994 resultados para Java Applet


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X-ray computed tomography (CT) provides an insight into the progression of dissolution in the tests of planktonic foraminifera. Four species of foraminifera (G. ruber [white], G. sacculifer, N. dutertrei and P. obliquiloculata) from Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Ocean core-top samples were examined by CT and SEM. Inner chamber walls began to dissolve at Delta[CO3**2-] values of 12-14 µmol/kg. Close to the calcite saturation horizon, dissolution and precipitation of calcite may occur simultaneously. Inner calcite of G. sacculifer, N. dutertrei and P. obliquiloculata from such sites appeared altered or replaced, whereas outer crust calcite was dense with no pores. Unlike the other species, there was no distinction between inner and outer calcite in CT scans of G. ruber. Empty calcite crusts of N. dutertrei and P. obliquiloculata were most resistant to dissolution and were present in samples where Delta[CO3**2-] ~ -20 µmol/kg. Five stages of preservation were identified in CT scans, and an empirical dissolution index, XDX, was established. XDX appears to be insensitive to initial test mass. Mass loss in response to dissolution was similar between species and sites at ~ 0.4 µg/µmol/kg. We provide calibrations to estimate Delta[CO3**2-] and initial test mass from XDX.


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In Semarang City, groundwater has been exploited as a natural resource since 1841. The groundwater exploited in deep wells is concentrated in confined aquifers. The previous hydrogeological model was developed in one unit of aquifer and refined then by using several hydrostratigraphical units following a regional hydrogeological map without any further analysis. At present, there is a lack of precise hydrogeological model which integrates geological and hydrogeological data, in particular for multiple aquifers in Semarang. Thus, the aim of this paper is to develop a hydrogeological model for the multiple aquifers in Semarang using an integrated data approach. Groundwater samples in the confined aquifers have been analyzed to define the water type and its lateral distribution. Two hydrogeological cross sections were then created based on several borelog data to define a hydrostratigraphical unit (HSU). The HSU result indicates the hydrogeological model of Semarang consists of two aquifers, three aquitards, and one aquiclude. Aquifer 1 is unconfined, while Aquifer 2 is confined. Aquifer 2 is classified into three groups (2a, 2b, and 2c) based on analyses of major ion content and hydrostratigraphical cross sections.


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Results from sediment trap experiments conducted in the seasonal upwelling area off south Java from November 2000 until July 2003 revealed significant monsoon-, El Niño-Southern Oscillation-, and Indian Ocean Dipole-induced seasonal and interannual variations in flux and shell geochemistry of planktonic foraminifera. Surface net primary production rates together with total and species-specific planktonic foraminiferal flux rates were highest during the SE monsoon-induced coastal upwelling period from July to October, with three species Globigerina bulloides, Neogloboquadrina pachyderma dex., and Globigerinita glutinata contributing to 40% of the total foraminiferal flux. Shell stable oxygen isotopes (d18O) and Mg/Ca data of Globigerinoides ruber sensu stricto (s.s.), G. ruber sensu lato (s.l.), Neogloboquadrina dutertrei, Pulleniatina obliquiloculata, and Globorotalia menardii in the sediment trap time series recorded surface and subsurface conditions. We infer habitats of 0-30 m for G. ruber at the mixed layer depth, 60-80 m (60-90 m) for P. obliquiloculata (N. dutertrei) at the upper thermocline depth, and 90-110 m (100-150 m) for G. menardii in the 355-500 mm (>500 µm) size fraction corresponding to the (lower) thermocline depth in the study area. Shell Mg/Ca ratio of G. ruber (s.l. and s.s.) reveals an exponential relationship with temperature that agrees with published relationships particularly with the Anand et al. (2003) equations. Flux-weighted foraminiferal data in sediment trap are consistent with average values in surface sediment samples off SW Indonesia. This consistency confirms the excellent potential of these proxies for reconstructing past environmental conditions in this part of the ocean realm.


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In this study, we obtained concentrations and abundance ratios of long-chain alkenones and glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs) in a one-year time-series of sinking particles collected with a sediment trap moored from December 2001 to November 2002 at 2200 m water depth south of Java in the eastern Indian Ocean. We investigate the seasonality of alkenone and GDGT fluxes as well as the potential habitat depth of the Thaumarchaeota producing the GDGTs entrained in sinking particles. The alkenone flux shows a pronounced seasonality and ranges from 1 µg m-**2 d**-1 to 35 µg m**-2 d**-1. The highest alkenone flux is observed in late September during the Southeast monsoon, coincident with high total organic carbon fluxes as well as high net primary productivity. Flux-weighted mean temperature for the high flux period using the alkenone-based sea-surface temperature (SST) index UK'37 is 26.7°C, which is similar to satellite-derived Southeast (SE) monsoon SST (26.4°C). The GDGT flux displays a weaker seasonality than that of the alkenones. It is elevated during the SE monsoon period compared to the Northwest (NW) monsoon and intermonsoon periods (approximately 2.5 times), which is probably related to seasonal variation of the abundance of Thaumarchaeota, or to enhanced export of GDGTs by aggregation with sinking phytoplankton detritus. Flux-weighted mean temperature inferred from the GDGT-based TEXH86 index is 26.2°C, which is 1.8 °C lower than mean annual (ma) SST but similar to SE monsoon SST. As the time series of TEXH86 temperature estimates, however, does not record a strong seasonal amplitude, we infer that TEXH86 reflects ma upper thermocline temperature at approximately 50 m water depth.


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The popularity of Computing degrees in the UK has been increasing significantly over the past number of years. In Northern Ireland, from 2007 to 2015, there has been a 40% increase in acceptances to Computer Science degrees with England seeing a 60% increase over the same period (UCAS, 2016). However, this is tainted as Computer Science degrees also continue to maintain the highest dropout rates.
In Queen’s University Belfast we currently have a Level 1 intake of over 400 students across a number of computing pathways. Our drive as staff is to empower and motivate the students to fully engage with the course content. All students take a Java programming module the aim of which is to provide an understanding of the basic principles of object-oriented design. In order to assess these skills, we have developed Jigsaw Java as an innovative assessment tool offering intelligent, semi-supervised automated marking of code.
Jigsaw Java allows students to answer programming questions using a drag-and-drop interface to place code fragments into position. Their answer is compared to the sample solution and if it matches, marks are allocated accordingly. However, if a match is not found then the corresponding code is executed using sample data to determine if its logic is acceptable. If it is, the solution is flagged to be checked by staff and if satisfactory is saved as an alternative solution. This means that appropriate marks can be allocated and should another student have submitted the same placement of code fragments this does not need to be executed or checked again. Rather the system now knows how to assess it.
Jigsaw Java is also able to consider partial marks dependent on code placement and will “learn” over time. Given the number of students, Jigsaw Java will improve the consistency and timeliness of marking.


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COSTA, Umberto Souza; MOREIRA, Anamaria Martins; MUSICANTE, Matin A.; SOUZA NETO, Plácido A. JCML: A specification language for the runtime verification of Java Card programs. Science of Computer Programming. [S.l]: [s.n], 2010.


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COSTA, Umberto Souza da; MOREIRA, Anamaria Martins; MUSICANTE, Martin A. Specification and Runtime Verification of Java Card Programs. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science. [S.l:s.n], 2009.


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At the University of Worcester we are continually striving to find new approaches to the learning and teaching of programming, to improve the quality of learning and the student experience. Over the past three years we have used the contexts of robotics, computer games, and most recently a study of Abstract Art to this end. This paper discusses our motivation for using Abstract Art as a context, details our principles and methodology, and reports on an evaluation of the student experience. Our basic tenet is that one can view the works of artists such as Kandinsky, Klee and Malevich as Object-Oriented (OO) constructions. Discussion of these works can therefore be used to introduce OO principles, to explore the meaning of classes, methods and attributes and finally to synthesize new works of art through Java code. This research has been conducted during delivery of an “Advanced OOP (Java)” programming module at final-year Undergraduate level, and during a Masters’ OO-Programming (Java) module. This allows a comparative evaluation of novice and experienced programmers’ learning. In this paper, we identify several instructional factors which emerge from our approach, and reflect upon the associated pedagogy. A Catalogue of ArtApplets is provided at the associated web-site.


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Ein Autobewerter für von Studierenden eingereichte Programme führt die im ProFormA-Aufgabenformat sequentiell spezifizierten "Tests" aus, um die Einreichung zu prüfen. Bzgl. der Interpretation und Darstellung der Testausführungsergebnisse gibt es derzeit keinen graderübergreifenden Standard. Wir beschreiben eine Erweiterung des ProFormA-Aufgabenformats um eine Hierarchie von Bewertungsaspekten, die nach didaktischen Aspekten gruppiert ist und Referenzen auf die Testausführungen besitzt. Die Erweiterung wurde in Graja umgesetzt, einem Autobewerter für Java-Programme. Je nach gewünschter Detailaufschlüsselung der Bewertungsaspekte müssen in der Konsequenz Testausführungen in Teilausführungen aufgebrochen werden. Wir illustrieren unseren Vorschlag unter Einsatz der Testwerkzeuge Compiler, dynamischer Softwaretest, statische Analyse sowie unter Einsatz menschlicher Bewerter.


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In diesem Bericht wird der Autobewerter Graja für Java-Programme vorgestellt. Wir geben einen Überblick über die unterstützten Bewertungsmethoden sowie die beteiligten Nutzerrollen. Wir gehen auf technische Einzelheiten und Randbedingungen der in Graja eingesetzten Bewertungsmethoden ein und zeigen die Einbindung von Graja in eine technische Gesamtarchitektur. An einem durchgehenden Beispiel stellen wir die Struktur einer Programmieraufgabe sowie die von Graja unterstützten Feedback-Möglichkeiten dar. Informationen zum bisherigen Einsatz des Graders runden den Bericht ab.


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Context: Obfuscation is a common technique used to protect software against mali- cious reverse engineering. Obfuscators manipulate the source code to make it harder to analyze and more difficult to understand for the attacker. Although different ob- fuscation algorithms and implementations are available, they have never been directly compared in a large scale study. Aim: This paper aims at evaluating and quantifying the effect of several different obfuscation implementations (both open source and commercial), to help developers and project manager to decide which one could be adopted. Method: In this study we applied 44 obfuscations to 18 subject applications covering a total of 4 millions lines of code. The effectiveness of these source code obfuscations has been measured using 10 code metrics, considering modularity, size and complexity of code. Results: Results show that some of the considered obfuscations are effective in mak- ing code metrics change substantially from original to obfuscated code, although this change (called potency of the obfuscation) is different on different metrics. In the pa- per we recommend which obfuscations to select, given the security requirements of the software to be protected.


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En este artículo se presentan una serie de reflexiones frente a las comparaciones que pueden hacerse entre dos plataformas de software: Java y .NET. Para ello se trata de hacer un breve recuento histórico de ambos casos, y después se presentan algunas de las diferencias que la autora ha encontrado entre ellas, mirando aspectos que tienen relación directa con la programación orientada a objetos, o con otros aspectos del lenguaje. Por último se presenta una breve aclaración, desde el punto de vista de la autora, frente al tema de portabilidad que ambos reclaman como la diferencia más relevante entre ellos.


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Este artículo presenta el proceso de implementación de una API (Application Programming Interface) que permite la interacción del guante P5 de Essential Reality1 con un entorno virtual desarrollado en el lenguaje de programación Java y su librería Java 3D.2 Por otra parte, se describe un ejemplo implementado, haciendo uso de la API en cuestión. Con base en este ejemplo se presentan los resultados de la ejecución de pruebas de requerimientos de recursos físicos como la CPU y memoria física. Finalmente, se especifican las conclusiones y resultados obtenidos.