794 resultados para International Society for Folk Narrative Research, ISFNR
Goal: To validate oral vatgancictovir (VGC) in the prophylaxis of CMV infection in Lung (Lu) and Liver (L) recipients and in the treatment of CMV infection/disease in solid organ transplant recipients, using pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies in comparison with i/v gancicLovir (GCV). Methods: patients undergoing organ transpLantation donor or recipient CMV-seropositive receiving VGC prophylaxis for a period of 3 months (D+/R- Lung recipients, 6 months) were enroLLed. Heart (H), Lu, and L recipients received 900mg VGC q.d., adjusted to kidney (K) function. No K recipients received more than 450mg of VGC q.d. GCV trough (Ctrough) and peak (Cpeak = 3 hours after drug administration) LeveLs, and CMV DNA were measured at 7, 30, and 60 days post-transpLant (prophyLactic study). Patients who developed CMV infection/disease after stopping prophylaxis were treated with VGC (1800mg per day adjusted to K function and GCV blood LeveLs). GCV trough and peak LeveLs, and CMV DNA were measured weekly for the first 3 weeks and biweekly thereafter, until therapy cessation (therapeutic study). PLasma concentration of GCV is measured by HPLC. Results: In the first 8 prophyLaxed patients (6 K, and 1 L and 1 H transplant recipient) of 450mg VGC q.d., the average GCV concentration was 0.5±0.3 mg/t at trough, and 3.9±l.0mg/t 3 hours after administration. Inter-patient variability was substantiaL, especiaLLy for Ctrough (63% of total variance), which correlated with the patient's estimated gtomerutar filtration rate (r square = 42%). No CMV DNA was detected during VGC prophy- Laxis. Two patients (1 H and 1 L) were treated for Late CMV disease. Average GCV Cpeak were 8.9±2.3 mg/L and 4.6±0.5 rag/L, and GCV Ctrough were 2.0±0.9 mg/t and 1.6±0.2 mg/t respectively in each patient during induction phase. VGC treatment afforded a decrease in CMV DNA from 5.2 and 4.4 Log copies/10E6 cettutes at week 0, to 3.9 and 3.0 at week 1, and 3.3 and 2.1 at week 3, respectively.
Purpose To reduce the incidence of febrile neutropenia during rapid COJEC (cisplatin, vincristine, carboplatin, etoposide, and cyclophosphamide given in a rapid delivery schedule) induction. In the High-Risk Neuroblastoma-1 (HR-NBL1) trial, the International Society of Paediatric Oncology European Neuroblastoma Group (SIOPEN) randomly assigned patients to primary prophylactic (PP) versus symptom-triggered granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (GCSF; filgrastim). Patients and Methods From May 2002 to November 2005, 239 patients in 16 countries were randomly assigned to receive or not receive PPGCSF. There were 144 boys with a median age of 3.1 years (range, 1 to 17 years) of whom 217 had International Neuroblastoma Staging System (INSS) stage 4 and 22 had stage 2 or 3 MYCN-amplified disease. The prophylactic arm received a single daily dose of 5 μg/kg GCSF, starting after each of the eight COJEC chemotherapy cycles and stopping 24 hours before the next cycle. Chemotherapy was administered every 10 days regardless of hematologic recovery, provided that infection was controlled. Results The PPGCSF arm had significantly fewer febrile neutropenic episodes (P = .002), days with fever (P = .004), hospital days (P = .017), and antibiotic days (P = .001). Reported Common Toxicity Criteria (CTC) graded toxicity was also significantly reduced: infections per cycle (P = .002), fever (P < .001), severe leucopenia (P < .001), neutropenia (P < .001), mucositis (P = .002), nausea/vomiting (P = .045), and constipation (P = .008). Severe weight loss was reduced significantly by 50% (P = .013). Protocol compliance with the rapid induction schedule was also significantly better in the PPGCSF arm shown by shorter time to completion (P = .005). PPGCSF did not adversely affect response rates or success of peripheral-blood stem-cell harvest. Following these results, PPG-GSF was advised for all patients on rapid COJEC induction.
Continuous field mapping has to address two conflicting remote sensing requirements when collecting training data. On one hand, continuous field mapping trains fractional land cover and thus favours mixed training pixels. On the other hand, the spectral signature has to be preferably distinct and thus favours pure training pixels. The aim of this study was to evaluate the sensitivity of training data distribution along fractional and spectral gradients on the resulting mapping performance. We derived four continuous fields (tree, shrubherb, bare, water) from aerial photographs as response variables and processed corresponding spectral signatures from multitemporal Landsat 5 TM data as explanatory variables. Subsequent controlled experiments along fractional cover gradients were then based on generalised linear models. Resulting fractional and spectral distribution differed between single continuous fields, but could be satisfactorily trained and mapped. Pixels with fractional or without respective cover were much more critical than pure full cover pixels. Error distribution of continuous field models was non-uniform with respect to horizontal and vertical spatial distribution of target fields. We conclude that a sampling for continuous field training data should be based on extent and densities in the fractional and spectral, rather than the real spatial space. Consequently, adequate training plots are most probably not systematically distributed in the real spatial space, but cover the gradient and covariate structure of the fractional and spectral space well. (C) 2009 International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Inc. (ISPRS). Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) is commonly used in the care of patients for diagnostic classification of osteoporosis, low bone mass (osteopenia), or normal bone density; assessment of fracture risk; and monitoring changes in bone density over time. The development of other technologies for the evaluation of skeletal health has been associated with uncertainties regarding their applications in clinical practice. Quantitative ultrasound (QUS), a technology for measuring properties of bone at peripheral skeletal sites, is more portable and less expensive than DXA, without the use of ionizing radiation. The proliferation of QUS devices that are technologically diverse, measuring and reporting variable bone parameters in different ways, examining different skeletal sites, and having differing levels of validating data for association with DXA-measured bone density and fracture risk, has created many challenges in applying QUS for use in clinical practice. The International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD) 2007 Position Development Conference (PDC) addressed clinical applications of QUS for fracture risk assessment, diagnosis of osteoporosis, treatment initiation, monitoring of treatment, and quality assurance/quality control. The ISCD Official Positions on QUS resulting from this PDC, the rationale for their establishment, and recommendations for further study are presented here.
Extensive population-based genome-wide association studies have identified an association between the FTO gene and BMI; however, the mechanism of action is still unknown. To determine whether FTO may influence weight regulation through psychological and behavioral factors, seven single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of the FTO gene were genotyped in 1,085 individuals with anorexia nervosa (AN) and 677 healthy weight controls from the international Price Foundation Genetic Studies of Eating Disorders. Each SNP was tested in association with eating disorder phenotypes and measures that have previously been associated with eating behavior pathology: trait anxiety, harm-avoidance, novelty seeking, impulsivity, obsessionality, compulsivity, and concern over mistakes. After appropriate correction for multiple comparisons, no significant associations between individual FTO gene SNPs and eating disorder phenotypes or related eating behavior pathology were identified in cases or controls. Thus, this study found no evidence that FTO gene variants associated with weight regulation in the general population are associated with eating disorder phenotypes in AN participants or matched controls. © 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
OBJECTIVE: To identify disease causing mutation in three generations of a Swiss family with pattern dystrophy and high intrafamilial variability of phenotype. To assess the effect of intravitreal ranibizumab injections in the treatment of subfoveal choroidal neovascularization associated with pattern dystrophy in one patient. METHODS: Affected family members were ascertained for phenotypic and genotypic characterization. Ophthalmic evaluations included fundus photography, autofluorescence imaging, optical coherence tomography, and International Society for Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision standard full-field electroretinography. When possible family members had genetic testing. The proband presented with choroidal neovascularization and had intravitreal injections as needed according to visual acuity and optical coherence tomography. RESULTS: Proband had a multifocal type pattern dystrophy, and his choroidal neovascularization regressed after four intravitreal injections. The vision improved from 0.8 to 1.0, and optical coherence tomography showed complete anatomical restoration. A butterfly-shaped pattern was observed in her cousin, whereas a fundus pulverulentus pattern was seen in a second cousin. Aunt had a multifocal atrophic appearance, simulating geographic atrophy in age-related macular degeneration. The Y141C mutation was identified in the peripherin/RDS gene and segregated with disease in the family. CONCLUSION: This is the first report of marked intrafamilial variation of pattern dystrophy because of peripherin/RDS Y141C mutation. Intravitreal ranibizumab injections might be a valuable treatment for associated subfoveal choroidal neovascularization.