1000 resultados para La orden ya fue ejecutada. Roma, las Fosas Ardeatinas, la memoria


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Ce mémoire de maîtrise comprend une recherche basée sur l’œuvre dramatique ¡Ay, Carmela !, du dramaturge et directeur du théâtre espagnol contemporain, José Sanchis Sinisterra. Mise en scène pour la première fois en 1987, ¡Ay, Carmela ! est considérée une des plus importantes créations théâtrales représentées depuis l’après-guerre espagnole. Reconnue à l’échelle internationale, ¡Ay, Carmela ! illustre les conséquences de la guerre civile espagnole (1936-1939). À travers l’étude de la structure temporelle et spatiale, ainsi que de l’analyse des caractéristiques des personnages de cette pièce dramatique, le présent travail de recherche essaie de démontrer que les manifestations de la récupération de la mémoire historique se reflètent dans ¡Ay, Carmela !, de telle sorte que la pièce peut être considérée comme précurseur artistique de la « Loi de la mémoire historique » (Ley 52/2007, également appelée la Declaración de reparación y reconocimiento personal). On y retrouve ainsi une forte critique du pacte de silence de la transition démocratique espagnole (1975-1978). Ce travail a comme base méthodologique les outils théoriques de la sémiologie théâtrale (Bobes, García Barrientos, Rubiera) et aussi les écrits de P. Ricœur y de J. Derrida, sur le fonctionnement des mécanismes de la mémoire, de l’oubli et du pardon. Cette recherche se conclut avec une brève étude comparative entre l’œuvre de Sinisterra et l’adaptation cinématographique ¡Ay, Carmela! du réalisateur Carlos Saura.


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Màster Oficial en Gestió del Patrimoni Cultural


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El presente es un artículo de revisión sobre el lugarde la memoria en los procesos de justicia y legitimidad,desde el Modelo Relacional Simbólico, desarrolladopor el Grupo de Mediación de Conflictosde Familia y de Comunidad de la Universitá Cattolicadel Sacro Cuore de Milán. En éste se hace unrecorrido por el lugar de la memoria y su relacióncon la legitimidad en la Psicología Social, así comouna revisión del papel que cumple el vínculo en elconcepto-estructural de la mediación de confl ictosen este paradigma. El concepto de “vínculo”, en elModelo Relacional Simbólico incluye dos ejes: elafectivo y el ético, y dentro de éstos se encuentranlas categorías de confianza, esperanza, justicia ylealtad. En la presente revisión se discute el papelque puede jugar la memoria como proceso vinculantede los marcos de justicia y legitimidad, y a suvez, el papel que pueden ejercer como propuestasde mediación de conflictos tanto en la familia comoen la sociedad.


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The reestablishment of democracy in Chile has seen an intense debate about the events of the recent past, especially on the issue of human rights. From the very beginning, the Concertacion Government has been determined to discover the truth of the repression carried out by the national security forces with a series of commissions that have gathered the testimonies of victims and their relatives. These efforts have been resisted by conservative sectors linked to the dictatorship and the Armed Forces. There has been intense conflict in the media during the past 20 years about events that occurred during the rule of Salvador Allende and the Military Regime. In this regard, a great diversity of information has been produced which, together with the debate evoked, has enabled historians not only to rigorously and thoroughly reconstruct the operation of the state terror but also to explain how a significant sector of Chile’s civil society allowed that situation. This article presents, on one hand, different methodological tools in order to study the recent past and, on the other hand, the social discussion on how to do it.


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Programa de doctorado: Doctorado en español y su cultura: investigación, desarrollo e innovación


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The dissertation regards The memory on the Italian Risorgimento in “Justice and Freedom”(1929-1940) a theoretical core point in the history of the Movement, which so far has not been granted due attention. The work herewith presented is therefore aimed at filling a storiographical gap, analysing the historical events which continue to operate as traditions, raising feelings and passions and hence operating in politics, although as secondary factors. The point made is that the Justice and Freedom Movement, an antifascist political movement born in Paris in October 1929, bases its strength on the heroic choice of the antifascism movement to fight a Second Risorgimento, connecting the fight against the regime to the battles previously fought for the justice and the freedom, an entirely isolated event in the political opposition’s panorama. The dissertation, thus, attempts to explain how and why Justice and Freedom is so tightly interconnected in its political action to the Risorgimento tradition. The first chapter sets the cultural background of the foundation of the Justice and Freedom Movement. The centre of such foundation was Florence, where Gaetano Salvemini, along with a group of young people, would later on carry out some cultural experiences that ideally prepare the ground for the movement’s birth. In the second chapter are found the sites of the memory where the passage of the Risorgimento tradition between the generations takes place. The work therefore shifts from a public to a private level, concentrating on biographical paths. The choice made was for Nello Rosselli, a man very close to the Justice and Freedom Movement but who, as opposed to his comrades-in-arms, did not chose the political way to express his ethical choice, but rather the theoretical one, becoming a Risorgimento historian. The third chapter concentrates on the birth of the Justice and Freedom Movement in France, trying to reconstruct the cultural ties and the confrontation places and sites where the members of the Movement could interact with the French intellectual milieu, bringing back to light the propagandistic usage of the Risorgimento myth carried out by the Movement. Lastly, the fourth chapter focuses on the cultural debate on the Risorgimento, which took place on the press organs of the Movement, pointing out and periodizing the theoretical passages and the propagandistic uses of the myth as related to the stages of the Movement and the political needs.


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Questo elaborato ha l'obiettivo di analizzare due testi di legge spagnoli, la "Ley de amnistía" del 1977 e la "Ley para la memoria histórica" del 2007 e la loro ricezione nelle politiche educative della Spagna. Il lavoro di ricerca, svolto nella città di Madrid, si è focalizzato soprattutto sull'analisi descrittiva di dieci manuali di storia utilizzati in due "Institutos de enseñanza secundaria" e sul commento delle interviste fatte a cinque docenti operanti in questi istituti.


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Obbiettivo di questa tesi è quello di delineare, attraverso i lavori svolti durante il mio percorso di studi presso la Facoltà di Architettura “Aldo Rossi” di Cesena, gli strumenti metodologici appresi per l’elaborazione di un progetto di architettura, capace di abbandonare la dicotomia antico – nuovo, interpretati come concetti distinti e a volte contrari, a favore di «una collaborazione che, con il nostro contributo, aumenta ed arricchisce la perenne attualità delle possibili combinazioni formali di relazione universale». E. N. Rogers