1000 resultados para Língua inglesa (Segundo grau) Estudo e ensino
In this work, we have proposed and applied a methodology for teaching electromagnetism, based on an experimental activity and designed in an investigative teaching model, and containing a high degree of dialogism among teachers and students. We have used the discovery of the electron as a generator theme and a remote experiment to determine the charge-to-mass ratio of the electron as an educational resource. Our analyses indicate favorably towards the promotion of ways of appropriation of knowledge by the student, very different from those perceived in traditional expositive classes. Similarly, we find that the presence of a technological resource and an experimental activity create new posture of the teacher in the classroom, probably caused by the unpredictability of the results from the use of such resources. A challenge that we still need to solve is how to engage students in extra classroom tasks, since learning is not only effective in time for classes. We also present the weaknesses detected in our methodological proposal as well as implementations necessary in order to continue the validation process of this methodology.
This paper presents a survey conducted through collaborative work, which took place in a suburb school in the city of Uberlandia-MG. The research is characterized as case study and has a qualitative approach. Had the objective to look for different strategies of teaching and learning through the use of technology in pedagogical practice. Regarding the methodology in this research, we analyzed the work with the support of blogs, whose pages were used for student records and discussions directed to the geometry content. The students who were attending the fifth (5th) year of elementary school were invited to participate in this project. However, the research subjects were only those students who accepted the invitation to participate in the study through statement signed by parents. The project was developed with 30 students in the second half of 2014 and another 30 in the first half of 2015. The physical space at school, where most of the project activities were done was at the computer lab. In the process of compiling the data, at school, the following instruments were used: field notes produced by the entire project team, photographs and footage of the activities produced in the computer lab and in classroom (recorded by the research team) questionnaires, interviews, virtual space records: the blogs. The results of this research mainly focused on the analysis of the fifth year students productions records in blogs. Regarding the conclusion, the research has shown that blogs, software and differentiated dynamic studies attracted the students attention, leaving them mostly instigated by the unknown. Gradually, students built their own knowledge from their mistakes and successes. The entire work process enabled the computer lab to be an environment that is used not just to solving computerized and tedious drills. The blogs production work in groups, developed in students the reading and writing of both the mother language as symbols and mathematical nomenclature. The interaction between students became noticeable throughout the project, since it provided the students personal growth, respect, tolerance and mutual cooperation. In this sense, we concluded that the project greatly contributed to the students' literacy process in the mother language, mathematics and computer literacy.
Acompanha: Epidemias na escola? S em filmes: possibilidades de contaminao na aprendizagem significativa
Tourism is growing and is becoming more competitive. Destinations need to find elements which demonstrate their uniqueness, the singularity which allows them to differentiate themselves from others. This struggle for uniqueness makes economies become more competitive and competition is a central element in the dynamics of Tourism. Technology is also an added value for tourism competitiveness, as it allows destinations to become internationalised and known worldwide. In this scenario, research has increased as a means to study Tourism trends in fields such as sociology and marketing. Nevertheless, there are areas in which there is not much research done and which are fundamental: these are the areas concerned with identities, communication and interpersonal relations. In this regard, Linguistics has a major role for different reasons: firstly, it studies language itself and through it, communication, secondly, language conveys culture and, thirdly, it is by enriching language users that innovation in Tourism and in knowledge, as a whole, is made possible. This innovation, on the other hand, has repercussions in areas such as management, internationalisation and marketing as well. It is, therefore, the objective of this thesis to report on how learning experiences take place in Tourism undergraduate English language classes as well as to give an account of enhanced results in classes where mobile learning was adopted. In this way, an alliance between practice and research was established. This is beneficial for the teaching and learning process because by establishing links between research based insight and practice, the outcome is grounded knowledge which helps make solid educational decisions. This research, therefore, allows to better understand if learners accept working with mobile technologies in their learning process. Before introducing any teaching and learning approach, it was necessary to be informed, as well, of how English for tourism programmes are organised. This thesis also illustrates through the premises of Systemic Functional Linguistics that language use can be enhanced by using mobile technology in Tourism undergraduate language classes.
This essay presents a proposal on methodology over the mathematical object Exponential Function which enables the development of interpretative and creative skills with potential meaning to the students starting from a didactic sequence structured on the light of The Theory of Didactic Situations from Guy Brousseau and, from the Records of Semiotic Representation of Duval, providing interactions among the students, the teacher and the environment of cooperative learning where the students feel free to express their own ideas as well as to suggest their own approaches. The methodology presented has been developed according to the students first knowledge, valuing their different ways of registering, which have such an important role during the teaching and learning processes. The proposal has been applied to the students from the first year of high school of Colgio Estadual Jos de Anchieta Ensino Fundamental e Mdio, located in a town called Dois Vizinhos Paran. In order to the development of the research the methodological tool Didactic Engineering Artigue which consists in a methodology developed only to the research with didactic situations. The main goal has been reached at first, which was to work on the conceptual part of the Exponential Function, the relation of dependence and its main characteristic so that the variable part is in the exponent. Moreover with no imposition but starting from suitable didactic situations, the students were able to realize that they could solve the problems which involve the exponential function and furthermore create new problems (according to their universe) modeled by this kind of function. Its believed that the methodology based on the theory of didactic situations, analysis of students registers, observation on mistakes and obstacles as well as reflections over the aspects of the didactic contract are of fundamental importance to the teaching practice and determinant during the teaching-learning process.
A concretizao de um Espao Europeu de Ensino Superior est intrinsecamente relacionada com o desenvolvimento de uma competncia plurilingue e intercultural por parte dos cidados europeus. Como consequncia, a necessidade de uma língua que possa ser utilizada e compreendida por todos um dos aspetos mais importantes que os profe ssores e estudiosos tm de enfrentar. Esta língua uma língua franca, ou seja, uma linguagem utilizada para permitir a comunicao de rotina entre as pessoas que falam línguas diferentes. Nos tempos atuais, a escolha de uma língua franca, que possa ser us ada universalmente caiu sobre o Ingls, definida como a língua mais ensinada, lida e falada que o mundo j c onheceu (Kachru & Nelson, 2001). Desta forma, de suma importncia sensibilizar os estudantes para as atuais mudanas na natureza do Ingls, utilizado como língua franca internacional, quer na comunicao face - a - face ou interaes mediadas por computador entre um nmero potencialmente ilimitado de oradores que no compartilham a mesma língua materna. Essa sensibilizao dever estar associada a uma pedagogia ativa, levando os estudantes a descobrir por si prprios, vinculando - os a um tipo de aprendizagem mais eficiente e eficaz, que se baseia fortemente no conceito de autonomia, considerada uma caracterstica definidora primordial para a aprendi zagem ao longo da vida. A presente contribuio pretende dar a conhecer um projeto desenvolvido entre quatro instituies de ensino superior europeias de quatro pases - Frana, Alemanha, It lia e Portugal com o principal intuito de fomentar nos estudante s a capacidade para a soluo de desafios derivados de situaes de contacto entre culturas atravs da língua inglesa. Pretende - se, igualmente a sensibilizao para o estado atual de Ingls como língua franca. Os alunos trabalharam em 10 equipas internacio nais de 8 elementos cada, utilizando vrias ferramentas online para comunicarem entre si. Cada equipa esteve responsvel pela conceo e realizao de uma investigao relacionada com a temtica Valores na Europa. Numa fase inicial, cada equipa internaci onal teve de criar um questionrio que foi aplicado localmente. Depois de apurados e analisados os dados relativos a cada pas, os estudantes procederam a comparaes, destacando semelhanas e diferenas entre as diferentes culturas e as concluses foram d ivulgadas num compndio final redigido de forma colaborativa.
Acadmico - Licenciaturas
Acadmico - Licenciaturas
Acadmico - Licenciaturas
Dissertao (mestrado)Universidade de Braslia, Instituto de Fsica, Programa de Ps-Graduao em Fsica, Mestrado Nacional Profissional em Ensino de Fsica, 2015.
Dissertao (mestrado)Universidade de Braslia, Instituto de Fsica, Programa de Ps-Graduao em Fsica, Mestrado Nacional Profissional em Ensino de Fsica, 2015.
Dissertao (mestrado)Universidade de Braslia, Instituto de Fsica, Programa de Ps-Graduao em Fsica, Mestrado Nacional Profissional em Ensino de Fsica, 2015.
Dissertao (mestrado)Universidade de Braslia, Instituto de Letras, Departamento de Línguas Estrangeiras e Traduo, Programa de Ps-Graduao em Lingustica Aplicada, 2016.
Dissertao (mestrado)Universidade de Braslia, Instituto de Letras, Departamento de Línguas Estrangeiras e Traduo, Programa de Ps-Graduao em Lingustica Aplicada, 2015.