1000 resultados para LEY 397 DE 1997
Between October 6, 1997 and April 30, 1999, 5011 births (mean: 8.76 per day) were registered in the city of Passo Fundo, South Brazil. The sequence of 572 daily birth numbers was not random (iteration test). Neyman distribution (m = ¥) showed the best fit. Clusters of days with higher birth numbers alternated with days with low numbers of births. Periodogram analysis revealed a significant periodicity of 6.98 days. The cosinor regression, testing 10 a priori supposed period lengths, found significant seasonality peaking in August-September and significantly highest birth numbers on Thursdays. Among the lunar and solar rotation cycles, the tropic lunar cycle and its 4th harmonic were most pronounced, in agreement with results concerning natality in Germany obtained by Svante Arrhenius in the 19th century. These findings confirm Derer-Halberg's concept of multiseptans. In addition to cycling, a significantly increasing linear trend with a daily increase of 0.0045 births was encountered. This documents a growth of the population in agreement with national statistical data.
The consumption of psychotropic drugs among Brazilian secondary school students was examined by comparing data from four surveys using a questionnaire adapted from the WHO's Program on Research and Reporting on the Epidemiology of Drug Dependence. Students filled out the form in their classrooms without the presence of teachers. The target population consisted of 10-18-year-old students (on average, 15,000 students responded to each survey) in Brazil's ten largest state capitals: Belém, Belo Horizonte, Brasília, Curitiba, Fortaleza, Porto Alegre, Recife, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, and São Paulo. Among the legal drugs, lifetime use (use at least once during life) of tobacco was increased in seven cities (the exceptions were Brasília, Porto Alegre and Rio de Janeiro). There was also a significant increase in frequent use of alcohol (six times or more per month) in 6 of the cities, from an average of 9.2% in 1987 to 15.0% in 1997. With respect to illegal drugs, there was a significant increase in lifetime use of marijuana (a 3-fold increase from 2.8% in 1987 to 7.6% in 1997). Cocaine use increased 4-fold over the survey period (0.5% in 1987 to 2.0% in 1997). Lifetime use of cocaine significantly increased in eight capitals (except Recife and Rio de Janeiro). However, frequent cocaine use increased in only three capitals (Belém, Fortaleza and Porto Alegre), from an average of 1.0% in 1987 to 3.6% in 1997. Lifetime use of medications such as anxiolytics and amphetamines increased 2-fold on average over the survey period. Comparing the four studies, the main conclusion is that there were significant increases in the frequencies for lifetime use, frequent use and heavy use of many drugs.
Polymorphisms of hormone receptor genes have been linked to modifications in reproductive factors and to an increased risk of breast cancer (BC). In the present study, we have determined the allelic and genotypic frequencies of the ERα-397 PvuII C/T, ERα-351 XbaI A/G and PGR PROGINS polymorphisms and investigated their relationship with mammographic density, body mass index (BMI) and other risk factors for BC. A consecutive and unselected sample of 750 Brazilian BC-unaffected women enrolled in a mammography screening program was recruited. The distribution of PGR PROGINS genotypic frequencies was 72.5, 25.5 and 2.0% for A1A1, A1A2 and A2A2, respectively, which was equivalent to that encountered in other studies with healthy women. The distribution of ERα genotypes was: ERα-397 PvuII C/T: 32.3% TT, 47.5% TC, and 20.2% CC; ERα-351 XbaI A/G: 46.3% AA, 41.7% AG and 12.0% GG. ERα haplotypes were 53.5% PX, 14.3% Px, 0.3% pX, and 32.0% px. These were significantly different from most previously published reports worldwide (P < 0.05). Overall, the PGR PROGINS genotypes A2A2 and A1A2 were associated with fatty and moderately fatty breast tissue. The same genotypes were also associated with a high BMI in postmenopausal women. In addition, the ERα-351 XbaI GG genotype was associated with menarche ≥12 years (P = 0.02). ERα and PGR polymorphisms have a phenotypic effect and may play an important role in BC risk determination. Finally, if confirmed in BC patients, these associations could have important implications for mammographic screening and strategies and may be helpful to identify women at higher risk for the disease.
Yleissuunnittelun tavoitteena on ollut kohdentaa ympäristönsuojelutoimenpiteet tarkoituksenmukaisille alueille ja kannustaa viljelijöitä ympäristötekoihin. Alkuvuosina Uudellamaalla keskityttiin suojavyöhykkeisiin, mutta sen jälkeen yleissuunnitelmissa on etsitty sopivia kohteita myös luonnon monimuotoisuuden edistämiseen ja kosteikkojen perustamiseen. Suojavyöhykkeiden yleissuunnitelmat kattavat lähes koko Uudenmaan. Suunnitelmien teon yhteydessä ja eri hankkeissa suojavyöhyk-keitä on markkinoitu viljelijöille. Suojavyöhykkeiden suosio oli ensimmäisellä ympäristötukikaudella 1995–1999 vähäistä, mutta on kas-vanut vuosien kuluessa osittain viljelijöille suunnatun täsmämarkkinoinnin ansiosta. Vuonna 2015 alkaneella ympäristökorvauskaudella suojavyöhykkeiden hakumenettelyä kevennettiin ja tukitasoa nostettiin. Suojavyöhykkeiden määrä yli kolminkertaistui noin 4 300 heh-taariin. Kosteikkojen perustamisessa ongelmana on ollut ympäristötuen vaatimusten täyttäminen ja ympäristökorvauksen piirissä olevia kos-teikoita on Uudellamaalla vain muutama. Luonnon monimuotoisuuden edistämisen tuen hakijoiden määrä on vähentynyt, mutta haetut kohteet ovat varsin suuria, jolloin sopimusala on kasvanut viime vuosina. Nykyisenkaltaisia yleissuunnitelmia ei ainakaan lähivuosina enää toteuteta. Jatkossa tulisi hyödyntää tehtyjä yleissuunnitelmia ja koh-dentaa suojavyöhykkeitä peltolohkoille, joissa niistä on kaikkein suurin hyöty.
Variante(s) de titre : Bulletin archéologique du Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques. Antiquité, archéologie classique
Contient : 1° Traité des tournois ; 2° « La Journée d'onneur et de prouesse » ; 3° « La Façon comment les gens de guerre du royaulme de France, tant à pié comme à cheval, sont habillez » ; 4° « L'Ordonnance et maniere des chevaliers errans », par « MERLIN DE CORDEBEUF »
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