984 resultados para Infecção por Toxoplasma gondii


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Untreated acute toxoplasmosis among pregnant women can lead to serious sequelae among newborns, including neurological impairment and blindness. In Brazil, the risk of congenital toxoplasmosis (CTox) has not been fully evaluated. Our aim was to evaluate trends in acute toxoplasmosis prevalence from 1998-2005, the incidence of CTox and the rate of mother-to-child transmission (MTCT). A cross-sectional study was undertaken to dentify patients who fit the criteria for acute toxoplasmosis during pregnancy. Exposed newborns were included in a historical cohort, with a median follow-up time of 11 months, to establish definite diagnosis of CTox. Diagnoses for acute infection in pregnancy and CTox were based on European Research Network on Congenital Toxoplasmosis criteria. In 41,112 pregnant women, the prevalence of acute toxoplasmosis was 4.8/1,000 women. The birth prevalence of CTox was 0.6/1,000 newborns [95% confidence interval (CI): 0.4-0.9]. During the follow-up study, 12 additional cases were detected, increasing the CTox rate to 0.9/1,000 newborns (95% CI: 0.6-1.3). Among the 200 newborns exposed to Toxoplasma gondii,there were 37 babies presenting diagnostic criteria of CTox, leading to an MTCT rate of 18.5% (95% CI: 13.4-24.6%). The additional cases identified during follow-up reinforce the need for serological monitoring during the first year of life, even in the absence of evidence of congenital infection at birth.


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The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of congenital toxoplasmosis (CT) and to assess the performances of prenatal and neonatal diagnoses. From 1994-2005, in Toulouse University Hospital, France, amniocentesis was performed on 352 pregnant women who were infected during pregnancy. All women were treated with spiramycin and pyrimethamine-sulfadoxine when prenatal diagnosis was positive. Among the 275 foetuses with follow-up, 66 (24%) were infected. The transmission rates of Toxoplasma gondii were 7%, 24% and 59% in the first, second and third trimesters, respectively. The sensitivity and specificity of PCR on amniotic fluid (AF) were 91% and 99.5%, respectively. One case was diagnosed by mouse inoculation with AF and six cases were diagnosed by neonatal or postnatal screening. The sensitivity and specificity of PCR on placentas were 52% and 99%, respectively. The sensitivity of tests for the detection of specific IgA and IgM in cord blood was 53% and 64%, respectively, and specificity values were 91% and 92%. In conclusion, PCR performed on AF had the highest levels of sensitivity and specificity for the diagnosis of CT. This permits an early diagnosis of most cases and should be recommended.


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Most cases of acute acquired toxoplasmosis (AAT) are oligosymptomatic and self-limited. Therefore, these infections rarely indicate treatment. Prospective studies of AAT patients are rare in the medical literature. The frequency of systemic manifestations has not been sufficiently studied. In order to search for risks factors for systemic and ocular involvement, 37 patients were submitted to a diagnostic investigative protocol. The most frequent findings were lymph node enlargement (94.6%), asthenia (86.5%), headache (70.3%), fever (67.6%) and weight loss (62.2%). Hepatomegaly and/or splenomegaly were present in 21.6% of cases (8/37). Liver transaminases were elevated in 11 patients (29.7%) and lactic dehydrogenase in 17 patients (45.9%). Anaemia was found in four patients (10.8%), leucopoenia in six patients (16.2%), lymphocytosis in 14 patients (37.8%) and thrombocytopenia in one patient (2.7%). Fundoscopic examination revealed retinochoroiditis in four patients (10.8%). No statistical association was found between any one morbidity and retinochoroiditis. Nevertheless, a significant association was found between the presence of more than eight morbidity features at evaluation and long-lasting disease. An ideal diagnostic protocol for AAT would include evidence of systemic involvement. Such a protocol could be used when planning treatment.


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Toxoplasmosis is a worldwide zoonosis that generally produces an asymptomatic infection. In some cases, however, toxoplasmosis infection can lead to ocular damage. The immune system has a crucial role in both the course of the infection and in the evolution of toxoplasmosis disease. In particular, IFN-³ plays an important role in resistance to toxoplasmosis. Polymorphisms in genes encoding cytokines have been shown to have an association with susceptibility to parasitic diseases. The aim of this work was to analyse the occurrence of polymorphisms in the gene encoding IFN-³ (+874T/A) among Toxoplasma gondii seropositive individuals, including those with ocular lesions caused by the parasite, from a rural population of Santa Rita de Cássia, Barra Mansa, state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Further, we verified which of these polymorphisms could be related to susceptibility to the development of ocular toxoplasmosis. This study included 34 individuals with ocular toxoplasmosis (ocular group) and 134 without ocular lesions (control group). The differences between A and T allele distributions were not statistically significant between the two groups. However, we observed that a higher frequency of individuals from the ocular group possessed the A/A genotype, when compared with the control group, suggesting that homozygocity for the A allele could enhance susceptibility to ocular toxoplasmosis in T. gondii infection.


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Toxoplasma gondii infection is an important mediator of ocular disease in Brazil more frequently than reported from elsewhere. Infection and pathology are characterized by a strong proinflammatory response which in mice is triggered by interaction of the parasite with the toll-like receptor (TLR)/MyD88 pathway. A powerful way to identify the role of TLRs in humans is to determine whether polymorphisms at these loci influence susceptibility to T. gondii-mediated pathologies. Here we report on a small family-based study (60 families; 68 affected offspring) undertaken in Brazil which was powered for large effect sizes using single nucleotide polymorphisms with minor alleles frequencies > 0.3. Of markers in TLR2, TLR5 and TLR9 that met these criteria, we found an association Family Based Association Tests [(FBAT) Z score = 4.232; p = 1.5 x 10-5; p corrected = 1.2 x 10-4] between the C allele (frequency = 0.424; odds ratio = 7; 95% confidence interval 1.6-30.8) of rs352140 at TLR9 and toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis in Brazil. This supports the hypothesis that direct interaction between T. gondii and TLR9 may trigger proinflammatory responses that lead to severe pathologies such as the ocular disease that is associated with this infection in Brazil.


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Ocular toxoplasmosis can result in recurrent uveitis. Studies have shown that a correlation between active ocular toxoplasmosis and the presence of anti-Toxoplasma gondii secretory IgA (SIgA) in tears. This study compares anti-T. gondii SIgA levels in patients' tears during the acute and inactive phases of toxoplasmic uveitis. Twenty-nine positive tear specific SIgA for T. gondii patients with acute toxoplasmic uveitis were selected and were followed-up for at least two years, when the anti-T. gondii SIgA tears levels were determined. Specific SIgA for T. gondii was negative in 22 patients (75.86%) and positive in seven patients (24.13%) of whom six (85.7%) were followed over three years. Average SIgA levels during the acute phase are 1.54 and decrease significantly to 0.72 (p = 0.0001) during the inactive phase of disease. Because anti-T. gondii SIgA in the tear is negative in 75.86% of patients after the acute phase of infection, T. gondii SIgA levels may be used as a complementary diagnostic marker for active ocular toxoplasmosis.


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Toxoplasmosis is an infectious disease caused by the intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii. In Switzerland about a third of the population has antibodies against this pathogen and has thus already been in contact with the parasite or has contracted the disease. Immunocompetent patients are usually asymptomatic (80-90%) during primary infection. The most common symptom is neck or occipital lymphadenopathy. Serology is the diagnostic gold standard in immunocompetent individuals. The presence of IgM antibodies is however not sufficient to make a definite diagnosis of acute toxoplasmosis. Distinction between acute and chronic toxoplasmosis requires additional serological tests (IgG avidity test). If required, the most used and probably most effective treatment is the combination of pyrimethamine and sulfadiazine, with folinic acid.


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The interleukin (IL)-2R alpha chain (CD25) is expressed on regulatory T cells (Treg), which constitute more than 85% of the CD25+ T cell population in a naïve mouse. CD25 is also expressed on effector T cells in mice suffering from an acute infection by the obligate intracellular protozoan parasite, Toxoplasma gondii. Lethal toxoplasmosis is accompanied by a significant loss of Treg in mice naturally susceptible to toxoplasmosis. The present study was done to explore the role of Treg cells using an anti-CD25 antibody-mediated depletion in mice naturally resistant to toxoplasmosis. Although a significant decrease in the percentage of Treg cells was observed following anti-CD25 monoclonal antibody injections, the depletion of CD25+ cells during acute toxoplasmosis did not significantly increase the mortality of Swiss OF1 mice and no significant difference was observed in the brain parasitic load between the mice in the depleted-infected and isotype-infected groups. We found no significant difference between the titres of total IgG in the sera of the mice from the two groups in the chronic phase. However, CD25+ cells depletion was followed by significantly higher levels of IL-12 in the serum of depleted mice than in that of mice injected with the isotype control antibody.


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A serological survey of Toxoplasma gondii was conducted on 766 domestic and peridomestic rodents from 46 trapping sites throughout the city of Niamey, Niger. A low seroprevalence was found over the whole town with only 1.96% of the rodents found seropositive. However, differences between species were important, ranging from less than 2% in truly commensal Mastomys natalensis, Rattus rattus and Mus musculus, while garden-associated Arvicanthis niloticus displayed 9.1% of seropositive individuals. This is in line with previous studies on tropical rodents - that we reviewed here - which altogether show that Toxoplasma seroprevalence in rodent is highly variable, depending on many factors such as locality and/or species. Moreover, although we were not able to decipher statistically between habitat or species effect, such a contrast between Nile grass rats and the other rodent species points towards a potentially important role of environmental toxoplasmic infection. This would deserve to be further scrutinised since intra-city irrigated cultures are extending in Niamey, thus potentially increasing Toxoplasma circulation in this yet semi-arid region. As far as we are aware of, our study is one of the rare surveys of its kind performed in Sub-Saharan Africa and the first one ever conducted in the Sahel.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate an enzyme-linked immunoassay with recombinant rhoptry protein 2 (ELISA-rROP2) for its ability to detectToxoplasma gondii ROP2-specific IgG in samples from pregnant women. The study included 236 samples that were divided into groups according to serological screening profiles for toxoplasmosis: unexposed (n = 65), probable acute infection (n = 48), possible acute infection (n = 58) and exposed to the parasite (n = 65). When an indirect immunofluorescence assay forT. gondii-specific IgG was considered as a reference test, the ELISA-rROP2 had a sensitivity of 61.8%, specificity of 62.8%, predictive positive value of 76.6% and predictive negative value of 45.4% (p = 0.0002). The ELISA-rROP2 reacted with 62.5% of the samples from pregnant women with probable acute infection and 40% of the samples from pregnant women with previous exposure (p = 0.0180). Seropositivity was observed in 50/57 (87.7%) pregnant women with possible infection. The results underscored that T. gondii rROP2 is recognised by specific IgG antibodies in both the acute and chronic phases of toxoplasmosis acquired during pregnancy. However, the sensitivity of the ELISA-rROP2 was higher in the pregnant women with probable and possible acute infections and IgM reactivity.


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We present a set of data on human and chicken Toxoplasma gondiiseroprevalence that was investigated and analysed in light of groundwater vulnerability information in an area endemic for waterborne toxoplasmosis in Brazil. Hydrogeological assessment was undertaken to select sites for water collection from wells for T. gondii oocyst testing and for collecting blood from free-range chickens and humans for anti-T. gondiiserologic testing. Serologic testing of human specimens was done using conventional commercial tests and a sporozoite-specific embryogenesis-related protein (TgERP), which is able to differentiate whether infection resulted from tissue cysts or oocysts. Water specimens were negative for the presence of viable T. gondii oocysts. However, seroprevalence in free-range chickens was significantly associated with vulnerability of groundwater to surface contamination (p < 0.0001; odds ratio: 4.73, 95% confidence interval: 2.18-10.2). Surprisingly, a high prevalence of antibodies against TgERP was detected in human specimens, suggesting the possibility of a continuous contamination of drinking water with T. gondiioocysts in this endemic setting. These findings and the new proposed approach to investigate and analyse endemic toxoplasmosis in light of groundwater vulnerability information associated with prevalence in humans estimated by oocyst antigens recognition have implications for the potential role of hydrogeological assessment in researching waterborne toxoplasmosis at a global scale.


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Pyrimethamine is used as and anti-infectious agent because of its antifolate properties. Its action is synergistic with that of dapsone and sulfamides on Toxoplasma gondii. The goal of the present study was to evaluate the placental transfer of pyrimethamine in an ex vivo model of perfused human placental cotyledon at term. Human placentas were perfused according to the slightly modified method of Schneider. The pyrimethamine fetal transfer rate was approximately 30%, while cotyledon clearance was about 1.8 ml/min. The placental transfer of pyrimethamine seems to be independent of the maternal concentrations of pyrimethamine, suggesting passive diffusion mechanisms or a nonsaturable active transport at the tested concentrations.


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β-Catenin signaling has recently been tied to the emergence of tolerogenic dendritic cells (DCs). In this article, we demonstrate a novel role for β-catenin in directing DC subset development through IFN regulatory factor 8 (IRF8) activation. We found that splenic DC precursors express β-catenin, and DCs from mice with CD11c-specific constitutive β-catenin activation upregulated IRF8 through targeting of the Irf8 promoter, leading to in vivo expansion of IRF8-dependent CD8α(+), plasmacytoid, and CD103(+)CD11b(-) DCs. β-Catenin-stabilized CD8α(+) DCs secreted elevated IL-12 upon in vitro microbial stimulation, and pharmacological β-catenin inhibition blocked this response in wild-type cells. Upon infections with Toxoplasma gondii and vaccinia virus, mice with stabilized DC β-catenin displayed abnormally high Th1 and CD8(+) T lymphocyte responses, respectively. Collectively, these results reveal a novel and unexpected function for β-catenin in programming DC differentiation toward subsets that orchestrate proinflammatory immunity to infection.


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OBJETIVO: Verificar a soroprevalência do vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV), hepatite B (VHB), toxoplasmose e rubéola em gestantes do noroeste paranaense. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo a partir dos resultados de exames sorológicos de triagem no pré-natal de 1.534 pacientes atendidas durante o primeiro semestre de 2010. Foram incluídos somente resultados do primeiro exame de pré-natal e aqueles com pesquisa simultânea de IgG e IgM para toxoplasmose e rubéola. A sorologia foi realizada por enzimaimunoensaio em micropartículas (MEIA). Para análise estatística foi empregado o teste do χ², com nível de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: A positividade para o HIV foi de 0,3%, a sorologia para VHB pelo marcador HBsAg foi positiva em 0,5% das gestantes, enquanto a reatividade para anticorpos IgM anti-Toxoplasma gondii foi de 1,1% e para IgG de 59%. Em relação à rubéola nenhuma sorologia mostrou positividade para IgM, e para IgG a reatividade foi de 99,6%. A análise dos resultados mostrou que não há associação entre as soroprevalências estudadas e a idade das pacientes, exceto quanto à frequência de IgG anti-T. gondii, que foi mais elevada na faixa etária entre 30 e 44 anos. CONCLUSÃO: A soroprevalência dessas doenças infecciosas em gestantes do noroeste do Paraná é compatível com outras regiões do Brasil.


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Os zoológicos modernos são instituições destinadas à manutenção da fauna selvagem com o objetivo de promover a conservação, pesquisa científica, lazer, recreação e educação ambiental. A ampla variedade de espécies selvagens, vivendo em condições diferentes do seu habitat natural, representa um ambiente propício à disseminação de doenças, muitas delas zoonóticas. Devido à escassez de dados e à relevância dos mamíferos selvagens neste contexto epidemiológico, tanto na toxoplasmose, quanto na leptospirose, foi efetuado o inquérito sorológico para toxoplasmose e leptospirose em mamíferos selvagens neotropicais do Zoológico de Aracaju, Sergipe, Brasil. Para tanto foram colhidas amostras sanguíneas de 32 animais, adultos, de ambos os sexos incluindo: 14 macacos-prego (Cebus libidinosus), quatro macacos-prego-do-peito-amarelo (Cebus xanthosternus), três onças-suçuaranas (Puma concolor), uma onça-pintada (Pantheraonca), uma raposa (Cerdocyon thous), seis guaxinins (Procyon cancrivorus), dois quatis (Nasua nasua) e um papa-mel (Eira barbara). Para a pesquisa de anticorpos anti-Toxoplasma gondii foi utilizado o Teste de Aglutinação Modificada (MAT ³"1:25) e para pesquisa de anticorpos anti-Leptospira spp. foi utilizado o teste de Soroaglutinação Microscópica (ponto de corte ³1:100) com uma coleção de antígenos vivos que incluiu 24 variantes sorológicas de leptospiras patogênicas e duas leptospiras saprófitas. Dentre os 32 mamíferos, 17 (53,1%) apresentaram anticorpos anti-T. gondii e quatro (12,5%) foram positivos para anticorpos anti-Leptospira spp. De acordo com o sexo, 60% (9/15) dos machos e 47,1% (8/17) das fêmeas foram soropositivos para T. gondii e 26,7% (4/15) dos machos apresentaram anticorpos anti-Leptospira spp. Dos mamíferos que apresentaram anticorpos anti-T. gondii, 47% (8/17) nasceram no zoológico, 41,2% (7/17) foram oriundos de outras instituições e dois (11,8%) foram provenientes da natureza. Em relação aos quatro mamíferos soropositivos para Leptospira spp., três (75%) foram procedentes da natureza e um (25%) nasceu no zoológico. Este foi o primeiro inquérito sorológico de anticorpos anti-Leptospira spp. em primatas e carnívoros neotropicais em um zoológico do Nordeste do Brasil e descreveu pela primeira vez a ocorrência de anticorpos anti-T. gondii e anti-Leptospira spp. com sorovar mais provável Copenhageni no primata ameaçado de extinção macaco-prego-de-peito-amarelo (C. xanthosternus) em Aracaju, SE.