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The issue of accounting for goodwill has caused considerable concern to accountants and academics. For over 100 years there has been diversity of views as to the nature, recognition and measurement of goodwill. Such diversity of views has contributed to the adoption of a variety of accounting practices for goodwill, which has lead to attempts to regulate practice by accounting professions in the Anglo-American world. The research conducted involves a literature review to identify the concepts and definition of goodwill and the criteria for its recognition and measurement. the investigation will then concentrate upon goodwill arising on consolidation of the financial statements of a group of companies. Major accounting practices will be examined, along with the requirements of the australian and mojor overseas professions on the issue. The findings of a study of listed Australian companies which investigated the accounting policies adopted for goodwill on consolidation before and after regulation of the issue and which sought views upon some of the conceptual issues involved are reported and discussed. Implications of the research for the Australian accounting profession will be addressed, and recommendations will be propsed together with a description of future research opportunities.


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The objective of this research is to examine how Victorian local government annual reports disclose information on intellectual capital. The idea of intellectual capital has become part of the working organisational vocabulary, and is widely held in management literature to be the pre-eminent economic resource and a key driver of efficiency, effectiveness and continual improvement in the private and public sectors. Under the recent Best Value Victoria policy, local governments are under increasing pressure to acquire and apply intellectual capital to improve responsiveness to community needs and meet cost and quality criteria. Annual reports exist as vehicles for communication, accountability and decision making. This study examines how the internal, external and human categories of intellectual capital are represented in the annual reports for the 2000 year for 77 of the 78 Victorian local

Using a matrix approach derived from Petty and Guthrie's (2000) framework, content analysis is employed to examine the incidence and intensity with which specific elements of intellectual capital are reported. This research indicates that generally the content of annual reports have not provided clear and coherent representations of how local government in Victoria are developing, applying and measuring intellectual capital. The nature and extent of intellectual capital reporting varies considerably between councils, and the disclosure of the human elements of intellectual capital is particularly underdeveloped. The findings suggest that more research in this area is needed to determine the extent to which intellectual capital should be disclosed and whether the current paucity of disclosure stems from disinterest or technical problems. There is also the need for further research into the need to identify and describe elements of intellectual capital, and into effective
reporting strategies and techniques. This may lead to the development of a 'best practice' reporting model for intellectual capital. Furthermore, the preliminary investigations indicate a perceived need to raise the consciousness of public sector
managers as to the existence of intellectual capital within their organisations, and ultimately lead to more informed and effective management of this asset.


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The integration of routine clinical administrative activities into ongoing rigorous clinical research poses challenges for both clinicians and researchers. This case study describes the development of a responsive database system used to facilitate comprehensive longitudinal research into the outcomes of patients waiting for hip and knee replacement surgery in a large public teaching hospital. The initial research procedure was paper-based, with manual patient matching and data entry. This process was time-consuming and associated with substantial risk of error and omissions, necessitating the design of a better system. An integrated database system was designed to receive daily electronic updates of the orthopaedic waiting-list and scheduled clinic and surgery dates. Using readily available software (Microsoft Access), new patients were identified through specifying inclusion and exclusion criteria which allowed rapid and complete recruitment at time of entry to the waiting-list. The integrated system specified the appropriate timing of multiple follow-up assessments, provided prompt information on recruitment for reporting purposes and integrated multiple linked research projects within one database. Seamless exporting of data to statistical programs for analysis was also enabled. This simple integrated approach facilitated efficient execution of a longitudinal study from recruitment to statistical analysis while maximising confidentiality and minimising resources required. This case study describes the development and design of a simple system which could be easily adapted for database management in hospital or clinic-based settings according to local requirements.


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This thesis explored older adults' experiences of successful ageing. Self-acceptance, attitudes to ageing, and flexibility emerged as influencing factors. Acceptance was described as a personal struggle and underpinned criteria of successful ageing. Overall, ageing successfully seems anchored in our need to become integrated and find meaning in life.


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Constraint based tools for architectural design exploration need to satisfy aesthetic and functional criteria as well as combine discrete and continuous modes of exploration. In this paper, we examine the possibilities for stochastic processes in design space exploration.

Specifically, we address the application of a stochastic wind motion model to the subdivision of an external building envelope into smaller discrete components. Instead of deterministic subdivision constraints, we introduce explicit uncertainty into the system of subdivision. To address these aims, we develop a model of stochastic wind motion; create a subdivision scheme that is governed by the wind model and explore a design space of a facade subdivision problem. A discrete version of the facade, composed of light strips and panels, based on the bamboo elements deformed by continuous wind motion, is developed. The results of the experiments are presented in the paper.


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In Australia, as it is all over the world, finding and acquiring equity capital is one of the major problems facing entrepreneurs who are starting or growing entrepreneurial ventures. The informal venture capital market, made up of high net worth non-institutional private equity investors (or ‘business Angels’) provides risk capital directly to new and growing businesses and has been shown to be considerably more significant than institutional providers as a source of finance for entrepreneurial businesses. Building upon and comporting with Angel research undertaken overseas, this study generated and evaluated data resulting from an investigation of Australian business Angels which focused upon three primary research questions: (i) Who are Australia's Informal Venture Capitalists (Business Angels)? (ii) How do they behave? (iii) What are their investment criteria? Analysis of answers resulting from a survey of 36 carefully screened respondents produced a descriptive profile, depicted in twelve key graphs, of Australian Angels' identifying characteristics, patterns of investment behaviour and investment criteria. The study initiates Australian Angel research into the developing international continuum of formal Angel research and can serve as the generator of empirically sensible hypotheses for future research and theory development.


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The Ottawa Charter laid the ground work for a new research and practice agenda by urging health promoters to advocate for healthy public policies. After more than 20 years, it is now time to reflect on the state of policy research in health promotion and to examine how rigorously theories are applied. The review of the literature was
conducted on 11 peer-reviewed journals. The journals were selected for their solid track record in publishing health promotion articles and by using a set of predefined
inclusion and exclusion criteria. The articles, published between January 1986 and June 2006, were searched using Medline and CINAHL databases. The selected papers feature search terms related to ‘politics’, ‘policy’, ‘advocacy’ and ‘coalition’. We examined the theoretical grounding of each paper and whether it focuses on policy content (e.g. nature, impact, evolution of the policy), policy processes (e.g. advocacy capacity building and strategies) or theoretical/methodological issues in policy analysis. This review demonstrates that policy research in health promotion is still largely an a theoretical enterprise. Out of the 119 articles that were found eligible, 39 did apply to some degree a theoretical framework, of which 21 referred to a theoretical framework from political science. We conclude that the field has yet to acknowledge critical concepts that would help to shed light on the policy process, and that validated rigorous theoretical frameworks to inform research and practice are hardly applied. Recommendations are formulated to improve policy research in health promotion.


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Efforts to prevent the development of overweight and obesity have increasingly focused early in the life course as we recognise that both metabolic and behavioural patterns are often established within the first few years of life. Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) of interventions are even more powerful when, with forethought, they are synthesised into an individual patient data (IPD) prospective meta-analysis (PMA). An IPD PMA is a unique research design where several trials are identified for inclusion in an analysis before any of the individual trial results become known and the data are provided for each randomised patient. This methodology minimises the publication and selection bias often associated with a retrospective meta-analysis by allowing hypotheses, analysis methods and selection criteria to be specified a priori.

The Early Prevention of Obesity in CHildren (EPOCH) Collaboration was formed in 2009. The main objective of the EPOCH Collaboration is to determine if early intervention for childhood obesity impacts on body mass index (BMI) z scores at age 18-24 months. Additional research questions will focus on whether early intervention has an impact on children's dietary quality, TV viewing time, duration of breastfeeding and parenting styles. This protocol includes the hypotheses, inclusion criteria and outcome measures to be used in the IPD PMA. The sample size of the combined dataset at final outcome assessment (approximately 1800 infants) will allow greater precision when exploring differences in the effect of early intervention with respect to pre-specified participant- and intervention-level characteristics.

Finalisation of the data collection procedures and analysis plans will be complete by the end of 2010. Data collection and analysis will occur during 2011-2012 and results should be available by 2013.


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Objectives: Subthreshold mixed states are common, yet their clinical significance is unclear. This study investigated the clinical outcomes of subthreshold mixed states in participants with bipolarI disorder or schizoaffective disorder, using the Cassidy and Benazzi criteria for manic and depressive mixed states, respectively.

Methods: The Bipolar Comprehensive Outcomes Study (BCOS) is a prospective observational study of treatment and outcomes for patients with bipolar I or schizoaffective disorder, bipolar type. Participants (N=239) were grouped based on study entry clinical presentation as having pure depression (n=63) if they satisfied DSM-IV-TR criteria for a Major Depressive Episode (MDE), depressive mixed state (DMX) if they also had at least three concurrent hypomanic symptoms (n=33), or not depressed (n=143) if they did not satisfy the criteria for MDE. Participants were similarly grouped as having pure mania (n=3) if they satisfied DSM-IV criteria for a Manic Episode, manic mixed state (MMX) if they also had at least two concurrent depressive symptoms (n=33), or not manic (n=203). Clinical data were collected by interview every 3-months over a 24-month period.

Results: Measures of quality of life, mental and physical health over the 24-month period were significantly worse for participants who were classified as having mixed states at study entry on most outcome measures compared to participants who were not in an illness episode at study entry. DMX was predictive of greater manic symptomatology over the 24 months compared to participants with pure depression.

Conclusion: In participants with a current episode of mood disorder, the presence of subthreshold symptoms of opposite polarity was associated with poorer clinical outcomes over a 24-month period.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to provide an overarching conceptual decision model that delineates the major issues and decisions associated with carbon regulations that will allow executives to better understand the potential regulatory schemes and implications that may be imposed in the near future.
Design/methodology/approach – The authors use the extant literature as the foundation to develop a conceptual model of the decisions pertaining to climate change regulation that face business executives today.
Findings – This paper suggests four major categories of issues that must be addressed in any climate change regulatory scheme. These include: “scope” – will carbon emission management systems be global or regional; “who pays” – will the consumer or will the supply chain be responsible for the cost of their emissions; “market or compliance-based mechanisms” – will the CO2 emissions system be market-based or a compliance-based regulatory system; andcriteria” – how can credence of the remedy be established – what is necessary for a business initiative to qualify for as a creditable carbon offset?
Research limitations/implications – This paper offers a framework that categories the fundamental decisions that must be made in any climate change regulation. This framework may be useful in advancing research into any of the four categories of decisions and their implications on commerce and the environment. This paper is designed to be managerially useful and in that way does limit its ability to specifically advance many dimensions of research.
Practical implications – The paper offers executives for a simple model of the decisions that must be made to craft an effective climate change regulatory scheme. In addition, it suggests how these decisions may create exploitable economic opportunities for innovative and proactive firms.
Originality/value – This paper adds value to the debate by clarifying the decisions that must be addressed in any climate change regulation scheme.


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Purpose. A group of Australian researchers seeking an accessible online survey tool discovered to their concern that most commercially available survey tools are not actually ‘useable’ by a significant number of assistive technology users.
Method. Comparative effectiveness analysis of 11 popular survey tools. A bespoke survey tool was subsequently created to meet all accessibility guidelines and useability criteria as determined by the wide range of assistive technology users with whom the research team was working.
Results. Many survey tools claim accessibility status but this does not reflect the actual situation. Only one survey met all compliance points; however, it was limited by inflexible layout and few options for question types; some surveys proved unusable by screen reader. All surveys reviewed represented a compromise between accessibility and breadth of functionality.
Conclusion. It would appear the voices of a proportion of people living with disability are absent from the data collected by surveys, and that current accessibility guidelines, even where implemented, still fall short of assuring useable survey tools. This article describes one online solution created to successfully survey a broad population, and outlines a design approach to encompass user diversity.


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Given the relationship between energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions and climate change, the built environment has significant potential to lessen overall emissions. With around half of all greenhouse gas emissions attributed to the built environment; it has a significant role to play in mitigating global warming. With large percentages of office stock structurally vacant in some city centres and only 1 or 2% of new buildings added to the total stock each year; the scope for reductions lay with adaptation of existing buildings. The stock with the highest levels of vacancy and obsolescence offers the highest potential of all.

Many cities are now aiming to become carbon neutral. Successful retrofit demands that social, technological, environmental, economic and legislative criteria are addressed. Buildings have to meet user and community needs. City centres comprise a range of different type of office stock with regards to age, size, location, height, tenure and quality. All buildings present challenges and opportunities with regards to retrofit and sustainability and integrating retrofit measures that reduce energy, water and resource consumption.

Using a selection of low grade office buildings to develop retrofit profiles, this paper addresses the questions; (a) what is the nature of retrofits in relation to low quality office building stock in the Central Business District (CBD) and, (b) what is the extent and scope for sustainable retrofits to low quality office buildings. Using Melbourne CBD retrofit events of low quality office buildings were analysed between 1998 and 2008 to identify the scope and extent for integrating sustainability into retrofits projects.


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Larval development of the himri barbel, Barbus luteus Heckel, reared at 19-22 ¡C in natural daylight is described. Morphological and some functional character appearances were similar to the main ontogenetic steps of development in most cyprinids. Small hatched larvae attained both metamorphosis and a length of 10.5 mm after almost 35 days. Relative growth of the selected body proportions demonstrated typical priorities in growth compared to the length. An ontogenetic index was inferred from applying age and length criteria at metamorphosis as a scale for ontogenetic events.


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 This chapter presents the role of play in fostering health and wellbeing in children, identifying that curriculum guidelines and policies today, in many countries, take cognisance of these important facets of development. The chapter discusses what experts, such as Laevers (1994, 2004), state about wellbeing and how his international scale on wellbeing has also been used in the Australian contexts (DECS, 2008). Other important elements of play which are central to children’s health and wellbeing are presented with timely examples of how play contexts give children the much needed opportunities to grow and play in a healthy and confident way. Issues relating to technological toys, war play, commercialisation of play materials and safety criteria for selecting toys and equipment, are also presented.


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 Objective. To systematically review health coaching interventions regarding effectiveness of health coaching for specific outcomes, optimal intervention approaches, and identification of specific techniques associated with effectiveness.
Data Source. Articles were sourced from CINAHL, Global Health, PsycINFO, Academic Search Complete, Health Source, Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection, and Medline.
Study Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria. Randomized controlled trials were included if the study (1) employed health coaching according to a predefined criterion; (2) clearly reported the use of health coaching; or (3) incorporated the use of coaching.

Data Extraction. Aims, participants, approach, behavior change techniques (BCTs), and findings pertaining to each study were summarized. BCTs were classified according to the CALO-RE taxonomy.

Data Synthesis. Data were synthesized by cross-tabulation of BCTs with study outcomes.
Results. Fifteen of 16 eligible studies reported a positive intervention effect in at least one outcome. Nine studies (56%) did not define health coaching; the number of intervention sessions provided ranged from 2 to 48; and in three studies, one or more intervention details were unclear. It was hence difficult to synthesize the studies to adequately address our research questions.
Conclusion. Health coaching is a promising strategy for health improvements; however, future research should ensure clarity in reporting intervention details, clearer definitions of health coaching/theoretical bases, consistency in reporting BCTs, and the inclusion of process variables as outcome measures.