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 Utilizing MRI, this thesis identified wide-spread brain abnormalities in autism. White matter deficits were more pronounced in the left hemisphere, attributable to atypical myelination. Regarding the mirror neuron system, functional anomalies were situated in the right, dorsal, premotor cortex which further demonstrated reduced functional connectivity with the inferior parietal lobule.


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We report the structure of the electrical double layer, determined from molecular dynamics simulations, for a range of saline solutions (NaCl, KCl, MgCl2 and CaCl2) at both 0.16 and 0.60molkg(-1) on different facets of the gold and silver aqueous interfaces. We consider the Au/Ag(111), native Au/Ag(100) and reconstructed Au(100)(5×1) facets. For a given combination of metallic surface and facet, some variations in density profile are apparent across the different cations in solution, with the corresponding chloride counterion profiles remaining broadly invariant. All density profiles at the higher concentration are predicted to be very similar to their low-concentration counterparts. We find that each electrolyte responds differently to the different metallic surface and facets, particularly those of the divalent metal ions. Our findings reveal marked differences in density profiles between facets for a given metallic interface for both Mg(2+) and Ca(2+), with Na(+) and K(+) showing much less distinction. Mg(2+) was the only ion for which we find evidence of materials-dependent differences in interfacial solution structuring between the Ag and Au.


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This study investigated the cross-cultural factor stability and internal consistency of the Revised American Pain Society Patient Outcome Questionnaire (APS-POQ-R); a measure of the quality of postoperative pain management employed internationally. We conducted exploratory factor analysis (EFA) of APS-POQ-R data from two point-prevalence studies comprising 268 and 311 surveys of Danish and Australian medical-surgical patients. Parallel analysis indicated four and three factor solutions for Danish and Australian patients respectively, which accounted for 58.1% and 52.9% of variance. Internal consistency was unsatisfactory among both Danish (Cronbach α=.54) and Australian (Cronbach α=.63) cohorts. There was a high degree of between-group similarity in item-factor loadings of variables coded as "pain experience", but not "pain management". This reflected cross-cultural differences in ratings of treatment satisfaction. For Danish patients, satisfaction was associated with the degree of pain severity and activity interference whereas for Australian patients, satisfaction was associated with their perceived ability to participate in treatment. To facilitate further cross-cultural comparison, we compared our findings to past research conducted in the U.S. and Iceland. EFA supported the construct validity of the APS-POQ-R as a measure of "pain experience", but indicated that items measuring "pain management" may vary cross-culturally. Findings highlighted the need for further validation of the APS-POQ-R internationally. PERSPECTIVE: This study revealed the APS-POQ-R as a valid measure of postoperative pain experience for Danish and Australian patients. Measures of patients' perception of pain management were not robust to group differences in treatment expectations and demonstrated cross-cultural instability. Results highlighted difficulties in establishing stable cross-cultural, cross-population subscales for the APS-POQ-R.


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We report results of atomistic molecular dynamics simulations of an industrially-relevant, exemplar triacylglycerol (TAG), namely tristearin (TS), under aqueous conditions, at different temperatures and in the presence of an anionic surfactant, sodium dodecylbenzene sulphonate (SDBS). We predict the TS bilayers to be stable and in a gel phase at temperatures of 350 K and below. At 370 K the lipid bilayer was able to melt, but does not feature a stable liquid-crystalline phase bilayer at this elevated temperature. We also predict the structural characteristics of TS bilayers in the presence of SDBS molecules under aqueous conditions, where surfactant molecules are found to spontaneously insert into the TS bilayers. We model TS bilayers containing different amounts of SDBS, with the presence of SDBS imparting only a moderate effect on the structure of the system. Our study represents the first step in applying atomistic molecular dynamics simulations to the investigation of TAG-aqueous interfaces. Our results suggest that the CHARMM36 force-field appears suitable for the simulation of such systems, although the phase behaviour of the system may be shifted to lower temperatures than is the case for the actual system. Our findings provide a foundation for further simulation studies of the TS-aqueous interface.


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With the launch of the ‘My School’ website in 2010, Australia became a relative latecomer to the publication of national school performance comparisons. This paper primarily seeks to explore the school choice experience as framed by ‘My School’ website, for participating middle-class families. We will draw on Bourdieusian theory of cultural capital and relationship networks and Australian-based school choice research in order to contribute to understandings regarding the application of ‘My School’ data within participating families. Data collection consisted of qualitative, semi-structured, in-depth interviews with five families, each based within inner-city suburbs of Melbourne, Victoria. The findings of this small-scale study indicate that participating middle-class families possessed highly developed strategies for locating and achieving enrolment in school-of-choice and therefore did not seek to apply available data on ‘My School’ to decision-making, despite each participant reviewing the available data.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This study aimed at evaluating the effect of the use of different growth promoters on the morphometry and ultra-structure of the intestinal mucosa of 42-day-old broilers. A total number of 36 male Cobb broilers was distributed in a randomized experimental design with a 3 x 3 factorial arrangement, with 3 prebiotic and 3 probiotic sources in the feed, summing up 9 treatments, with 4 replicates each. There was a significant interaction (P<0.01) among the studied factor for villi height (VH) in all intestinal segments, and for crypt depth (CD) in the duodenum and the ileum. In the duodenum, higher villi were obtained in the control group, with the combination of B. subtilis and prebiotics, and with the single use of MOS+OA. No VH differences were observed between the control group and those fed prebiotics. In the jejunum, the highest villi were obtained with the use of the bacterial pool, followed by the control group, and by the use of B. subtilis. Higher villi were also obtained in the control group and in the groups fed MOS, when B. subtilis was used in combination with prebiotics, and when the bacterial pool was used individually or in combination with MOS. In the ileum, the highest villi were obtained with the individual use of B. subtilis, and when MOS+OA or MOS were individually used or in combination with the bacterial pool. As to duodenal CID, deeper crypts were observed in the control group and in those fed B. subtilis or MOS+OA. In the ileum, deeper crypts were also found in the control group and those fed B. subtilis. Deeper crypts were also found when the bacterial pool was individually used or in combination with MOS+OA, and with the individual use of MOS. It was concluded that the use of growth promoters was beneficial to Increase intestinal villi height when Bacillus subtilis was used in combination with prebiotics. The other growth promoters (MOS+OA, MOS, and bacterial pool), can be individually used in most situations. The tested growth promoters did not influence intestinal villi density.


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Ameloblastoma is a true neoplasm of odontogenic epithelial origin. It is a slow-growing benign tumor of the jaw, and patients usually present late after the tumor achieves considerable size to cause facial disfigurement. Diagnosis mainly from tissue biopsy and radiograph findings does assist in differentiating between types of ameloblastoma. Unicystic ameloblastoma is a tumor with a strong propensity for recurrence. There is a difference in biological behavior between mural unicystic ameloblastoma and those which are simply cystic or show intraluminal proliferation. The challenges in the management of this tumor are to provide complete excision in addition to reconstructing the bony defect, to provide the patient with reasonable cosmetic and functional outcome. The authors report a case of a mural unicystic ameloblastoma in a 23-year-old man who was treated by partial resection of the mandible. Biomedical prototypes were used because they provide acceptable precision and are useful for treatment planning.


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Structural features of segmental parts of the aorta of the dog were studied by light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The variability in the wall architecture composition and vascular thickness of the ascending (T2-3 level), thoracic (T7-8 level) and abdominal (L6-7 infrarenal level) segments of the aorta was analysed. Morphological features such as presence of intimal folds, pattern of the medial myoconnective components with segmental variations in the number of elastic lamellae, whose relative number was higher in the thoracic aorta (ascending and descending parts), compared with the abdominal aorta, and a network of connective (stromal) elements formed by elastic and collagen lamellae and fibres in the adventitia were observed. The results were discussed on a histophysiological basis, because small but significant segmental differences had been characterized in the aortic wall structure of the dog.


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Anopheles darlingi is the most important Brazilian malaria vector, with a widespread distribution in the Amazon forest. Effective strategies for vector control could be better developed through knowledge of its genetic structure and gene flow among populations, to assess the vector diversity and competence in transmitting Plasmodium. The aim of this study was to assess the genetic diversity of An. darlingi collected at four locations in Porto Velho, by sequencing a fragment of the ND4 mitochondrial gene. From 218 individual mosquitoes, we obtained 20 different haplotypes with a diversity index of 0.756, equivalent to that found in other neotropical anophelines. The analysis did not demonstrate significant population structure. However, haplotype diversity within some populations seems to be over-represented, suggesting the presence of sub-populations, but the presence of highly represented haplotypes complicates this analysis. There was no clear correlation among genetic and geographical distance and there were differences in relation to seasonality, which is important for malarial epidemiology.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The posthepatic septum (PHS) divides the body cavity of Tupinambis merianae into two parts: the cranial one containing the lungs and liver and the caudal one containing the remaining viscera. The PHS is composed of layers of collagenous fibers and bundles of smooth muscle, neither of which show systematic orientation, as well as isolated blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, and nerves. Striated muscle of the abdominal wall does not invade the PHS. The contractions of the smooth muscles may stabilize the pleurohepatic cavity under conditions of elevated aerobic needs rather than supporting breathing on a breath-by-breath basis. Surgical removal of the PHS changes the anatomical arrangement of the viscera significantly, with stomach and intestine invading the former pleurohepatic cavity and reducing the space for the lungs, Thus, the PHS is essential to maintain the visceral topography in Tupitionibis. J. Morphol. 258:151-157, 2003. (C) 2003 Wiley-Liss. Inc.