983 resultados para Kongo (African people)
End of life care standards for people with dementiaThis project, funded under Call 1 of CARDI’s Grants Programme and led by Dr Suzanne Cahill, School of Social Work and Social Policy, Trinity College Dublin, highlights the need for guaranteed standards of care for older people with dementia at the end of their lives.The research recommends the introduction of standards as a matter of urgency because of the huge increases in the number of people affected, and the number likely to be affected in the future. It is estimated that the number of people with dementia in the Republic of Ireland will rise from 44,000 to 104,000 by 2036 and in Northern Ireland from 16,000 to 47,000 in 2051.The research draws attention to the importance of agreeing new standards in Ireland, North and South, by proposing guidelines to develop policies and practices that can reflect the best available throughout the world.Research Team:•������ Dr Suzanne Cahill, School of Social Work and Social Policy, Trinity College Dublin•������ Ms Daphne Doran, Quality Initiatives, Belfast•������ Dr Max Watson, University of Ulster and Northern Ireland HospiceResearch briefingFull report��
Dementia UK, as a member of the Dying Matters coalition, contributed to a new leaflet that discusses how to begin conversations around end of life care for people with dementia. Aimed at GPs and families who have recently received a dementia diagnosis, this leaflet provides at-a-glance information about having this very necessary conversation and includes information about when to talk about it and tips about what to say. Download the leaflet
The Alzheimer Society of Ireland have launched a report "Building Consensus for the Future: Report of the Feasibility Study on Palliative Care for People with Dementia".�� The report outlines the findings of a research project carried out in association with the Irish Hospice Foundation.
In 2012, CARDI was asked by The Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister in Northern Ireland to carry out a series of research projects on ageing in Ireland, North and South. This study, An exploratory study of the wealth of older people in Ireland – North and South, was led by Professor Paddy Hillyard, Queen's University Belfast. It had the following objectives: Examine what information is available on the wealth of older people on the island of Ireland. Describe the type and level of housing, property and other assets. Provide comparable estimates of the wealth of older people in Northern Ireland (NI) and the Republic of Ireland (ROI). Draw out the policy implications of the research. Stimulate a wider discussion about wealth and inequalities. Key findings: In NI the total personal wealth was estimated at just under �100 billion. People aged 50 and under were estimated to have 35% of the total wealth, while people aged 50 and over had 65%. Existing data does not allow for a similar comparison in ROI. People aged 65+ in NI have a median disposable weekly income of �280 compared to �494 for those aged 25-49, �452 for those aged 50-64 and �251 for those aged 16-24. In ROI, people aged 65+ have a median disposable weekly income of €446 compared to €790 for those aged 25-49, €654 for those aged 50-64 and €418 for those aged 16-24. In NI, people aged 65+ have the highest rate of home ownership (63%) and the lowest level of outstanding mortgage (3%) of any age group. They also have the highest level of savings (�4,000 on average) but the lowest level of value of household goods (a median of �525). In ROI, 87% of people over 65 own their house outright and 2% own their house with a mortgage. The average value of savings held by this age group is €5,519. In ROI the total value of owner-occupied housing stock was estimated to be €280 billion, of which 54% was held by those under 50. In NI people over 50 had �42.5 billion (60%) of owner-occupied housing assets while those under 50 had �28.2 billion (40%).
In 2012, CARDI was asked by The Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister in Northern Ireland to carry out a series of research projects on ageing in Ireland, North and South. This research project, 'Understanding socio-economic inequalities affecting older people’ , was carried out by Paul McGill, CARDI. The research sought to answer the following questions: Are there inequalities that affect older people as a group compared with younger people, or inequalities that exist within the older population? How are these inequalities changing over time? Do these socio-economic inequalities have a detrimental impact on older people or on a substantial number of them? How can any harmful socio-economic inequalities be reduced or eliminated and what are the implications for policy-making? Key Findings*: In RoI the poorest older people had a rise of €32 per week between 2004 and 2011 in total incomes while those with the highest incomes had a rise of €255 (CSO 2013). Total incomes of the poorest pensioner couples in NI did not change between 2003-06 and 2008-11 but the best off had a rise of �37 per week (DSD 2013). Employees aged 60+ earn €10,000 less per year than earners in their peak years in RoI and �2,400 less in NI (CSO Database and NISRA 2012). The richest older people in RoI earn 14 times more from employment than the poorest. In NI it is 36 times more for single pensioners and 44 times more for pensioner couples (CSO 2013; NISRA 2013). The gap in weekly earnings between top and bottom earners aged 60+ in NI rose from �294 to �430 between 2005 and 2012 (NISRA 2012). In the two years 2009-2011 the incomes of the poorest older people in ROI declined by €24 per week (11.4%) (CSO, 2013).
Abstract Despite the large number of studies evaluating social support groups for people with dementia, there are no systematic reviews of current evidence.The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of social support group interventions for people with dementia and mild cognitive impairment.A systematic review was performed. We searched electronic databases for randomised controlled trials. Two reviewers worked independently to select trials, extract data and assess risk of bias. A total of 546 studies were identified of which two met the inclusion criteria. We were not able to pool data for further analyses, as the interventions tested in the studies meeting the inclusion criteria were too dissimilar in content.The first trial (n = 136) showed a benefit of early-stage memory loss social support groups for depression and quality of life in people with dementia.The second trial (n = 33) showed that post-treatment self-reported self-esteem was higher in the group receiving a multicomponent intervention of social support compared with that in the no intervention control group.Limited data from two studies suggest that support groups may be of psychological benefit to people with dementia by reducing depression and improving quality of life and self-esteem.These findings need to be viewed in light of the small number, small sample size and heterogeneous characteristics of current trials, indicating that it is difficult to draw any conclusions. More multicentre randomised controlled trials in social support group interventions for people with dementia are needed.������������
The Press Service of the European Court of Human Rights published in June 2014 a factsheet on the Court’s case-law on the human rights of older people. This collection shows that even though the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) does not explicitly refer to older persons nor to age discrimination, the Strasbourg Court can play an important role as a guardian of the rights of older people. Read more here.
This is a study concerned with community based services aimed at smokers living on a low income and/or black and minority ethnic groups.
The current trend in infant mortality in the East compared with the UK as a whole, the contribution of different causes to the total number of deaths, and PCT-specific information on 8 years of combined data.
This report first describes the prevalence of mental disorders among 5- to 16-year olds in 2004 and notes any changes since the previous survey in 1999. It then provides profiles of children in each of the main disorder categories (emotional, conduct, hyperkinetic and autistic spectrum disorders) and , where the sample size permits, profiles subgroups within these categories.
Measuring impact is the third in a series of publications commissioned by the Health Development Agency from the mid-life programme of work, which seeks to improve the health and wellbeing of people in the mid-life age group and reduce inequalities. The publications Making the case (HDA, 2003) and Taking action (HDA, 2004), and now Measuring impact, aim to support practitioners and policy makers at a local level in implementing and using the evidence of what works to develop mainstream practice and influence policy formulation in this population group.
A compendium of facts and figures on the health status and the determinants of the health of children and young people in South East England
Introduction: Consultations with patients suffering from chronic pain without objective findings represent a challenge fo r family doctors (FDs). A mutual lack of understanding may arise, which threatens the doctor-patient relationship and may lead to dissatisfaction of both patient and doctor and to a breakdown of the therapeutic alliance. Objectives: This study aims to investigate FDs' potential protective practices to preserve the doctor-patient relationship during this type of consultation. Method: In the first step of this qualitative research, I carried out a range of 10 se- mi-structured interviews with FDs to explore their reported practices and repre- sentations during consultations with people suffering from chronic pain without objective findings. The interviews' transcripts were integrally analysed with computer-assisted thematic content analysis (QSR NVivo ® ) to highlight the main themes related to the topic in the participants' talk. Results: At this point of the research, two types of FDs' protective practices can be identified: first the use of complementary sources of knowledge in addition to the medical model to provide explanations to patients, second the collaboration with multidisciplinary teams or support gr oups that allow them to share profes- sional expertise and emotional experiences. Conclusion: The findings could be useful to develop ways to improve the follow- up of patients suffering from chronic pain without objective findings and conse- quently the FDs' work satisfaction.
The Department of Education and Skills is developing a new Digital Strategy for Schools to be completed during 2015. The Digital Strategy for Schools will set out how Department of Education and Skills’ priorities can be delivered and facilitated by the use of technology in education. The development of the Strategy is of critical importance to Ireland if it is to realise the potential of ICT in schools and prepare our young people to live, learn and work in the 21st century. The Department of Education and Skills has partnered with the Department of Children and Youth Affairs (DCYA) to seek the views of young people through a structured consultation process informed by DCYA expertise in consulting with young people.
This poster promotes breastfeeding and aims to encourage the general public to support breastfeeding mothers, rather than being embarrassed or offended by breastfeeding. It carries the strapline: Breastfeeding mums need your support - because every baby deserves the best.