985 resultados para Lake trout fisheries


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This paper records the results of investigations of plankton, benthic fauna and fish fauna carried out between 1957 and 1963. The standing crop of net plankton in the lake was found to be 249.6 Kg/ha. This plankton is not being fully utilized by the fish fauna in the lake. Stocking the lake with a plankton feeder like Chanos chanos (Forskal) is recommended. The figure of 24.37 Kg/ha obtained for the standing crop of bottom fauna in the lake was comparatively low. This indicates that the bottom fauna is being fully utilized by the fish. The introduction and establishment of Tilapia mossambica (Peters) had not wiped out a single indigenous species of fish from the lake that produces about 2,000 lbs. of fish per acre per year. This can be increased by the introduction of a plankton feeder (Chanos chanos), and by further exploitation of existing stock.


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The methods of estimating codend selectivity for alternate hauls are briefly described and applied to Bagrus docmac (forskahl) data from Lake Victoria. Certain inconsistencies are noted and it is postulated that they may be due to differential escapement of larger Bagrus docmac through the trawl meshes when the different codends were fitted. The calculated 50% selection lengths yielded a fair regression on measured weigh give a fork length selection factor of 2.33, consistent with data from the smallest codend mesh size used. The implications of the findings are briefly discussed in relation to the proposed Haplochromis trawl fishery 1971.


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The Annual report covers Research work of the Organization carried out during the period 1975. Its explains the following research work: Haplochromis Studies, Electrophoresis,The Ecology of Haplochromis in the northern waters of Lake Victoria Limnology, Aquatic Pollution and Biochemical Studies The Biology of Synodontis in Lake Victoria Riverine Fisheries, Inshore Fishery of the Kenyan-Waters of Lake Victoria Biostatistics, the Inshore Fisheries of the Western part of Lake Victoria, The Offshore Fisheries of Kenyan Waters of Lake Victoria Lake Mobutu Sese Seko: Stock Assessment and Ecological Studies Fishery Economics, The Biology of Bagrus docmac in Lake Victoria Fishery Resource Surveys of Lake Wamala and Kijanebalola


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Lake Victoria, straddling the Equator, is the second largest lake in the world, with a surface area of approximately 26,000 square miles (41,500 square kilometers) and a maximum depth of about 300 feet. Uganda possesses most of the north end of the lake which consists of a long, indented coastline and a chain of offshore islands on the edge of a 'continental shelf' separating relatively shallow sheltered inshore waters from the deeper open waters of the lake. At the present time the lake is harvested mainly by a native gill net fishery confined almost entirely to the shallow sheltered inshore waters. The annual production of all species from Uganda waters is in the region of 24,000 tons per annum, and Tilapia(Cichlidae)is commercially the most important genus. Haplochromis, a close relative of Tilapia, but generally much smaller, contributes only a small amount to this annual production; see Table 1, although they are probably the most abundant group of fish present in the lake. Through international aid programmes Uganda has been offered a canning plant and it is thought that Haplochromis is the most suitable type of fish to be utilized by such a plant. The Uganda Fisheries Department are conducting research into processing techniques and marketing and the East African Freshwater Fisheries Research Organization was asked to conduct a survey of the Haplochromis stocks of the lake with a view to estimating the ability or otherwise of these stocks to support a commercial canning industry.


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An extensive study of the hydrobiology of the Colombo Lake was initiated by the authors in May 1969 as a contribution to the International Biological Program (Productivity of freshwater communities) by the Department of Zoology, Vidyalankara University of Ceylon, Kelaniya. The Colombo Lake often referred to as the Beira Lake covers an area of approximately 160 acres. The water is usually very turbid with a greenish blue appearance due to the presence of large quantities of blue green algae.


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There was very little previous information to use as a basis for work on Lakes Edward and George, but fortunately the region had been mapped in some detail by the Uganda-Congo Boundary Commission of 1906-08. This map served as a satisfactory foundation, but the western Congo shoreline of Lake Edward was inserted only by a dotted line, and a number of inaccuracies, particularly with regard to the islands and littoral of L. George, came to light during our survey.


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The fishing industry on Lake Victoria continued to provide a wide spectrum of activities to a variety of people principally the fishermen and the fish mongers, boat builders,fishnets and associated equipment manufacturer transporters on land and water and finally the consumers of the end product the fish. Though there were such varied activities in the industry the year under review, as in previous other recent years, was difficult one being, characterized by continued shortages of fishing gear and accessories, spare parts for the outboard engines, timber for boat building, nails, paints and generally high prices of those items when ever found. Thus this total sum the activities of the fishing industry on Lake victoria was rather slack as compared to those of precious year.


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Among the commercially valuable species occurring in Lake Victoria the two endemic species of Tilapia, T. esculenta (Graham) and T. variabilis (Boulenger) still provide the basis for the fishery in many areas, though in some places the non-cichlid species are more important, for example in the Kagera river area where large numbers of Labeo victorianus and Schilbe mystus migrate seasonally into the river. Although certain species show these habitat preferences. Most of the coastline of Lake Victoria supports a wide variety of species, all of which contribute to the commercial fishery. Over the past ten years the East African Fisheries Research Organisation has fished experimentally a number of stations within a radius of fifty miles from Jinja. These stations have been selected so as to cover a variety of habitats which range from sheltered bays to exposed coastlines. The records discussed in this paper are the result of fishing operations carried out in Pilkington Bay over the period December 1954 to November 1956. This series of fishing operations was carried out in an attempt to assess the composition of the fish populations contained in this area. To this end a variety of nets of differing mesh sizes were used. Pilkington Bay is about ten square miles in extent and is an irregular and deep indentation on the north coast of Buvuma Island. It lies within the sleeping siclmess area where fishing by Africans is prohibited. When selecting an experimental fishing ground, it is important to have some idea of the amount of commercial fishing being carried out in the area. Throughout the period of this experiment a few African fishermen were seen operating illegally in the area, but it is unlikely that their efforts greatly affected the results obtained. Pilkington Bay was fished by E.A.F.R.O. in 1949 and 1950 (Lowe McConnell 1956) but since then till the present experiment, fishing in the area has been infrequent.


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Results of the first frame survey of the fishing centres on the Mozambican coast of Lake Niassa, held in June 1983, are presented. A total of 41 fishing centres were detected in the area and visited. Through direct enquiries in each centre, an estimated number of 3,380 fishermen and 1,230 fishing boats (of which 25 motorized) was established. The results also provided information on the types and quantities of fishing gear used. A first estimation of the approximate total annual catch in the area gave a figure in the order of 9,100 tons., of which approximately equals 90% is landed during the rainy season. The survey is a part of a research programme on the fishing resources of Lake Niassa and of a project for the collection and organization of fisheries statistics from the artisanal fisheries of the Mozambican side of Lake Niassa.


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If recent estimates are accurate the world’s human population can be expected to double in the next thirty years. The rate of growth will likely be even greater in many African nations, yet food supplies in these countries especially of essential animal proteins, are even not; inadequate Clearly increased production of food for domestic consumption must become a high- priority development goal. The inland fisheries of Africa will play an increasingly important role in augmenting protein supplies. In 1970, production of the inland fisheries was already-about 1.4 million metric tons, and had increased some 71 per cent in the previous six years. With further development and more affective fishery management a two-fold increase 1n output over the present level can reasonably be expected. Effective management of the fisheries at optimum exploitation levels end development of under utilized fish resources will neccessite major improvement in the stastistical systems employed to produce information on the fish stocks and fisheries. More reliable and detailed information on the catch, effort and other important aspect of the fishing enterprises will be required.


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Analysis of the length-frequency data on Copadichromis likomae (Cichlidae) from Lake Niassa, Mozambique, suggests an asymptotic length of SL∞=14 cm associated with a K value of 0.93 yearˉ¹. Total and natural mortalities were estimated as 3.2 yearˉ¹ and 1.9 yearˉ¹, respectively. Yield-per-recruit analysis suggests that E=0.36 in this fishery.


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The fisheries of Lakes Mutanda and Mulehe during 1998/9 were mainly at subsistence scale and only few fishers operated at irregular intervals. The commercial catch records between 1963 to 1999 showed that Lake Mulehe was landing more fish than Lake Mutanda despite the fact that Lake Mutanda (26.4 km2) was bigger than Lake Mulehe (4.11 cm2). The constant decline of catches was due to irregular restocking and applying low stocking densities of fry. However, restocking should consider using species that withstand low temperature (15-240C) in the district. These include Oreochromis niloticus (Nile tilapia), Macropterus salmoides (Black bass), and Cyprinus carpio (Common carp). Most of these species have either disappeared or declined to very low levels. Due to lack of commercial fish species for harvest, the fishers by 1998/9 resorted to harvesting the haplochromines, Clarias carsoni and edible frogs (Xenopus kigesiensis) as alternative resources. Experimental studies have shown the need and techniques to enhance fish production on these two lakes.


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This Report covers the period 1st January, 1954, to 30th June, 1955. Scientific work of the organization carried out during the reporting period included the following: Hydrology, Mollusca, Arthropoda , Tilapia, Haplochromis , The Fishes of Uganda , species of fish occurring in Lake Victoria, Analysis of commercial catches, Experimental fishing, The Relative fecundity of Tilapia species, The breeding behaviour of Tilapia, The rings on Tilapia Scales, The Growth of very young fish, The reproductive cycle of non-cichild fishes, The food of fish, some notes on the food of crocodiles, Varanus Lizards and Otters and List of Publications


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Lake Victoria shoreline in Jinja Municipality has four urban wetlands of Kirinya West/Loco, Kirinya East/Walukuba, Masese and Budumbuli which have undergone major changes during the past fifty years due to increased human activities. Amongst these activities is the continuous inflow of agricultural run-off, industrial and municipal wastewater. A significant increase in nutrient loads of Nitrogen and Phosphorus from the catchment area continues to enhance eutrophication of Lake Victoria. Pollution from point sources (Industrial plants and NWSC Kirinya final maturation pond) into Jinja’s urban wetlands were therefore studied using a simplified material flux analysis methodology to identify the active elements and estimate the pollution loads due to Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Carbon (nutrients), Chromium, Copper, Lead, Nickel and Manganese metals.


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The examination of a considerable amount of data has led to the conclusion that Lake Victoria should be considered as many lakes within a lake. This is not a vague and seemingly obvious remark based on the superficial observation that it is a very large lake containing numerous islands and with a highly indented coastline, and therefore providing variable local conditions. Such local conditions would exist in any lake whose basin departed from a simple geometric form. But evidence has now been collected to show that really significant differences occur between different regions within the lake. These differences are apparent from a variety of data, including the nature of the bottom deposits, the chemical and hydrological condition of the water, the amount and kind of plankton and the distribution and abundance of the fauna. Our findings are as yet somewhat sketchy, and it will be a long time before it will be possible to draw an adequate picture of the various regions of the lake; it is however, of great value to have reached a position enabling us to form this general concept. The most striking and definite evidence is derived, as might be expected, from hydrological data. Details of this work are contained in the hydrological section of this report. Any data recorded below should be considered as applying only to the particular areas mentioned. In other words it would, to draw an obvious example be wrong to suppose that because fish grow at a particular rate in one part of the lake they will grow at the same rate or to the same size in other regions of the lake.