922 resultados para John L. Myers


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Pt. 2 issued as U.S. Farm Credit Administration. Cooperative Research and Service Division. Miscellaneous report no. 107 (HD1491.U5A3); pt. 3 as U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Marketing research report no. 17 (HD1751.A9183)


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Two forms of small-scale forestry are developing in Australia, each with different impacts on rural communities. One is based on growing short-rotation Eucalyptus globulus (blue gum) for pulp and the other on production of higher-value products from longer-rotation native hard-woods. Several impediments exist to further development of small-scale forestry, including the lack of a small-scale forestry culture, concerns over harvest rights, lack of market development, the long wait for returns, and satisfaction with current land uses. Nevertheless, the rapid increase in farm woodlot establishment in the past five years has paralleled the strong increase in the private industrial plantation estate. As markets develop and hindrances are overcome, landholders not previously interested in small-scale forestry may consider ita worthwhile land use.


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In the United States and several other countries., the development of population viability analyses (PVA) is a legal requirement of any species survival plan developed for threatened and endangered species. Despite the importance of pathogens in natural populations, little attention has been given to host-pathogen dynamics in PVA. To study the effect of infectious pathogens on extinction risk estimates generated from PVA, we review and synthesize the relevance of host-pathogen dynamics in analyses of extinction risk. We then develop a stochastic, density-dependent host-parasite model to investigate the effects of disease on the persistence of endangered populations. We show that this model converges on a Ricker model of density dependence under a suite of limiting assumptions, including. a high probability that epidemics will arrive and occur. Using this modeling framework, we then quantify: (1) dynamic differences between time series generated by disease and Ricker processes with the same parameters; (2) observed probabilities of quasi-extinction for populations exposed to disease or self-limitation; and (3) bias in probabilities of quasi-extinction estimated by density-independent PVAs when populations experience either form of density dependence. Our results suggest two generalities about the relationships among disease, PVA, and the management of endangered species. First, disease more strongly increases variability in host abundance and, thus, the probability of quasi-extinction, than does self-limitation. This result stems from the fact that the effects and the probability of occurrence of disease are both density dependent. Second, estimates of quasi-extinction are more often overly optimistic for populations experiencing disease than for those subject to self-limitation. Thus, although the results of density-independent PVAs may be relatively robust to some particular assumptions about density dependence, they are less robust when endangered populations are known to be susceptible to disease. If potential management actions involve manipulating pathogens, then it may be useful to. model disease explicitly.


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We have used the Two-Degree Field (2dF) instrument on the Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT) to obtain redshifts of a sample of z < 3 and 18.0 < g < 21.85 quasars selected from Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) imaging. These data are part of a larger joint programme between the SDSS and 2dF communities to obtain spectra of faint quasars and luminous red galaxies, namely the 2dF-SDSS LRG and QSO (2SLAQ) Survey. We describe the quasar selection algorithm and present the resulting number counts and luminosity function of 5645 quasars in 105.7 deg(2). The bright-end number counts and luminosity functions agree well with determinations from the 2dF QSO Redshift Survey (2QZ) data to g similar to 20.2. However, at the faint end, the 2SLAQ number counts and luminosity functions are steeper (i.e. require more faint quasars) than the final 2QZ results from Croom et al., but are consistent with the preliminary 2QZ results from Boyle et al. Using the functional form adopted for the 2QZ analysis ( a double power law with pure luminosity evolution characterized by a second-order polynomial in redshift), we find a faint-end slope of beta =-1.78 +/- 0.03 if we allow all of the parameters to vary, and beta =-1.45 +/- 0.03 if we allow only the faint-end slope and normalization to vary (holding all other parameters equal to the final 2QZ values). Over the magnitude range covered by the 2SLAQ survey, our maximum-likelihood fit to the data yields 32 per cent more quasars than the final 2QZ parametrization, but is not inconsistent with other g > 21 deep surveys for quasars. The 2SLAQ data exhibit no well-defined 'break' in the number counts or luminosity function, but do clearly flatten with increasing magnitude. Finally, we find that the shape of the quasar luminosity function derived from 2SLAQ is in good agreement with that derived from Type I quasars found in hard X-ray surveys.


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Deficiencies in DNA repair have been hypothesized to increase cancer risk and excess cancer incidence is a feature of inherited diseases caused by defects in DNA damage recognition and repair. We investigated, using a case-control design, whether the double-strand break repair gene polymorphisms RAD51 5' untranslated region -135 G > C, XRCC2 R188H G > A, and XRCC3 T241M C > T were associated with risk of breast or ovarian cancer in Australian women. Sample sets included 1,456 breast cancer cases and 793 age-matched controls ages under 60 years of age, 549 incident ovarian cancer cases, and 335 controls of similar age distribution. For the total sample and the subsample of Caucasian women, there were no significant differences in genotype distribution between breast cancer cases and controls or between ovarian cancer cases and combined control groups. The crude odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) associated with the RAD51 GC/CC genotype frequency was OR, 1.10; 95% CI, 0.80-1.41 for breast cancer and OR, 1.22; 95% CI, 0.92-1.62 for ovarian cancer. Similarly, there were no increased risks associated with the XRCC2 GA/AA genotype (OR, 0.98; 95% CI, 0.76-1.26 for breast cancer and OR, 0.93; 95% CI, 0.69-1.25 for ovarian cancer) or the XRCC3 CT/TT genotype (OR, 0.92; 95% Cl, 0.77-1.10 for breast cancer and OR, 0.87; 95% CI, 0.71-1.08 for ovarian cancer). Results were little changed after adjustment for age and other measured risk factors. Although there was little statistical power to detect modest increases in risk for the homozygote variant genotypes, particularly for the rare RAD51 and XRCC2 variants, the data suggest that none of these variants play a major role in the etiology of breast or ovarian cancer.


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The prostate-specific antigen-related serine protease gene, kallikrein 4 (KLK4), is expressed in the prostate and, more importantly, overexpressed in prostate cancer. Several KLK4 mRNA splice variants have been reported, but it is still not clear which of these is most relevant to prostate cancer. Here we report that, in addition to the full-length KLK4 (KLK4-254) transcript, the exon 1 deleted KLK4 transcripts, in particular, the 5'-truncated KLK4-205 transcript, is expressed in prostate cancer. Using V5/His6 and green fluorescent protein (GFP) carboxy terminal tagged expression constructs and immunocytochemical approaches, we found that hK4-254 is cytoplasmically localized, while the N-terminal truncated hK4-205 is in the nucleus of transfected PC-3 prostate cancer cells. At the protein level, using anti-hK4 peptide antibodies specific to different regions of hK4-254 (N-terminal and C-terminal), we also demonstrated that endogenous hK4-254 (detected with the N-terminal antibody) is more intensely stained in malignant cells than in benign prostate cells, and is secreted into seminal fluid. In contrast, for the endogenous nuclear-localized N-terminal truncated hK4-205 form, there was less difference in staining intensity between benign and cancer glands. Thus, KLK4-254/hK4-254 may have utility as an immunohistochemical marker for prostate cancer. Our studies also indicate that the expression levels of the truncated KLK4 transcripts, but not KLK4-254, are regulated by androgens in LNCaP cells. Thus, these data demonstrate that there are two major isoforms of hK4 (KLK4-254/hK4-254 and KLK4-205/hK4-205) expressed in prostate cancer with different regulatory and expression profiles that imply both secreted and novel nuclear roles.


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Diabetic nephropathy is characterized by excessive extracellular matrix accumulation resulting in renal scarring and end-stage renal disease. Previous studies have suggested that transglutaminase type 2, by formation of its protein crosslink product epsilon-(gamma-glutamyl)lysine, alters extracellular matrix homeostasis, causing basement membrane thickening and expansion of the mesangium and interstitium. To determine whether transglutaminase inhibition can slow the progression of chronic experimental diabetic nephropathy over an extended treatment period, the inhibitor NTU281 was given to uninephrectomized streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats for up to 8 months. Effective transglutaminase inhibition significantly reversed the increased serum creatinine and albuminuria in the diabetic rats. These improvements were accompanied by a fivefold decrease in glomerulosclerosis and a sixfold reduction in tubulointerstitial scarring. This was associated with reductions in collagen IV accumulation by 4 months, along with reductions in collagens I and III by 8 months. This inhibition also decreased the number of myofibroblasts, suggesting that tissue transglutaminase may play a role in myofibroblast transformation. Our study suggests that transglutaminase inhibition ameliorates the progression of experimental diabetic nephropathy and can be considered for clinical application.


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This article investigates the relationship between work-group members’ cognitive style (as measured by Allinson and Hayes’s Cognitive Style Index), the group’s task and setting, and the way in which group members behave in the group. Behavior of a homogeneous analytic, a homogeneous intuitive, and a heterogeneous group was observed in a mechanistic setting and analyzed using discourse analysis. This study is discussed in light of a previous study in which homogeneous analytic and homogeneous intuitive groups worked in an organic setting. These two studies use different methodologies (quantitative approach versus qualitativediscursive). The benefits of methodological eclecticism are discussed.


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An investigation has been undertaken into the effects of various radiations on commercially made Al-SiO2-Si Capacitors (MOSCs). Detailed studies of the electrical and physical nature of such devices have been used to characterise both virgin and irradiated devices. In particular, an investigation of the nature and causes of dielectric breakdown in MOSCs has revealed that intrinsic breakdown is a two-stage process dominated by charge injection in a pre-breakdown stage; this is associated with localised high-field injection of carriers from the semiconductor substrate to interfacial and bulk charge traps which, it is proposed, leads to the formation of conducting channels through the dielectric with breakdown occurring as a result of the dissipation of the conduction band energy. A study of radiation-induced dielectric breakdown has revealed the possibility of anomalous hot-electron injection to an excess of bulk oxide traps in the ionization channel produced by very heavily ionizing radiation, which leads to intrinsic breakdown in high-field stressed devices. These findings are interpreted in terms of a modification to the model for radiation-induced dielectric breakdown based upon the primary dependence of breakdown on charge injection rather than high-field mechanisms. The results of a detailed investigation of charge trapping and interface state generation in such MOSCs due to various radiations has revealed evidence of neutron induced interface states, and of the generation of positive oxide charge in devices due to all of the radiations tested. In particular, the greater the linear energy transfer of the radiation, the greater the magnitude of charge trapped in the oxide and the greater the number of interface states generated. These findings are interpreted in terms of Si-H and Si-OH bond-breaking at the Si-SiO2 interface which is enhanced by charge carrier transfer to the interface and by anomalous charge injection to compensate for the excess of charge carriers created by the radiation.


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This study is concerned with the mechanisms of growth and wear of protective oxide films formed under various tribological conditions. In the study three different tribological systems are examined in each of which oxidational wear is the dominant equilibrium mode. These are an unlubricated steel on steel system sliding at low and elevated temperatures, a boundary lubricated aluminium bronze on steel system and an unlubricated reciprocating sliding 9% Cr steel system operated at elevated temperature, in an atmosphere of carbon dioxide. The results of mechanical measurements of wear and friction are presented for a range of conditions of load, speed and temper.ature for the systems, together with the results of extensive examinations of the surfaces and sub­ surfaces by various physical methods of analysis. The major part of the thesis, however, is devoted to the development and application of surface models and theoretical quantative expressions in order to explain the observed oxidational wear phenomena. In this work, the mechanisms of formation of load bearing ox ide plateaux are described and are found to be dependent on system geometry and environment. The relative importance of ''in contact" and "out of contact" oxidation is identified together with growth rate constants appropriate to the two situations. Hypotheses are presented to explain the mechanisms of removal of plateaux to form wear debris. The latter hypotheses include the effects of cyclic stressing and dislocation accumulation, together with effects associated with the kinetics of growth and physical properties of the various oxides. The proposed surf ace mode1s have led to the develop­ ment of quantitative expressions for contact temperature, unlubricated wear rates, boundary lubricated wear rates and the wear of rna ter ial during the transition from severe to mild wear. In general theoretical predictions from these expressions are in very good agreement with experimental values.