898 resultados para Hipertensão induzida pela gestação
The Hypertension Arterial Gestationis is a of largest complications to the pregnant women, a time that is associated with to high risk of morbimortalidade fetal and maternal ;the term If referred the levels pressure equal or above of 140mmhg to the pressure systolic and of 90mmhg to the pressure diastolic (1).Hypertension in pregnancy can be classified into gestational hypertension, chronic hypertension, preeclampsia and eclampsia(3). This study aimed to calculate and analyze the cost of care of newborns of hypertensive mothers hospitalized in rooming, nursery and the neonatal intensive care unit (Neonatal UTI). It’s a study of exploratory, descriptive and quantitative data analysis, in newborns of mothers with hypertension, who underwent prenatal care in HCFMB, from January 1 to 31 in December 2010. The data analysis showed that the cost of care for newborn in rooming was R$ 38.62 for the control group and groups of hypertensive mothers were R$ 19.93 to R$ 37.38. The costs of care to the newborn in the nursery were R$ 1,781.81 for the control group and groups of hypertensive mothers were R$ 680.03 to 7544.10. The costs for the newborn who Neonatal UTI were R$ 7,468.60 for the control group and groups of hypertensive mothers were R$ 5,228.02 to R $ 18,372.75. The total costs of care for newborn in rooming, nursery and Neonatal UTI were R$ 916.15 for the control group, R$ 1,385.98 for the HAC group, R$ 327.23 for the group HAS, R$ 3,896.57 for the group of preeclampsia and R$ 6,326.54 for the group of eclampsia. Considerations It can be concluded that the costs of mothers with preeclampsia and eclampsia were higher, being conditions with increased risk of maternal-fetal morbidity / mortality, requiring care in intensive care unit and longer stay in hospital
Medo e ansiedade são emoções que se originam nas reações de defesa de caráter adaptativo que animais exibem perante ameaças que podem comprometer sua integridade física ou sua própria sobrevivência. Tais situações resultam em um repertório de comportamentos defensivos espécie-específicos, alterações autonômicas e inibição da dor. A dor é descrita por uma variedade de sensações e experiências emocionais associadas e constituída de dois principais componentes: o perceptivo-discriminativo, que permite ao indivíduo reconhecer o estímulo como doloroso e localizá-lo numa região do corpo, e o aversivo-cognitivo-motivacional, que compreende uma série de respostas defensivas, objetivando a autopreservação imediata. O modelo de condicionamento por lugar, para medir efeitos não discriminativos da estimulação nociceptiva, vem sendo utilizado em abordagens recentes para o estudo do componente emocional relacionado à dor. Existem paradigmas baseados na aprendizagem associativa entre o estado afetivo e de dicas ambientais que precedem a aplicação de um estímulo, o qual pode ter propriedade aversiva ou prazerosa, dependendo da resposta que se quer estudar. O presente estudo investigou a ação do fármaco triazolobenzodiazepínico, Alprazolam, sobre o fenômeno da ACL em camundongos, que foram separados em grupos experimentais. No primeiro dia, parte dos animais sofreu estimulação nociceptiva, através da injeção de formalina a 2,5% na pata traseira direita, e foi confinado nos ambientes diferenciados de uma Plataforma Elevada fechada (um lado com grade no assoalho e outro sem grade). No segundo dia, parte dos animais 7 (de acordo com o grupo de estudo) recebeu tratamento farmacológico (Alprazolam ou salina) 30 minutos antes de ser reexposto à plataforma, registrando-se o tempo gasto nos dois ambientes da plataforma elevada fechada... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Preeclampsia is a specific disorder of pregnancy, characterized by arterial hypertension and proteinuria detected after 20 weeks of gestation. This pathology is associated with hyperuricemia, higher levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, enhanced leukocyte activation and oxidative stress. Adenosine deaminase (ADA) is an enzyme present in all human tissues and, it is involved with the maturation of the immune system. Although its function is not fully understood, ADA is considered an indicator of cellular inflammation and, its increased serum concentration is observed in inflammatory diseases, such as tuberculosis and rheumatoid arthritis. This study aimed to assess serum ADA levels in preeclamptic patients (PE) compared with normotensive pregnant (NT) and non-pregnant women (NP), and to correlate these values with TNF-α and IL-1β production. Ninety pregnant women were included: 60 were pre-eclamptic and 30 were normotensive matched for gestational age. As control group 20 healthy non-pregnant women matched with pregnant for age were included. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PMMC) obtained from the three groups studied were cultured with or without lipopolysaccharide (LPS) for 18h at 37oC, and TNF-α and IL-1β production was assessed in the supernatant of cultures by enzyme immunoassay (ELISA). ADA plasmatic concentration was determined by colorimetric method. The results show that ADA plasma levels were significantly higher in PE group compared with NT and NP groups. A positive correlation between ADA and uric acid levels was detected in preeclamptic women. There was no significant difference in relation to ADA levels when PE patients were classified in early and late-onset PE. The endogenous production of IL-1β and TNF-α by PBMC was significantly higher in PE group than in NT and NP women, showing the activation state of these cells in PE. LPS induced...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Pre-eclampsia (PE) is a complication of human pregnancy characterized by hypertension and proteinuria after 20 weeks of gestation. Its incidence varies from 5% to 7% of pregnancies and is a major cause of morbidity and maternal and fetal mortality. This is a multisystemic disease, with focus on vascular dysfunction and is closely related to the exacerbated activation of the immune system. In addition to increased activation of monocytes and granulocytes, there is an elevated production of proinflammatory cytokines in pregnant women with PE. The nuclear transcription factor-kB (NF-kB) is present in the cells of the immune system and is responsible for transcription of genes related to inflammation. Whereas the PE is associated with intense inflammatory response, the use of substances modulating the activity of NF-kB factor could be useful in alleviating the inflammation present in these patients. Silibinin is the main component of silymarin, a polyphenolic extract obtained from fruits and seeds of Sylibum marianum with potent hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory and anti-fibrotic activities. The silibinin mechanism of action includes the ability to inhibit NF-kB activation and, consequently, its migration to the nucleus. The objective of this study was to assess whether silibinin modulates the activity of NF-kB and the production of inflammatory cytokines in mononuclear cells of patients with PE. We evaluated 34 pregnant women with PE, 20 normotensive pregnant women (GN) and 15 non-pregnant women (NG). Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were obtained from those groups of women and cultured in the presence or absence of silibinin (5 uM or 50 uM) and stimulated or not with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) for 18 h to obtain supernatant for determination of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) and interleukin-1 (IL-1β) by enzyme immunoassay (ELISA). The cells were...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)
As espécies reativas de oxigênio podem participar de mecanismos envolvidos em respostas fisiológicas, como os efeitos hipertensores e dipsogênicos da angiotensina II (ANG II) central, que seriam pelo menos em parte devidos a produção de radical superóxido (O2 −). Por isso, uma superexpressão da enzima superóxido dismutase que reduz a disponibilidade de O2 − convertendo-o em peróxido de hidrogênio (H2O2) inibiria o efeito pressor da ANG II administrada centralmente. Porém, alguns resultados de nosso laboratório demonstram que H2O2 injetado intracerebroventricularmente (icv) reduz a ingestão de água induzida pela ANG II em ratos normotensos. Portanto, no presente trabalho propomos estudar os efeitos de injeções de H2O2 ou de ATZ (inibidor da catalase) sozinhos ou combinados no ventrículo lateral (VL) e também os efeitos do ATZ injetado intravenosamente (i.v.) sozinho ou combinado com H2O2 no VL sobre a resposta pressora da ANG II também injetada no VL em ratos normotensos, espontaneamente hipertensos (SHRs) ou em ratos com hipertensão renovascular do tipo 2 rins 1 clipe (2R1C). Foram utilizados ratos Holtzman normotensos, SHRs e ratos com hipertensão renovascular 2R1C com cânulas de aço inoxidável previamente implantadas no VL. A pressão arterial e a freqüência cardíaca foram registradas em sistema computadorizado diretamente da aorta em ratos não anestesiados por uma cânula de polietileno introduzida pela artéria femoral e a injeção i.v. foi realizada por meio de uma cânula de polietileno introduzida na veia femoral. A pressão arterial e freqüência cardíaca foram registradas continuamente desde 30 minutos antes da primeira injeção (veículo, salina, H2O2 ou ATZ) até 30 minutos após a injeção de ANG II. Os resultados demonstraram que a injeção icv de H2O2 (5 μmol/1 μL) reduziu fortemente a reposta pressora produzida pela injeção... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
A falta de pesquisas em Fitovigilância contribui para o baixo índice de relatos de efeitos adversos de plantas medicinais e medicamentos fitoterápicos. Eventos adversos a medicamentos constituem um problema de saúde pública, e aqueles decorrentes do uso concomitante de plantas medicinais e medicamentos sintéticos vêm se tornando cada vez mais frequentes. Indicar possíveis interações medicamentosas e reações adversas decorrentes do uso concomitante de plantas medicinais, medicamentos fitoterápicos e sintéticos prescritos pelo médico. O estudo foi realizado no período de março de 2011 à fevereiro de 2012, na Clínica de Hipertensão do Serviço Especial de Saúde de Araraquara (SESA), da Escola de Saúde Pública - USP. Para a coleta de dados foi utilizada a entrevista semiestruturada. O trabalho foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da UNESP sob parecer nº 28/2011. Foram entrevistados 48 pacientes, sendo 35 mulheres (72,9%) e 13 homens (27,1%), a faixa etária média dos entrevistados é de 60-69 anos, sendo a idade mínima de 33 anos e a máxima, de 92 anos, além da maioria possuir escolaridade até o Ensino Médio. 93,7% dos pacientes relataram utilizar algum medicamento frequentemente e 85,4% relataram usar e/ou que já usaram alguma planta medicinal. A maioria adquiriu conhecimento sobre o uso da planta através da família, de vizinhos ou por conta própria. Vale ressaltar que 87,8% dos pacientes não avisam ou nunca avisaram ao seu médico se estão ou estavam utilizando planta medicinal antes ou durante o tratamento, e relataram desconhecer os riscos do uso concomitante destes produtos. Os resultados demonstraram a importância da implantação da Fitovigilância no SESA, garantindo uma melhor interação entre médico e paciente no momento... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
A gênese da hipertensão arterial têm sido associada à presença de polimorfismos em alguns genes, em específico no gene da eNOS. O polimorfismo no Íntron 4 é caracterizado por um Número Variável de Repetições em Tandem, no qual o alelo 4a foi relacionado a baixos níveis de nitrito/nitrato. Os indivíduos 4a/a exibiram 20% menos óxido nítrico (NO) que os indivíduos com genótipos 4b/b, assim como diminuições na expressão protéica da eNOS. Acredita-se que a alteração polimórfica de único nucleotídeo (SNP), na posição - 786 do gene da eNOS esteja relacionada à modulação do gene através da ação de uma proteína repressora chamada de RPA1, capaz de diminuir a quantidade de mRNA, e nitrito/nitrato plasmático; demonstrando sua provável contribuição para o aumento dos valores de pressão arterial. Apenas dois trabalhos mostram uma associação entre os polimorfismos do Intron 4 e -786, demonstrando que o 4a/4a apresenta uma possível ligação de desequilíbrio com a posição -786, sugerindo uma associação positiva entre polimorfismos e prevalência de espasmos coronários e redução na produção endotelial de NO. No entanto, nenhum trabalho avaliou a associação entre o nível de atividade física e a presença de polimorfismo no Íntron 4 e -786 juntos. Assim, os objetivos deste trabalho foram: verificar se existe relação entre a prevalência de hipertensão arterial e a presença do polimorfismo para o gene da eNOS nas duas posições - 786 e Íntron 4, separadamente e juntamente, em voluntários acima de 40 anos e também avaliar se existe relação entre o nível de atividade física e os valores de pressão arterial em indivíduos com e sem estes polimorfismos. Para a análise genética foram feitas análises de reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) e para a classificação dos níveis de atividade...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
The obesity has been considered one of the most serious public health problem in the worldwide scale, especially for being one of the main risk factors for many chronic diseases that characterize the metabolic syndrome. In addition to these diseases, obesity also causes dermatoses that affect not only the individual emotions but also cause various cutaneous infections. Thus, overweighting can be an agent that causes many types of stress: psychological, physical and social. In order to improve people’s life quality, several ethnopharmacological studies indicate plant species for the treatment of disorders associated with obesity due to the attraction of this regimen is perceived as safer and more health effective when compared to the treatment performed by traditional anorectic substances. If considered both food intake and also oral treatment with different compounds can promote change in the gene expression, besides an appropriate diet has been maintenance mechanism of body's vital functions. The aim of this work was to develop new standard methods for induced obesity and stress, which stress is induced through physical and psychogenic stressors in Swiss male mice. Also to evaluate the effect of supercritical extract of Physalis angulata L. on the food intake and corporeal weight loss
The Exercise Induced Pulmonar Haemorrhage (EIPH) affect a large amount of atlethe horses. It affects the horse's performance in any kind of competition and it can represent incresead spending of money or even an economic loss. Thoroughbred horses are the most affectef breed by EIPH because of intensive activity. Meanwhile any other kind of horse breed that is involved in athletic competition can also be affected by EIPH as well. In this brief work we are presenting the most common causes and factors from the EIPH as well the prevention and some types of treatment available nowadays
The arterial hypertension is a chronic disease, which can be controlled by changing the way of life, as well as by drug treatment, which demand specific Health Care sequence. The lack of adherence to sequence/treatment is one of the main obstacles the disease control. Characterize and analyze the profile of Health Care usage by a 192 patient cohort diagnosed with arterial hypertension in 1995, between the period of 2001 – 2005 and 2006 – 2010. It is a longitudinal study, retrospective and descriptive developed on School Health Center(SHC) which belongs to School of Medicine Botucatu –UNESP, in continuity of the previous research which has analyzed the sequence of the referred sample between the period of 1995 – 1999. The database was obtained from the patients records by using structured adapted forms appointed in the previous study phase. In the case there were transfers to other Health Care facilities, the database was obtained by the records either, while the patients attended the CSE. The database was analyzed by means of descriptive statistics. Predominated the patients in the age from 50 – 69 (47,9%), whites (93,2%), female (56,7%) with low level of education (72,7%). In the period of 2001 - 2005, 76 (39,5%) of the patients remained under sequence, and that 44 (22,9%) belonged to adherence group (GAD), 17 belonged to abandonment/adherent group (GAB/GAD) and 15 to the abandonment group (GAB), groups which were already identified by the study which has analyzed the period of 1995 – 1999. At the end of the third period of the sample sequence (2006 – 2010), 60 (31,2%) of the patients kept under medical sequence. The cohort’s mortality rate in the period reached 15,1% and 21,9% were transferred to other Municipal Health Care facilities. We conclude that the Health Care service usage by the 192 sample’s integrants kept the same model already identified in the previous analysis... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
A exposição in utero a xenoestrógenos pode aumentar o risco de neoplasias de natureza endócrina na vida adulta. O Bisfenol A (BPA), componente de resinas e plástico, considerado xenoestrógeno e desregulador endócrino, tem sido investigado pelos seus potenciais efeitos adversos para a saúde humana. Como a Genisteína e o Indol-3-Carbinol possuem propriedades que podem inibir neoplasias de natureza endócrina, é possível que também atuem modulando/modificando os efeitos causados pela exposição gestacional ao BPA. O presente projeto teve como objetivos: (1) Avaliar os efeitos da exposição gestacional ao Bisfenol - A (BPA) sobre a morfogênese do útero e ovários na prole de fêmeas Sprague-Dawley (SD) da geração F1; (2) Avaliar se a exposição gestacional a genisteína e ao indol-3-carbinol altera os efeitos do BPA sobre sobre a morfogênese do útero e ovários na geração F1 e (3) avaliar os efeitos da exposição ao BPA, e às associações BPA e genisteína, BPA e indol-3-carbinol em relação à susceptibilidade a carcinogênese induzida pela N-Metil-N-Nitrosuréia (MNU). Portanto, fêmeas prenhas da linhagem SD foram divididas em 7 grupos experimentais e expostas ao Bisfenol A (BPA) (25 ou 250 ug/kg p.c.) DG 10 até o DG 21 (Moral et al. 2008), além de ração basal ou ração contendo genisteína (250 mg/kg) ou indol-3-carbinol (2000 mg/kg) durante toda a gestação. Parte da prole Fêmeas SD foi sacrificada parte no Dia Pós-Natal (DPN) 21 e parte ao final da 25ª semana após iniciação ou não com a MNU. Ao DPN 21 os ovários e útero foram removidos para contagem de folículos e morfometria, respectivamente. A prole restante de fêmeas recebeu uma única dose de MNU (50 mg/kg) ou solução de NaCl (1 ml/kg) no DPN 51 e foi sacrificada na 25ª semana após a aplicação de MNU ou de NaCl. Ovários e útero foi removidos para análises histológicas, incluindo a determinação de lesões proliferativas ...
The use of plants in treatments of diseases or even in the cure of them is a high difused popular tradition, and several works talk about the therapeutic and pharmacological properties of garlic in the reduction of hyperlipidaemias. The objective of the present work was to investigate the influence of garlic (Allium sativum) aqueous extract treatment on the serum cholesterol of rabbits in experimental hypercholesterolemia. The animals were divided in G1 (control group) and G2 (group with garlic treatment). The experiment was developed in 3 phases: during the 1st phase, all the animals received regular diet for evaluation of basal cholesterol; in the 2nd phase all the animals received supplemented diet until the end of the experiment, in order to develop hypercholesterolemia and in the 3rd phase, the animals of G2 received the garlic treatment. The cholesterol registered on the 1st phase was 39,94 ± 9,57mg/dL. On the 2nd phase, there was an increase on the serum cholesterol level in both groups – higher than 100mg/dL. Concerning the treatment, garlic didn’t reduce the serum cholesterol in rabbits
Prophylactic or therapeutic treatments administered with medicinal plants and natural products are used in popular medicine of diverse people since prehistoric times to the present days. Species with medicinal properties are increasingly studied in an attempt to understand their possible effects on organisms and their functioning. This study aimed to analyze the effect of the mushroom Agaricus blazei (aqueous extract) in rabbits subjected to experimental hypercholesterolemia. The animals were divided into two groups (control and treated with the mushroom) whose experimental protocol was divided into three phases: Phase 1, the animals were fed a normal diet to evaluate the physiological level of cholesterol; phase 2, the animals were fed a supplemented diet to induce hypercholesterolemia and in phase 3, the animals of control group continued to take high-cholesterol diet and the animals of treated group high-cholesterol diet including treatment with the mushroom. Weekly, after fasting of 14 hours, blood samples were collected from the animals and its plasma was stored for later measurement of plasmatic cholesterol. In the first phase, the cholesterol level was, on average, 31,30 7,34 mgdL-1. In the second phase, there was a significant increase (p<0,05) in cholesterol level of both groups. During the last phase of the experiment, the mushrooms didn’t cause reduction in plasmatic cholesterol of treated rabbits, however, prevent disease progression, maintaining the cholesterol level established at the beginning of treatment, whereas, in the control group, total serum cholesterol increased significantly at this stage
Changes in circulating angiogenic factors have been implicated in the pathogenesis of preeclampsia. Thus, evaluation of angiogenesis agonist and antagonist factors is of greater importance to understand the mechanisms responsible for this disorder. The objective of the present study was to evaluate whether circulating angiogenic and anti-angiogenic factors may differentiate early-onset from late-onset preeclampsia. The study was conducted in 86 women with preeclampsia diagnosed in the third trimester of pregnancy. Preeclampsia was classified according to the onset of clinical manifestation in early-onset (before 34 weeks of gestation; n=31) or in late-onset (from 34 weeks of gestation on; n=55) preeclampsia. Serum was obtained from the patients in the moment of the diagnosis and assayed for placental growth factor (PlGF), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), soluble Endoglin (sEng) and soluble form of vascular endothelial growth factor receptor (sVEGFR-1) determination by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The results showed that early-onset preeclampsia was characterized by significant lower levels of PlGF (median 38.3 vs 123.5 pg/mL) and VEGF (median 23.1 vs 35.3 pg/mL) in serum as well as by higher serum levels of sEng (median 54.7 vs 42.1 pg/mL) and sVEGFR-1 (median 5211.0 vs 4657.6 pg/mL) compared with late-onset preeclampsia. In this study serum levels of angiogenic and anti-angiogenic factors prove useful in differentiating early-onset from late-onset preeclampsia in the third trimester of pregnancy. Therefore, these findings suggest that angiogenic factors determination may indicate that early- and late-onset preeclampsia have different pathophysiology
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV