1000 resultados para Impostos-València-S. XIX
B-1 Medicaid Reports -- The monthly Medicaid series of eight reports provide summaries of Medicaid eligibles, recipients served, and total payments by county, category of service, and aid category. These reports may also be known as the B-1 Reports. These reports are each available as a PDF for printing or as a CSV file for data analysis. Report Report name IAMM1800-R001--Medically Needy by County - No Spenddown and With Spenddown; IAMM1800-R002--Total Medically Needy, All Other Medicaid, and Grand Total by County; IAMM2200-R002--Monthly Expenditures by Category of Service; IAMM2200-R003--Fiscal YTD Expenditures by Category of Service; IAMM3800-R001--ICF & ICF-MR Vendor Payments by County; IAMM4400-R001--Monthly Expenditures by Eligibility Program; IAMM4400-R002--Monthly Expenditures by Category of Service by Program; IAMM4600-R002--Elderly Waiver Summary by County.
O sistema integrado de diagnose e recomendação DRIS (Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System) tem sido uma boa alternativa para a avaliação do estado nutricional de diversas culturas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi calcular índices DRIS mediante o uso de três métodos (Beaufils, Elwali & Gascho e Jones) de cálculo das funções das razões dos nutrientes e de dois critérios (Letzch e Nick) para a escolha da ordem da razão dos nutrientes, em pomares comerciais irrigados de laranjeira 'Valência'. Informações sobre a produtividade, porta-enxerto e teor de N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn e B em folhas de ramos não-frutíferos de cada talhão foram processadas nos anos de 1994 a 1998. O índice de balanço nutricional (IBN) foi calculado pela média da soma dos valores em módulo dos índices nutricionais e do índice de matéria seca. Os índices DRIS e IBN foram calculados e os valores de r² (produtividade em função de IBN) foram obtidos para cada método. O método Jones para cálculo do DRIS apresentou melhor correlação com a produtividade, e o critério Nick mostrou-se mais eficiente na escolha da ordem da razão dos nutrientes. Populações específicas, com pequeno número de observações, padronizadas quanto ao porta-enxerto e referentes a um ou dois anos de amostragem foliar e produção foram bancos de dados eficientes para a obtenção das normas DRIS.
B-1 Medicaid Reports -- The monthly Medicaid series of eight reports provide summaries of Medicaid eligibles, recipients served, and total payments by county, category of service, and aid category. These reports may also be known as the B-1 Reports. These reports are each available as a PDF for printing or as a CSV file for data analysis. Report Report name IAMM1800-R001--Medically Needy by County - No Spenddown and With Spenddown; IAMM1800-R002--Total Medically Needy, All Other Medicaid, and Grand Total by County; IAMM2200-R002--Monthly Expenditures by Category of Service; IAMM2200-R003--Fiscal YTD Expenditures by Category of Service; IAMM3800-R001--ICF & ICF-MR Vendor Payments by County; IAMM4400-R001--Monthly Expenditures by Eligibility Program; IAMM4400-R002--Monthly Expenditures by Category of Service by Program; IAMM4600-R002--Elderly Waiver Summary by County.
B-1 Medicaid Reports -- The monthly Medicaid series of eight reports provide summaries of Medicaid eligibles, recipients served, and total payments by county, category of service, and aid category. These reports may also be known as the B-1 Reports. These reports are each available as a PDF for printing or as a CSV file for data analysis. Report Report name IAMM1800-R001--Medically Needy by County - No Spenddown and With Spenddown; IAMM1800-R002--Total Medically Needy, All Other Medicaid, and Grand Total by County; IAMM2200-R002--Monthly Expenditures by Category of Service; IAMM2200-R003--Fiscal YTD Expenditures by Category of Service; IAMM3800-R001--ICF & ICF-MR Vendor Payments by County; IAMM4400-R001--Monthly Expenditures by Eligibility Program; IAMM4400-R002--Monthly Expenditures by Category of Service by Program; IAMM4600-R002--Elderly Waiver Summary by County.
B-1 Medicaid Reports -- The monthly Medicaid series of eight reports provide summaries of Medicaid eligibles, recipients served, and total payments by county, category of service, and aid category. These reports may also be known as the B-1 Reports. These reports are each available as a PDF for printing or as a CSV file for data analysis. Report Report name IAMM1800-R001--Medically Needy by County - No Spenddown and With Spenddown; IAMM1800-R002--Total Medically Needy, All Other Medicaid, and Grand Total by County; IAMM2200-R002--Monthly Expenditures by Category of Service; IAMM2200-R003--Fiscal YTD Expenditures by Category of Service; IAMM3800-R001--ICF & ICF-MR Vendor Payments by County; IAMM4400-R001--Monthly Expenditures by Eligibility Program; IAMM4400-R002--Monthly Expenditures by Category of Service by Program; IAMM4600-R002--Elderly Waiver Summary by County.
B-1 Medicaid Reports -- The monthly Medicaid series of eight reports provide summaries of Medicaid eligibles, recipients served, and total payments by county, category of service, and aid category. These reports may also be known as the B-1 Reports. These reports are each available as a PDF for printing or as a CSV file for data analysis. Report Report name IAMM1800-R001--Medically Needy by County - No Spenddown and With Spenddown; IAMM1800-R002--Total Medically Needy, All Other Medicaid, and Grand Total by County; IAMM2200-R002--Monthly Expenditures by Category of Service; IAMM2200-R003--Fiscal YTD Expenditures by Category of Service; IAMM3800-R001--ICF & ICF-MR Vendor Payments by County; IAMM4400-R001--Monthly Expenditures by Eligibility Program; IAMM4400-R002--Monthly Expenditures by Category of Service by Program; IAMM4600-R002--Elderly Waiver Summary by County.
B-1 Medicaid Reports -- The monthly Medicaid series of eight reports provide summaries of Medicaid eligibles, recipients served, and total payments by county, category of service, and aid category. These reports may also be known as the B-1 Reports. These reports are each available as a PDF for printing or as a CSV file for data analysis. Report Report name IAMM1800-R001--Medically Needy by County - No Spenddown and With Spenddown; IAMM1800-R002--Total Medically Needy, All Other Medicaid, and Grand Total by County; IAMM2200-R002--Monthly Expenditures by Category of Service; IAMM2200-R003--Fiscal YTD Expenditures by Category of Service; IAMM3800-R001--ICF & ICF-MR Vendor Payments by County; IAMM4400-R001--Monthly Expenditures by Eligibility Program; IAMM4400-R002--Monthly Expenditures by Category of Service by Program; IAMM4600-R002--Elderly Waiver Summary by County.
B-1 Medicaid Reports -- The monthly Medicaid series of eight reports provide summaries of Medicaid eligibles, recipients served, and total payments by county, category of service, and aid category. These reports may also be known as the B-1 Reports. These reports are each available as a PDF for printing or as a CSV file for data analysis. Report Report name IAMM1800-R001--Medically Needy by County - No Spenddown and With Spenddown; IAMM1800-R002--Total Medically Needy, All Other Medicaid, and Grand Total by County; IAMM2200-R002--Monthly Expenditures by Category of Service; IAMM2200-R003--Fiscal YTD Expenditures by Category of Service; IAMM3800-R001--ICF & ICF-MR Vendor Payments by County; IAMM4400-R001--Monthly Expenditures by Eligibility Program; IAMM4400-R002--Monthly Expenditures by Category of Service by Program; IAMM4600-R002--Elderly Waiver Summary by County.
B-1 Medicaid Reports -- The monthly Medicaid series of eight reports provide summaries of Medicaid eligibles, recipients served, and total payments by county, category of service, and aid category. These reports may also be known as the B-1 Reports. These reports are each available as a PDF for printing or as a CSV file for data analysis. Report Report name IAMM1800-R001--Medically Needy by County - No Spenddown and With Spenddown; IAMM1800-R002--Total Medically Needy, All Other Medicaid, and Grand Total by County; IAMM2200-R002--Monthly Expenditures by Category of Service; IAMM2200-R003--Fiscal YTD Expenditures by Category of Service; IAMM3800-R001--ICF & ICF-MR Vendor Payments by County; IAMM4400-R001--Monthly Expenditures by Eligibility Program; IAMM4400-R002--Monthly Expenditures by Category of Service by Program; IAMM4600-R002--Elderly Waiver Summary by County.
Malgrat que el mas es considera una unitat d'explotació de caracter familiar, les múltiples tasques que s'hi havien de fer obligaven sovint els amos a cercar mà d'obra fora de la familia. Aquesta necessitat augmentava a mesura que el conjunt de les terres sobrepassava I'extensió necessaria per a garantir I'autosuficiència familiar. En aquest article ens proposem d'analitzar el volum i la incidència del treball dels jornalers en el conjunt de les tasques d'un mas, a travès de l'exemple del mas Santmartí. Es tracta d'un mas que actualment pertany al municipi de Sallent, a la comarca del Bages, que ja apareix documentat a l'edat mitjana com un dels masos integrants de la quadra i la parroquia de Sant Martí de Serraïma. Va sobreviure a la crisi del segle XIV, de la qual es va beneficiar aglutinant masos rònecs. A partir del segle XVIII va iniciar una expansió del conreu dels cereals, de l'olivera i, sobretot, de la vinya, que es va mantenir fins a la segona meitat del XIX -cal no oblidar que el Bages era una comarca essencialment vitícola. Però, tot i que els amos van incrementar el nombre de vinyes que explotaven directament, van optar per establir-ne una gran part a rabassa. Així, doncs, segons l'amillarament, l'any 1861 l'hereu portava en conreu directe 23 Q 1 lq de cereals, 6 Q d'oliveres i 35 Q 4q de vinya. Alhora, 96 Q 4 q eren menades per rabassaires. És evident que les extensions de conreus explotades directament pels hereus exigien ma d'obra suplementària, de fora del nucli familiar.
L’evolució d’una família burgesa benestant al llarg d’un període s’acostuma a estudiar a través dels canvis en el patrimoni, de les estratègies matrimonials o del nivell cultural, és a dir, del conjunt de totes les decisions relacionades amb la família que tenien repercussió en els afers de la casa. Les iniciatives del propietari, els casaments dels hereus i de les cabaleres, els destins dels fadristerns, les aliances que es derivaven dels casaments o l’import dels dots i llegítimes pactades generació rere generació, impactaven en el calaix de la casa mare i afectaven l’esdevenir de tota la comunitat.1 Aquests estudis s’acostumen a centrar en els caps de família perquè en una societat dirigida pels homes, eren els que gaudien de la capacitat legal i del prestigi social per comprar i vendre, i obrir o tancar negocis. També decidien sobre l’educació i el futur dels fills i filles, podien ostentar càrrecs públics o participar en la vida cultural. Tanmateix, en el procés d’evolució dels patrimonis familiars, les dones que es van unir amb els hereus van tenir un gran protagonisme. El casament de l’hereu constituïa un afer familiar de primer ordre, ja que havia de donar resposta als interessos estratègics del conjunt de la casa. Calia considerar el nivell social i econòmic de la família de la candidata i, per tant, el dot que podia aportar i les inversions que permetria aquesta entrada de recursos, però també el lloc de procedència i els avantatges que podia comportar tenir nous contactes en altres localitats. A més, s’havia de valorar la font d’ingressos de la futura família i preveure com podia incidir la nova aliança en el desenvolupament del negoci propi. Així doncs, s’havien de d’avaluar un seguit de factors abans de prendre la decisió final. En aquest article ens proposem estudiar les raons dels diferents enllaços i la rellevància que van tenir les mullers dels successius hereus en el patrimoni Baldrich. Es tracta de les tretze mestresses corresponents a set hereus, que abracen des de la segona meitat del segle xvii fins al 1835, any de la mort de la darrera mestressa Baldrich, un període del qual es conserva, a més de documentació notarial, correspondència de la casa. La diferència entre el nombre d’homes i de dones es deu al fet que un dels hereus es va casar quatre vegades, i de la resta, quatre ho van fer dues vegades, un altre una vegada, i el darrer restà solter.
B-1 Medicaid Reports -- The monthly Medicaid series of eight reports provide summaries of Medicaid eligibles, recipients served, and total payments by county, category of service, and aid category. These reports may also be known as the B-1 Reports. These reports are each available as a PDF for printing or as a CSV file for data analysis. Report Report name IAMM1800-R001--Medically Needy by County - No Spenddown and With Spenddown; IAMM1800-R002--Total Medically Needy, All Other Medicaid, and Grand Total by County; IAMM2200-R002--Monthly Expenditures by Category of Service; IAMM2200-R003--Fiscal YTD Expenditures by Category of Service; IAMM3800-R001--ICF & ICF-MR Vendor Payments by County; IAMM4400-R001--Monthly Expenditures by Eligibility Program; IAMM4400-R002--Monthly Expenditures by Category of Service by Program; IAMM4600-R002--Elderly Waiver Summary by County.
B-1 Medicaid Reports -- The monthly Medicaid series of eight reports provide summaries of Medicaid eligibles, recipients served, and total payments by county, category of service, and aid category. These reports may also be known as the B-1 Reports. These reports are each available as a PDF for printing or as a CSV file for data analysis. Report Report name IAMM1800-R001--Medically Needy by County - No Spenddown and With Spenddown; IAMM1800-R002--Total Medically Needy, All Other Medicaid, and Grand Total by County; IAMM2200-R002--Monthly Expenditures by Category of Service; IAMM2200-R003--Fiscal YTD Expenditures by Category of Service; IAMM3800-R001--ICF & ICF-MR Vendor Payments by County; IAMM4400-R001--Monthly Expenditures by Eligibility Program; IAMM4400-R002--Monthly Expenditures by Category of Service by Program; IAMM4600-R002--Elderly Waiver Summary by County.
B-1 Medicaid Reports -- The monthly Medicaid series of eight reports provide summaries of Medicaid eligibles, recipients served, and total payments by county, category of service, and aid category. These reports may also be known as the B-1 Reports. These reports are each available as a PDF for printing or as a CSV file for data analysis. Report Report name IAMM1800-R001--Medically Needy by County - No Spenddown and With Spenddown; IAMM1800-R002--Total Medically Needy, All Other Medicaid, and Grand Total by County; IAMM2200-R002--Monthly Expenditures by Category of Service; IAMM2200-R003--Fiscal YTD Expenditures by Category of Service; IAMM3800-R001--ICF & ICF-MR Vendor Payments by County; IAMM4400-R001--Monthly Expenditures by Eligibility Program; IAMM4400-R002--Monthly Expenditures by Category of Service by Program; IAMM4600-R002--Elderly Waiver Summary by County.
B-1 Monthly Report of Medical Services Provided under Title XIX of the Social Security Act, May 2015
B-1 Medicaid Reports -- The monthly Medicaid series of eight reports provide summaries of Medicaid eligibles, recipients served, and total payments by county, category of service, and aid category. These reports may also be known as the B-1 Reports. These reports are each available as a PDF for printing or as a CSV file for data analysis. Report Report name IAMM1800-R001--Medically Needy by County - No Spenddown and With Spenddown; IAMM1800-R002--Total Medically Needy, All Other Medicaid, and Grand Total by County; IAMM2200-R002--Monthly Expenditures by Category of Service; IAMM2200-R003--Fiscal YTD Expenditures by Category of Service; IAMM3800-R001--ICF & ICF-MR Vendor Payments by County; IAMM4400-R001--Monthly Expenditures by Eligibility Program; IAMM4400-R002--Monthly Expenditures by Category of Service by Program; IAMM4600-R002--Elderly Waiver Summary by County.