797 resultados para Ileal-pouch anastomosis
Thoracic radiography of a 3-month-old, female Chinese Shar-pei revealed an esophageal hiatal hernia with stomach, liver, and small intestine displaced into the thorax. Three days after the surgical correction, the dog developed ileal intussusception and was reoperated. Recovery was uncomplicated and the dog was asymptomatic 16 months after surgery.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Aim: This article is a case report of a patient in whom the prosthetic planning indicated the necessity of an incisive canal deflation for the correct installation of all implant that is to be osseointegrated.Case Report. In the reopening phase after the bone graft installation, the incisive canal deflation (biopsy of its content) was done and titanium implants were installed with one of them invading the anatomical space occupied previously by the incisive canal. The biopsy analysis showed fragments of the incisive artery and nerve., which are responsible for the anterior upper-tooth pulp, the periodontium vascularization. and the innervation. Front the anastomosis present along with other structures allied with the absence of teeth in the region, there was no detriment to the patient caused by the deflation.Conclusion: Incisive canal deflation is a viable technique in implantology. It can permit ideal prosthetic planning with no detriment to the patient. (Implant Dent 2009;18:473-479)
Histamine release induced by plant lectins was studied with emphasis on the carbohydrate specificity, external calcium requirement, metal binding sites, and mast cell heterogeneity and on the importance of antibodies bound to the mast cell membrane to the lectin effect. Peritoneal mast cells were obtained by direct lavage of the rat peritoneal cavity and guinea pig intestine and hamster cheek pouch mast cells were obtained by dispersion with collagenase type IA. Histamine release was induced with concanavalin A (Con A), lectins from Canavalia brasiliensis, mannose-specific Cymbosema roseum, Maackia amurensis, Parkia platycephala, Triticum vulgaris (WGA), and demetallized Con A and C. brasiliensis, using 1-300 µg/ml lectin concentrations applied to Wistar rat peritoneal mast cells, peaking on 26.9, 21.0, 29.1, 24.9, 17.2, 10.7, 19.9, and 41.5%, respectively. This effect was inhibited in the absence of extracellular calcium. The lectins were also active on hamster cheek pouch mast cells (except demetallized Con A) and on Rowett nude rat (animal free of immunoglobulins) peritoneal mast cells (except for mannose-specific C. roseum, P. platycephala and WGA). No effect was observed in guinea pig intestine mast cells. Glucose-saturated Con A and C. brasiliensis also released histamine from Wistar rat peritoneal mast cells. These results suggest that histamine release induced by lectins is influenced by the heterogeneity of mast cells and depends on extracellular calcium. The results also suggest that this histamine release might occur by alternative mechanisms, because the usual mechanism of lectins is related to their binding properties to metals from which depend the binding to sugars, which would be their sites to bind to immunoglobulins. In the present study, we show that the histamine release by lectins was also induced by demetallized lectins and by sugar-saturated lectins (which would avoid their binding to other sugars). Additionally, the lectins also released histamine from Rowett nude mast cells that are free of immunoglobulins.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Three bradykinin-related peptides (nephilakinins-I to -III) and bradykinin itself were isolated from the aqueous washing extract of the capture web of the spider Nephila clavipes by gel permeation chromatography on a Sephacryl S-100 column, followed by chromatography in a Hi-Trap Sephadex-G25 Superfine column. The novel peptides occur-red in low concentrations and were sequenced through ESI-MS/MS analysis: nephilakinin-I (G-P-N-P-G-F-S-P-F-R-NH2), nephilakinin-Il (E-A-P-P-G-F-S-P-F-R-NH2) and nephilakinin-III (P-S-P-P-G-F-S-P-F-R-NH2)- Synthetic peptides replicated the novel bradykinin-related peptides, which were submitted to biological characterizations. Nephilakinins were shown to cause constriction on isolated rat ileum preparations and relaxation on rat duodenum muscle preparations at amounts higher than bradykinin; apparently these peptides constitute B-2-type agonists of ileal and duodenal smooth muscles. All peptides including the bradykinin were moderately lethal to honeybees. These bradykinin peptides may be related to the predation of insects by the webs of N. clauipes. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Objective and design: To determine the expression pattern and distribution of the glucocorticoid-inducible protein annexin 1 (ANXA1) in a murine model of chronic granulomatous inflammation.Materials or subjects: TO Mouse.Treatment: Chronic granulomatous inflammation was induced by injecting into dorsal sub-cutaneous air-pouches in mice, a mixture of croton oil and Freund's complete adjuvant (CO/FCA).Methods: Western and northern analysis, corticosterone assay, and immunohistochemistry. Statistical analysis was performed using ANOVA followed by Tukey's pair-wise comparisons or Dunnett's multiple comparisons.Results: ANXA1 protein levels changed significantly throughout the 4-week time course, with an initial peak at day 7 and a later elevation at 28 days. ANXA1 mRNA levels peaked at days 1 and 3, with a significant decline at day 7 followed by an upward trend to day 28. Plasma corticosterone measurements taken throughout the time course revealed an increase from 14 days onward, suggesting that corticosterone does not influence ANXA1 expression during the initial stages of the model. Immunogold staining revealed that ANXA1 expression in the inflamed tissue was mainly in extravasated neutrophils, with intact protein (37 kDa) being predominantly observed on the cell membrane.Conclusions: the pattern of ANXA1 expression indicates that infiltrated neutrophils are responsible for the majority of ANXA1 present both at early and later stages of this model of granulomatous inflammation.
Absence of enteric neurons is associated with thickening of the intestinal muscularis externa in Chagas' disease. The thickening is due to hyperplasia and hypertrophy of the smooth muscle cells and increased extracellular matrix components. The influence of the nervous system on the structure of the smooth muscle cells and its associated matrix has been poorly investigated. An experimental model of denervation of the ileum in rats was performed by application of the surfactant agent benzalkonium chloride that selectively destroys the myenteric plexus. Three months later, ileal tissue samples were obtained and studied by histochemistry and transmission electron microsocopy. Sham operated rats were used as controls. The diameter of collagen fibrils was evaluated in electron micrographs. The histopathological analysis showed thickening of the muscular layer. The thin and weakly arranged collagen and reticulin fibers surrounding the smooth muscle cells, observed in control cases by Picrosirius polarization (PSP) stain method, corresponded to a population of loosely packed thin collagen fibrils of uniform diameters (mean = 29.16 nm) at the ultrastructural level. In contrast, the thick and strongly birefringent fibers around the muscle cells, observed in the treated group, stained by PSP, corresponded to densely packed thicker fibrils with large variation in diameter (mean = 39.41 nm). Comparison of the data demonstrated statistically significant difference between the groups suggesting that the replacement of loosely arranged reticulin fibers by fibrous tissue (with typical collagen fiber), may alter the biomechanical function resulting in impairment of muscular contraction. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective: We have applied here a model of chronic granulomatous inflammation to study the profile of mast cell activation and their expression of annexin-A1 in the nodular lesion.Materials: Granulomatous inflammation was induced by injection of croton oil and Freund's complete adjuvant (CO/FCA) into the dorsal air-pouches of mice. Skin tissue samples were collected from control group (24 h time-point; i.e. before disease development) and 7, 14, 21, 28 and 42 days post-CO/FCA treatment.Results: Histopathological analyses revealed an on-going inflammation characterized by an increased number of activated mast cells at sites of the chronic inflammatory reaction in all experimental groups. Immunohistochemical analysis showed skin mast cells highly immunoreactive for annexin-A1, both at an initial (day 7) and a delayed (day 28) phase of the inflammatory reaction.Conclusions: The observed time-dependent modulation of mast cell activation, during the granulomatous injury, indicates that multiple pathways centred on annexin-A1 might become activated at different stages of this chronic inflammatory response, including the delayed and pro-resolving phase.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Vertebrados com períodos gestacionais curtos, os marsupiais tendem a ter proles pequenas e dependentes. O período gestacional dos gambás varia de 14-15dias e os filhotes terminam o seu desenvolvimento no marsúpio e este período é considerado como uma gestação externa por alguns autores. A glândula mamária localiza-se internamente ao marsúpio. A cadeia mamária de cada fêmea era composta por 11 papilas mamárias e aquelas papilas que se encontravam conectadas aos filhotes exibiam um comprimento maior em relação às outras. Histologicamente, a glândula mamária dos gambás assemelha-se às dos mamíferos domésticos, exceto pela ausência do músculo esfíncter papilar no teto.
RACIONAL: Fato de observação não rara, é o encontro de refluxo cecoileal durante realização de enema opaco. As causas e conseqüências deste achado têm sido pouco estudadas. OBJETIVOS: Sabendo que a junção ileocecal exerce função de barreira e proteção contra a invasão do delgado pela flora colônica, realizou-se o presente estudo com a finalidade de investigar se existe contaminação ileal em indivíduos com refluxo cecoileal ao enema opaco. MÉTODOS: Investigaram-se 36 indivíduos, 30 mulheres e 6 homens, idade média de 54 anos, 25 com e 11 com ausência refluxo cecoileal. Todos submetidos a pesquisa de contaminação bacteriana do delgado por intermédio de teste respiratório com lactulose-H2 e a determinação do tempo de trânsito orocecal por meio de biossusceptometria de corrente alternada. A caracterização da contaminação do delgado foi baseada no encurtamento do tempo de trânsito orocecal medido pelo teste da lactulose-H2. RESULTADOS: A comparação dos valores basais do H2, do tempo de trânsito orocecal-H2 e tempo de trânsito orocecal-biossusceptometria de corrente alternada não diferiram estatisticamente entre os grupos com e sem refluxo cecoileal. Quando comparados os tempo de trânsito orocecal-H2 e tempo de trânsito orocecal-biossusceptometria, foi observado aumento de tendência de redução do primeiro em relação ao último nos grupos com refluxo cecoileal e correlação significante entre os dois métodos apenas no grupo-controle, inexistindo nos com refluxo cecoileal. CONCLUSÃO: Encurtamento do tempo de trânsito orocecal-H2 e sua perda de correlação com o tempo de trânsito orocecal-biossusceptometria observado em indivíduos com refluxo cecoileal, sugerem comportamento diferenciado deste grupo em relação ao grupo-controle. Possível explicação para as diferenças registradas entre os grupos, seria a presença de flora anômala nos indivíduos com refluxo cecoileal.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)