadership theory has been the subject of great academic discussion, namely in what concerns reaching a consensus for its definition. As many frameworks have been designed in order to define the servant leader’s characteristics, we based ourselves in van Dierendonck’s review and synthesis on servant leadership (2011) to assess how it is perceived in a Portuguese organizational context. After performing several interviews in a private health care organization, we conclude that the perception of servant leadership is generally positive and that its characteristics seem to be in line with academic literature. However, some issues arose such as a seemingly lack of relevance given to authenticity and humility, the latter being a unique attribute of servant leadership. Also, we found a discrepancy between hierarchical levels’ perception of servant leadership characteristics as well as questioning if an over emphasis on service can diminish the servant leader’s impact on organizational performance.


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This study examines the direct and indirect effects of humble leadership on team voice. Although the relationship between leadership styles and voice is widely investigated, humble leadership and team voice, both relatively new constructs, remained out of sight. Drawing upon social interdependence theory, information exchange, team psychological safety, and team-efficacy are proposed to mediate the relationship between humble leadership and team voice. Research is conducted at the team-level analysis and involved 209 team members from 52 teams in 21 companies collected through a snowball sample. Results were provided by the SPSS macro PROCESS using the regression-based approach and bootstrapping techniques. Findings showed that humble leadership is positively related to team voice. Furthermore, findings supported the mediating effect of information exchange. However, no support was given for the mediating effects of team psychological safety and team-efficacy. Theoretical and practical implications of the findings are addressed.


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The purpose of the “Then and Now” program is to engage these people more actively in the annual meetings and provide a forum for them to engage with those who are following in their footsteps. This purpose allows the missions of the Community of Academy Senior Scholars (CASS) and the Management History (MH) Division to intersect. CASS has as one of its goals to keep these pioneers of management history engaged in their profession and their professional organization (AOM). MH has as one of its goals to accurately record the intellectual contributions of the pioneers of the management field.


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Most universities and higher education systems have formally taken up a third mission, which involves various public outreach and engagement activities. Little is known regarding how higher education institutions' organisations interact with academic's level of public outreach. This article examines to which extent the perceptions academics have of their institutions' culture and management style, as well as some of their own individual and statutory characteristics interact with their level of public outreach. Using the Academic Profession in Europe comparative and quantitative research database, this article focuses on two countries on the extremities of the spectrum - Switzerland and the United Kingdom.


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Contient : Sciendum des notaires et secrétaires du Roi : « Sciendum est quod v[adia] notarii sunt sex solidi parisienses per diem... » [même texte latin dans les mss franç. 6021, f. 36, et 18368, f. 83 ; texte français daus les mss franç. 18239, f. 1, 18281, f. 399 v, etc.] ; « Cy après s'ensuivent aucunes notes et enseignemens, touchant les offices des notaires et secrétaires du Roy nostre sire » ; « Prothocole » ou formules de suscriptions « de lettres closes », et formules de lettres empruntées aux chancelleries de Charles VI et de Charles VII ; Formulaire de la chancellerie de France, de l'époque de Charles V, en latin : « Lilterarum regiarum quedam diriguntur subditis regni... » ; Style du Parlement, par Guillaume DU BREUIL ; Notes concernant les pairs de France (f. 71 v), — les « éveschez estant en régale » (f. 71 v), — les cas royaux (f. 72), — les « cas dont congnoist la court laye » (f. 72), etc ; Ordonnances concernant le Parlement et la justice : Ordonnances de Philippe VI de Valois, 13 mars 1344/5 (f. 75), et décembre 1344 (f. 85 v), — et de Jean II le Bon, mai 1355 (f. 93), et décembre 1363 (f. 107) ; Instruction pour la conservation des « droiz de souverainetez et de ressort et autres droiz roiaulx » dans la ville et baronnie de Montpellier, 8 mai 1372 [Ordonnances des rois de France, t. V, 1736, pp. 479-480] ; Actes divers de Charles V, juillet 1363 [?] (f. 114), et mars 1371/2 (f. 115), — et de Philippe VI de Valois, 10 juillet 1336 (f. 117) ; Ordonnance de Philippe VI de Valois, concernant le jugement des procès en matière réelle, 1330 [Or donnances des rois de France, t. II, 1729, pp. 63-64] ; « La manière de faire les obsèques du roy de France, et mesmement du roy Charles VI », novembre 1422 : « Le duc de Bedfort, régent du royaulme de France... » [cf. ms. français 1850, f. 141] ; « Secuntur plura arresta extracta a registris Parlamenti... » ; Autre série d'arrêts, d'une main plus récente ; Choses dont il faut souhaiter que « Dieu nous gart »