998 resultados para Karlsson, Fred: Yleinen kielitiede


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This paper combines multivariate density forecasts of output growth, inflationand interest rates from a suite of models. An out-of-sample weighting scheme based onthe predictive likelihood as proposed by Eklund and Karlsson (2005) and Andersson andKarlsson (2007) is used to combine the models. Three classes of models are considered: aBayesian vector autoregression (BVAR), a factor-augmented vector autoregression (FAVAR)and a medium-scale dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model. Using Australiandata, we find that, at short forecast horizons, the Bayesian VAR model is assignedthe most weight, while at intermediate and longer horizons the factor model is preferred.The DSGE model is assigned little weight at all horizons, a result that can be attributedto the DSGE model producing density forecasts that are very wide when compared withthe actual distribution of observations. While a density forecast evaluation exercise revealslittle formal evidence that the optimally combined densities are superior to those from thebest-performing individual model, or a simple equal-weighting scheme, this may be a resultof the short sample available.


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Le présent cahier qui termine une série consacrée à l'adaptation du "grouper" aux statistiques médicales VESKA des années 1980-1986, a pour but de donner une vue d'ensemble des procédures nécessaires à cette adaptation.


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PURPOSE. Longevity has been attributed to decreased cardiovascular mortality. Subjects with long-lived parents may represent a valuable group to study cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF) associated with longevity, possibly leading to new ways of preventing cardiovascular disease. Purpose: Longevity has been attributed to decreased cardiovascular mortality. Subjects with long-lived parents may represent a valuable group to study cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF) associated with longevity, possibly leading to new ways of preventing cardiovascular disease. Methods: We analyzed data from a population-based sample of 2561 participants (1163 men and 1398 women) aged 55--75 years from the city of Lausanne, Switzerland (CoLaus study). Participants were stratified by the number of parents (0, 1, 2) who survived to 85 years or more. Trend across these strata was assessed using a non-parametric kmean test. The associations of parental age (independent covariate used as a proxy for longevity) with fasting blood glucose, blood pressures, blood lipids, body mass index (BMI), weight, height or liver enzymes (continuous dependent variables) were analyzed using multiple linear regressions. Models were adjusted for age, sex, alcohol consumption, smoking and educational level, and BMI for liver enzymes. Results: For subjects with 0 (N=1298), 1 (N=991) and 2 (N=272) long-lived parents, median BMI (interquartile range) was 25.4 (6.5), 24.9 (6.1) and 23.7 (4.8) kg/m2 in women (P<0.001), and 27.3 (4.8), 27.0 (4.5) and 25.9 (4.9) kg/m2 in men (P=0.04), respectively; median weight was 66.5 (16.1), 65.0 (16.4) and 63.4 (13.7) kg in women (P=0.003), and 81.5 (17.0), 81.4 (16.4) and 80.3 (17.1) kg in men (P=0.36). Median height was 161 (8), 162 (9) and 163 (8) cm in women (P=0.005), and 173 (9), 174 (9) and 174 (11) cm in men (P=0.09). The corresponding medians for AST (Aspartate Aminotransferase) were 31 (13), 29 (11) and 28 (10) U/L (P=0.002), and 28 (17), 27 (14) and 26 (19) U/L for ALT (Alanin Aminotransferase, P=0.053) in men. In multivariable analyses, greater parental longevity was associated with lower BMI, lower weight and taller stature in women (P<0.01) and lower AST in men (P=0.011). No significant associations were observed for the other variables analyzed. Sensitivity analyses restricted to subjects whose parents were dead (N=1844) led to similar results, with even stronger associations of parental longevity with liver enzymes in men. Conclusion: In women, increased parental longevity was associated with smaller BMI, attributable to lower weight and taller stature. In men, the association of increased parental longevity with lower liver enzymes, independently of BMI, suggests that parental longevity may be associated with decreased nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.


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Objective: We assessed the 15-year trends in the distribution of body mass index (BMI) categories in the Seychelles (Indian Ocean, African Region) and the relationship with sex, age and socio-economic status (SES). Methods: We conducted three population-based examination surveys in 1989 (n=1,081; participation rate: 86.4%), in 1994 (n=1,067; 87.0%), and in 2004 (n=1,255; 80.2%). Occupation was categorized as "laborer", "intermediate" or "professional". Results are adjusted to the population of 2002. Results: Between 1989 and 2004, mean BMI increased markedly in all sex and age categories (overall: ∼0.15 kg/m2/calendar year). The prevalence of overweight and obesity combined ("excess weight", BMI ≥25 kg/m2) increased from 29% to 52% in men and from 50% to 67% in women. The prevalence of obesity (BMI ≥30 kg/m2) increased from 4% to 15% in men and from 23% to 34% in women. Mean BMI - respectively the prevalence of excess weight- was lower in laborers than professionals in men but higher in laborers that professionals in women and this pattern was similar in the three surveys. Odds ratios for excess weight in professionals vs. laborers were 2.10 (95% CI: 1.94-2.17) in men and 0.51 (0.48-0.53) in women, adjusting for calendar year and participants' age and smoking habits. Conclusion: The prevalence of overweight/obesity increased markedly during a 15- year period. Similar increase of BMI over time in all age and sex categories suggests common environment obesogenic factors. The association between SES and excess weight was in opposite directions in men and women. The study emphasizes the need for prevention measures in all sex, age and SES groups, and suggests that they should be tailored according to sex and SES categories.


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Afin de mener à bien leur tâche, les acteurs de santé publique se doivent de disposer d'informations fiables et récentes concernant l'état de santé de la population. Grâce à l'étude CoLaus, il a été possible d'actualiser nos connaissances sur la prévalence et la prise en charge des principaux facteurs de risque cardiovasculaire au niveau de la population lausannoise. Les résultats montrent que la prise en charge des facteurs de risque cardiovasculaire peut être améliorée, et certaines strates de la population pourraient bénéficier d'actions de prévention ciblées. L'étude CoLaus a aussi permis de simuler l'effet de plusieurs politiques de prévention, ce qui permettra de sélectionner celles ayant le meilleur rapport coût/efficacité, une option importante dans l'état actuel de contention des dépenses de santé.[Abstract] In order to fulfil their duties, Public health authorities have to rely on valid and recent data on the health status of populations. The CoLaus study helped to update our knowledge regarding the prevalence and management of the main cardiovascular risk factors in the Lausanne population. The results indicate that cardiovascular risk factor management is suboptimal and can still be improved, namely that specific population subgroups could benefit from targeted prevention measures. The CoLaus study also allowed to simulate the effect of different preventive strategies, thus enabling to choose the most (cost)effective ones, an important issue taking into account the current health budget restrictions.


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Torque teno -virus (TTV, TT-virus) on uusimpia löydettyjä ihmisviruksia ja se on erittäin yleinen täysin terveissäkin ihmisissä. Sitä kantaa ihmisistä yli 80 % kantajan maantieteellisestä sijainnista tai iästä riippumatta. Vielä ei osata sanoa, aiheuttaako torque teno -virus tiettyjä tauteja vai onko se osa normaaliflooraa, mikä olisi viruksista puhuttaessa täysin uutta. Helsingin yliopiston virologian laitoksella Haartman instituutissa toimiva professori Klaus Hedmanin tutkimusryhmä on kehitellyt sopivia menetelmiä TT-viruksen proteiinien tuottoon ja puhdistamiseen. Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli optimoida näitä menetelmiä. Proteiinien tuottoon ja puhdistukseen valittiin mukaan TTV:n genomin koodittamista kuudesta proteiinista oletettavasti kapsidiproteiinina toimiva ORF1-Arg (ORF1-proteiini, josta on poistettu arginiinirikas alue) ja ei-rakenneproteiinina toimiva ORF2/2. Proteiinit tuotettiin Sf9- ja High Five -hyönteissoluissa, ja vektorina ekspressoinnissa oli baculovirus. Puhdistukseen käytettiin agaroosigeelielektroforeesia (AGE) ja vaihtoehtoisesti histidiiniaffiniteettikromatografiaa. Proteiinien tuotossa optimoitiin solujen infektiossa käytettävän baculoviruksen määrää ja selvitettiin, että proteiineja saatiin tuotettua suunnilleen yhtä paljon sekä Sf9- että High Five -soluissa. AGE-menetelmällä saatiin puhdistettua ORF2/2-proteiinia ja menetelmää yritettiin kehitellä niin, että saataisiin puhdistuksen yhteydessä enemmän proteiineja talteen. Histidiiniaffiniteettipuhdistusta ei ollut aikaisemmin käytetty hyönteissoluissa tuotettujen TTV:n proteiinien puhdistukseen. Menetelmällä saatiin tuotettua ORF1-proteiinia, mutta puhdistusmenetelmä vaatii vielä kehittelyä. Tämän opinnäytetyön avulla saatiin menetelmien kehitystyötä eteenpäin, ja havaittiin ongelmakohtia, joihin tulee kiinnittää jatkossa huomiota. Histidiiniaffiniteettipuhdistusta ei vielä saatu toimivaksi ja AGE:n kehittelyä täytyy myös vielä jatkaa. TTV:n puhdistettuja proteiineja tullaan käyttämään apuna määritettäessä TTV:n mahdollista patogeenisuutta ja biologista merkitystä. Proteiinien avulla kehitellään laboratoriomenetelmiä TTV:n virusinfektioiden ja sairauksien löytämiseen ja diagnosointiin mm. tuottamalla proteiinien avulla spesifisiä vasta-aineita TTV:tä vastaan. Opinnäytetyössä puhdistettuja ORF2/2-proteiineja käytettiin tutkimusryhmässä TTV-spesifisen T-soluimmuniteetin tutkimiseen.


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La nomenclature des diagnostics est celle de la Classification internationale des maladies (9e révision), utilisée par la Statistique médicale VESKA depuis 1980. Les trois premiers chiffres du code ont été utilisés; seul le premier diagnostic a été retenu.