630 resultados para Ignasi de Loiola


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Background. Methods for determining the root canal length of the primary tooth should yield accurate and reproducible results. In vitro studies show some limitations, which do not allow their findings to be directly transferred to a clinical situation. Aim. To compare the accuracy of radiographic tooth length obtained from in vivo digital radiograph with that obtained from ex vivo digital radiograph. Method. Direct digital radiographs of 20 upper primary incisors were performed in teeth (2/3 radicular resorption) that were radiographed by an intraoral sensor, according to the long-cone technique. Teeth were extracted, measured, and mounted in a resin block, and then radiographic template was used to standardise the sensor-target distance (30 cm). The apparent tooth length (APTL) was obtained from the computer screen by means of an electronic ruler accompanying the digital radiography software (CDR 2.0), whereas the actual tooth length (ACTL) was obtained by means of a digital calliper following extraction. Data were compared to the ACTL by variance analysis and Pearson’s correlation test. Results. The values for APTL obtained from in vivo radiography were slightly underestimated, whereas those values obtained from ex vivo were slightly overestimated. No significance was observed between APTL and ACTL. Conclusion. The length of primary teeth estimated by in vivo and ex vivo comparisons using digital radiography was found to be similar to the actual tooth length.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Hypomineralized first molar often in combination with hypomineralized incisors (MIH - molar incisor hypomineralization) is a common finding in everyday practice. In this condition, hypomineralized dental enamel is fragile and soft, and it can break easily leading to an exposed dentin, and causing dental sensitivity and progression of caries lesions. The prevalence of MIH range from 3.6 to 25% in North of Europe that consider this condition a public health problem. No conclusive information was reported about the etiologic factors of MIH, however, systemic causes seem to be of importance. Several aetiological factors are mentioned as the cause of this condition and they are frequently associated with complications during pregnancy and childhood diseases during the first three years of life. MIH is frequently misinterpreted as fluorosis, hypoplasia or amelogénesis imperfect, however, this condition presents defined clinical aspects that can distinct it from the other defects.


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To evaluate the performance of a pen‑type laser fluorescence device (DIAGNOdent 2190; LFpen, KaVo, Germany) and bitewing radiographs (BW) for approximal caries detection in permanent and primary teeth. Materials and Methods: A total of 246 anterior approximal surfaces (102 permanent and 144 primary) were selected. Contact points were simulated using sound teeth. Two examiners assessed all approximal surfaces using LFpen and BW. The teeth were histologically assessed for the reference standard. Optimal cut‑off limits were calculated for LFpen for primary and permanent teeth. Sensitivity, specificity, accuracy and area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (Az) were calculated for D1 (enamel and dentin lesions) and D3 (dentin lesions) thresholds. The reproducibility was assessed by intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and Cohen's weighted kappa values. Results: For permanent teeth, the LFpen cut‑off were 0– 27 (sound), 28– 33 (enamel caries) and >33 (dentin caries). For primary teeth, the LFpen cut‑off were 0– 7 (sound), 8– 32 (enamelcaries) and >32 (dentin caries). The LFpen presented higher sensitivity values than BW for primary teeth (0.58 vs. 0.32 at D1 and 0.80 vs. 0.47 at D3) and permanent teeth (0.80 vs. 0.57 at D1 and 0.94 vs. 0.51 at D3). Specificity did not show a significant difference between the methods. Rank correlations with histology were 0.59 and 0.83 (LFpen) and 0.36 and 0.70 (BW) for primary and permanent teeth, respectively, considering all lesions. ICC values for LFpen were 0.71 (inter) and 0.86 (intra) for permanent teeth and 0.94 (inter) and 0.90/0.99 for primary teeth. Kappa values for BW were 0.69 (inter) and 0.68/0.90 (intra) for permanent teeth and 0.64 (inter) and 0.89/0.89 for primary teeth. Conclusion: LFpen presented better reproducibility for primary and permanent teeth and higher accuracy in detecting caries lesions at D1 threshold than BW for permanent teeth. LFpen should be used as an adjunct method for approximal caries detection.


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To evaluate the influence of examiner's clinical experience on detection and treatment decision of caries lesions in primary molars. Design Three experienced dentists (Group A) and three undergraduate students (Group B) used the International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS) criteria and bitewing radiographs (BW) to perform examinations twice in 77 primary molars that presented a sound or carious occlusal surface. For the treatment decision (TD), the examiners attributed scores, analyzing the teeth in conjunction with the radiographs. The presence and the depth of lesion were validated histologically, and reproducibility was evaluated. The sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, and area under the ROC curve values were calculated for ICDAS and BW. The associations between ICDAS, BW, and TD were analyzed by means of contingency tables. Results Interexaminer agreement for ICDAS, BW, and TD were excellent for Group B and moderate for Group A. The two groups presented similar and satisfactory performance for caries lesion detection using ICDAS and BW. In the treatment decision, Group A was shown to have a less invasive approach than Group B. Conclusion The examiner's experience was not determinant for the clinical and radiographic detection of occlusal lesions in primary teeth but influenced the treatment decision of initial lesions.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This study aimed to evaluate the clinical and microscopic changes of MIH, and compare them to areas of healthy dental enamel. Methodology: epoxy resin replicas of healthy incisors and affected by MIH were evaluated qualitatively by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) photographs. Results: Clinically it was observed that MIH incisors showed changes in color and surface, with significant structural losses. By SEM, these had irregular surfaces and margins with structural losses. Conclusions: The teeth affected by HMI have clinical and morphological characteristics that are important for the definition of patient's treatment plan.


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The non-eruption of teeth due to highly keratinized gingival mucosa is a frequent event in the pediatric dentistry, which harms the oral aesthetics and function. A surgical excision of the involved area is indicated, exposing the non-erupted tooth. This procedure involves anesthesia and cutting instruments that may increase the fear and anxiety in young patients. The use of new technologies has avoided these instruments and has promoted more comfort to the patients. This study presents clinical cases in which gingivectomy was performed using the innovative method with an ultrasound-activated CVD tip. It was concluded that this method presented effectiveness, promoted more comfort, and less fear to the patients, making its use a viable alternative to pediatric surgery.


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Over the last few years, new technologies have been developed to making cavity preparations, among which the diamond burs CVDentus® (CVDentus, São José dos Campos, Brazil) are outstanding. These points are produced by chemical deposition from the vapor phase, forming a single diamond stone, with greater durability than the conventional diamond burs. Coupled to the ultrasound appliance, they have several clinical applications in Dentistry with advantages over conventional rotary instruments, such as lower pressure, noise, vibration and heat, as well as reducing the need to use local anesthesia, contributing to minimize patient’s fear and anxiety. The aim of this study was to present the complete restorative dental treatment performed with this system in a child patient with a prior history of non-cooperative behavior. The use of this new technology offered the patient greater comfort, making it possible recondition the patient’s attitude to dental treatment, in addition to favoring conservative cavity preparations to be made.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES


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The irrigation of root canals aims to their cleaning and disinfection, improving endodontic treatment success. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the influence of the diameter and type of irrigation needle and the root canal enlargement on the mechanical efficacy of endodontic irrigation. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Twelve human single-rooted mandibular incisors were used. During some instrumentation stages (enlargement by #20, #30, and #40 K file), root canals were filled with radiographic contrast solution mixed to propyleneglycol and zinc oxide. Needles with different diameters and designs were employed: G1 – 23G and lateral opening; G2 – 22G and apical opening; G3 – 30G and lateral opening; G4 – 30G and apical opening. The needles were inserted up to resistance, with 1 mm step-back to avoid root canal obliteration. The irrigation was performed with 2 mL of distilled water. Before and after irrigation/aspiration, teeth were radiographed at bucco-lingual and mesiodistal direction, using a digital radiographic system. Then, root canal areas, before (filled by contrast solution) and after irrigation (remnant of contrast solution), were submitted to image subtraction with Adobe Photoshop CS4 software. Subsequently, the areas were measured by Image Tool 3.0 software, allowing the obtaining of the cleaning percentage for each modality. Data were analysed by using Anova and Tukey's test. The level of significance was set at P < 0.05. RESULTS: For all root canal enlargements, 30G needles (G3 e G4) presented a better cleaning efficacy. In all groups, higher cleaning efficacy percentage was observed at #30 and #40 K file enlargement. CONCLUSION: Regardless their design, thinner needles were more effective; a better cleaning efficacy occurred in more enlarged root canals.


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Introduction: The irrigation of root canals aims to their cleaning and disinfection, improving endodontic treatment success. Objective: To investigate the influence of the diameter and type of irrigation needle and the root canal enlargement on the mechanical efficacy of endodontic irrigation. Material and methods: Twelve human single-rooted mandibular incisors were used. During some instrumentation stages (enlargement by #20, #30, and #40 K file), root canals were filled with radiographic contrast solution mixed to propyleneglycol and zinc oxide. Needles with different diameters and designs were employed: G1 – 23G and lateral opening; G2 – 22G and apical opening; G3 – 30G and lateral opening; G4 – 30G and apical opening. The needles were inserted up to resistance, with 1 mm step-back to avoid root canal obliteration. The irrigation was performed with 2 mL of distilled water. Before and after irrigation/aspiration, teeth were radiographed at bucco-lingual and mesiodistal direction, using a digital radiographic system. Then, root canal areas, before (filled by contrast solution) and after irrigation (remnant of contrast solution), were submitted to image subtraction with Adobe Photoshop CS4 software. Subsequently, the areas were measured by Image Tool 3.0 software, allowing the obtaining of the cleaning percentage for each modality. Data were analysed by using Anova and Tukey’s test. The level of significance was set at P < 0.05. Results: For all root canal enlargements, 30G needles (G3 e G4) presented a better cleaning efficacy. In all groups, higher cleaning efficacy percentage was observed at #30 and #40 K file enlargement. Conclusion: Regardless their design, thinner needles were more effective; a better cleaning efficacy occurred in more enlarged root canals.