923 resultados para L-LACTIC ACID


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An enantiospecific total synthesis of indole alkaloids eburnamonine, aspidospermidine and quebrachamine is described from lactic acid. Synthesis of all three alkaloids is accomplished from a single chiral building block. Johnson-Claisen rearrangement of a chiral allyl alcohol is the main feature for the installation of the required quaternary centre.


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A formal total synthesis of the marine macrolide iriomoteolide3a is described. Salient features of the synthesis include the elaboration of a -keto phosphonate derived from D-(-)-tartaric acid and the extension of a chiral butyrolactone derived from L-glutamic acid. Ring-closing metathesis is employed to construct the macrolactone core of the natural product.


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Los quesos de cabra, con mejores cualidades funcionales provienen de leche de cabras en pastoreo, esto obedece al mayor contenido de ácidos grasos ω-3 y ω-6 en una relación óptima para la salud, sumado a un menor contenido de grasa y colesterol. Saborizar quesos con especias, otorga beneficios sensoriales y saludables al producto. Las especias son usadas para realzar el flavor de los alimentos además presentan beneficios antioxidantes. Sin embargo, se reportaron evidencias del doble papel de los flavonoides como antioxidantes o prooxidantes en función de la concentración de uso. El objetivo del trabajo es evaluar el efecto de distintas concentraciones de especias aromáticas con capacidad antioxidante, frente a las reacciones de deterioro que ocurren en el almacenamiento de quesos de cabra. Se estudió la actividad antirradicalaria (AAR) de 18 especias. Para evaluar la actividad antioxidante (AA0) se usó la técnica de desaparición de un radical libre estable el 2,2-difenil-1-picril hidrazilo (DPPH) y se calculó la AAR porcentual. Definido el queso base estándar (control), se ensayaron tres variedades con especies, elegidas de entre las de mayor AAR (orégano, romero y tomillo) y se adicionaron con las concentraciones 0,4 – 1 % p/p. Estos, fueron madurados 30 días y almacenados 7 meses a 4 °C. Se analizaron cada 4 semanas. Se realizaron pruebas sensoriales de aceptabilidad con 60 consumidores de queso (condición), usando planillas, con escala hedónica. Se trabajó sobre los lípidos extraídos de los quesos. El rancidez y deterioro fueron evaluados con análisis de acidez; índice peróxido y sustancias reactivas al ácido TBA. Los resultados se compararon con el comportamiento sensorial del producto en el tiempo de almacenamiento. En los quesos adicionados al 1 %, la acidez se incrementó con el almacenamiento. El máximo valor corresponde al queso con orégano (3,72 % de ac. láctico a los 126 días). En el control, la acidez inicial fue inferior y alcanzó 1,05 g de ác. láctico % a los 166 días. El IP más alto corresponde a los quesos con orégano al 1% , resultado que se contrapone a la actividad antirradicalaria de esta especia. Al 0,4 %, tanto el IP como el número de TBA son menores en quesos adicionados, respecto del control. En los quesos de cabra analizados las especias agregadas al 1% ejercieron acción prooxidante, mientras que al ser agregadas al 0,4% la acción es antioxidante, lo que indica la importancia de la selección de concentraciones adecuadas.


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I. Studies on Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Glycohydrase (NADase)

NADase, like tyrosinase and L-amino acid oxidase, is not present in two day old cultures of wild type Neurospora, but it is coinduced with those two enzymes during starvation in phosphate buffer. The induction of NADase, like tyrosinase, is inhibited by puromycin. The induction of all three enzymes is inhibited by actinomycin D. These results suggest that NADase is synthesized de novo during induction as has been shown directly for tyrosinase. NADase induction differs in being inhibited by certain amino acids.

The tyrosinaseless mutant ty-1 contains a non-dialyzable, heat labile inhibitor of NADase. A new mutant, P110A, synthesizes NADase and L-amino acid oxidase while growing. A second strain, pe, fl;cot, makes NADase while growing. Both strains can be induced to make the other enzymes. These two strains prove that the control of these three enzymes is divisible. The strain P110A makes NADase even when grown in the presence of Tween 80. The synthesis of both NADase and L-amino acid oxidase by P110A is suppressed by complete medium. The theory of control of the synthesis of the enzymes is discussed.

II. Studies with EDTA

Neurospora tyrosinase contains copper but, unlike other phenol oxidases, this copper has never been removed reversibly. It was thought that the apo-enzyme might be made in vivo in the absence of copper. Therefore cultures were treated with EDTA to remove copper before the enzyme was induced. Although no apo-tyrosinase was detected, new information on the induction process was obtained.

A treatment of Neurospora with 0.5% EDTA pH 7, inhibits the subsequent induction during starvation in phosphate buffer of tyrosinase, L-amino acid oxidase and NADase. The inhibition of tyrosinase and L-amino acid oxidase induction is completely reversed by adding 5 x 10-5M CaCl2, 5 x 10-4M CuSO4, and a mixture of L-amino acids (2 x 10-3M each) to the buffer. Tyrosinase induction is also fully restored by 5 x 10-4M CaCl2 and amino acids. As yet NADase has been only partially restored.

The copper probably acts by sequestering EDTA left in the mycelium and may be replaced by nickel. The EDTA apparently removes some calcium from the mycelium, which the added calcium replaces. Magnesium cannot replace calcium. The amino acids probably replace endogenous amino acids lost to the buffer after the EDTA treatment.

The EDTA treatment also increases permeability, thereby increasing the sensitivity of induction to inhibition by actinomycin D and allowing cell contents to be lost to the induction buffer. EDTA treatment also inhibits the uptake of exogenous amino acids and their incorporation into proteins.

The lag period that precedes the first appearance of tyrosinase is demonstrated to be a separate dynamic phase of induction. It requires oxygen. It is inhibited by EDTA, but can be completed after EDTA treatment in the presence of 5 x 10-5M CaCl2 alone, although no tyrosinase is synthesized under these conditions.

The time course of induction has an early exponential phase suggesting an autocatalytic mechanism of induction.

The mode of action of EDTA, the process of induction and the kinetics of induction are discussed.


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O sangue do cordão umbilical e placentário (SCUP) tem sido usado como fonte de células-tronco hematopoiéticas (CTH) para reconstituir a função medular (hematopoiese). A maioria das vezes, esta modalidade de transplante requer a criopreservação das CTH, que permanecem congeladas até uma possível utilização futura. Na criopreservação de CTH, o reagente químico dimetilsulfóxido (DMSO) tem sido utilizado como um crioprotetor. No entanto, tem sido provado que DMSO tem efeitos tóxicos para o corpo humano. Muitos organismos na natureza possuem uma capacidade de sobreviver ao congelamento e à desidratação acumulando dissacarídeos, como a trealose e sacarose, por isso a trealose, tem sido investigada como um crioprotetor alternativo para diversos tipos celulares. Outro dano muito comum durante o congelamento é a formação de espécie reativas de oxigênio (ERO) que diminui a viabilidade celular, por isso a adição de bioantioxidantes na solução de criopreservação das células é passo muito importante. Este estudo foi dividido em duas fases na primeira foram avaliados os resultados obtidos com a adição de antioxidantes na solução de criopreservação das células de SCUP e na segunda fase avaliou-se a hipótese que a solução de criopreservação contendo trealose intracelular e extracelular melhora a recuperação e a viabilidade das células-tronco do SCUP, após a criopreservação. SCUP foi processado e submetido à criopreservação em soluções contendo na primeira fase: soluções com diferentes concentrações de DMSO (10%, 5% e 2,5%), assim como as combinações de DMSO (5%, 2,5%) com um dos dissacarídeos (60mmol/L) e ácido ascórbico e/ou catalase (10mg/mL); e na segunda fase: soluções contendo diferentes concentrações de DMSO (10% e 2,5%), assim como as combinações de DMSO (2,5%) com trealose intra (a trealose foi introduzida na célula por meio de lipossomas) e extracelular e soluções contendo trealose intra e extracelular sem DMSO, armazenados por duas semanas em N2L, e descongeladas. As células descongeladas foram avaliadas por citometria de fluxo, pelo ensaio metabólico pelo MTT e de unidades formadoras de colônias (UFC). Na primeira fase do estudo, a catalase, melhorou a preservação das células CD34+ e CD123+, a UFC e a viabilidade celular, em comparação com a solução padrão de criopreservação. Já na segunda fase do estudo, após as análises de todos os testes vimos que a solução que continha trealose intra/extracelular e DMSO mostrou uma capacidade de manutenção da viabilidade/integridade celular superior a todas as outras testadas. A solução que continha trealose intra e extracelular sem DMSO, obteve um resultado comparável com seu controle (2,5%DMSO), porém quando avaliamos a solução que continha apenas trealose intracelular não obtivemos resultados satisfatórios. A catalase pode atuar sobre a redução dos níveis ERO na solução de criopreservação das CTH de SCUP, diminuindo os danos por ele causados e a trealose deve estar presente em ambos os lados das células durante o processo de congelamento. Portanto, em testes clínicos futuros, ela poderá ser um potencial crioprotetor das células-tronco de SCUP, podendo substituir totalmente o DMSO da solução de criopreservação, minimizando com os efeitos colaterais provenientes da infusão de produtos criopreservados nos pacientes.


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O carcinoma epidermoide de esôfago (CEE) representa 90% dos casos de câncer de esôfago no Brasil. O CEE tem detecção tardia, um comportamento extremamente agressivo e baixa sobrevida, sendo, portanto, um alvo interessante para o estudo dos mecanismos envolvidos em sua carcinogênese, a fim de se identificar possíveis alvos terapêuticos ou marcadores moleculares que ajudem na prática clínica. Mudanças no metabolismo energético da célula tumoral parecem ter papel de destaque na transformação maligna. Sabe-se que células tumorais consomem glicose avidamente produzindo ácido lático, mesmo em condições de normóxia. Dentre os fatores que podem contribuir para o estímulo da glicólise em células tumorais destacam-se as alterações em enzimas da via glicolítica tais como: as piruvato-cinases M1 e M2 (PKM1 e PKM2), a hexocinase II (HKII), isofoma 1 do transportador de glicose, GLUT-1, e o fator de transcrição induzido por hipóxia (HIF1α), responsável pela transcrição das proteínas citadas. O objetivo do estudo é avaliar a relação entre a expressão de HIF1α, HK2, PKM2, PKM1 e GLUT-1 e dados clínico-patológicos no CEE. Para tal, foram avaliados tumores conservados em parafina de 44 pacientes com CEE matriculados no INCA e no Hospital das Clínicas de Porto Alegre. Além disso, foram coletadas amostras de biópsia de esôfago em 67 pacientes sem doença esofágica, que foram submetidos à endoscopia no Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto (HUPE). A expressão das proteínas foi avaliada nos tecidos por imuno-histoquímica, enquanto que a expressão do mRNA de GLUT-1 também foi avaliada nas amostras controle. Foi observado que as amostras controle expressam HK2, PKM1, PKM2, HIF1α nas camadas do epitélio esofágico. Já GLUT-1 e Ki-67 são vistos apenas na camada basal. Além disso, a expressão do mRNA de GLUT-1 não teve correlação com fatores etiológicos da doença. Em CEE a expressão de HK2, PKM2 e GLUT-1 foi vista em todos os tumores, já a expressão de HIF1α e PKM1 foi variável. Além disso, observou-se que maior expressão de HIF-1α apresenta correlação com invasão linfonodal e diferenciação, enquanto que a expressão de HK2 tem relação com sobrevida e PKM1 com diferenciação. As correlações clínicas encontradas sugerem que alterações no metabolismo energético é um alvo de estudo interessante para desenvolvimento de marcadores moleculares que auxiliem a prática clínica.


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The object of this study was to determine the value of physical, bacteriological and chemical tests used to find out and compare the indices of quality of prawns stored at 0°C and at 18°C. pH value, nature of drip, the total bacterial count, presence or absence of tryptophan, trimethylamine content, glycogen, lactic acid, vitamins such as thiamin, riboflavin and niacin were estimated periodically to evaluate the quality of prawns stored at 0°C, whereas in addition to organoleptic changes, pH, bacterial count, nature of growth in peptone water, soluble protein in salt solution and loss of moisture, glycogen, lactic acid, and changes in vitamin B contents were noted periodically for prawns stored at -l8°C. Riboflavin and niacin were not affected appreciably but the retention of thiamin in prawns was very low.


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Fish ensilage for animal feed stuff was prepared from Jew fish (Pseudosciaena spp.) and Silver bellies (Leiognathus spp.) by fermentation with pure culture of Lactobacillus piantarum NCIB 6105. The precooked ensiled product gave better product of fish silage (high content of lactic acid, about 5%). Protein Nitrogen content ranged between 1.76 to 1.94%. During storage for one year, the Protein Nitrogen loss was not significant. The material can be used as a supplemental animal ration.


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A novel protein, named BAS-AH, was purified and characterized from the skin of the toad Bufo andrewsi. BAS-AH is a single chain protein and the apparent molecular weight is about 63 kDa as judged by SDS-PAGE. BAS-AH was determined to bind heme (0.89 mol heme/mol protein) as determined by pyridine haemochrome analysis. Fifty percentage cytotoxic concentration (CC50) of BAS-AH on C8166 cells was 9.5 mu M. However, at concentrations that showed little effect oil cell viability, BAS-AH displayed dose dependent inhibition oil HIV-1 infection and replication. The antiviral selectivity indexes corresponding to the measurements of syncytium formation and HIV-1 p24 (CC50/EC50) were 14.4 and 11.4, respectively, corresponding to the . BAS-AH also showed an inhibitory effect on the activity of recombinant HIV-1 reverse transcriptase (IC50 = 1.32 mu M). The N-terminal sequence of BAS-AH was determined to be NAKXKADVIGKISILLGQDNLSNIVAM, which exhibited little identity with other known anti-HIV-1 proteins. BAS-AH is devoid of antibacterial, protcolytic, trypsin inhibitory activity, (L)-amino acid oxidase activity and catalase activity. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Several biochemical and biological activities such as phospholipase A(2), arginine esterase, proteolytic, L-amino acid oxidase, 5'nucleotidase, acetylcholinesterase, thrombin-like, anticoagulant, and hemorrhagic activities were determined for whole desiccated venom of Trimeresurus jerdonii. An acidic phospholipase (named TJ-PLA(2)) was purified by anionic exchange chromatography, gel filtration, and reverse phase HPLC. TJ-PLA(2) had a molecular weight of 16,000 and a pI of 4.8. TJ-PLA(2) was non-lethal to mice up to an i.p. dose of 15 mg/kg body weight and lacked neurotoxicity and myotoxicity. It induced edema in the footpads of mice. The purified enzyme inhibited ADP- and collagen-induced human platelet aggregation in a manner which was both dose- and time-dependent.


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Three 26 kDa proteins, named as TJ-CRVP, NA-CRVP1 and NA-CRVP2, were isolated from the venoms of Trimeresurus jerdonii and Naja atra, respectively. The N-terminal sequences of TJ-CRVP and NA-CRVPs were determined. These components were devoid of the enzymatic activities tested, such as phospholipase A(2), arginine esterase, proteolysis, L-amino acid oxidase, 5' nucleotidase, acetylcholinesterase. Furthermore, these three components did not have the following biological activities: coagulant and anticoagulant activities, lethal activity, myotoxicity, hemorrhagic activity, platelet aggregation and platelet aggregation-inhibiting activities. These proteins are named as cysteine-rich venom protein (CRVP) because their sequences showed high level of similarity with mammalian cysteine-rich secretory protein (CRISP) family. Recently, some CRISP-like proteins were also isolated from several different snake venoms, including Agkistrodon blomhoffi, Trimeresurus flavoviridis, Lanticauda semifascita and king cobra. We presumed that CRVP might be a common component in snake venoms. Of particular interest, phylogenetic analysis and sequence alignment showed that NA-CRVP1 and ophanin, both from elapid snakes, share higher similarity with CRVPs from Viperidae snakes. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The purpose of this communication is to bring out the influence of season on the chemical composition of crab, covering a period of 2 years. Changes in moisture, protein, water extractable nitrogen, non-protein nitrogen, glycogen, lactic acid, fat and free amino acid composition of crab meat have been reported on a monthly basis.


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This communication describes the design aspect and functions of individual pieces of equipment of a pilot plant for the production of fish ensilage based on lactic acid fermentation process. Details about the equipment, process flow sheet and equipment layout of the pilot plant have been given. An attempt has been made to prepare an estimate of the cost of production of liquid ensilage and solid feed mix.


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Suitability of Psenopsis cyanea, a deep sea fish caught on board FORV Sagar Sampada from a depth of 350m off Cochin for processing into canned product was studied. The fish having high fat content around 52% (DWB) and white attractive meat renders itself well for canning yielding a product good in organoleptic characteristics. However to have a presentable appearance to the product the fish has to be skinned prior to canning. Gentle agitation of P. cyanea in 0.25% aqueous solution of lactic acid at ambient temperature for 15 min followed by thorough washing yields skinless fish. Fish suffers around 8% (DWB) fat loss during skinning. Fish canned in natural style and in brine have better organoleptic characteristics initially. On storage they develop slight rancidity. Fish canned in oil maintains the characteristics over a longer period.


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Nisin is a widely used naturally occurring antimicrobial effective against many pathogenic and spoilage microorganisms. It has been proposed that reduced efficacy of nisin in foods can be improved by technologies such as encapsulation to protect it from interferences by food matrix components. The aim of this study was using of spray dried encapsulated nisin with zein in concentration of (0.15 and 0.25 g/kg) and sodium citrate (1.5 and 2.5%) and treatments with both of them to extent the shelf life of filleted trouts packaged by Modified Atmosphere Packaging (45% CO2, 50% N2 ,5% O2) and stored at 4±1 °C for 20 days. Furthermore, to evaluate the antimicrobial efficiency of encapsulated nisin and soudium citrate the trouts fillets was inoculated with Staphylococcus aureus as an index pathogenic bacteria. Assessment of chemical spoilage indexes such as (Proxide value, Thiobarbituric acid, total volatile base nitrogen and pH) , microbial parameters (Total Plate Count, Psychrotrophic count, Lactic acid bacteria count), Staphylococcus aureus cont in treatments which were inoculated with 5 logcfu/g of this bacteria and sensory evaluation of fillets including (smell, color, texture and total acceptability) was carried out in days of 0, 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20. The results revealed that treatment with both exposure of nisin and sodium citrate showed significantly lower chemical spoilage indexes in comparison with controls (vaccum packed and MAP) (P<0.05). Furthermore, (nisin 0.25 g/kg sodium citrate 2.5%) treatment which was exposed to the maximal level used of both materials was significantly the lowest treatment with (Proxide value, Thiobarbituric acid, total volatile base nitrogen and pH) of 9.95 (meq O2/kg) , 1.55 (mgMA/kg), 29.65 (mgN/100g) and 6.65 , respectively and according to the maximal recommended level of this indices , shelf life of fillets in this treatment was esstimated 20 days.The control (vaccum packed) treatment was significantly the highest treatment with (Proxide value, Thiobarbituric acid, total volatile base nitrogen and pH) of 15.17 (meq O2/kg), 3.03 (mgMA/kg), 38.4 (mgN/100g) and 6.95 , respectively and according to the maximal recommended level of this indices , shelf life of fillets in this treatment was estimated 11 days. Also, in microbial point of view (nisin 0.25 g/kg- sodium citrate 2.5%) treatment was the lowest treatment with Total Plate Count, Psychrotrophic count, Lactic acid bacteria count and Staphylococcus aureus count of 6.7, 6.83, 5.25 and 6.04 logcfu/g respectively, and conrol (vaccum packed) treatment was the highest treatment with 9.15, 9.41, 7.7 and 9.01 logcfu/g respectively. According to the lower results of chemical and microbial indices and higher sensory evaluated scores assessed in this research for encapsulated nisin in comparison with free nisin , it was concluded that encapsulation of nisin with zein capsules may improve the efficiency of nisin. The measuremented values of Mass yield, Total solids content of capsules, Encapsulation efficiency, In vitro release kinetics in 200 hour for encapsulated nisin in this study was 49.89, 62, 98.31 and 69% respectively and Encapsulated particle size was lower than 674.21 μm for 90% of particles. As a consequence, nisin , in particular encapsulated nisin, and sodium citrate alone or together with and Modified Atmosphere packaging might be considered as effective tools in preventing the quality degradation of the fillets, resulting in an extension of their shelf life.