695 resultados para LOCALIZED CORROSION
A heat loop suitable for the study of thermal fouling and its relationship to corrosion processes was designed, constructed and tested. The design adopted was an improvement over those used by such investigators as Hopkins and the Heat Transfer Research Institute in that very low levels of fouling could be detected accurately, the heat transfer surface could be readily removed for examination and the chemistry of the environment could be carefully monitored and controlled. In addition, an indirect method of electrical heating of the heat transfer surface was employed to eliminate magnetic and electric effects which result when direct resistance heating is employed to a test section. The testing of the loop was done using a 316 stainless steel test section and a suspension of ferric oxide and water in an attempt to duplicate the results obtained by Hopkins. Two types of thermal ·fouling resistance versus time curves were obtained . (i) Asymptotic type fouling curve, similar to the fouling behaviour described by Kern and Seaton and other investigators, was the most frequent type of fouling curve obtained. Thermal fouling occurred at a steadily decreasing rate before reaching a final asymptotic value. (ii) If an asymptotically fouled tube was cooled with rapid cir- ·culation for periods up to eight hours at zero heat flux, and heating restarted, fouling recommenced at a high linear rate. The fouling results obtained were observed to be similar and 1n agreement with the fouling behaviour reported previously by Hopkins and it was possible to duplicate quite closely the previous results . This supports the contention of Hopkins that the fouling results obtained were due to a crevice corrosion process and not an artifact of that heat loop which might have caused electrical and magnetic effects influencing the fouling. The effects of Reynolds number and heat flux on the asymptotic fouling resistance have been determined. A single experiment to study the effect of oxygen concentration has been carried out. The ferric oxide concentration for most of the fouling trials was standardized at 2400 ppM and the range of Reynolds number and heat flux for the study was 11000-29500 and 89-121 KW/M², respectively.
Acknowledgement The authors are grateful to Prof. Siegfried Schmauder and Prof. Erdogan Madenci for the useful discussions that occurred throughout the realization of this study and acknowledge the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL) for the financial support. A special thanks go to the anonymous reviewers, whose time and contribution have been highly appreciated. Results were obtained using the EPSRC funded ARCHIE-WeSt High Performance Computer (www.archie-west.ac.uk). EPSRC grant no. EP/K000586/1.
This paper presents an image processing based detection method for detecting pitting corrosion in steel structures. High Dynamic Range (HDR) imaging has been carried out in this regard to demonstrate the effectiveness of such relatively inexpensive techniques that are of immense benefit to Non – Destructive – Tesing (NDT) community. The pitting corrosion of a steel sample in marine environment is successfully detected in this paper using the proposed methodology. It is observed, that the proposed method has a definite potential to be applied to a wider range of applications.
The importance of non-destructive techniques (NDT) in structural health monitoring programmes is being critically felt in the recent times. The quality of the measured data, often affected by various environmental conditions can be a guiding factor in terms usefulness and prediction efficiencies of the various detection and monitoring methods used in this regard. Often, a preprocessing of the acquired data in relation to the affecting environmental parameters can improve the information quality and lead towards a significantly more efficient and correct prediction process. The improvement can be directly related to the final decision making policy about a structure or a network of structures and is compatible with general probabilistic frameworks of such assessment and decision making programmes. This paper considers a preprocessing technique employed for an image analysis based structural health monitoring methodology to identify sub-marine pitting corrosion in the presence of variable luminosity, contrast and noise affecting the quality of images. A preprocessing of the gray-level threshold of the various images is observed to bring about a significant improvement in terms of damage detection as compared to an automatically computed gray-level threshold. The case dependent adjustments of the threshold enable to obtain the best possible information from an existing image. The corresponding improvements are observed in a qualitative manner in the present study.
For decades scientists have attempted to use ideas of classical mechanics to choose basis functions for calculating spectra. The hope is that a classically-motivated basis set will be small because it covers only the dynamically important part of phase space. One popular idea is to use phase space localized (PSL) basis functions. This thesis improves on previous efforts to use PSL functions and examines the usefulness of these improvements. Because the overlap matrix, in the matrix eigenvalue problem obtained by using PSL functions with the variational method, is not an identity, it is costly to use iterative methods to solve the matrix eigenvalue problem. We show that it is possible to circumvent the orthogonality (overlap) problem and use iterative eigensolvers. We also present an altered method of calculating the matrix elements that improves the performance of the PSL basis functions, and also a new method which more efficiently chooses which PSL functions to include. These improvements are applied to a variety of single well molecules. We conclude that for single minimum molecules, the PSL functions are inferior to other basis functions. However, the ideas developed here can be applied to other types of basis functions, and PSL functions may be useful for multi-well systems.
Raman analysis of dilute aqueous solutions is normally prevented by their low signal levels. A very general method to increase the concentration to detectable levels is to evaporate droplets of the sample to dryness, creating solid deposits which are then Raman probed. Here, superhydrophobic (SHP) wires with hydrophilic tips have been used as supports for drying droplets, which have the advantage that the residue is automatically deposited at the tip. The SHP wires were readily prepared in minutes using electroless galvanic deposition of Ag onto copper wires followed by modification with a polyfluorothiol (3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,9,9,10,10,10-heptadecafluoro-1-decanethiol, HDFT). Cutting the coated wires with a scalpel revealed hydrophilic tips which could support droplets whose maximum size was determined by the wire diameter. Typically, 230 μm wires were used to support 0.6 μL droplets. Evaporation of dilute melamine droplets gave solid deposits which could be observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Raman spectroscopy. The limit of detection for melamine using a two stage evaporation procedure was 1 × 10-6 mol dm-3. The physical appearance of dried droplets of sucrose and glucose showed that the samples retained significant amounts of water, even under high vacuum. Nonetheless, the Raman detection limits of sucrose and glucose were 5 × 10-4 and 2.5 × 10-3 mol dm-3, respectively, which is similar to the sensitivity reported for surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) detection of glucose. It was also possible to quantify the two sugars in mixtures at concentrations which were similar to those found in human blood through multivariate analysis.
SIMP steel was newly developed as a candidate structural material for the accelerator driven subcritical system. The serious decarburization of SIMP steel because of the high Si content was used to successfully form a self-growing TiC coating on the surface, after the Ti deposition as a first step. This TiC layer can effectively protect the surface from the static liquid lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) corrosion at 600 °C up to 2000 h in the low oxygen LBE. However, in the oxygen saturated LBE, the TiC coating is oxidized into porous TiO2 after only 500 h and fails to protect. Therefore, the self-growing TiC coating is desired only when the oxygen content of LBE is strictly controlled on a low level.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Stainless steels were developed in the early 20th century and are used where both the mechanical properties of steels and corrosion resistance are required. There is continuous research to allow stainless steel components to be produced in a more economical way and be used in more harsh environments. A necessary component in this effort is to correlate the service performance with the production processes. The central theme of this thesis is the mechanical grinding process. This is commonly used for producing stainless steel components, and results in varied surface properties that will strongly affect their service life. The influence of grinding parameters including abrasive grit size, machine power and grinding lubricant were studied for 304L austenitic stainless steel (Paper II) and 2304 duplex stainless steel (Paper I). Surface integrity was proved to vary significantly with different grinding parameters. Abrasive grit size was found to have the largest influence. Surface defects (deep grooves, smearing, adhesive/cold welding chips and indentations), a highly deformed surface layer up to a few microns in thickness and the generation of high level tensile residual stresses in the surface layer along the grinding direction were observed as the main types of damage when grinding stainless steels. A large degree of residual stress anisotropy is interpreted as being due to mechanical effects dominating over thermal effects. The effect of grinding on stress corrosion cracking behaviour of 304L austenitic stainless steel in a chloride environment was also investigated (Paper III). Depending on the surface conditions, the actual loading by four-point bend was found to deviate from the calculated value using the formula according to ASTM G39 by different amounts. Grinding-induced surface tensile residual stress was suggested as the main factor to cause micro-cracks initiation on the ground surfaces. Grinding along the loading direction was proved to increase the susceptibility to chloride-induced SCC, while grinding perpendicular to the loading direction improved SCC resistance. The knowledge obtained from this work can provide a reference for choosing appropriate grinding parameters when fabricating stainless steel components; and can also be used to help understanding the failure mechanism of ground stainless steel components during service.
Compared to the use of traditional fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas), combustion of biomass and waste fuels has several environmental and economic advantages for heat and power generation. However, biomass and waste fuels might contain halogens (Cl, Br, F), alkali metals (Na, K) and heavy metals (Zn, Pb), which may cause harmful emissions and corrosion problems. Hightemperature corrosion occurs typically on furnace waterwalls and superheaters. The corrosion of the boiler tube materials limits the increase of thermal efficiency of steam boilers and leads to costly shutdowns and repairs. In recent years, some concerns have been raised about halogen (Cl, Br, and F)-related hightemperature corrosion in biomass- and waste-fired boilers. Chlorine-related high-temperature corrosion has been studied extensively. The presence of alkali chlorides in the deposits is believed to play a major role in the corrosion observed in biomass and waste fired boilers. However, there is much less information found in literature on the corrosion effect of bromine and fluorine. According to the literature, bromine is only assumed to play a role similar to chlorine; the role of fluorine is even less understood. In this work, a series of bubbling fluidized bed (BFB) bench-scale tests were carried out to characterize the formation and sulfation behaviors of KCl and KBr in BFB combustion conditions. Furthermore, a series of laboratory tests were carried out to investigate the hightemperature corrosion behaviors of three different superheater steels (10CrMo9-10, AISI 347 and Sanicro 28) exposed to potassium halides in ambient air and wet air (containing 30% H2O). The influence of H2O and O2 on the high-temperature corrosion of steels both with and without a salt (KCl) in three gas atmospheres (2% H2O-30% O2-N2, 2% H2O-2% O2-N2 and 30% H2O-2% O2-N2) was also studied. From the bench-scale BFB combustion tests, it was found that HBr has a clearly higher affinity for the available K forming KBr than HCl forming KCl. The tests also indicated that KCl has a higher tendency for sulfation than KBr. From the laboratory corrosion tests in ambient air (also called “dry air” in Paper III and Paper IV), it was found that at relatively low temperatures (≤ 550 °C) the corrosivity of KBr and KF are similar to KCl. At 600 °C, KF showed much stronger corrosivity than KBr and KCl, especially for 10CrMo9-10 and AISI 347. When exposed to KBr or KF, 10CrMo9-10 was durable at least up to 450 °C, while AISI 347 and Sanicro 28 were durable at least up to 550 °C. From the laboratory corrosion tests in wet air (30% H2O), no obvious effect of water vapor was detected at 450 °C. At 550 °C, the influence of water vapor became significant in some cases, but the trend was not consistent. At 550 °C, after exposure with KBr, 10CrMo9-10 suffered from extreme corrosion; after exposure with KF and KCl, the corrosion was less severe, but still high. At 550 °C, local deep pitting corrosion occurred on AISI 347 and Sanicro 28 after exposure with KF. Some formation of K2CrO4 was observed in the oxide layer. At 550 °C, AISI 347 and Sanicro 28 suffered from low corrosion (oxide layer thickness of < 10 μm) after exposure with KBr and KCl. No formation of K2CrO4 was observed. Internal oxidation occurred in the cases of AISI 347 with KBr and KCl. From the laboratory corrosion tests in three different gas atmospheres (2% H2O-30% O2-N2, 2% H2O-2% O2-N2 and 30% H2O-2% O2-N2), it was found that in tests with no salt, no corrosion occurred on AISI 347 and Sanicro 28 up to 600 °C in both the “O2-rich” (2% H2O-30% O2-N2) and “H2O-rich” (30% H2O-2% O2-N2) gas atmospheres; only 10CrMo9-10 showed increased corrosion with increasing temperature. For 10CrMo9-10 in the “O2-rich” atmosphere, the presence of KCl significantly increased the corrosion compared to the “no salt” cases. For 10CrMo9-10 in the “H2O-rich” atmosphere, the presence or absence of KCl did not show any big influence on corrosion. The formation of K2CrO4 was observed only in the case with the “O2-rich” atmosphere. Considering both the results from the BFB tests and the laboratory corrosion tests, if fuels containing Br were to be combusted, the corrosion damage of superheaters would be expected to be higher than if the fuels contain only Cl. Information generated from these studies can be used to help the boiler manufacturers in selecting materials for the most demanding combustion systems.