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Since litter input and availability of leaves in many streams is highly seasonal in Portugal, we investigated whether Sericostoma vittatum, a typical shredder, was able to grow using alternative food sources. To test this hypothesis we fed S. vittatum with Alnus glutinosa (alder, CPOM, coarse particulate organic matter), leaf powder from A. glutinosa and Acacia dealbata and FPOM (fine particulate organic matter) from a 5th and a > 6th order river, the macrophyte Myriophyllum aquaticum and biofilm. Growth in S. vittatum was significantly influenced by the food item given (ANOVA, P = 0.0082). The food item promoting the highest growth was A. glutinosa, in the form of FPOM (6.48% day(-1)) and CPOM (4.24% day(-1)); all other forms of FPOM and biofilm provided relatively low growth rates (0.77-1.77% day(-1)). The macrophyte M. aquaticum was also used as food source by S. vittatum and promoted intermediate growth (1.96% day(-1)). Neither nitrogen, phosphorus nor caloric content was correlated with growth. However, since higher growth was achieved with alder, in the form of CPOM and FPOM, we concluded that the chemical content of food was more important for S. vittatum than the physical form of such food. This may partially explain why shredders are able to survive when leaves are scarce in streams.
This study describes the first zoeal stage of Cronius ruber and Cronius tumidulus. The zoeae can be distinguished using the setation of the cephalic appendages and the lateral process on the abdominal somite.
Apiomithrax violaceus (A. Milne Edwards, 1868 ) is a pisid majoid crab occurring in tropical and subtropical coastal waters of the eastern and western South Atlantic. Larval development consists of two zoeal stages and a megalopa. Beginning with the first zoea, the duration of each larval stage at 24degreesC was 3-8 (5+/-1), 3-5 (4+/-0.5) and 9-15 (11+/-2) days, the megalopa and first crab instar appearing 9-11 (10+/-1) and 20-27 (23+/-2) days after hatching, respectively. Larval characters agree with those proposed for the Majoidea, in having nine or more setae on the scaphognathite in the first zoea and well-developed pleopods in the second zoea. However, larvae of A . violaceus do not fit larval pisid features. Zoeal stages differ from most other Pisidae in having lateral spines, a long rostral spine extending beyond the antenna, two spines per telson fork and a dorsolateral process on the third abdominal somite. The megalopa differs in having a spine dorsally on the carapace and on the basial segment of the second pereiopod. Two characters that are potentially unique to Apiomithrax include a zoeal antenna with an exopod that is much longer than the protopod, and a rostral spine that is longer than the dorsal spine. These characters should facilitate the identification of this taxon and could also be useful for phylogenetic studies. A review of larvae of 28 species among 14 genera indicated that there is no apparent single larval character that differentiates the Pisidae, with more limited phylogenetic analyses suggesting that this is a paraphyletic group. Apiomithrax , Eurynolambrus , Pisoides , Rochinia and Scyra have the most divergent morphological characters within the family. The analysis and inclusion of additional taxa is likely to shed more light on the sister-group relationships of the Pisidae. However, based on the extent of morphological interspecific variability of known larvae it is likely that the group, as presently defined by adult morphology, is not monophyletic.
Predation of zoeas by megalopae of Ucides cordatus is frequently observed in the laboratory during larval rearing, a phenomenon that could considerably reduce the output of larviculture. Experiments were carried out in the present study to assess how the survivorship of larvae at the end of the larviculture is influenced by cannibalism by megalopae on the larvae of earlier stages, as well as on other megalopae. In addition, tests were performed to assess whether the adoption of different feeding protocols can decrease cannibalism rates. Experiments were carried out in plastic vials containing ocean water (salinity 25 g L-1) under controlled environmental conditions (26 degrees C and 16:8 h LD photoperiod). An ensemble analysis of all the developmental stages indicated that zoeal mortality rates were significantly higher in the presence of megalopae, a result that is consistent with cannibalism by megalopae. However, separate analysis for each developmental stage indicated that only zoea IV, V and VI show reduced survivorship. No cannibalism was detected among megalopae. Food supplementation using Artemia sp. at a density of 6 nauplii mL(-1) proved to be successful in reducing cannibalism rates, whereas supplementation at a lower density (0.3 nauplii mL(-1)) failed to show such an effect. The implications of these results for the larviculture of U. cordatus are discussed.
The termite Coptotermes gestroi (Wasmann 1896) ( Rhinotermitidae: Coptotermitinae) is an exotic species in Brazil and information concerning its reproductive developmental biology is scarce. We induced the formation of neotenics in laboratory colonies through orphaning experiments. Orphaning experiments were conducted in three-year old colonies of C. gestroi kept under laboratory conditions. After three months, eight nymphoid neotenics were observed in one colony after queen removal. Histological analysis showed that these neotenics were non-functional. The results suggest that these individuals may have arisen from the first nymphal instar (N1) or from an early N1 instar after one or two larval moults. Neotenics also were recorded on two incipient colonies of C. gestroi that lost the queen naturally.
Two species of plants commonly known as barbatim (a) over tildeo occur in Brazil, Stryphnodendron adstringens (Fabaceae) (true barbatim (a) over tildeo) and Dimorphandra mollis (Caesalpiniaceae) (false barbatim (a) over tildeo). These two species have a similar flowering period and are considered by beekeepers to cause bee mortality during this period. Flowers were collected from both species, dehydrated, ground and incorporated into an experimental diet for bees of two different species, Apis mellifera and Scaptotrigona postica. Both plant species were toxic to A. mellifera, reducing their median survival. D. mollis was toxic to S. postica, and Stryphnodendron adstringens reduced median survival of this bee species even when used at a concentration of 2.5%. In a choice experiment carried out with A. mellifera and the two plant species, the honey bees could choose not to feed on the diets containing the flowers, and feed on sugar and honey instead, but they did not. This shows us that the flowers of S. adstringens were not repellent to the bees. The plants were more toxic to A. mellifera than to Scaptotrigona postica, a result that can be explained by the fact that A. mellifera was introduced into Brazil whereas S. postica is a native stingless bee.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The subterranean termite Coptotermes gestroi Wasmann (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) is a pest of major economic importance in urban environments of southeastern Brazil. Compared to using pesticides for termite control, termite bait products target termites more specifically and also address environmental contamination issues. In this point of view, we performed two different bioassays ill order to evaluate the efficacy of boric acid and fipronil against different populations of C. gestroi. The results showed that concentration between 2000 and 3000 ppm of boric acid caused approximately 100 percent mortality ill termites. Concentrations between 0.01 and 0.0001 ppm of fipronil resulted in 100% termite mortality after 2 wk exposure. The data displayed a fast mortality of termites contaminated with fipronil, even with small concentrations, and therefore it is riot a Suitable product to be used ill baits against C gestroi. The present Study showed a delayed toxicity of boric acid against the subterranean termite C gestroi which suggests a need for further field tests.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The genus Paratrechina is a cosmopolitan group, with some species invading residences and hospitals. In Brazil, the most important species are: Paratrechina fulva and Paratrechina longicornis. In spite of the importance of these species as urban pests, there is a lack of information on their biology, since studies on urban ants are rather recent in our country and also due to the difficulty of keeping colonies of P. longicornis in the laboratory. Therefore, the present study was aimed at developing two methodologies: one suitable for collecting and another for keeping colonies of P. longicornis in the laboratory. Concerning the collections, four methodologies were analyzed, while for keeping colonies in the laboratory, the types of containers where the colonies would be stored as well as the food items that would comprise their diet were evaluated. The most adequate methodology for collecting was the one performed using an entomological aspirator. Regarding the maintenance of colonies, the most adequate container was the test tube with cotton steeped in water, while in the tests on food attractiveness, the workers showed preference for sugary liquids and dead insects, mainly termites. Moreover, two infestations of mites from the families Acaridae, Macrochelidae (genus Macrocheles) and Uropodidae in the colonies of P. longicornis have occurred, which caused a significant mortality of the colonies, due to an unbalance in the social behavior of the ants.
Foi observada, pela primeira vez no Brasil, a produção de centenas de formas aladas em formigueiros de Atta sexdens rubropilosa Forel, mantidos em laboratório. Larvas de último instar de machos foram encontradas em 5 de agosto de 2000 em um formigueiro com quase seis anos de fundação, contendo aproximadamente 110 L de esponja de fungo distribuída em 21 panelas. Entre 30 e 40 dias mais tarde apareceram larvas de fêmeas aladas. Os adultos sexuados apresentaram tamanhos compatíveis com os encontrados em formigueiros de campo. Foram observadas duas aparentes tentativas frustradas de revoada na última semana de outubro, após o que começaram a aparecer machos e fêmeas mortos no lixo do formigueiro.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The influence of prey size on the predatory behavior and behavioral sequence of Ectatomma brunneum under laboratory conditions was evaluated. Two behaviors were characterized: rejection and attack, the latter divided into individual and group attack. In the group attack, prey transport (Tenebrio molitor larvae) into the nest prevailed, whether immobilized as a consequence of the ant venom or not. on the other hand, in the individual attacks such behavior was not observed. There was no significant relation between the predatory behavior and the size of the larvae offered, indicating that prey dimensions do not interfere with predation. The high rejection rates registered in the experimental trials may have been a consequence of the absence of immatures in the nests used in the research and/or the decrease in the activities observed, considering that the experiments were carried out in the coldest time of the year.
The objective of this work was to make an ethogram based on the brood care behavior of two nests of the ant Ectatomma brunneum under laboratory conditions, in order to determine the behavioral acts performed and their frequencies, comparing the results obtained with those of other species of poneromorph ants. Using the sample scanning method, activities of brood care behavior performed by workers were monitored for 150 hours, from February to August 2007. A total of 18 different behavioral acts were observed (n = 12,494). More than half of the brood care behaviors by E brunneum (52.07%) were related to care for larvae, and the same was observed by other researchers in ethograms of species of Ectatomminae and Ponerinae ants. This may be related to specific needs in this immature stage, since rills is the period when the brood receives all the food necessary to complete their development to the adult stage.