840 resultados para LCA, life cycle assessment, LCC, life cycle cost
Fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) hollow tubes are used in structural applications, such as utility poles and pipelines. Concrete-filled FRP tubes (CFFTs) are also used as piles and bridge piers. Applications such as poles and marine piles are typically governed by cyclic bending. In this paper, the fatigue behavior of glass-FRP filament-wound tubes is studied using coupons cut from the tubes. Several coupon configurations were first examined in 24 tension and five compression monotonic loading tests. Fatigue tests were then conducted on 81 coupons to examine several parameters; namely, loading frequency as well as maximum-to-ultimate (max ult) and minimum-to-maximum (min max) stress ratios, including tension tension and tension compression, to simulate reversed bending. The study demonstrated the sensitivity of test results and failure mode to coupon configuration. The presence of compression loads reduced fatigue life, while increasing load frequency increased fatigue life. Stiffness degradation behavior was also established. To achieve at least one million cycles, it is recommended to limit (max ult) to 0.25. Models were used to simulate stiffness degradation and fatigue life curve of the tube. Fatigue life predictions of large CFFT beams showed good correlation with experimental results. © 2008 ASCE.
This study aimed to evaluate the extent to which patient-related factors and physicians' country of practice (Northern Ireland [NI] and the Republic of Ireland [RoI]) influenced decision making regarding medication use in patients with end-stage dementia.
The study utilised a factorial survey design comprising four vignettes to evaluate initiating/withholding or continuing/discontinuing specific medications in patients with dementia nearing death. Questionnaires and vignettes were mailed to all hospital physicians in geriatric medicine and to all general practitioners (GPs) in NI (November 2010) and RoI (December 2010), with a second copy provided 3 weeks after the first mailing. Logistic regression models were constructed to examine the impact of patient-related factors and physicians' country of practice on decision making. Significance was set a priori at p ≤ 0.05. Free text responses to open questions were analysed qualitatively using content analysis.
The response rate was 20.6% (N = 662) [21.1% (N = 245) for GPs and 52.1% (N = 38) for hospital physicians in NI, 18.3% (N = 348) for GPs and 36.0% (N = 31) for hospital physicians in RoI]. There was considerable variability in decision making about initiating/withholding antibiotics and continuing/discontinuing the acetylcholinesterase inhibitor and memantine hydrochloride, and less variability in decision making regarding statins and antipsychotics. Patient place of residence and physician's country of practice had the strongest and most consistent effects on decision making although effect sizes were small.
Further research is required into other factors that may impact upon physicians' prescribing decisions for these vulnerable patients and to clarify how the factors examined in this study influence prescribing decisions.
Abstract. Modern business practices in engineering are increasingly turning to post manufacture service provision in an attempt to generate additional revenue streams and ensure commercial sustainability. Maintainability has always been a consideration during the design process but in the past it has been generally considered to be of tertiary importance behind manufacturability and primary product function in terms of design priorities. The need to draw whole life considerations into concurrent engineering (CE) practice has encouraged companies to address issues such as maintenance, earlier in the design process giving equal importance to all aspects of the product lifecycle. The consideration of design for maintainability (DFM) early in the design process has the potential to significantly reduce maintenance costs, and improve overall running efficiencies as well as safety levels. However a lack of simulation tools still hinders the adaptation of CE to include practical elements of design and therefore further research is required to develop methods by which ‘hands on’ activities such as maintenance can be fully assessed and optimised as concepts develop. Virtual Reality (VR) has the potential to address this issue but the application of these traditionally high cost systems can require complex infrastructure and their use has typically focused on aesthetic aspects of mature designs. This paper examines the application of cost effective VR technology to the rapid assessment of aircraft interior inspection during conceptual design. It focuses on the integration of VR hardware with a typical desktop engineering system and examines the challenges with data transfer, graphics quality and the development of practical user functions within the VR environment. Conclusions drawn to date indicate that the system has the potential to improve maintenance planning through the provision of a usable environment for inspection which is available as soon as preliminary structural models are generated as part of the conceptual design process. Challenges still exist in the efficient transfer of data between the CAD and VR environments as well as the quantification of any benefits that result from the proposed approach. The result of this research will help to improve product maintainability, reduce product development cycle times and lower maintenance costs.
China Low Activation Martensitic (CLAM) steel is considered to be the main candidate material for the first wall components of future fusion reactors in China. In this paper, the low cycle fatigue (LCF) behavior of CLAM steel is studied under fully reversed tension–compression loading at 823 K in air. Total strain amplitude was controlled from 0.14% to 1.8% with a constant strain rate of 2.4×10−3 s−1. The corresponding plastic strain amplitude ranged from 0.023% to 1.613%. The CLAM steel displayed continuous softening to failure at 823 K. The relationship between strain, stress and fatigue life was obtained using the parameters obtained from fatigue tests. The LCF properties of CLAM steel at 823 K followed Coffin–Manson relationship. Furthermore, irregular serration was observed on the stress–strain hysteresis loops of CLAM steel tested with the total strain amplitude of 0.45–1.8%, which was attributed to the dynamic strain aging (DSA) effect. During continuous cyclic deformation, the microstructure and precipitate distribution of CLAM steel changed gradually. Many tempered martensitic laths were decomposed into subgrains, and the size and number of M23C6 carbide and MX carbonitride precipitates decreased with the increase of total strain amplitude. The response cyclic stress promoted the recovery of martensitic lath, while the thermal activation mainly played an important role on the growth of precipitates in CLAM steel at 823 K. In order to have a better understanding of high-temperature LCF behavior, the potential mechanisms controlling stress–strain response, DSA phenomenon and microstructure changes have also been evaluated.
1. The population density and age structure of two species of heather psyllid Strophingia ericae and Strophingia cinereae, feeding on Calluna vulgaris and Erica cinerea, respectively, were sampled using standardized methods at locations throughout Britain. Locations were chosen to represent the full latitudinal and altitudinal range of the host plants.
2. The paper explains how spatial variation in thermal environment, insect life-history characteristics and physiology, and plant distribution, interact to provide the mechanisms that determine the range and abundance of Strophingia spp.
3. Strophingia ericae and S. cinereae, despite the similarity in the spatial distribution patterns of their host plants within Britain, display strongly contrasting geographical ranges and corresponding life-history strategies. Strophingia ericae is found on its host plant throughout Britain but S. cinereae is restricted to low elevation sites south of the Mersey-Humber line and occupies only part of the latitudinal and altitudinal range of its host plant. There is no evidence to suggest that S. ericae has reached its potential altitudinal or latitudinal limit in the UK, even though its host plant appears to reach its altitudinal limit.
4. There was little difference in the ability of the two Strophingia spp. to survive shortterm exposure to temperatures as low as - 15 degrees C and low winter temperatures probably do not limit distribution in S. cinereae.
5. Population density of S. ericae was not related to altitude but showed a weak correlation with latitude. The spread of larval instars present at a site, measured as an index of instar homogeneity, was significantly correlated with a range of temperature related variables, of which May mean temperature and length of growing season above 3 degrees C (calculated using the Lennon and Turner climatic model) were the most significant. Factor analysis did not improve the level of correlation significantly above those obtained for single climatic variables. The data confirmed that S. ericae has a I year life cycle at the lowest elevations and a 2 year life cycle at the higher elevations. However, there was no evidence, as previously suggested, for an abrupt change from a one to a 2 year life cycle in S. ericae with increasing altitudes or latitudes.
6. By contrast with S. ericae, S. cinereae had an obligatory 1 year life cycle, its population decreased with altitude and the index of instar homogeneity showed little correlation with single temperature variables. Moreover, it occupied only part of the range of its host plant and its spatial distribution in the UK could be predicted with 96% accuracy using selected variables in discriminant analysis.
7. The life histories of the congeneric heather psyllids reflect adaptations that allow them to exploit host plants with different distributions in climatic and thereby geographical space. Strophingia ericae has the flexible life history that enables it to exploit C. vulgaris throughout its European boreal temperate range. Strophingia cinereae has a less flexible life history and is adapted for living on an oceanic temperate host. While the geographic ranges of the two Strophingia spp. overlap within the UK, the psyllids appear to respond differently to variation in their thermal environment.
The low cycle fatigue (LCF) properties and the fracture behavior of China Low Activation Martensitic (CLAM) steel have been studied over a range of total strain amplitudes from 0.2 to 2.0%. The specimens were cycled using tension-compression loading under total strain amplitude control. The CLAM steel displayed initial hardening followed by continuous softening to failure at room temperature in air. The relationship between strain and fatigue life was predicted using the parameters obtained from fatigue test. The factors effecting on low cycle fatigue of CLAM steel consisted of initial state of matrix dislocation arrangement, magnitude of cyclic stress, magnitude of total strain amplitude and microstructure. The potential mechanisms controlling the stress response, cyclic strain resistance and low cycle fatigue life have been evaluated.
Because of the requirements for the damage tolerance and fatigue life of commercial aircraft components, the high cycle fatigue (HCF) properties of Ti–5Al–5Mo–5V–1Cr–1Fe titanium alloy forgings are important. The effects of microstructure types of the α+β titanium alloy on fatigue properties need to be understood. In this paper, by analysing the fracture surfaces of the titanium alloy having four types of microstructure, the effects of microstructure are investigated. The differences of initiation areas and crack propagation among different microstructures were studied. It was found that the area of the initiation region decreases in the order of coarse basketweave, fine basketweave, Widmanstätten, and bimodal microstructure.
This paper examines a large structural component and its supply chain. The component is representative of that used in the production of civil transport aircraft and is manufactured from carbon fibre epoxy resin prepreg, using traditional hand layup and autoclave cure. Life cycle assessment (LCA) is used to predict the component’s production carbon emissions. The results determine the distribution of carbon emissions within the supply chain, identifying the dominant production processes as carbon fibre manufacture and composite part manufacture. The elevated temperature processes of material and part creation, and the associated electricity usage, have a significant impact on the overall production emissions footprint. The paper also demonstrates the calculation of emissions footprint sensitivity to the geographic location and associated energy sources of the supply chain. The results verify that the proposed methodology is capable of quantitatively linking component and supply chain specifics to manufacturing processes and thus identifying the design drivers for carbon emissions in the manufacturing life of the component.
Os resíduos sólidos (RS) têm vindo a aumentar em quantidade e diversidade nas últimas décadas em todo o mundo, em resultado da explosão demográfica, do crescimento económico e do aumento da construção, acentuando-se também a produção de resíduos perigosos. Por estas mesmas razões têm surgido limitações do espaço disponível para deposição final de RS. A prática atual no sector da construção pode ser alterada através da introdução de uma gestão eficiente, optimizadora de custos, com a produção de menos resíduos produzidos e também através da implementação de medidas preventivas de produção de resíduos nas obras. Pretende-se, no âmbito deste trabalho, abordar a problemática da gestão de resíduos de construção em obra e contribuir para alterar a situação descrita, apresentando e validando ferramentas a utilizar na gestão de RS. O principal objetivo do trabalho é avaliar os impactes ambientais associados à gestão dos resíduos produzidos na obra na fase de construção. Nas obras em estudo foi recolhida informação sobre os resíduos (quantidades e tipologia) e analisada, tratada com a finalidade de criar uma ferramenta indispensável na gestão de resíduos de construção e compilado o inventário dos resíduos. Após esta compilação, procedeu-se à avaliação dos impactes. A aplicação da ferramenta de avaliação de ciclo de vida permitem avaliar o impacte das decisões na sustentabilidade da construção, nomeadamente no que diz respeito à geração de resíduos.
Esta tese apresenta um estudo sobre otimização económica de parques eólicos, com o objetivo de obter um algoritmo para otimização económica de parques eólicos através do custo da energia produzida. No estudo utilizou-se uma abordagem multidisciplinar. Inicialmente, apresentam-se as principais tecnologias e diferentes arquiteturas utilizadas nos parques eólicos. Bem como esquemas de funcionamento e gestão dos parques. São identificadas variáveis necessárias e apresenta-se um modelo dimensionamento para cálculo dos custos da energia produzida, tendo-se dado ênfase às instalações onshore e ligados a rede elétrica de distribuição. É feita uma análise rigorosa das características das topologias dos aerogeradores disponíveis no mercado, e simula-se o funcionamento de um parque eólico para testar a validade dos modelos desenvolvidos. Também é implementado um algoritmo para a obtenção de uma resposta otimizada para o ciclo de vida económico do parque eólico em estudo. A abordagem proposta envolve algoritmos para otimização do custo de produção com multiplas funções objetivas com base na descrição matemática da produção de eletricidade. Foram desenvolvidos modelos de otimização linear, que estabelece a ligação entre o custo económico e a produção de eletricidade, tendo em conta ainda as emissões de CO2 em instrumentos de política energética para energia eólica. São propostas expressões para o cálculo do custo de energia com variáveis não convencionais, nomeadamente, para a produção variável do parque eólico, fator de funcionamento e coeficiente de eficiência geral do sistema. Para as duas últimas, também é analisado o impacto da distribuição do vento predominante no sistema de conversão de energia eólica. Verifica-se que os resultados obtidos pelos algoritmos propostos são similares às obtidas por demais métodos numéricos já publicados na comunidade científica, e que o algoritmo de otimização económica sofre influência significativa dos valores obtidos dos coeficientes em questão. Finalmente, é demonstrado que o algoritmo proposto (LCOEwso) é útil para o dimensionamento e cálculo dos custos de capital e O&M dos parques eólicos com informação incompleta ou em fase de projeto. Nesse sentido, o contributo desta tese vem ser desenvolver uma ferramenta de apoio à tomada de decisão de um gestor, investidor ou ainda agente público em fomentar a implantação de um parque eólico.
O Comité Técnico CEN/TC 350 “Sustainability of construction works” elaborou um conjunto de normas que propõem um sistema de avaliação do contributo da construção para o desenvolvimento sustentável, nomeadamente através da avaliação dos seus desempenhos ambiental, social e económico, baseado numa abordagem de ciclo de vida. Os sistemas de avaliação da sustentabilidade de edifícios têm um papel importante em todas as fases do ciclo de vida (anterior à utilização, utilização e fim de vida) de um edifício que se pretenda sustentável, pois agilizam a integração entre os aspetos ambientais, sociais e económicos com outros critérios de decisão. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo apresentar uma metodologia inovadora de avaliação sistemática do desempenho económico de edifícios dentro do conceito sustentabilidade, com base na análise do ciclo de vida, conforme estabelecido na EN 16627:2015, que descreve o processo de tomada de decisão e documentação da avaliação do desempenho económico de edifícios dentro do conceito da avaliação da sustentabilidade, com base na análise de ciclo de vida (ACV). A metodologia, intitulada “Methodology of Assessment of Economic Performance - Residential Buildings – MAEP-RB”, permite a avaliação do desempenho e da sustentabilidade económica de edifícios na fase anterior à utilização do ciclo de vida. A metodologia segue o princípio de modularidade, onde os aspetos e impactes que influenciam o desempenho económico do edifício durante as fases do seu ciclo de vida, são atribuídos aos indicadores de cada módulo do ciclo de vida em que eles ocorrem dentro da respectiva etapa. Faz parte integrante desta metodologia uma base de dados contendo um modelo de custos na construção baseado na subdivisão do edifício em sistemas, subsistemas, elementos, componentes e subcomponentes, em que este último se encontra ao nível dos recursos. Os resultados da avaliação do desempenho económico e da sustentabilidade económica são desagregados em vários níveis, ou seja, ao nível da fase anterior à utilização do ciclo de vida do edifício, de cada etapa, de cada módulo e de cada indicador económico. A MAEP-RB avalia simultaneamente o desempenho económico e a sustentabilidade económica de edifícios sendo o resultado do desempenho económico expresso em unidade monetária e o da sustentabilidade comunicado por um Índice de Sustentabilidade Económica (A+, A, B, C, D, E).
Tese de doutoramento, Ciências do Mar, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015
Tese de doutoramento, Ciências do Mar, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2014
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica