995 resultados para Iodine(v) Reagents
This study was conducted to assess if fingerprint specialists could be influenced by extraneous contextual information during a verification process. Participants were separated into three groups: a control group (no contextual information was given), a low bias group (minimal contextual information was given in the form of a report prompting conclusions), and a high bias group (an internationally recognized fingerprint expert provided conclusions and case information to deceive this group into believing that it was his case and conclusions). A similar experiment was later conducted with laypersons. The results showed that fingerprint experts were influenced by contextual information during fingerprint comparisons, but not towards making errors. Instead, fingerprint experts under the biasing conditions provided significantly fewer definitive and erroneous conclusions than the control group. In contrast, the novice participants were more influenced by the bias conditions and did tend to make incorrect judgments, especially when prompted towards an incorrect response by the bias prompt.
Comprend : Censura in quendam auctorem, qui sub falsa inscripsione Berosi Chaldaei circumfertur, Gaspare Varrerio auctore
We have recently demonstrated that human pediatric mesenchymal stem cells can be reprogrammed toward a Ewing sarcoma family tumor (ESFT) cancer stem cell (CSC) phenotype by mechanisms that implicate microRNAs (miRNAs). Here, we show that the miRNA profile of ESFT CSCs is shared by embryonic stem cells and CSCs from divergent tumor types. We also provide evidence that the miRNA profile of ESFT CSCs is the result of reversible disruption of TARBP2-dependent miRNA maturation. Restoration of TARBP2 activity and systemic delivery of synthetic forms of either of two of its targets, miRNA-143 or miRNA-145, inhibited ESFT CSC clonogenicity and tumor growth in vivo. Our observations suggest that CSC self-renewal and tumor maintenance may depend on deregulation of TARBP2-dependent miRNA expression.
[Speculum humanae salvationis (néerlandais). 1483]
[Traditions. Asie. Inde. Province de Bombay. État du Maharashtra. Dhule]
[Traditions. Asie. Inde. Présidence de Madras [i.e. Chennai]. Ceded Districts]
La linguistique d'un écrivain soviétique : E. Polivanov dans le "Faiseur de scandales" de V. Kaverin
Poème masnavī compose de deux parties, l’histoire (qiṣṣa) de la chute, puis de la mort, du vizir Sayyid ‛Alī Hān (f. 7v- 59), assassiné le 9 octobre 1720 et remplacé par Muḥ. Amīn Hān I‛timād al-Dawla. Cette partie compte 919 bayt. La seconde (f. 61- 102v) en compte 763 et raconte les circonstances de la mort de Lāla Laliyān Mal, fils de l’auteur (f. 62), survenue dix mois après, alors qu’il avait 30 ans, et les campagnes militaires de cette période. Cette qiṣṣ̣a aurait été rédigée vers 1723 (f. 102).Une préface en prose (dībāča), rédigée (f. 5v) par Zōrāvar Singh [comparer à Supplément persan 247] occupe les f. 1v à 6v. Celui-ci indique qu’il édita, après sa mort l’œuvre du poète Rāy Kirpārām (f. 3v), et dédie cette édition (f. 2v) au moghol Abū l-Fatḥ Nāṣir al-Dīn Muḥ. Šāh (m. en 1161H./1748). Ce serait Rāy Kirpārām l’auteur des deux qiṣṣa.