971 resultados para Lady Diggers
Se trata del segundo volumen de la obra 'Literatura universal a través del cine'. Analiza diversos estilos literarios surgidos desde el siglo XIX hasta la actualidad, mediante el examen de fragmentos de películas que se han realizado partiendo de guiones adaptados de obras literarias universales. Se desarrolla en cinco parte: siglo XIX, siglo XX, literatura norteamericana, literatura europea y vínculos entre Europa y América. Cada una de las partes comprenden diferentes géneros literarios: romanticismo, realismo o ciencia ficción. Dependiendo de cada género, se examinan diversas películas, según su adaptación cinematográfica: Cumbres borrascosas; Madame Bovary; Drácula; El informe Pelícano; Extraños en la noche; Blade Runner; My Fair Lady; El proceso; La naranja mecánica; El padrino; Las cenizas de Ángela y Apocalypse Now. Al final de cada capítulo existen unas actividades didácticas en relación con cada película .
Este artículo es continuación de La enseñanza en Inglaterra : funcionamiento de algunos centros
Estudio sobre la cuestión femenina en la literatura de Henry James. En varias de las novelas de James aparece un personaje, casi siempre una figura femenina que atrae nuestra atención, nos fascina y nos hace participar en su trayectoria vital, tomando partido ante sus actitudes o sus errores y dejándonos defraudados o entristecidos ante el final de una historia, que puede ser dramático o ser un final sin respuesta. Se analizan a continuación algunos de los rasgos de tres heroínas de James: lsabel, de The portrait of a Lady, del año 1881; Verena, de The Bostoniano, de 1886; y Milly, de The wings of the dove, del año 1902. Se destaca la fuerza de sus respectivas personalidades y el hecho de que James las situase en un contexto absolutamente cerrado y alejado de los acontecimientos políticos. En James hay poca acción, pero hay una deliberada descripción de rasgos y tipos americanos. Sin embargo, sus personajes masculinos son menos convincentes y con frecuencia menos atractivos. Pero las protagonistas de James, por una razón u otra, no pueden elegir un destino de libertad y de plenitud de vida. Muy raramente aparece la pasión y casi nunca el amor físico. Todo sucede en el cerebro y en el corazón de los personajes.
The accumulation of phosphorus (P) in the bottom sediment of field drainage ditches poses a threat to the ecology both of the ditch water and downstream water courses. We investigated the amounts, forms and internal loading of sediment-bound P along two drainage ditches that regulate water levels in a basin fen (~ 200 ha) supporting a mixture of restored wetland and drained agricultural fields. Water levels in the Lady's Drove Rhyne are currently managed to enhance the biodiversity of the wetland (Catcott Lows Reserve — an area formerly cultivated for arable crop production); whereas, the East Ditch is managed to drain adjoining land that remains under arable and livestock production. Laboratory-based chemical fractionation schemes were used to characterise the forms and potential mobility of the sediment-bound P, whilst pore-water equilibrators were employed in situ to evaluate the diffusive flux of P through the sediment–water column, and to characterise the corresponding redox conditions. Along both ditches, sediment pore-water profiles indicated conditions ranging from weakly to very reducing conditions with increasing depth, and net fluxes of P from the sediment to overlying water. P flux values ranged from 0.33 to 1.30 mg m− 2 day− 1. Both the degree of P saturation (DPS) of the sediment and NaOH extractable (Fe/Al-bound) P correlated significantly (P < 0.05) with P flux. Both in the wetland and agricultural ditches, by far the highest values for P flux were recorded at sites closest to points of drainage water entry from the corresponding, adjoining land. Although the P flux data were obtained from only a single sampling event, this study highlights the contribution of historical as well as ongoing agricultural land use on the sustained elevated P status of ditch sediments in lowland catchments.
The letters of early modern women demonstrate that their experience of religion was essentially social, contrary to the impression created by much modern work on diaries or meditations. The stereotypical melancholic, pious lady is far from the ideal offered by spiritual advisors, women and men, in their correspondence. Letters demonstrate how women created networks of spiritual support within and beyond their families. Letters also testify to the agency exercised by early modern women in religious matters, particularly in their assumption of the role of religious advisor and in their engagement with ecclesiastical politics. While this is far from showing that religion empowered all early modern women, it does offer a corrective to the unduly gloomy view of the role of religion in such women's lives. Letters provide indispensable testimony to the social nature of women's responses to the changing religious culture and politics of the eighteenth century.
In an elegy to Wyatt published in Tottel’s Miscellany, Surrey claims that Wyatt ‘reft Chaucer the glory of his wit’. This statement, which both lauds and resists Chaucer, is a microcosm of the way Chaucer is treated throughout the Miscellany. In examining the collection’s paradoxical attitude to Chaucer, this essay focuses particularly on the Squire’s Tale, the Franklin’s Tale, Anelida and Arcite, the Legend of Good Women, and several short lyrics. In its interest in courtly love poetry and Petrarch, the Miscellany follows a trajectory in English poetry set by Chaucer. Its courtly verse is saturated with words, phrases, and tropes from his poetry. Rhyme royal, which he introduced into English poetry, is widely used. The Canterbury Tales has been fully assimilated and can be referred to allusively with the same confidence of the audience’s knowledge as is the case when referring to classical myth; in Wyatt’s ‘Myne owne Jhon Poins’, the speaker, disclaiming deceitfulness, says that he cannot ‘say that Pan/ Passeth Appollo in musike manifold:/ Praise syr Topas for a noble tale,/ And scorne the story that the knight tolde’ (lines 48-50). However, Chaucer’s poetry is also downplayed and contested in the Miscellany. ‘Truth’, the only poem of his which appears in the volume, is disingenuously placed in the ‘Uncertain Authors’ section. In addition, some of the most important elements of his work are strongly resisted in the Miscellany, either ignored, dismissed or challenged. These elements include Chaucer’s interest in variety of voice, his sympathetic engagement with women, particularly wronged women, and his interest in female speech and particularly female complaint. The Miscellany, by contrast, is dominated by male-voiced lyrics preoccupied with the pain inflicted on the lover by a lady who is frequently unfeeling, cruel, or faithless. Chaucer’s frequent focus on the cynical seduction and betrayal of female by male is reversed in the Miscellany, and the language and metaphors he uses to express male cruelty (e.g. the word ‘newfangleness’ and images of hooks, nets and traps) are usurped to describe the lady’s cruelty to the suffering lover. On occasion, poems in the Miscellany challenge specific Chaucerian texts; ‘On His Love Named White’ throws down a gauntlet to The Book of the Duchess, while two of Surrey’s poems implicitly take issue with the female falcon’s voice in the Squire’s Tale, giving the deceitful tercelet the opportunity to shout down the falcon’s charges. The essay thus shows that in many respects Tottel’s Miscellany is only superficially Chaucerian, and that it both passively and actively takes issue with Chaucer’s work.
Acrylamide forms during cooking and processing predominately from the reaction of free asparagine and reducing sugars in the Maillard reaction. The identification of low free asparagine and reducing sugar varieties of crops is therefore an important target. In this study, nine varieties of potato (French fry varieties Maris Piper (from two suppliers), Pentland Dell, King Edward, Daisy, and Markies; and chipping varieties Lady Claire, Lady Rosetta, Saturna, and Hermes) grown in the United Kingdom in 2009 were analyzed at monthly intervals through storage from November 2009 to July 2010. Acrylamide formation was measured in heated flour and chips fried in oil. Analysis of variance revealed significant interactions between varieties nested within type (French fry and chipping) and storage time for most free amino acids, glucose, fructose, and acrylamide formation. Acrylamide formed in chips correlated significantly with acrylamide formed in flour and with chip color. There were significant correlations between glucose or total reducing sugar concentration and acrylamide formation in both variety types, but with fructose the correlation was much stronger for chipping than for French fry varieties. Conversely, there were significant correlations with acrylamide formation for both total free amino acid and free asparagine concentration in the French fry but not chipping varieties. The study showed the potential of variety selection for preventing unacceptable levels of acrylamide formation in potato products and the variety-dependent effect of long-term storage on acrylamide risk. It also highlighted the complex relationship between precursor concentration and acrylamide risk in potatoes.
Although early modern acting companies were adept at using different kinds of venue, performing indoors imposed a significant change in practice. Since indoor theatres required artificial lighting to augment the natural light admitted via windows, candles were employed; but the technology was such that candles could not last untended throughout an entire performance. Performing indoors thus introduced a new component into stage practice: the interval. This article explores what extant evidence (such as it is) might tell us about the introduction of act breaks, how they may have worked, and the implications for actors, audiences and dramatists. Ben Jonson's scripting of the interval in two late plays, The Staple of News and The Magnetic Lady, is examined for what it may suggest about actual practice, and the ways in which the interval may have been considered integral to composition and performance is explored through a reading of Middleton and Rowley's The Changeling. The interval offered playwrights a form of structural punctuation, drawing attention to how acts ended and began; actors could use the space to bring on props for use in the next act; spectators might use the pause between acts to reflect on what had happened and, perhaps, anticipate what was to come; and stage-sitters, the evidence indicates, often took advantage of the hiatus in the play to assert their presence in the space to which all eyes naturally were drawn.
The 'lady as idol' is a cliche of troubadour poetry, and of courtly love in general. Moving beyond the psychoanalytical theories of desire that have informed troubadour studies in the past few decades, this article examines a selection of poems by the troubadour Jausbert de Poicibot, as well as their well-known illustrations in one 14th-c. manuscript, in order to explore how the complex medieval understanding of idolatry interacted with that of "fin'amor".
Twenty varieties of field-grown potato were stored for 2 months and 6 months at 8 °C. Mean acrylamide contents in crisps prepared from all varieties at both storage times ranged from 131 μg per kg in Verdi to 5360 μg per kg in Pentland Dell. In contrast to previous studies, the longer storage period did not affect acrylamide formation significantly for most varieties, the exceptions being Innovator, where acrylamide formation increased, and Saturna, where it decreased. Four of the five varieties designated as suitable for crisping produced crisps with acrylamide levels below the European Commission indicative value of 1000 μg per kg (Saturna, Lady Rosetta, Lady Claire, and Verdi); the exception was Hermes. Two varieties more often used for French fries, Markies and Fontane, also produced crisps with less than 1000 μg per kg acrylamide. Correlations between acrylamide, its precursors and crisp colour are described, and the implications of the results for production of potato crisps are discussed.
Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka vilka underliggande mönster som styr två populärkulturella texter i form av musikvideor publicerade på webbsajten YouTube: Madonnas Like A Virgin och Lady Gagas Bad Romance, samt undersöka om dessa mönster lever vidare inom populärkulturen genom ständigt återskapande.Metoden som används är diskursanalys med genusperspektiv för att ta reda på hur maskulinitet och femininitet konstrueras i det här sammanhanget. En diakron tillika jämförande analys görs för att se om liknande diskurser styr de båda musikvideorna. I arbetet används det vidgade textbegreppet och således utgörs texterna i det här fallet av rörliga bilder, sångtexter och YouTube-kommentarer.Frågeställningarna som ligger till grund för undersökningen är följande: Vilka diskurser, sedda ur genusperspektiv, genomsyrar texterna samt hur gestaltas och förmedlas dessa? Har de båda texterna liknande underliggande mönster, trots att de producerats med 25 års mellanrum? Kan man genom intertextuella kopplingar till de analyserade verken påvisa att diskurserna hela tiden skapas och återskapas i samhället genom populärkulturella texter?Slutsatser: texterna genomsyras av fem dominerande diskurser: kvinnan som oskuld respektive hora, drömprinsen, ”en riktig karl”, mannen har makten samt den starka kvinnan. De båda texterna har liknande underliggande kulturella mönster trots de mellanliggande 25 åren. Intertextuella kopplingar till äldre verk samt moderna texter visar att diskurserna hela tiden skapas och återskapas i populärkulturen.