997 resultados para Janninck, Conrad, 1650-1723
[Mazarinade. 1650]
Contient : Blasons des rois et de quelques princes d'Europe ; « Églises paroissiales de Bruxelles, Anvers, Douay et Mons » ; « Les Recherches de M. Jean d'Hollander,... chanoine de... Mons en Haynaut, touchant les baillyfs et souverain de la comté, ville et terroir d'Alost et ville de Grandmont » ; « Catalogue des grands baillyfs de la ville et chastellenie de Berghes-St-Winnocx.??? » ; « Églises paroisiales de la ville de Louvain, » etc ; « Antiquitez de la ville de Tillemont » ; « Églises de Tournay, Arras, Huy, Dinant, Lille, Namur, Saint-Quintin, Laon, Reims, Péronne et Milan » ; « Registre des gouverneurs, chastelains, capitaines, baillifs, magistrats, abbez et abbesses de la Flandre gallicane » ; « Joseph Aegypti prorex a fratribus agnitus, symbolis illustrissimi Ordinis Equitum Aurei Vélleris illustratus,... dabitur a gratulabunda juventute gymnasii Societatis Jesu Bruxellis, die 5 decembris 1650. Bruxellis, » in-4°, impr
Psoriasis is one of the most common chronic, inflammatory, T-cell-mediated autoimmune diseases. Over the past decade, increased knowledge of disease pathogenesis has fundamentally changed psoriasis treatment, with the introduction of biologics, and this has led to a multitude of improved selective targets providing potential therapeutic options. Indeed, numerous pathogenesis-based treatments are currently in development, as psoriasis has also become increasingly relevant for proof-of-concept studies. The purpose of this review was to summarize current knowledge of psoriasis immunopathogenesis, focusing on the T-cell-mediated immune response and its initiation. The authors describe recent advances in psoriasis treatment and discuss pathogenesis-based therapies that are currently in development or which could be envisioned for the future. Although current biologics are well tolerated, several issues such as long-term efficacy, long-term safety, and high costs keep driving the search for new and better therapies. With further advances in understanding disease pathogenesis, more genomic data from psoriasis patients becoming available, and potentially the identification of autoantigens in psoriasis, current research should lead to the development of a growing arsenal of improved targeted treatments and to further breakthrough immunotherapies.
Psoriasis is a common chronic inflammatory skin disease, the study of which might also be of considerable value to the understanding of other inflammatory and autoimmune-type diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, multiple sclerosis and diabetes mellitus. There is clear evidence that T cells and dendritic cells have a central role in psoriasis. Based on recent data from humans and animal models, we propose that a psoriasis lesion can be triggered and sustained by the local network of skin-resident immune cells. This concept focuses attention on local, rather than systemic, components of the immune system for rationalized therapeutic approaches of psoriasis and possibly also other chronic inflammatory diseases.
Urho Kekkosen haast. - "Jos sala-ammattilaisuus on lopetettava, on se suoritettava, vaikkapa joku kultamitalimahdollisuus meiltä menisikin", lausuu Urheiluliiton puheenjohtaja, hallitussihteeri U. Kekkonen lehdellemme myöntämässään haastattelussa
A concepção de libertação nacional de Amílcar Cabral, que ultrapassa os marcos da conquista formal da Independência e implica a remoção de todos os obstáculos ao livre desenvolvimento das forças produtivas e de todas as formas de subjugação da pessoa humana, é indissociável da luta contra a ignorância e pela promoção do conhecimento e da cultura. Encarada, de resto, como manifestação genuína da cultura e como acto de cultura, a luta de libertação nacional não só se fundamenta e se inspira na cultura como influencia esta última (Cabral, 1972), orientando-se para a construção de uma sociedade nova, livre e de progresso, em que o poder esteja nas mãos e ao serviço do povo. Para ser vitoriosa, a gesta libertadora exige, pois, a par do recurso ao “poder das armas”, que se mostrou inevitável para fazer face à repressão colonial, a utilização da “arma da teoria” ou do conhecimento. No contexto da libertação nacional, Cabral não só delineia como enceta a implementação das bases de um novo paradigma educacional que, pelo seu carácter emancipatório, humanista e progressista, contraria os pressupostos do ensino colonial e, no essencial, mantém toda a sua actualidade.
[Mazarinade. 1650]
The prevalence of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) in cystic fibrosis patients ranges from 2 to 8% and glucose intolerance up to 15%. In recent years, lung transplantation has helped to prolong life expectancy of cystic fibrosis patients and represents 10 to 30% of all indications for lung transplantation. The postoperative need for immunosuppressive therapy using diabetogenic agents has decompensatory effects on glucose regulation and will probably increase the number of insulin-dependent cystic fibrosis patients. We report the case of an insulin-dependent cystic fibrosis patient transplanted with a combined islet-lung allograft. The pre-transplantation C-peptide level was below 0.04 nmol/l and preoperative insulin requirement was some 100 U per day. A sequential bipulmonary lung transplantation was performed and, using the pancreas of the same donor, we isolated and purified the islets of Langerhans by a modified automated method. We obtained 232,200 islets equivalent, which were injected into the liver by portal embolization. The postoperative course was uncomplicated, the insulin requirement decreased to 50% of the preoperative need and the C-peptide value increased to normal values and remained with the normal range during a follow-up period of 15 months. In conclusion, we believe that, besides type I diabetic patients, insulin-dependent cystic fibrosis patients with a negative C-peptide value could also be good candidates for combined islet-lung allotransplantation.
Toll-like receptor 4 (Tlr4) has a pivotal role in innate immune responses, and the transcription factor CCAAT/enhancer binding protein delta (C/EBPδ, Cebpd) is a Tlr4-induced gene. Here we identify a positive feedback loop in which C/EBPδ activates Tlr4 gene expression in macrophages and tumour cells. In addition, we discovered a negative feedback loop whereby the tumour suppressor FBXW7α (FBW7, Cdc4), whose gene expression is inhibited by C/EBPδ, targets C/EBPδ for degradation when C/EBPδ is phosphorylated by GSK-3β. Consequently, FBXW7α suppresses Tlr4 expression and responses to the ligand lipopolysaccharide. FBXW7α depletion alone is sufficient to augment pro-inflammatory signalling in vivo. Moreover, as inflammatory pathways are known to modulate tumour biology, Cebpd null mammary tumours, which have reduced metastatic potential, show altered expression of inflammation-associated genes. Together, these findings reveal a role for C/EBPδ upstream of Tlr4 signalling and uncover a function for FBXW7α as an attenuator of inflammatory signalling.